The Raymundo Show

A Void

Ray Gonzalez Season 5 Episode 52

Ye. Yeah. It's your host Ray. MoonShadow welcome to my show. Where we laugh. So go buy some real shit and find a ways to get better. On today's episode. We talking about avoidance. Avoiding the things you need to do to be better. This is episode 52. A void. Well, we speak in about avoidance. Today's quoted a day. Is a short one. I was, it took me a while to find one. And then I was like, you know what? This is the one. You can't find peace, bow void in life. Bob Virginia Wolf. Now. Short. But sort of point, and that's how I'm trying to make this episode. just got out of work. So, you know what I'm saying? Still at my polo. You know, no. Yeah. Took a lot of cause. For like forever, but I got through it. Right. Because I showed up like episode 51. I feel like this season is mad personal. Cause like I'm trying to think of my master plan. And I'm trying to. You know, find the right recipe so I can cook this filet. Minjan. I have this life that I can. Wake up and have steak is shrimp. You're saying, cause I'm waking up at 12, but. Yeah, my kids. Won't allow that. So maybe when they're teenagers a week can wake up at 12 together, you know, And a good boat to that. Oh man, shout out the rain RIAA. When I got home, they was sleeping. So. and get the chill with them as much, but they know that he loves him. Uh, back to the quota today. I don't know. I feel like. The reason I made this episode. Cause I don't be that present, like easy that I'm in the future. I'm in the past. I still haven't got out of that. And. I don't know. I feel, I feel different. I don't even feel like myself. And it's been like that for awhile. Like. I'm just. In other seasons, especially season one. I'm I knew who the fuck I was two. I was arrived. Three. For hours on some new shit, but this one. I feel loss. You know what I'm saying? Like, But, but the good thing is. I'm trying to find my way. It's not like I'm lost and I'm like, fuck it. You. I'm just going to wait to. Where does somebody pick me up? You know what I'm saying? Um, I'm digging in the trenches. You know what I mean? I'm trying. Yeah, because life will pass you by a man. Like I'm about to be 37 at the end of this month. And it's a lot of shit. I didn't do. When I had the time to do it. And, you know, they always say you got time. You know, don't let Gary V hear you say that shit. He'd be like, You get to whatever you want. That was a horrible Gary V impression. But, um, that's the thing though with the age is the too young or too old, but. Hey works for him. But yeah, your life will pass. You borrow man. There's so many things. That this world. As Mr. Buzzy. As it can be. It's a lot of shit you can do. A lot of places you can travel. A lot of people you can meet. A lot of experiences you can have. Fucking concerts. Fucking villas. Theme park six flags. You name it. We got it. There's somewhere in the world that got it. Uh, and if we don't got it, then you need the question. What you looking for? Because you was wiling. Now, if you dig. Yeah. Like, if you can. Find somewhere in this world. So. Yeah, one of the dive in deeper to the episode, we had to wrap up the quote of the day. You really want to live life, you gotta live it. It's the only way you can avoid. Being who you really are. Doing what you really want to do. Cause you got to like question like yo if. Can you really bring out your best stuff? Hayden what you do. Not happy with life. You know what I'm saying? From experience. I can understand how life can. Cause sometimes life. It's like that, that, that relief pitching the aid as nasty. Like just be throwing them curve balls. And. You know, sometimes you can hear one out the park, but sometimes that shit just gonna just go catch you. Uh, the good thing is though, you know, As long as you can adapt. As long as you can move forward. It's like, it's the only way, like, I remind myself all the time. Like. There's no one to talk to there's no therapist. there's only wrong You know, therapists and all and talking to people where but Like initially you got to make the step you got to make the move You know what i'm saying everybody done Drop the cause You going to fold the you go you know what i'm saying are you going to I. I. got no Polk. i don't know shit about pogo but you know what i'm saying you feel that you you feel the analogy right like you're going to fall you go I'll Be like plaque out four kings which popping. I was saying, Which I don't even know if that's a good call but i should see see what i'm saying I avoid it. Not that i really did it purposely avoided it but Like i could have been learned poker you know It's something fun to do You know what i'm saying take my friend's money But I did have a friend back in the day Shout out. You know recipes to take Once he passed i didn't want to gamble like him passing over gambling I didn't want to do it. i was like 14, so i never played cielo but the keyboard of bug though I ain't never learned how to play it. You know what i'm saying i just know had crack had crack You know what I'm saying? And i see my brother Be my boy nino i think it was nino i don't know He had a couple of friends my brother was young You know what i'm saying Getting. if I haven't made my point by this, foreign in the episode then. Yeah, fucked up. But when I, when I talk about avoidance, it's just like, you're aware that you have to do something and you continue. To do the opposite. Right. Or. Like you like you literally going to just wait for the doctor to tell you that you need to work out. Cause it's getting critical. You know, are you going to wait to some type of cancer to stop smoking or going to wait until you lose a job? Because drugs. You know what I mean? Like. Why not. Why not like hook your life up. Stop, you know, stop avoiding shit. And. Make it, how you want it. And I know it's easier said than done. Of course it takes a lot of hard work, but. Uh, give you keep avoiding it. The hard work it's. It's going to be harder. No pun