The Raymundo Show

Politics As Usual

Ray Gonzalez Season 4 Episode 46

On this episode Raymundo Discusses the one of the topics that shouldn't make it to the family table. Politics are part of our lives whether we like it or not.  It's good to at least inform yourself and get different perspectives to be at a good place with it. 
Raymundo is joined by friend Davy Jones/ Motto, who believes politics is an essential part of our lives and we inform ourselves as much as we can. Did I also mention hes a trump supporter.  This should be interesting, tune in now.

Special guest: Motto Motto  

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here is your host. Raimundo welcome to my show. Well, we relate. Try to be better. And have some fun in the process. This is episode 46. Politics as usual. Wow. Yeah, this one, we're doing a little bit different. Turning it upside down. On the way to the 50th episode. the Raimundo show, But general, how we dope. Let's go let's go. And today's quote of the day comes to you by Suzy Kaseem. A, system is corrupt when it is strictly profit driven. Not driven to serve the best interests of its people. And I literally feel like that sums up. Politics in that Colt, this episode can also be over. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Now, but flight that's a dope quote cause. If I don't make money, it don't make sense. Even if that means. Sacrificing the people. it just seems like it's all about corporations and. how much money you can make and then. On your phone. Everything. You talk about is sold to you. You being sold. At an old time high. and then we have you. I feel like nothing's ever changed, then we get candidates that. I feel like they don't know what struggle is. than the. try to tell us how to live our lives or. I guess feel like they have, they make a difference in our lives. Uh, I don't feel it. I don't pay attention to this shit anymore. once upon a time I did. the more research I did. Uh, certain things. They can know certain things being in your face and you just don't realize it. There's history. If you look in. If you look at history where. They're more concerned about. The prophet then. The actual cure. think about all these companies, they found a cure. It's a wrap. But I feel like it's the same for everything. profit, The political game. They could probably use their influence to do. Right by the people. All people. from Porter. Even the people that got bread, you know what I mean? Like. You know what we, each party always feels like it's about a. You know, particular something. But. I don't know. I feel like when you worry about them, When you were about that. Putting the energy into. Something. I feel like you don't really make a difference in, so. Why not make a difference in. Well for you to start doing the shit you need to do. That's a fact. I mean, that's where I'm at with it, man. Like, I really don't. I'm telling you sometimes, you know, I, I see shit on social media. Oh, or regional Google and I get upset. These things get me upset. Cause I see right through them, but. And we all know religion politics is off the table, but I feel like. Sit is prevalent right now. in our lives, whether we wanted to. Believe it or not. You know, we got a president. don't really know what he's doing. We had a president. That was a clown. Uh, we had a cool one before that. and I'm not saying that he did his thing. I'm just saying he was just cool dude, like play ball, his shit. But anyway, let's get into the episode politics as usual way. And I'm gonna try to stop using JZ titles, man, for real.


all right, so this next guess, guest on a Ramondo show. I feel like it's been a long time coming, you know what I mean? I've been, we keep in touch. I've been seeing him, you know, put his beliefs up there and, you know, talk about stuff that I'm kind of aware of. But when it comes to politics, there's a lot of shit I don't like. I pretty, I probably don't even like anything. I, sometimes I just go with the flow, but you know what I'm saying? I needed someone. When it comes to politics, which is, we know it's a subject nobody wanna talk, talk about, but it's, it's part of our lives. Like we can't ignore it. It's on social media, it's everywhere. So like I said, I needed somebody that got a lot of knowledge in it, so you know what I'm saying? I want y'all to give a warm welcome to the Rayo Show. To the party Crasher. You know what I'm saying? No pun intended. You know what I mean? How are you brother?


It's the Spanish Trump supporter Moto Modo.


Yo. Yo. Welcome to the show, man. Yeah, man. it's crazy cuz I was hesitant to have you on the show cuz I was like, nah, he gonna make me nervous cause he might say some shit. but I'm like, yo, fuck it man. My show needs a little fucking juice right now. So, um, yo, before we get started, tell me where


you from? I'm from Brooklyn, New York. New York. My parents from Dominican.


