The Raymundo Show


Ray Gonzalez Season 5 Episode 51

Welcome back. Yeah, those back. We back. Welcome to season five


The master plan yeah, I don't want to get caught up in the copyright infringement. But yeah. Uh, that's that? She was the one mouth for a minute. AEM here with the Nike hoodie. Again, like I'm trying to get sponsored, but you know, I ain't putting out. No. No tweets or no. I'm not reposting shit. Or I'm not taking my, get to the club, show it off like that either. Thug. But yeah, man, it's good to be back. I know if I was going to be back with the, get back. Uh, well, you know, podcast is in my soul. Well, at least talking, I apparently can't shut the fuck up. So. Why not. Uh, record some of it. You know what I'm saying and share with y'all. but like every season going through some different shit, some of the same shit. But somebody topics I am talking about. It just stuff we all deal with. So hopefully you can relate. You know what I'm saying? But this is episode 51. Not every of 51. Show time. And this is about showing the fuck up. Sometimes it's not about if you going to be good or bad. Sometimes you just got to keep getting there until you get good. Sometimes you're going to have to be a little bad and you're going to have to accept that shit. But without further ado, let's get into that. I quoted a date with the Fuck was that.

Hi. Let's go let's go.


When you show up and keep putting your work out there. Good things start to happen. You make new connections. People reach out to you, opportunities. Start to present themselves. So pretty much you don't show up. You get nothing, you get snow opportunities. You get no new connections. You get no new possibilities. You just do the same shit. So it was definitely good to show up. Uh, currently I started a new job. You know what I'm saying? I'm not going to say, you know, for private policy and condition terms, I'm not going to say well, company. But, um, yes, I knew, you know what I'm saying? And, um, At first, I was just worried about so much about being good or bad. But, you know, one thing I was reminded is I just, just keep showing up and I just been showing up. And I broke through a lot of the. Should that was making me unsure myself. You know what? You start a new job. Or you start a new, anything you know, When I started this podcast, I started out like LeBron James. I was saying expectations. I mean, as far as, you know, Be feeling uncomfortable. But not, not in the numbers department. Not yet. At least we going to get there. It's going to be the Caesar. We going to break through our ceiling. You know what I'm saying? We go. Going to raise the roof like Luke yard. But yeah, let's get into the episode. It's Showtime, baby. When it comes to show wind up. there's a lot of power in it. Yeah. Like let's say you're great. Every now and then. Someone who does it? Not as good as you, but does it consistently is going to give father. And yeah, we're not in competition with people, but. doing things repeatedly is the only way to get better. Like there's no way around it. Like, I don't understand. Listen, when I say, when I'm talking to somebody, I'm talking to me. Like. If you do something once in a while. You're not going to be come the massive or nothing. You're going to master not becoming the master of nothing. So it was important to definitely be consistent, man. That's very important. And. How you do something is how you do everything. So you want to be consistent at work, be consistent at home with your relationships. Uh, which a health. which are decisions. You know what I mean? I know we not. Yeah, we human. We gonna fuck up. Was it just make sure. Like we get that lesson and like, Consciously, try to change. Well, let us in the wrong direction instead of like, Like just leaving it up to fate, like. You know, I believe in a higher power. I believe you had this. Some things you got to leave in his hands. but. You got to do your part to man that there's nothing in this world that. Can't get, I mean, you could get married to yourself, you know what I'm saying? But. Partnerships. Help. You know what I'm saying? Some point to have relationships and, and showing up for your family, man, like. I'm going to be the one that keep it a buck like, yo, I'm not great with keeping in touch with family. Like. I mean, you would think, right? My jolly ass over here. With the self-help. But yeah, man, I I'm like I'm the worst, like. You know, the certain family members that I haven't seen my kids yet. I don't call. You know, sometimes I go months without calling. Like, I'm always in my head. Like, that's crazy. Like. Most of my time is spent me. I'm in the I'm in the whirlwind of the past and the future. And it's like, I'm barely I, and I know being, being present. It's one of the best things you could do, right? Because it pulls you away from that. And that's when you realize that you really in your head cause you like yo. When I'm not thinking