The Raymundo Show

Growing pains

Ray Gonzalez

Uh, It's your host. Raimundo. Welcome to my show. Well, we. Laugh. Talk about how we can be better. And just have fun in the process. But this is episode 53. growing pains. Uh, remind me of a song by ludicrous. Think of a barbecue. And when to change was Teddy boy. but yeah, didn't have no idea what I was going to come up with and had a conversation about it. And now. Is the fucking episode. So sit back, relax. And, uh, Enjoy the show. Right. And then it goes black and then boom. I'm on stage. But let's get into that quote of the day before we start this episode. Right. Growing up is losing some illusions. In order to acquire others. By Virginia Woolf. Probably not the first time I quota. And that pool just went. So perfectly with what I'm trying to get across on this episode. Which is. Sometimes we just got to grow the fuck up. This is what we wanted when we were younger and now was here and now we wish we could go back in time. But we got to face the music. And. Mature start doing things differently. I feel like that, like, as like, when you think. Like a kid or. You think in a way where it doesn't do you any good? And you can, and you know, you're to yourself that you could be. Childish. You know, you become a collection of all these child, these things that make you feel like you're not growing up. And I feel like that's the beyond us. That's kind of what I'm dealing with. Like. I'm a grown ass man. I'm closer to 40 than I am the 30. Other people say when again, Close to You know, the higher number. I'm a father of two beautiful twins and. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I be like, yo, you dad acid that. Like I'm like, yo, it's still like, I love them to death. Like I can't even, I don't even remember the world without them anymore. And I don't even want to. Well, sometimes I be like, yeah. You a damn man. You got so growing up to do you got some changes to make. The way you saw things before. It's not the way you should be seeing things now. you know, I'm a different man. Um, I feel like I had opportunities. So really. Put in. You know, all that time. Uh, but now I kind of got to like, Still keep it going. But. You know, I got to make sure that income rate. things ain't getting easier. They just trying to make. They just trying to make way of life more difficult, but. You in this type of country, you only the strong survive. So you got to. You gotta be one of the strong ones. And like I said, the, the cohort hall cause. We will have illusions of who we think we all who we could be. And we can make them come to life, but. We're going to give a flow. We got to give up the childish ones. In order to embrace. The adult ones. Right. Like. Uh, what's that saying? Um, When I grew up, I put childish things away. You and I remember when I, uh, when I stopped playing with toys, when I was like, 11. I put all them shits out. Like I put all my toys out and I was like, yo. I'm too old to be playing with these shits. I like, that's it. I watch a BT now. I can't be fucking. I'm listening to DMX Mac B. Having a Spiderman and fat. Uh, Spider-Man Batman and, and. And in the power range is jumping. Ninja turtles anymore. I'm going to do that. Added like you don't take it up a notch. But yeah. That was a good quote of the day. Shout out to Virginia Wolf. Uh, but yeah, let's get into the nitty gritty of the episode. Growing pains, man. Yo, when we were younger, I don't remember. Y'all like I saw everything differently. I saw myself having a car 17. So myself having all these girls out myself, having money, I probably saw myself in the MBA. Like I really. Thought I was going to go to the MBA at. At one point in my life and like, I didn't even do anything to really show that, but like, I remember being younger. When you, when your mom. Get your ass inside. You know what I'm saying? You you be like IO. When I get old, I want to stay out. As long as I wanted to. Now that you old and older, you don't stay outside as long as you want to anymore. You got to use something. You got to go aside. You know what I said? top be inside of the thing, but when you're younger, I don't even think you even think. About losing energy to just, if you don't have energy, you would just pass out. All right. Um, man. Which as kids, we didn't know that when we took naps. We did our parents a favor cause they got some time to them. So they had time to just chill. You know, I'm living that from experience. From experience every time. They take the first nap. That's like, you know, saying when I'm not working. That's like, you know, that's me time right now. Like I got to just chill. They sleep in the F you. The breakfast already. that's another thing they don't tell you about. I mean, Your parents are like that with you, but. It makes a parent's day when. Their kids eat. Like every time my kids eat. I feel full. You know what I mean? Like. I feel complete. I feel like I'm good now. You know what I'm saying, but if they don't eat. I don't feel good. I feel like, I feel off. Like I can't enjoy my day But like the saying says babies, ain't going to go hungry. If they hug me, they going to let you know. And you know, they, I think they pretty good. Well, yeah, growing up. I remember that toys have rose commercial. Out of water to grow up. Um, that I could play with, like, And I remember like, feeling that like, yeah, you know what I'm saying? Jeffrey yell at me. Like it was, um, You know what I mean? Like I probably took that shit too personally. And I'm not like. Childish where everything is just. I don't know. I feel like sometimes