Brooklyn in the house. You know what? I'm he All right. Um, so yeah, you know, so this episode is politics as usual. You know what I'm saying? Who, what better to start off than President Joe Biden. Um, yo, the only thing I know about him, God bless that man, really is that God here for real. The only thing I know about him is that like, I feel like he's here, but he's not here. Like he's just taking attendance, you know what I mean? Like, he's just here for attendance, but he's not here. he's the only president that has, I feel like that didn't have an effect. Like there's just no effect. Like Bush, I feel like was just, he didn't give a fuck, right? Obama was cool as fuck Trump. They didn't give a fuck Biden. I don't know either. He's a clone. He's a ghost. I don't know what, but but what are your thoughts like going on Joe Biden? Well, first off, I


just wanna say that, um, president Joe Biden is flying the plane. This country that I am also on. So I would never want him to fail because if the plane goes down, I myself go down with it. So the goal of everything is not to bring down by to discourage him at all because he represents me in foreign affairs. So that's just the first thing I wanted to say. Okay. Joe Biden had a surgery that they opened up his skull and took out part of his brain. He is not fully there.


Okay. Okay. That explains it though.


and the Democrats were simply just trying to sign things that they've been trying to sign for 30, 40 years, but couldn't because they know the mental ca capacity of this man. That's what I see happening now.


that's crazy. Like,, if you in the game or that interests you, you'll know about that. But yeah, I had, I had no idea. I just felt like, you know, like he, like, he wasn't present. Like I, I wasn't a fan of Trump at all, but I thought he was fucking hilarious. and he, regardless if you like what he said, and I smoked him a lot my first season, but when I saw, when we got Joe, I'm like, damn, I think we was a, you know, come from the same. These people might as well have, at least he keep it a buck.


These people went to the strengths and celebrated when Joe Biden won, set up, fireworks just celebrated simply because Trump, they didn't vote for him because they wanted Joe Biden. They voted for him because they did not want Trump


Exactly that. See, That was the thing. It was like in another good regards, it was pick your poison. Right? But damn, we picked fuck I mean,


it was pick your poison or take the anti and tell you the poison of the,


so so you're saying Trump was the anecdote?


Oh, Trump was, it was simply mind boggling of how this outsider came in and said, yo, the system is rigged. And everyone was like, no, no. I'm sure you see the Dave Chappelle, um, standup already when he said this, but the system was rigged. He was using it and he's the first one. He's a, he's an outsider. When he came in, the Republicans didn't like him. The Democrats didn't like him, the independents didn't like him. So just the system not liking him gave, it was like a Whoa, whoa, this guy, he, we must listen to him. They don't like him for a reason and they're running with him.


Mm-hmm. So, I could see from that perspective, right? the things between, you know, like behind him being racist, that doesn't affect you or any type of remarks he said that's kind of like off the wall as, as far as like, you know,


rooted for him. Well, I'm sure that in this however long this interview is, you can cut a five second sample of a snippet of me speaking and frame me as a racist. But Donald Trump is not a racist. Donald Trump was giving Ellis Island Awards by Rosa Parks and the Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson for hiring the most legal immigrants and for hiring black people and putting black people in housing. Jessica Hudson? No. Who's that lady? Um, from the Dream Girls Hudson?

Uh, look at my African American over here.




Jennifer Hudson.


Yes, her family was murdered and Trump put them in the Trump Hotel for free for a year. Of course she ran, she went against Trump and sang at the oppositions inauguration. But before he ran demo, before he ran as a Republican, everyone loved him. He was in the Little Rascals, he was in the Fresh Prince. They blame


him for everything. You know what's crazy? Well, I was in the real estate game and I remember I used to always be like, I wanted to be the Dominican Trump. But then I started working with somebody, that work with him, and they was like, yo, he's a, he's a real asshole in real life. And I was like, ah. So then I started changing, but then I just saw certain things. I'm like, yo, like he seems like he don't give a fuck about us. But I'm gonna be honest, man, like, I don't know. I feel like it's in the DNA of the system, so it don't, no matter who takes the man to, there's certain things that is just gonna be taken care of differently. You know what I'm saying? But like I said, that's why like when Chappelle proved something, it's almost like, you know, Chappelle is one of those against shit. But like, he was the first president to say that that shit was rigged. he's the first one that he was about to admit the alien shit. Like, he was like, yo, I can't answer that from my perspective regard, like I said, regardless, everyone knows I didn't, I didn't care for him, but I know he part of the, he part of them, but he was still saying fuck yeah. At the same time, you know what I mean? Same shit. He not supposed to, like, he was still his own mostly presidents are puppets to me. Like, he was like, I'm the puppet, you know what I'm saying? I'm gonna be the puppet master