about what I did wrong before and how I might mess up again in the future. I'm like, I'm all messed up, but when I'm like, yo right now, where you doing right now, you're not fucking up right now. Your kids are healthy. You got a roof over your head, you got food to eat. You know what I'm saying? You've got this new Nike. Because the other one I had was wild. Dusty. You know, And I can still talk about tall ass. I still got the podcast. So. But yeah, man, you've got to show up for your family. And think about it, right? Like. There's actors. There's. Like they're CEO's that started? In the mail room. And. The difference that set that sets us apart is like just, they kept showing up. And in continuing to show up, they give themselves a chance to be better. And. You know, you have excuses. There are excuses that like are reasonable. Like y'all already know. I got kids there's health reasons and all that, but. You got to be honest with yourself. You know what I'm saying? You know, sometimes you'll be bullshitting yourself. You'd be like, Nah, I can't do this because it is, you know what I mean? But. You know, you could have did it. Like we got to, the more we get rid of those moments and just. At the moments where the excuses acceptable. Uh, because there's no way around it. You know what I'm saying? Like there's gonna, that's gonna happen. sucks that it is, but that's just part of life. And it's the price to pay, man. Like, I feel like everything got a price to pay. Right? You want to be great. You want to make what you want this. Comfort life, but it's going to take. Uncomfortable moves at first. To give you that comfort at you want. And then if you want to maintain it, you got to continue. The uncomfort shit. Uh, or the shit that make you cut out of your element to give you that. Lifestyle you want life? You want. I always keep it a buck. But that's. That's not what it is for me right now, but I know. That's why I need to get to like, The little shit that we don't pay attention to. It affects us in the big moments. You know what I'm saying? So. It could be. Something simple. Fuck. But if you did, as simple as fuck. In that area, you're going to do that. You going to do that shit all over the place. So. And, you know, confidence plays a big key, but. I feel like you got to just push that to the side, whether you feel good about yourself or your self esteem is low. Like just go. Give that speech. Going from the class. Fight that mobile. Fuck. Like just go do it bad. Like. And it's the only way to how you're going to overcome obstacles because obstacles are a part of this journey, no matter what, there's obstacles in life. You have obstacles to get where you at right now? That's not going to stop. But, you know, the bigger, the risk, the better the reward and. And I, and I noticed, man, this, you learn something every time. You do something new from this job? Yo. I was so like, Down on myself, like. Like I couldn't do it or. I feel like I was never going to figure it out. And now that. That I'll be, you know what I'm saying? I'll be. You know, I can get the work. I and I get the work. Yeah. Like I don't, I don't over think it, um, Because you want to be better, but that, that comes with time. But I also don't want to have like that. I want to make sure I take that scarcity shit. Like if for whatever reason it don't work out or whatever the case may be. I don't want to like, think my life is over because. Before I get any job, I always think I'm not going to get the job and I get the job. I have a little bit more faith. We've got to start speaking a little bit more positive, man. Like sometimes in my self talk, I be negative as fuck man. No need for a lot. But yeah, man, overcoming obstacles. And if you have anxiety, depression, or any type of physical limitation, it could be harder, but there's people out there that have done it, man, is there's someone in a wheelchair. Uh, that they said we'll never walk again is either walking again. Oh, he's flying right now in the private jet. You know what I mean? Like. Canada obstacles. Gain your weight. I mean anxiety, depression. Because I deal with that, So that's the type of season I'm in right now. I'm in a. I'm in a funk man, like. You know, I would just wake up every day. Not being the, my gratefulness just. Pressure. Waco with pressure every day. You know, I mean, All parents know. sometimes no matter how good you think you are, you. It's never good enough for you to be at peace with it. At least for me right now. I mean, Maybe if I level up. But. That's okay. Yeah, have I just got to learn to live with that? I had to learn to do without moms. I don't know how to live without being in New York. You know what I'm saying? Sometimes that's still a little tough. I still miss my city, but I like the calmness out here in mass. You know, it's chill. But yeah, man, overcoming obstacles to staying committed. That's all discipline. That's all part of you really wanting to