The Raymundo Show

All About Respect

Ray Gonzalez Season 5 Episode 54

Yi. Yeah. It's your host. Raimundo welcome to my show, where we relate, laugh, and try to learn some shit in the process. But this is episode 54. I respect. It's all about respect, all types of respect. That shit is more important than we actually think. it plays a part in our lives. Uh, but yeah, we're going to get more into it. But before we do that, let's get into the quote of the day. And this one is from william J H bolt Tucker. That you may retain yourself. Respect. It is better to displease the people by doing what you know was right then temporarily. Please them by doing what you know was wrong. And that's real shit, man, in my life. There's times I put other people's. Opinions of me before the respect of myself. And then in return, I lost more respect for myself and that's the thing. The same way you lose respect for someone that don't keep their word for the same way you lose respect for someone doing something you don't agree with. You'll start that'll happen with you. And if it's not happening to you yet. You might be on that road. And I'm, you know, I'm trying to see if I can get you off it. Like when people say, why you kill people. Think, man, I feel like everybody. Cares. Some people are good at not letting it affect them. Right. Because we all feel fear. But a lot of us do shit. Feeling that fear. It just some put it on a higher pedestal. Some make it more of an issue. But like with this world, Nothing's. Like everything is fucking great. Like. Working hard doesn't guarantee success. it puts you in a position to be luckier. We're good now. Doesn't mean. You're going to have the best body. but we'll put you. In right. You know, in the right form too. Nothing. That's what I'm owed is nothing is guaranteed. But. Having respect for yourself as the most important thing. It'll put you in a lot of situations. You want to be in and keep you out of situations that you don't want to. yeah, that was a great quote. that's your home? Hey home, like a motherfucker. Out of points left for that, but I'm like, nah, that's inappropriate. But yeah, let's get into the episode. Respect. Look, I usually I tried to find different names instead of just going directly, what I'm talking about. Well, respect is like, So important and I want to focus now on the self-respect right. Like. If you don't respect you. How anybody else is going to respect you? If your word don't mean anything to you and your actions. They'll mean nothing to you. They're going to mean nothing to anybody else. That's self-respect it gives people a guide. On how they got to speak to you. Right. So you have a notice. Certain places. There'll be like, oh, they wouldn't let that shit fly with such and such. The such and such has got that respect. And it was time for you to get yours. Recently I worked, which I didn't even know. Luke was the, he was like third in charge. It's like the top balls. And then there's the middle boss. And then this is him. He's like, You know, before you fight shout calling the mortal combat. It's like the third one. It's like what? Like. well, you know, this son I wasn't supposed to, I work. Hey, call me out on it. But like, you know what I'm saying? I don't like having the audience when I know I messed up, but I feel like anybody, like. Certain things don't need to be said. Uh, so some of the things are not anybody's business. So at this moment, I'm like, if I let it go. I ain't going to respect myself for it. But. took a moment, let them know how a phone I did a very, very professionally. And. I felt like it was mutual respect after that. Cause you know, it was funny. Right. Cause I had to go through my. My cycle, right? Like, you know, you. You know what I'm saying? Y'all look, I'm from Brooklyn. That'll make no excuse for it. When I phone to her, when we get mad, we like yo man. Fuck. You know what I'm saying? Fuck outta here. And I was saying, we talking to talk crazy dope. I get crazy, but I'm like, yo. I'm a grown ass man. That's not the solution. That's not going to give me a solution. And if anything is going to put me in a deeper hole, So let me be correct. And now I feel like there's a different respect now, because now he's not going to do that again. Now we need to do what I did at work. We need to take that across the board and do that with everything. And sometimes when you. Tell someone you're going to do something. And you don't do it. It's better that you don't let them know you do it. The tell him, you said you was going to do it and I did it, especially you want to respect from that person. But deep down, you're not going to respect you. So it's better to just do that shit. So you got to like, Engage in behaviors. That's someone that respects himself. Behaves because it's not like when, when, all right. When you want it, when you want to improve, you want to do something. It's not like you going to read a book. Or you going to do a full week or. It's never the way you think it's going to be like, it's just going to be like, time's going to pass and it's going to be like, oh shit. I respect the shit out of myself. I said no to that. I spoke up with this. I kept it a buck with this. And the most important person you could keep your words. Who is you? I like that respect the core of it. The core of everything is always with you. But if you don't like when people talk to you a certain way, You don't like being looked at a certain way. It's time to go get your respect. It's not something that's going to be that that's one thing that's not going to be given to you. You know what I'm saying? Like, no