It's a lot of our people are, are taught. it's, it's a sin in my opinion, to not speak about politics, whether it be, you know, the same saying, everyone says, we don't talk about politics at the table. It's gonna ruin Thanksgiving, this and this. Our people are taught not to speak about these things. And what that breeds is intolerance because the teachers are children. If I don't agree with you, I'm gonna have to shut you up, complete silence, or gonna attack you because I simply don't agree with you. Especially when you in the hood, that we already have this mentality of, I gotta, he's gonna play me, he's playing me verbally. So we already have that shield up and it brings ignorance. That's a fact. And in a world where weers and politics is the arena, we're being sent into the gladiator arena with no swords of knowledge, no shields to protect us, and we're, are people suffering the effects of.


I, to give you that, for that gladi aid analogy, that was fire. Go ahead. Keep Keep


going. First off, thank you for having me on the show because it's been a struggle trying to liberate Michael from the chains of what you, the institution.


Yeah. There is a system speak, if you look into it,


who made the system, you know, like Democrats are published sides and what they trust. Cause our government is beautiful. It's the shadow government, CIA and little hidden. Inside of our government that's making them our family with Le Republic, all our friends that, that speak our language, come here where in our minds we are second cleanse, we're bored. They don't speak our language, they look down at us. Is a reason why we leave and it because our countries are the corruption where I can molest a little kid and pay the COP 50 a, you know the system is beautiful. If you think it's not beautiful, try the gay person Saudi Arabia where practice and how far are you going to go in life? We must first identify what the problem is. Then we find the solution.


Exactly, exactly. You can't look for solutions without identifying the real problem. And I think the shit that we get is distractions. We don't get to be part of the real decisions, the real, you know, we don't get the truth, we get, you know what I'm saying? We, it's like the way they run shit is like they play is right. And we, you know, and we, the insecure person that's getting played it's built to keep you with beer that we're the, we don't get the truth and we don't know how to, like you was saying, man, we don't got the, we don't got the tools to know how to proceed and how, what, like, what to do with this information. I know with politics, I'm beyond, like, me personally, I don't believe in like any of that. I feel like this is just, uh, play, you know what I'm saying? let you vote to make you think that you really have a, a choice of who they want. I feel like they gonna pick who they want, you know what I mean? Uh, it'll be dope.


This election? Well, the 2016 election, it should have made that point clear in us that we vote. I voted personally, I voted for Trump, and in those four years, black people became the, the lowest unemployment. In 70 years, Hispanics being the owners of the country that under Trump, lowest Asian female, the surplus was going up. Gas was the lowest it's been, and I don't know how long


people were hearing us


Trump, he firing missile. Because right now they've wasted, I think Trump did a deal with the Prince Mohamed, something in Saudi Arabia, the tall brodick dude with the sword. And we had a reserve of oil and they just used that through the midterm elections to keep o um, the gas where it was and the price range. But it's about to go higher because we're about to finish that reserve that we had.


Wow. you're a Trump supporter. I don't even say I'm a Trump hatter. I just, you know, I just don't agree with Trump. But to hear that like that, that's gonna make me wanna look that up. You know what I'm saying? Cause I don't know, I just think it's interesting. I just, interesting. You know, sometimes we hate people before we know the whole story. I don't know, man. it's just a different perspective, right? Cause you know, you see the wild shit. You, you say or post and then it's like, yo, you know what I'm saying? He got a lot of intelligence behind that. You know what I mean? It's just not, yeah. It take that,


is it wild or is it surprising that an Afro Latino would speak up against the system in the way that I do? Because everyone calls me wild and crazy and yo, you got balls for that. But what they don't call me or Kanye is wrong.


That's a fact. That's a fact. You know why? Because it's your truth. what you believe is, is your truth. You know what I'm saying? If that's how you feel about a particular person's situation, because that's how your perception received it, who is anybody else to tell you that you are wrong? A, a person that's crazy that or that is named crazy, that's saying they see something. Are they really crazy If they can really see it though? You know what I mean?