do it. And so when you start overcoming obstacles, It's like, you know, you get that's where that confidence comes in, right? Because you don't get confidence from doing easy shit. Like, that's what I realized when I played ball. I was just the dude, the people that I know that I could bust, they ass, he going to say that I could've gotten me. I just keep. Playing against them. And then out. Then I wonder why I never got better. You know what I'm saying? Like, You need that challenge, those challenges bring the best out of you. And. Fear as much as fucked up as it feels, man. That like everybody feels it. Just, some people just go forward with it. Now I mentioned earlier about being present, present. Present can get you where. You know, just being mindful where you at right now. And. You know, filling your fingertips. You know what I'm saying? Your toes like. Seeing what's in front of you right now gets you out of that. That could get you out of that mental loop where you just think about all the shit that. Didn't go good or it's not going good or might not go good in the future. You don't even know. I'm seeing a new therapist. Last therapist I had, I think I mentioned her last season. She was eating her lunch. While trying to make me feel better. Or, you know, wild. While doing her job. some unprofessional more miss, you know what I'm saying? I ain't going to go all out with it. But I got a new therapist and she's great. I've been. I've been using some of her tips to kind of like. You know, saying, you know, just catch myself. recently I realized I. I mean, I it's like how you notice this now, but yeah, I could be a little bit dramatic sometimes when, when I'm not getting something. It's like I get into victim or like, oh, I could never figure this out. I. I am never going to do this. I am not strong enough. And you like, yo. And then there was like, yo, what, what story are you telling yourself? So it goes from messing up. To. Being homeless. To be in a shitty dad to all these other things. He's like, none of that's happened yet. And it makes you think like, yo. We've got to think about the story that we're telling ourself. That's the most important story. In your life. Because the story that you're telling yourself, Is what you're going to follow and believe it. So, if you're telling yourself. You nothing and you never going to get nothing. That's what your story will always be. But to change the story is literally just changing the mindset. Right. Nah. Um, I am great. And because I'm going to keep showing up. It's only a matter of time before. I get to do whatever I want and enjoy the life that I, that I always wanted. Like, You know what I'm saying? So. May show and, and the story is simple is just. Sometimes I'll catch myself just thinking about fucked up shit. Why not? Like, think about like really. Think about what you want. Why are you going to sit there and think about what's not going right. Think about, think about good stuff. Right. Like, you're not going to watch a bad movie, but you're going to focus on the bad thought. You know what I mean? Like we got to like open our minds up a little bit, like. You know what. I'm not going to wa I'm not going to focus on his bathroom. We're focused on some good thoughts. And the focus on as good as movie like John wick four, actually, it was like, I was like a action packed. Nonstop thriller, like. You know, it was like, You know how they'd be like, oh, it was only 10 minutes of action. It was only like 10 minutes of talking. She was great though. being a personal, your words showing up for your friends, for your family for work. You know what I'm saying gives you that good credibility, that good reputation, but the most important reputation is the one you have with yourself, man, like. Yes. So reputation means everything because. It will always change because sometimes. The way you do something. That's that may not how it ma. That's not how it might be conveyed to others. Right. Uh, so. you gotta be aware of that, but if you make sure that you like. When you say you going to do something, you keep your word to you. Like, I feel like my friend that's suddenly stoppable. Trade or whatever the fuck it is to have like. You know what I'm saying? Like, you keep your word to you. So you say, yo, I'm not going to stop doing this and I'm making 20,000 a month. If you keep your word. So you guess who's making 20,000 a month, bro, like stop playing with it, man. Or ma'am. I feel like when you call a woman, man, that's what she knows you. Oh, she's just fucked her whole day up. You can have gray hair and everything. You'd be like, yo, all right, well, have a good day. Ma'am she's like, damn, I'm a fucking man. Uh, you know, I ain't going to fry even when. When I, you know, sir, you know what I'm saying? I'm like, damn, I'm a sir level. Or no, Mr. That's what you be like. Damn. But yo, but one thing you can never do. It's never called Mr. Or Mrs to a doctor cause