one's ever going to give you that shit. You got to go get that shit either by giving it and make sure you maintain yours. Now me personally, I feel like I don't got the best respect. I keep it. I keep it a buck. Now proud to say it. You know what I'm saying? Like, It's wow. When you say something and I'm not thinking of the person, but like, I just know. My friends and family, uh, tired of me. you know what I'm saying? Get my talk on and then not backing it up. And they love me. But when it comes to. Gain certain things done. I don't got that respect that I. That I definitely would want. And I've got to think about it. I got to get it. For my kids all wear that. I ain't got it like that. I ain't got it right now. Uh, come to the, we had a couple of years. And, you know, I definitely want them to respect me. You know, I respect them. Those are my little, my little babies, man. I know there's some instances where. To keep that. People probably lost their lives, but That for you because you believe in what you believe in and you didn't let it go. The legends. That got killed for putting information out there. And it's crazy. Cause I ain't famous enough. For me to. Get conspiracy with it or. Eh, or, or try to make a movement or something, but. If they know you, a person that would, that has access to the information. Like the background story. Kin. Pretty much confirm what you're saying. That there's truth to it. And this countless people that. Coincidentally are no longer with us. I just find that in a sane. I like anything that has to do with bringing justice. You could potentially be killed for it in the world we live in like, and, and you can't even get mad. Cause this is the world we were born into. It's not like we, it's not like the shit change. In the middle, you know, we turned fucking when we w. We became teenagers, all of a sudden. Yeah. The world's like this now. Nah, I should have been like this. they just do a good job of dressing it up. And the, you know, the highest stablish. It gives no respect for me to keep to the topic. They come off a little bit. Hey man, but it's so important. Like, let's get some relationships. I saw a video that was real it's true. Right? Like. Men. Want respect. Even more than love. We love the love. Don't get it twisted. Don't get it. Fucked up. But we love respect. We love to be respected as a man and as a person of our word. And don't get me wrong it is up to us to get it our actions. When I actions are in line with what we say. And we stick to our guns, no matter what. You know, in relationships, whoever you wit. Has no choice. But, um, well, what I'm saying, it's a respect that. and they heal and they also mentioned that women. They love the respect. Of course. Belove that's number one for them. And. I read the book of the ways of the superior man. And you would think you hear the title of the words of a superior man. They're going to give all the. Meryl respect with that. It really. Speaks about respecting women. And what you need to do to. Like be there for her. Cause. women mind their mind sometime be all over the place. And we need to, that book just talks about a way of. Being able to work with them better. And it also gets you in touch with Jermaine. You know what I'm saying? Your man shit. You know what I'm saying? Or some Andrew take shit. Yeah, I. Yeah. It's a, it's a great. it's a great book. I recommend you read it. Uh, but yeah, back to the topic, man. ain't too much to really go in about it. Like. Respect. You know, give people the respect that you would want. You know, let that shit come around and if you don't get it, Make sure you let it be known. you don't have to entertain it. And the way you treat all those is very important, man. Cause. You don't know anybody's story, right? You could get be mad at this person. This person could have lost his whole family, but you just know. What you see on the surface? Oh, this person could have been homeless. Or been in foster care so much different things that can happen to someone. And we don't know. It's good to treat. You know what I'm saying? Treat people how you want to be treated. And the more respectful should you do? Uh, the more. It'll get around. It's not like you really, I feel like it's not like you're a hundred percent know who you are. Like, it's not like, you're like, ah, I mean, for the most part, you know, you did this, this and that. But when you're trying to evolve, when you're trying to be. Establish. What you think will make you happy and what you would want to deal with? And be that. And the only way to be that is to repeat that. So it becomes you the reason. Right. Like when you think about you, you're made up of all these habits, thoughts, actions, where you can almost. When you're unpredictable. You're in another place, but for the most part, human have patterns. And so break a pattern. That you've been doing forever. I imagine. They say two pays wasn't healthy. And there's another way, even though there'll be another way that might be healthier for you. You're just so caught in the pattern of the tooth. Pace with the toothbrush. It will be so hard to break that, like something that you repeat it, but you think about it. You add another thing. That you do a lot of times. Boom. Next thing, you know? You know what I'm saying? Like Birdman. They got to put respect on your name. Yeah. Where you went to hot 97. He really went there to get tough with Charlemagne. Felon Pomar respect on my name and then dip. Like babies wildland for that. Yeah. After going on my rant about that. It comes to the podcasting. Donna's support. loved ones, been