I'm not an, I'm a political analyst and I'm a citizen journalist, so I don't do a lot of opinion pieces. This is what CNN and even Fox has turned into opinions. It's not that I like Trump or not, it's just that the things that he's doing, it's fact. No one could disprove fact. It's fact over, over feelings and our people, we are raised to feel a lot and it's a beautiful thing, but just throwing slavery, you're saying this guy's racism, someone would make you completely go against him without even hearing what that man, that's true. So it's not feelings. No one could prove me wrong. It's not because I, I like Trump is because what I'm saying is correct.


yeah, that could be true. But what? That might not be someone else's truth. Like even though you got the facts, they might not comprehend that as facts that they wanna accept or, you know what I'm saying? Believe that there's like, There's certain things about America that you might think is a fact, but it's bullshit. You know what I'm saying? So there is that, you know what I mean? Like, I'm here, certain systems are, I feel like there's corruption and everything. Like there's nothing really that, I feel like there's a balance system, you know what I'm saying? Like, I did a, I did an episode about the jail system, the differences and shit like that, how we get locked up more than anybody. the point I was trying to make, it was, it was more than, it's just being black and brown people getting locked up. It's deeper than that. It's the programing, the conditioning, the, like, if no one thinks they can do more than be on the corner and sell, or they can think they, they, they're not more than shooting where you think they gonna end up. Right. So there's a.


Through a mental event that happens. It's called cognitive dissidents. And what this is, when someone contradicts or goes against your primary belief or contrary belief that you have mm-hmm your brain starts building walls and trying to stop it. Like if I tell you the, the sky isn't blue, the sky is not blue, and your mind gonna say, I seen the sky blue. The sky is blue. I know that for a fact. I learned this as a little kid. But in fact, when you start breaking it down and you figure out that the sky isn't blue, it's green, it's just a reflection of the ocean that makes sky is green, then you say, oh my God. So it's the same thing with religion and with politics. When someone simply says you're wrong and it um, it challenges your primary belief. Cognitive dis. Happening a lot.


That's how I feel about religion. I'm not playing those who are religious. I just believe God in a different way. You know what I mean? I, I believe God is a energy, like I'm having a human experience through him. And you know, you do research about, you know, Christianity and everything, like where they took our slaves, took they name and make them like, I can't, I can't pray in the way that my oppressors did. You know what I mean? Like the same, my same oppressors. I can't do it that same way. I gotta do it the way that feels more spiritual and in tune to me. cause regardless, right, I feel like the oppresses they have, they still have family here. Like example, if they made, if they put segregation back, right? With those walls and those beliefs that we have, we will never accept segregation again. It would be like, but if that's the law at some point, We're gonna have to abide by the law. But it doesn't change the belief. The, what I'm saying is a law doesn't change the belief, the change in the system


doesn't change the belief. I'm a Trump supporter. And then when I came out as a Trump supporter, the Democrats immediately made segregated, yo, this, he's a lesser citizen. He's retarded. He should not be able to speak in public. You should not be able to influence everyone. So the normal people embrace segregation and very openly, the Democrats did anyway.


That's wow. Cause you would think, cause when people think of Democrat, you think of the good guy and you think of republic like the bad guys that got money. That's what you grew up thinking. Oh, you can't be a Republican. that's the bad guys. Or you know, you gotta be a Democrat cuz you in the streets, you in the struggle. Again, I feel like, I don't know, I, I'm not looking to nobody for none of them to save me. I'm trying to save myself by using whatever they got in play. But for other people that really believe in this and they, and this is part of them, this is part of you.


I just wanna address your first point about you learning about who the good guys and the bad guys was. Yeah, yeah. When you were a well-read man, like myself, you start finding out that the Democrats were the party of slavery, a Republican president Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, and then a democratic actor, John Will booth, shot him in front of everyone, jumped off of the second floor balcony, and gave us a speech to everyone about why he shot him for freeing. The slaves ran away, everyone let him go, and Jim Crow was started by the Democrats at the Nazis, completely took Jim Crow laws, took away the word African American nigger, and put Jewish people and implemented those laws. You know, FDR was the Democratic president. He actually had concentration camps for the Japanese American born citizens thinking that they was going to switch sides and fight for the Empire of Japan. No, that's,


I hate when I hear that, that yo, like, we talk about him, but we had concentration camps on Japan. Like, come on bro. Like, we shouldn't have, we shouldn't have. Did him like that Hitler shook


that black dude's hand, the one who won the Olympics, the running guy. What's his name? What was his name? Jesse Owens,


I think. Jesse Owens. Damn. I don't know if that was


him. Our president of the United States that turned his back and they didn't wanna say nothing to him more acknowledge that he came in first place. So I just wanna say that even though I might talk about Hitler's accomplishments, I hate Hitler. I hate not


do this. That's not get canceled today, man. It's a good day. It's a nice Sunday.