I don't be facing that. I knew I can't do things. The way I did before. You know what I mean? Like I'm older, my life's different. It's not where I want it to be. So I got to do different things. And this looks to be so aware. cause it's like. So be aware and to not do is like it's its own. You. It's not any of the noble and at the end of the day, it's never on anybody else, but you, but. When, you know, but. You know, you question. Washington's a certain way. But you haven't. You haven't did it in a different way. Like you dead eyes wake up. Mad. Do the same shit every day. And then things. This is going to be different. I feel like a lot of us do that. I, you know, of course I'm always speaking about me, but a lot of us really do that. Like, I work with people where like, They hate a certain coworker. They hate that they. And they were just. Keep keep going, man. You're the cycle. The cycle was real, man. Like, I feel like I'm caught up in a cycle right now where like, I'm doing everything last minute. I'm not. Being consistent. Against the, I have my child, you know what I'm saying? I have my ways where I need to grow up and. Act like a real adult. Like. I'm someone's father. Um, two kids, violet, I will be here. Like playing around. Yeah. Like even. This podcast. I feel like if I would have. You know, did. The other thing that I've set out to do. The party would have been paying me enough to. I want to say goodbye job. But I didn't take advantage. Uh, pretty much took it for granted of the time. I had to be able to do that. You know, and. a way to grow is to. Experience things right. Going into the unknown. Helps you. Mature a little bit. It. Ads like, As like another badge to, to your life. Shit, you know what I'm saying? Like you get another badge that I, you did that. You didn't die. You didn't get hurt. And you can live to talk about it. Right. And you think about a man like. We love being comfortable, the challenges is what really makes you. Like formidable, you know what I'm saying? This is a big majority of people that just quit. After the first try or people don't like failure and people don't like, know, so. If you able to take challenges. And, Overcome them shits. Like. That's like adding weight every week to the gym, like just. It's a little bit, little bit here, little bit there next to you, you know? Flight you acting right? You act like how you supposed to. But without those challenges. You you like, how can you really improve? Like you got to really anxious. I know it's hard to like, Really go do. Go. Really challenged yourself, but you can start small. If you play two K right. And you play on a rookie, like play on veteran. You know what I'm saying? Play against some real competition. You know what I'm saying? If you, if you take the call to work. Get on the bus. see how long it takes you to get there on the bus. Yeah, I would say like, It just, it's just crazy, like right. To evolve, to develop, to be. I feel like this. Ultimate version of yourself is. Purposely putting yourself. In a challenging. Fearful. Life changing situation. And that doesn't have to be like something crazy. You know what I'm saying? Like, Given the speech. Or. You know, like I went skydiving. I don't recommend that for everybody. I read that shit in a book and it said he got through all his fears after he. When Scott Dobbins. That was that bullshit, man. Oh man. And, and the thing is right, like, Tom waits for no man, you're going to grow older and you don't want to be. Like a man child, you know what I'm saying? You don't want to be like a grown ass man. That's aware and knows what time it is. Like. If you have like a mental disability, you know what I'm saying? I, you know, All respect. I wish you the best. But if you are aware and able man or able woman. In. You acting like you, you got time. We don't really got time. We dead ass on borrowed time. Like. It's crazy how much we take it for granted, There's the date that you eat? Like you're not on this world after that date. And we will have that day. You. The date that nobody thinks about. We will have a date. Last day with the, you know, the people we love. And. You want to make sure that. You gave it your all. You do what you have to do, especially if you got young ones. And even if you don't got young ones, man, to generate, you know, the future. The children are the future. You know what I'm saying? Accomplishing things. Saying goals. And just fucking shit up, like. Plate work hard, play hard, man. That's another thing you got to enjoy your life too. Yeah. Um, I'm not saying grow up and not have fun. I'm just saying balance it out. If. You're not where you want to be. Cause You doing a little bit too much at a pleasure thing. It's time to come on all the time to come on over baby to the. To the work thing and balance it out. Yeah, it is this podcast. I forgot his name, but he's a, he's a, some Brawley dude. Hey there. Th this is the schedule. He works from six to 12. Three days a week. Now. You imagine you work 40 hours on people work 80. Some people be wiling out working the one 20. Maybe that's too hot. But. Imagine. We're hugging yourself. That's all position with you. Get the work only four hours a day. All your bills are paid. And you're taking care of you. Your children and you, but to help out with your family when they need you. You know, same with you. Can't be like that. If you acted like a kid. You looking for somebody to save you? Or you play a victim or you went for a situation to just come knock on your door. It's never going to happen. That's the thing. So some of us think like, like