trying the best. To show me. You know, give me that push, give me that faith. But I always said, if you're going to make it. Especially in any type of industry, you need more than your people to support you. You need people that have don't know, and the people that don't know you're going to support you more. Because that's just the way it is. It's not even nothing to get bad about. Like. You don't know enough people like no one knows a million people. No one can stay in touch with a million people, but. Oh million people like you and they find you entertaining. And they'll pay for you to be there, to entertain other people. That's a. It's a great place to be and not anybody can do it, but anybody can do it. You know what I'm saying? Like this is fire by the 90. We could do it, but anybody could do it. Well, yeah, man, you gotta. You got to go out there and get it, man. You gotta go out there like. Almost like conscious, but unconscious, like. Like relentless. And at the end of the day over, like, I feel like. You don't have to like me. You don't have to love me. But you will respect me. Like that's. I feel like that's, that's all. Well, at least me. You know what I'm saying? I don't care if you ain't like my podcast. But are you respected the hustle that I'm putting behind it? Yeah, I appreciate that. But. Shit. I don't even respect their, like, You know, between seasons I'm supposed to do so much more. Editing is not my favorite thing. I really, I really despise it. But I'm not in a place in my career where I can get it paid for. I'm like a rapper right now. I got to mix and make his own beats in. Put it together until he can hire a Swiss beats or Kanye. And that comes with it. Um, No point of getting mad or. The bane about it. Some things shouldn't be debatable, your respect. your dignity, your pride. it shouldn't be debatable. And you're the one that sets that standard. It's crazy. Like. I feel like from school. It's like my automatic response is like, you know, when you got in trouble at school, you're like all that. You know, my, my, my, my not thinking of response. It's like, oh, let me, you know, And then, well, you know what I'm saying with shit, kick in. That man should kick in your age. You'll respect. How you feel. The NSA and I started processing, then I'm like, nah, I gotta, you know what I'm saying? I got to approach this. it doesn't make me tougher. It doesn't make me. And, you know, I feel like it's something that I had to do, like, like my best friend, like. Shout out the main, we always talk about this. Like. we don't have those situation the way we though we should have handled it. We'll lose sleep. And then it'll be worse for the next person. Cause we will take out what happened. You know what I mean? So, I remember he makes it a, a thing to make sure he don't lose sleep and sticks to his word. And. Followed through and all the things he says, or not later should go that he feels like. She didn't be let go. You know, saying that gravitates towards me and I'm like, you know, he, my best friend, I knew this guy's either. You know, we were 12. You know what I'm saying? He's doing his thing. You know, And I'm still trying to figure it out, but the whole time he's been there telling me, yo, you got this. You know what I'm saying? Even when times. Yo this times are like, yo, I didn't even, when I was in Miami, I remember I did not see. I was ready to go and he's like, nah. It's not going to be like that. You always. Snap out of it. And. Ah, I usually do. This has been a different one. Cause I'm in a different state. I got kids now. It's like a whole different ball game. But nevertheless. Got to get that work done. There's no excuses. I'm talking about to the point. If there's an apocalypse, God forbid. If there's an alien. Invasion, which. Can I say how a thousand percent of what happened has been in movies. But a lot of sightings. It don't matter. I just saw, I'll just read a story about a guy that lived in a fucking iron lung tube. And graduate and finished school and I'm over here having a hard time with all my limbs shit. Like that eyes I'm like. And there's so many college stories. You think out of respect? You think I won't respect those people. That. I've run a marathon with one leg. Finish it the green, but can't see. Take a path that everyone laugh. And now. They're telling the best jokes all the time. I just thought I kept them harsh shit. Yo, that's one thing. You, you don't have to like him. You don't like the like soul plan. You ain't got like his comedy, but you will respect that, man. He works hard. He like watching the like, I'm like, damn sound like. I was the entertaining. I mean, I still am. I think. But I always been a fun guy that. Uh, enjoy making people laugh and not, everybody's going to think. You're funny. Not everybody thinks Kevin Hart is funny, but he made a career. Out of something we all love to do. It's the best medicine. Episode. I forgot which one it is. But it's the best medicine and he made a career out of it. And I'm standing there like, yo, that would have. That's something I would love to do. Like I love comedy. But I'll be so all over the place. And on top of that, You got a. I feel like that guy never lost faith. It don't matter what. Rejection. He got. He found the way and look at him. He got a radio station movies. I hope you don't stop. But. Yeah, his, he still does the what'd you call it. The comedy shed, the standup, he still does it and he don't have to do it. Still does it? You pretty much could do anything you want. He's been in cartoons, man. Like I might, I do. I don't even care. If he's with. Lewminatti