But he was right about black. Black people were the first kings. The slaves built the pyramids. It wasn't the Kings building the pyramids. Black people ran the world way. Before and longer than white people did. And monsoon, was it Ma Monsoon or something like that? He was the richest man on earth and he went from one side of to the other continent raping pillaging, simply saying, you're gonna give me my payment or we're gonna burn your city down and rape your women and take everything. Pretty much the do Rocky from Game of Thrones. It was based on this African monsoon mama monsoon or something


was based on them. That's crazy. Yes.


Africans that the rocky would come to the gates and they was like, yo, you either gotta pay rent or we gonna kill ya. And they would rather pay rent to the next city. This is what they was doing. This is what we was doing as a people. You


There was, it was nine countries that, you know, took over and you know, took us all from Africa or whatever. But the fucked up that I learned recently was we was already, there was already. Doing the slave trade among, we were doing it amongst each other. So Africa was doing it to India. India was doing it to the, the Latin countries. Like, that's why we mix. Cause we was already here mixing and you know what, what's another fucked up thing? So I ain't gonna front, I saw that, that, that shit that Kyrie got in trouble for, and I already knew. I already knew. I feel like I felt like Jesus was black, right? But then you had to think about, yo, if Jesus was black the people that stole them, like,




you wanna believe that's Europeans came and did it right? But,


It was us like a lot. I've got jumped before. It wasn't white people and stockbrokers suits and suitcases beating up. It was my own people, you know? I got my face cut before. It wasn't white people that did it. It was my own people. Usually most people that kill rappers are their own people in their own cities.


Cause we're conditioned to not have each other's back. That's just are we, we're not,


I mean, you don't see the Black Lives Matter thing that everyone put up with their fist and that we're all united. That's been things,


if you listening to a song nigga, like what Kanye said, nigga, I'll kill you. Fuck niggas, I shoot niggas You think that's not programming you in a way. and then if you are in the hood, you're only seeing the niggas that's hustling. And there's not too many people. There's not too many Anthony Ramos from my hood or Eddie Murphy. You know what I'm saying? So, Eddie Murphy from,




Eddie Murphy from Bushwick. I know, that's what I'm saying. Eddie Murphy. Rosie Perez, the dude from one of these days, right in the kisser. There's a couple


ebc. Was the theater


for him? No way.


Abc Bushwick on Public Service. It used to be a, a theater before.


Oh, no, no. I know it was a theater, but I didn't know it was for him. That's wild. He's from the


Honeymooners, that guy.


But yeah, the honeymoon, that's what I meant. The honeymooners. But I wanted to hear your perspective of what, like, so you don't think, you just think we just, that we just go through this path because we don't give a fuck or what? I've been trying to, it's


not a, it's not, it's not that we don't give a fuck, it's that we are herded to this path. Like, Now, I, I don't, it's a crime right now to say, who's the shepherd with the little hook stick hurting us. We don't know who it is. It's a crime to say who they are, but the system is hurting sheep down a certain road. And just like in the beginning of the show, you told me, yo, you know, if anything crazy hand you say some crazy, crazy stuff. You know, I'm, there's bosses in part of these programs who's letting this kill, kill, kill, sell drugs to your people and impregnate women and not marry them. Who's letting this message go through the radios? Who's the bosses of the radios? Because you


would think, no, no, I know, I know. Yo, You got that. Yo, when you start your podcast, man, you need politically,


they break my Instagram six times. They've banned me from Facebook for a year and a half because I went, I was there January 6th and I'm trying to free the, the, the chains of oppression. That's shackling our people, you should call


it political debt. I'm politically dead ass


This technique is called the Socratic method, and it's when I ask someone a question and the answer to that question is the next question that I actually called the Socratic method. And emboldens people when I speak to them, that they feel right, they feel smart because they know the answers. So that's my style of education. Remember, it's education over confrontation.