intended. Well, yeah, Harward. You can't avoid that. Cause. I mean, I get the whole work smarter, not harder, but until you figure that out, you got a bus show ass and then with experience, I think that's where that smarter comes in. Hey, if you do it from jump street. More power to you, but. You got to build it. Like you build everything else, like the way you are, the thing that you know, how to do without even thinking about it is because you then did it so much. That's why repetition is so important. When it comes to. avoided. Like I understand why, like, There's a lot of reasons why. We have always said, right. Is. Fear of rejection. That shit is real. Like. You don't want to be told? No, you don't want to tow that. No, we don't want you. And. You put it off. And keep avoiding it. Which I'll have to use that word for the rest of the tape, whereas the episode. That's what the life reward that's that's who? Life rewards the bowl. You know what I'm saying? Um, lack of confidence. Perfectionism I'll make you not do what you gotta do to. Uh, for like the worst one. Cause you feel like. You gotta be perfect. And there's no such thing. If I could think back. Whenever I just do shit without waiting for a time to do it. That's when I that's. That's when I get it done. When I'm like, nah, I gotta, I gotta, they gotta be on the Tuesday at five o'clock. And it, and they kind of be cloudy out. Oh man. Yo. You know, you know what I'm talking about? Like you just be putting shit off when you should be putting on for your city on, on for your city. When you voice it, there's there's that word again? Uh, there are consequences. Uh, go miss some opportunities that you might not get again. like M said, you got to lose yourself in the moment. And then, you know what I'm saying? That this thing that you don't do that. Is. It will be as beneficial for your life. Like your life will benefit from this. Like you going to be, but like, you're not going to stress the things you stress. Oh, you're not going to be happy with what you're not happy with because. You stepping into your light, you taking care of what needs to be taken care of. You're now waiting for somebody to tell you. That's the thing, man. I feel like. Sometimes we like waiting for some type of sign, like. I'm telling you right now, Jesus could come back. And tell you what you need to do. And you still going to wake up late on Sunday, talking about Jesus. Yo my bad. I woke up late, like. You know what I'm saying? They got to take more than it got to take. uh, no excuse attitude, like, like, like nothing. I don't give a fuck if there's a tornado. I'm getting the work done under the table. You know what I'm. I'm saying like, This is the only way. And I'm speaking. Because I've tried the other way and that shit don't work at all. It just, it seems like. Uh, cycle of. Disappointment. But did this. The truth is appointment. Is that. You knew you could have went another route you knew you could have did it differently. And, you know, you could have got a different result. If you didn't pull certain things off. Well, speaking of that. Yeah. So. You got to build that resilience. You know what I'm saying? Like, Like the way you build muscle, like. Well, I mentioned earlier. Doing this so much that it becomes part of you. Now imagine. And I use that word lightly because imagine could be, it could become real, but imagine. The things you fought felt were impossible. On now possible. cause you showed yourself. Uh, weigh in because of course. What I noticed too, like the best deals, any type, any type of best situation always came from. Like a spontaneous moment or like, Something. I had to do a lot of work in or something. You know what I mean? Like. Or something, not an expect to go that way, but I just went anyway. I remember one time, I don't want to go show an apartment. I was trying to get my boy Jared, to do it. And he say, yo, he, at the last minute, he was like, you know what, just go do it. And I did that shit and I rented the apartment. So. If I never would have went, I never would've known that I was trying to avoid the, the appointments. I gotta go home. Avoidance can be like, Something that'll stop your growth. You know what I mean? Like imagine if the gardener didn't use water. For those plants. They didn't use the proper sunlight, then take the proper care. Got that. That'd be, uh, uh, That'd be a fuck dusty ass guardian. So it's, you know, same, same type of thing. You know, nurture it, take care of it. No. And watch the beauty arise. From the dirt. You see that you see I'll put together that analogy. Personally man, like. There's things that I've avoided for like, Certain things I could say that now, like 10 plus years, sometimes. And. Once you put something away, put, put something to the side. For so long. Like where you. What do you think is going to happen to make you want to say, yo, you know what. I'm a do it. After 10 fucking years of putting it to the side. I'm not facing it. I'm a do it. And that's the thing, man, like, It's not easy. Of course it's not easy. If it was easy, everybody would do it. Like we. You want to be entrepreneurs? We've got the mindset of employees we think an hourly. You know, and as people charging 20,000, the full picture for, for a website, you know what I'm saying? Like, We're going on the crash so they can charge. For the experience and time they put into that craft. And I feel like this is like another episode. Like I remember one time I did a procrastination episode. It's like the same thing, procrastinate and avoiding. All in the same family. But you never going to be. The best at anything. You never going to even give yourself the chance to see who you can really be. From the deepest part, like pause. You never, can you never going to see who you really are? How can you really see who you really are? If you always play a safe. you got to think about back in the day, right? even though they S you know, they set sail and started fucking shit up, but think about it. They didn't know a world past that