they will check your ass real quick. I don't know. Y'all. That's show out there with'em. Uh, Dan, what was the show called? Oh, follow the leader. Where, you know what I'm saying? I had Dr. Marty Solon, and I didn't say it at first. And she checked my, she checked me right on the, on the thing. And I'm like, yo, I'm keeping that that's fucking. That's footage. Oh man. And another thing you might come across through your quest to. Be better. Be successful. Competence anything. and the process of showing up. Is being a little, a little bit vulnerable. Vulnerable. Fuck. Honorable. I can't say it now. Vulnerable. But you gotta be a little bit vulnerable. Showing up being successful, accomplishing. The things you want to accomplish the goals you want to reach. You got to put yourself out there. So that means that you're going to make mistakes. You're going to fail. You're going to go do some emotions in the process, but. Your willingness to keep going and not stopping no matter what gets in your ways, the only way. And that's real facts. Everybody got a story, everybody going through some shit. Everybody. Have doubts about themselves. But why everybody don't get the same results because everybody takes different actions. You know, actions speak louder than words. And. You know, it's going to be louder than the things that you'd sell yourself in your head. Borrowers. Thank you. So. What happens if you don't show up, what happens if you just stay in bed? What happens if you just call out what happens if you don't work? When you got free time. And decide to distract yourself. You'll never see. Or even be in the position or even have potential to see the life that you dream of. You'll never be able to. No, who you really are. Because who you are is not somebody that stays home. and. Does it have hope for anything? Good to happen to them. That's not, you. That's. Not knowing. That fail is all part of life. And. Well, it makes us better as when we move on and move forward in. And just keep trying. And if. And I'm not going to lie. Everybody cares about. Well, the people think to an extent. So. Everyone respects someone that won't give up. No matter what they go through. I mean, sometimes I can. Share my personal stuff. And be all out with it, but. People still gotta go and deal with these stuff at the end of the day. And no one's going to be really be thinking about. What you didn't do the only one that's going to be. On that shit as you So it's up to you to make those decisions and those actions that. Lead you up that ladder. Not down that hill. And even if you fall down that hill, like Jackie jail, get your ass up and get to that. Well, yeah. Ah, man. Yeah, man. Not showing up. You just remove possibilities. You remove connections. All these things in. I feel like the reason my babies are here right now is because once upon a time I was really bold. And at that moment I realized that. Life rewards. The bold. But like, you know, for me, it's harder to. Continue my destructive path then than it is to. Embrace. You know what I'm saying? Motivation to, to move up in life. Easy the easy way. Most likely it's always, everybody else can do it. It's not going to challenge you. And you'll just be the same. And you're not trying to be the same. You're trying to be better. So. If you're not better in the things that you're doing now. I think that's a notice. You know what I'm saying? Taped on your door. But I, you know, it's taped on your head or taped in front of you. You see it and you ignore it. But it's time to pay attention. Tom to finally walk into that light, embrace those things that are good about you. Embrace those things that are not cause. I also make you human. Right cause. I just feel like there's no world that. It could not, you know, there's not going to be something wrong with you, right? Like, In a perfect world. Something will still be wrong with somebody cause. If all of all our perceptions is different. Then this perfection really exists. It's just only in the meat, the mind of there'll be holder like beauty or. And one thing, when you on this journey of. Trying to. Get to a place in your life where you happy with. There's nothing like sharing that experience with people that's on the same level. Now. You know, it's sucks that the people we grew up with or the people that we love the most now may not always be on that same vibration. But they might not be there for that. That's not what they role in your movie is their movie. Their role is to love you. To know you got somebody that's, you know, that they there for you. And then you got people that see life similar to you. Because it will never be exact. And. Yeah, able to speak in. Give each other insight on things you've done. Seeing someone in a position where you at. Or want to be. But they also can understand where you are. You know what I'm saying? That's, that's what it's all about. my and my 50th episode. Uh, the guests I had on the show. He bought