Fucking yo who, who? Yo, who the fuck is Davy Fuckings? Man, I, I'm Change the intro by ladies and gentlemen. Davy. Fucking,


a lot of people don't believe me when I, but when I speak it's like I sacrifice so much stuff to try to like free my people. Like girls have stopped unfollowing me. My, my Instagrams are, are done. My money has fallen. Like, it's so much. If I ever speak to Trump, my, my nigga, I love you, but you owe me bitches and you owe me money.


Yo. So, so what you think of the, the, oh, you didn't get the answer. So how do you, what was your introduction to politics? What was it that said, you know what, I'm gonna learn about this shit.


It was in 2008 when I voted for Barack Hussein Obama, Thinking, bring change to our people because he's black. Cuz if I vote for a Dominican president, I would think that the first laws he passes is to benefit the Dominican people. So I thought that he was gonna benefit us, but as time went on, he wasn't doing nothing complete. Against us. And what he's claimed that he was running on, he was a junior senator for one term. He was Ron Paul and Mick who ran against him. It was Ron Paul, the dude who died, who's the dude that died. The old white McCain. McCain. These people overqualified to be president. And they picked this junior one term senator simply because he's black. That's racist, by the way. It don't


matter that it's No, but no, I, I see what you're saying. Ain't in the front. the whole change. I was whole, I was all part of it and shit. that's actually the only time I've ever voted was was Obama. But that's before I had got, you know, before I was, I wanna say before I was woke. Terrible words. Yeah. But that's, that's what I, that's how, that's what I'm going with. yeah. I feel woke. I feel I wasn't aware of a lot of things I lived in before I was woke. I lived in a world where I felt, it's things, shit is fair. You know what I'm saying? But it also, it's, it also taught me like, yo, not to worry about those, whether it's fair or not, whether shit is the right way or not. There's, there's room for you to enjoy your life and live a great life. Like, you know what I'm saying there? There's, there's ways to do it. You don't need to like your president, like your system. That's that meditation, bro.


Have you ever noticed, even just amongst poor people, have you noticed a difference between poor black Democrats and poor black Republicans? They're not poor and broke on the same level. Like we're poor in homeless shelters and projects. They're poor in their own properties with their own cars


and their own land.


I'd rather be a broke Republican than a broke Democrat I'll tell you that because at least with them you have the, the, the opportunity to come up. If you're a broke Democrat living off of welfare and, and NYCHA New York housing, if you get your, your money up and you get a better job, they will take your apartment away, your projects away. We know that for a damn sure if you're married, you get less taxes back. So it incentivizes you to be a single black mother or, or a single and have more children out of wetlock. They take your shit away, you earn too much money, they take your food stamps away. You're earn too much money. They take your WIC away. So then it's not


no my, oh, but the housing system, the fucking gap in budget for you to qualify is ridiculous. Like you literally, you can either make too much, too little and then it don't make, if you can make this much, I still wouldn't even able to afford this. You know what I mean? And if I make this much I a dollar over,


if you make$1 over that line, what happens? you done? You done.


That's wild. Yo. I ain't gonna front, I had a military dude that I knew shout the Mario and he was like, yo, I love when the Republicans in president. And, and I'm mad. I'm like, what you talking about that he's doing all of this? And I'm like, damn. I, I notice the difference, which just with certain things, I know there's like a little difference. Like I said, I try not to pay attention to, but I do notice difference. But you saying that it's true, like we need to teach y'all people to get the fuck, not even get on welfare. Cuz that's how they, you know, that's how they get you like to depend on them. You don't become self efficient, you become dependent and the longer you on that shift,


Our people need to know, need to learn how to shut up and listen and learn. We think that we know shit that we do not know about. And even if we're wrong, we keep pressing the point. And it doesn't matter if you're wrong or not. Sometimes we need to, like teachers teach you when you're little, there's no dumb questions. It's no fault in saying, I don't know about this. Please teach me so in the future I could know about it. That's true. Our people have thing that must be for


us to grow. That's true. That's true. Damn bro. You fucking D. D. Yeah. Great.