whatever the fuck I don't give a fuck. And Jose. They give a heart. Like, you know what I'm saying? He's been putting stuff out there. And. I don't know what just really inspired me. To wanna like. Figure it out just like the Arnold documentary leg. Do was a millionaire before he even became Arnold. You know what I'm saying? Before calling nine, he was already. Making bread making moves. I mean, it's not, I feel like what could be better than you love what you do. You respect what you do. And you just. Happy to wake up and go, go after it. Like some people are really blessed every day to go do what they want. They imagine. Right. The only people you keep around, you. All the people that love you, respect you and admire you. Not even, they don't have their mind you, but you know what I mean? Like just want nothing for the best for you. And they'll get it Swifty. You can want people to want that for you? But you got to want that for people to you can't be this ain't a one-sided shit. Like. I want the best for people might like. You know, shout out to my brother. You got a fucking great job. And now. Like he's, he's great. Like. He said, you know what I'm saying? His daughters. Are set. Happiness, like just pure happiness and love for life. Cause. It comes and goes for me. I really don't when I had kids. It was on B all because every time someone would be feeling a certain way, I'm like, yo, you got beautiful babies, but you, but yo, yo we human and. You have a certain way of thinking about things no matter what's changed around you. You still repeat the same process. And I feel like I'm still repeating the process. Albert came. And when I started the podcast, but it's like, I almost thought I was at the finish line, like it was over and it was still a lot of work to do. And I did not acknowledge that. Man, we different, man. Like we could be golden in one thing and then be like really fucked up. In a whole other thing. That's what I'm noticing. Right? Like ain't nobody perfect. Right? Like. You can be the best baseball player in the world and be the shittiest dad. You could be the best dad. It'd be the shittiest cousin. Like there's no. Way to be. You know what I'm saying, then we know we're not perfect. And then get mad when we not perfect. Like that should be bugging me out. Like. I got to work. I will really get mad. When I couldn't figure something out, but I'm like, if I figured it out all the time, I will be a perfect rep. And I will be doing. Great. And I will never want to leave. I like the fact that like I have to work hard to do good. cause then I could just take that energy anywhere. I was like, I don't need that. I don't need that to be the place. But I'm also grateful. And, I worked in like, not by the hour. And I work by the hour and the money. That you get. For hustling. And putting shit together is way more rewarding than just. Showing up the workforce, because if you just do the minimum. Right. you'll be enough to not get fired. But when it comes to your own business to sales, to any type of thing like that, The less you put the less you get. So it teaches you like to make your own systems too. Produce results. And that was thing too. I got my. You got to convince yourself. Where you are and who you want to be in, what you want to do. somebody sold you a fucked up. Story. And that's why you believe the bullshit. You believe it. Like if you, one of those people, like there's certain people I talk to now and I'm still talking about dreams and they looking at me like, I'm crazy. And. At the same time, I can understand that. But you got to think about it, someone. That believed past that feeling. Made it, I don't think you can make it. Still having that feeling like, ah, Whatever happens happens. Now you got to do it. And like people said, the harder you work, the luckier you get, man. And that's the truth. But to wrap this up, the final say is simple as sure. Go get your fucking respect. Get a form ups. Get it from your wifey. Get it from your husband. Get it from your fucking friends. Get it from whatever you, wherever you gotta go. Get it. Go get that shit. And don't let it slip up because you let it slip up. Blunts you going to let it slip up again. And. It's a very thin line between respect and disrespect. So you got to know the difference, you know what I mean? And literally. Part of self care. Self-respect is part of self care. One of the highest cause. You respect yourself to a high degree. You don't put certain things in your bodies. You don't put yourself around certain people. You don't put yourself in situations. You don't want to be it and you bust your ass to get it and you make it happen. Sometimes I be like, yo, I gotta go get my respect, but it'll start with them. Fuck. Fuck everybody. Like, no fuck everybody. But you know what I'm saying? I'm not worried about everybody's respectful. I don't know if I respect me. And I followed through with the things I say without anyone having to know what I'm doing. I saw. Let's see if you really let's see really bout it. Can you work on something without telling anybody. Like nobody. So that means. Anything you do. There's nobody worrying about. If you're going to do tonight is on you. If you do that. She go. It's going to be a beautiful life. Huh. Uh, I don't know the rest of the song. But it's going to be a beautiful life. Thank you for tuning in. If this is your first time listening. Or you or regular degular. I love you. This was a great episode. Have fun recording it. Freestyle at again. But so next time, peace, love Mundo. And now. Ah,

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