including myself, That it was just automatic progression of life, of how things would be. But no, you don't become those things until you, until you do those things. I didn't become a podcast until I started doing a whole bunch of episodes. You don't become in shape by not working out. On a regular basis. you all, what you eat and you are what you do. So if you have a. If you feel like me, you haven't problems with like, feeling like. You know, you're not taking the mature route, the grown route. You still moving like you did when you was 22 and now you're 40. Like. Some things. Got to change. And what are we waiting for to change it? Like, honestly, what are we waiting for? What, what are you waiting for? Like, what are you waiting for? Whereas to get an Amazon package saying, yo it's time, motherfucker. Like nice. Bazell he good? He already did. He, this shit like he's chilling. Bazell good. Bazell um, shit. He run, he run into internet game, like surprise. Anybody else makes money the way he makes money with Amazon. Like, it's crazy, but. Big world. That loves consumerism. So. When I be bought of it. Capitalize on it. But that's another episode. Uh, probably give somebody that war. Everyone is an online business. That's making money from the crib, like. And you knew it was double by working online. You get to, well, if you really making money from online or you're doing this research in. And putting it. In traffic in positions where it can make you bread. Uh, you, ain't got to talk to nobody. You don't gotta deal with no attitude. You just got to like lead them. Electronically. You know what I'm saying? You got to lead them. Like. Where like they click on something and then they go to your store and they buy it and they know when they buy it, they get it. And then they get something. And. Having a whole bunch of people do that. Imagine like, and, and I feel like I'm saying that because I'm in customer service and I got to talk to certain people. And I'm like, you know what? It would be nice if I didn't have to talk to those people. You know, and not because. You know what I mean? I don't want a job, but just. Make the money. On the other side of human interaction. Which is. You know, working off with. That's appealing to them. Well, this is what it's all about. Honestly, that's what this whole podcasting fucking music. Uh, You find a way to people to come look for you. So it's a want to listen to what you got to say. And. Either there. Waiting for you to drop some new shit or they listening to your old shit. That's like, there's a guy that talks to me on my job about, um, There's this podcast, the town Dillon. And I'm like, yo, I wish somebody was speaking about more podcasts the way he keeps talking to me about Tom Dylan. He always got some shit. About Tom Dylan. And it's some funny ass shit though. I ain't gonna fly. I have checked it out. It is a good shout out. And heal. The town guys. Now I just said it to. And he don't even record a video. He just straight audio and I'm like, damn, I used to love just recording audio. But at the same time, you want to see the person that's talking. You know what I mean? Like. Kind of thought you build that connection. You know what I mean? I used to like, look in the record in the camera. Like I'm looking at you. Like you, I'm talking to you, motherfucker. I usually look away. I feel like all podcasts, do that shit. But. Yeah, man, like. I just guess I just wanted to put this episode out. Because I'm dealing with it. And I know I'm not the only one that dealing with it and it doesn't have to be. In all areas you live, it could be like one particular area where you still. Doing shit childish. You know, say you being childish with it. Like when you, you know what I'm saying? You can add a little bit of age and a little bit experience to that. You know what I'm saying? The little salt, babe, that. Yeah. So. Uh, yeah. But yeah. You know what the final say? I usually don't do this for the final sale, but I'm going to freestyle it right. And I ain't trying to rhyme. I'm just. Just going to finish that episode out. There was a song that said breaking up is hard to do. But I think growing up is hard. Because when we were kids. That's when life was. Great. We didn't have bills. You know, our parents were around. And all we had to do was go to school. Why Saturday cartoons and. Entertain ourselves. All parents could do what they gotta do. What time. Which is a fucking illusion. It doesn't stop. And. We grow old. Well, we get older. Of course we get wiser. Well, sometimes it's a necessary thing we have to do. To obtain. The life that we want. And what self-help. If you can't get the fucking life that you want. Individually takes a little bit of growing up a little bit mature and a little bit of like, Acting like. On the adult that's. Trying to start a business. On adult that's. Trying to provide the best of his family. On the thought that just wants to be. The best they can be and give it the best every day. I think it's worth. Looking into. Um, man, but this was a great episode. And this is your first time. Listen, I appreciate you. If you will, regular degular, you know, I love ya and always appreciate ya. Um, I hope. Got my point across in this episode. I always try to. This was actually my first freestyle episode when you work. And you got twins. And. You having trouble with growing up? You do shit like. Freestyler episode, but I think it came out pretty good. So, well, you let me know in the comments that you don't comment on. So next time, peace, love Mundo. Ah.

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