a community and like, that's something. That I never really embraced, but it does make a difference, right? Because you hang out with people that just complain all day, you're going to complain to. It's like, if you. I always like from experience. When there's a whole group and like, Out of the 10 people, nine smoke that 10th one. That's just common for you. You going to one day, you're going to get mad and there's going to be smoke around you. And you're gonna be like, yo, gimme that shit. So that's why, you know, you got. You gotta be careful who you hang out with. And I say, who you hang out with on a regular basis because you know, you hang out with certain people once in a blue, it ain't nothing, but you hang out with negative people in the reg. Forget about it. But yeah, man, like they, um, I there's this quote that says, uh, 80% of success is just showing up. So imagine the things you can achieve. The experiences you can have the people in places. That you could potentially go. And witness and be part of. You might, in some cases you might be part of some history. Just because you showed up. Yeah. I was saying the goodbye. There'll be boy. Uh, You don't million man, March or Mon gave a speech or. You know what I mean? They probably didn't want to go, but let me see what we got to talk about it. And they, they. Pull them now you bought a history. Or you don't, I don't believe in none of this. Politics ship blood when Obama became president. especially if you still believed in them, you know, at the time I believed in the bullshit. It was like, wow, like I voted, I was, I felt part of something, you know, but. That's another story. Yeah, man, but I, I hope I got it through to you. Like, yo, it doesn't matter. How good you are, how you know how bad you are or what you've done and what you didn't do. Consistency showing up being there. Eventually things would get better. especially when you don't focus on not being better, like. You got to focus on what's that. Hand. Not. You know, where you at with it? Because sometimes when you went with it, My discourage you. Like right now. It'll say new job. My numbers. Ain't great. Well, you know what I'm saying? I'm showing up. I'm getting there on time. I may not always thought. You know my shift all the time, but I'm always there all the time. Sometimes. Shit. She takes a minute to load up. But, And that's what that taught me, man. Like, Now, if I apply this to anything. To the podcast. To my business. You know, it's, uh, even with family, man sometimes. I can't be there. You know, and this sucks, but. I put myself in a position. So I could show up and not miss important things. I've right now. One of my closest friend lost his pops. I'm at rest in peace. Um, You know, and I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it. You know what I'm saying? Don't got the money calling in the greatest condition. wish I could show up to that, but. we all go through things and, you know, sometimes when we going through something, we don't understand why people just can't push whatever they going through aside and just be there for us. And me being in this situation. And others maybe realize, you know, sometimes. It's about, as you want to show up, sometimes you just can't. I mean, I ain't going to Rob my way to, to New York, you know what I'm saying? Like, and I got to take a chance on my car. And I can't take certain chances. Like I used to cause. My kids depend on me coming back home. So. And I think about shit like that, man, like. You know what I'm saying? I need to be in their life is as long as possible. You know, as long as God. You know, as long as God wanted to be, of course, but. Share. If I could stay in their life for till I'm more hunted, 120 hours, the age limits. The 300 and twenties. You never know. Well, yeah, man, this was a great episode. Let's get it to that final soon. When you indoubt. Showing up makes a difference. If you stay with you all, you won't get far. I mean, how could you. If you haven't made a move. Play the hand you're dealt. They find a way to beat the dealer. And every time you take a step closer to your goal. You won't be as far away as you once was. But a better version. That's showing up like the bat signal. It's a habit you embodied. And nobody can take that away from you. You it's a reputation you only have with yourself. But the great thing is it affects everyone around you. So be there be present. But most importantly, be you. I know that's not my usual flashy Dashy shit, but that's what I had. And that's what I'm going to go with. Thank you for joining me on this episode. 51st. Or not. You know, I have more, but. Uh, preciate ya Rocko me another season. Even though Lassie season was the not season, but it was a season is still in a way. It, this is your first time listening. Or you will regular degular. I appreciate you till next time. Peace love wound though, as.

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