land. To them, the whole world was their land. And it took somebody that was like, yo, you know what. I think there's more land on the other side of the water. Right. Like. I imagine they would have played a safe. We would have all, we would have all stayed in one spot. And I don't think the population would have been what it is today. Because we got to spread the fuck out. Uh, soon, they're going to try to send us to, to, to space. Space sex. Elan Musk. Ah, man, look, and look. speaking of that, I just did a voiceover. I love voiceovers. I wish I could do that. Well, as my regular, Well, I get my income from. or gave me wrong. like my job is cool. You know, it's not too much. Labor's talking on the phone. You know, saying the same thing on the podcast. I can say different things. I can bring up certain things I can say, fuck, I can say bitch. I can't see down on the phone. They were like certain somethings at all. My, my television. I'm going to work. I can't be like, yo whoa. Sorry, I can't do shit about it. Nah, I do like helping people. So it is cool. Well, yeah, this thing's out. Then I need to get better, better at there that like I've been putting to the side, can't let your past. You can't let. Situations that didn't go right? The turn you from, like. Taking that chance again. I know you heard stories where like, It took the thousands of time. 800 time. Not everybody. Bill gates, even though go, everybody hate them right now, but not, it's not like he showed his plans that our first person, they took him. It. I think it was like about 300 people. Is that what you, man, sometimes it's putting in that work, getting them numbers in. out of Warren buffet, 500 stocks, three, like five is the one that makes them all at breads. So. Uh, imagine that. Uh, I was a great song back in the day. Well, I think I made my point. I don't think there's too much to get into when it comes to. Aye. Avoiding like people can tell you. Stop taking your time. Stop bullshitting. You can see. Uh, motivational speaker scream at you. I'll say a I'm fucking tired of dreaming. I'm that? Outside of dreaming, I'm tired of hoping. I'm tired of imagining. I'm tired of whole, like, all I see was going to happen now I'm ready to make shit happen. Like. And maybe I'm filling it right now because I'm in my bag right now. I'm in my podcast. I'm talking my shit. Eh, but. You know, my kids. I got two kids that are reflection of me, whatever. It's like, whatever I do. I can't expect them not to do so. I got to do. Well, I need, I need to do what needs to be. Right. And that's why I got the show. Sometimes I want to end the show. Because I don't know where to go with it. I don't know what to do anymore when it comes to it. I don't know what to change, what the keep. And. But science telling me. Just keep going. And eventually. I'll find my way. And so will you. Everybody. Got they gift, man. Everybody got the purpose. You got to find out what was yours? I want to think about a purpose, like, damn, what of your purposes? Like. To make burgers. Like what of that was, that was that. The stab you got. But this is how you got to do my day. You don't gotta make burgers from McDonald's. What if. You had your own Hamburg alive. You know what I'm saying? Wooo burgers. Get the Muno Mac. Get the big double. You know what I'm saying? But I think like, Cause, uh, um, I saw John wick, right. And they said, good luck. A good dev camp comes after a good life. And if you did. If you lived your life. Facing your fears. Doing what you wanted. You know, while giving back and showing love, but you know what I mean? Like you. Take command of your life. You don't let you didn't get stuck in the matrix. When that time comes. Yeah. You'll be ready to go. You know what I mean? It is coming for all of us. So let's not act like. Like we going to get more. I mean, even though, you know, We don't know what happens in the afterlife. We could come back, but we're not going to come back who you are right now. And that's a fact. Once you lead his body. If you go to heaven, you go to another one, wherever you go. You won't be this person again. So why not just live it up? People going to talk about you and then they gonna forget about you. Unless you did sign the epic and you can't do some epic being, keeping it safe and not doing what the fuck you got to do and not. Sora for new Heights, gotta be like the Wright brothers. They was like, Naive line. It was like, oops. Um, I meet you at JFK dope. And that's horrible. But yeah, let's get into that final same everybody to get into that final sailors goat. Trying to avoid the inevitable we'll put experiences you can potentially have at risk. Life is short. You should be spending it. Being the best shoe you could possibly be. Are you truly happy with the person that you see in the mirror? If not, then it's time for reflection. Stop avoiding things that need your utmost attention. With your health. Don't wait for the doctor, tell you on the spot. With your finances. There's no reward unless you take chances. And instead of being mad about your past, when I use it to your advantage. You could use it as a vantage point. So, this is the part of your movie with an action begins. You're the star. That's your face on the cover of the billboard? And as real shit. Oh man. Um, I'll be you get what I was trying to. Get to you on this episode, just, just go do it. Stop putting the Jim Wolf. Start working at that job. Get another job. But start that career. Opened up that bank account. Get your license. Stop being scared of drive. And use that drive. So prove yourself, right.'cause, you know, you could do it. It's just. Tom's that you didn't do it. You remember the old, but you don't remember the time that you did do it and keep that in mind. But if you've been rocking with me since the beginning, or this is your first time, I do appreciate you. I hope when you stop playing. Life can be beautiful. Thanks again for listening. But until next time, peace. Love. Ah,

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