It's Moto. Moto. I'm a man of many titles and many names. I have more names than their greens in the sand. I have more titles. Their waves in the ocean.


who bars he got? Yo, I'm about to put him in the fucking. You don't want it.


What's the little bit of without Trump? I think Who, who said that? Joe? That's my man's


what he say.


What he said. He said what's a little bit of, he said, what's Trump without little with Kanye. And why that Chris Brown song? He just did. Yeah.


The equity. More Mundo after this commercial break. Was good. Yeah. I'm proud and happy to announce that. All three Patrion tears is up. Each with its own. Per can benefit. You want more moon? No, you get more mono. virtual version. I tried to be a little bit reserved. You know, on the regular platforms. But each. T it puts you more in depth. With who I am and where I'm at to go. So. Sign up to the show. Go to A forward slash the Raimundo show. Sign up is pretty easy. yeah. And I'll see you there don't just meet me there. Greet me So Snoop dog But anyway back to the show


I was gonna ask you, what's the main perspective between the two? I mean, for me, when I think of, when I think of Democrats, I guess I just think about, like I said, like the good guy thing. Democrats want to tax the shit out the rich. Right? Like, almost like, you know, to make it fair. Right? And Republicans is like, yo, actually I don't really have a thing. I just don't. Rich people give us


jobs. Rich people are the people that create corporations and companies. They hire black people. So if you increase taxes and increase and put regulations on these rich people, they're a hundred percent a same person would think they're gonna stop offering people jobs because it's too much. Now they're gonna stop building shit. It's gonna stop. Rich people give us jobs. Poor people don't do, they don't offer a lot of stuff to society. That's not like the, the work off their back, the, the, you know, the hard working men, you know what I'm saying? Mm-hmm Hmm. like it's rich people that give us jobs. So if you, it's logically thinking, we grant, we're gonna raise, um, It's like if you are a Fortune 500 company, all it takes is 500 employees to be labeled as a Fortune 500 company. So they're automatically have regulation and red tape and increased taxes. We already seen what happened when poor people have money. Trump gave us three fucking stimulus checks. We didn't do nothing but cop bottles and go to Starlett and fucking buy shit. You


didn't invest that shit. You know why this is, you know, this is consumerism, man. You know that


it's all built but three times,


bro, bro. It's consumerism like bro. Our culture is, it's now that people starting to get damn the millionaire, the billionaire millionaire is not always dressing like the billionaire millionaire. Then you got rich people dress rich, no broke people dress rich, and rich people dress broke. You understand what I'm saying? But. A lot of us are not, a lot of us are not on to that knowledge. And of course, right. Once you get a certain age. But it's crazy. But like some of my people are really not aware. Like, and you know, in the conversation is the words they choose, right? Like they don't know what, like sometimes I have conversation but they don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. And they


seem so confident, they dunno what they about confidence do and they just keep talking, you know?


Yeah. Well, like, you know what I mean? But like, like, and I'm like, yo, I'm trying to show you. I'm like, yo, if you open your mind, bro, we can, we can live these a life that we wanna live. We don't gotta depend on no government, no, none of that, bro. it's numbers man. It's a numbers


game. 100%. I'm gonna tell you a fact that I learned since 2008 and 16 Democrats, and this is like the white liberal in the street with purple hair, that they're like, black Lives Matter dude. And translin, like, we gotta do everything for them. They can't do nothing for themselves. We have to do it for them. We gotta give them w we gotta give them everything housing. They can't go into college and, and just with the fact of their brains earn a scholarship or do it by themselves. We have to give them shit. That's the democratic way. Democratics do not care about black people. When you say Trump made the lowest unemployment in 70 years, money is one of the biggest things in, our culture. That we need to, you know, poor. They don't care about that. They be like, I don't care. I still don't like Trump. Well, Hispanics became the number one homeowners in the Trump. I don't care that Hispanics have houses, fuck them. I don't like Trump. Uh, you know that all. We started trading war and we stopped bombing Muslim countries cause Obama bombed. The Obama did. Matt Obama, Obama wedding to kill one terrorist and kill Matt. Innocent people. Now I've heard Muslim say we don't go outside when it's cloudy. We don't go outside when it's sunny because that's when the sun, that's when the drones fly. We like going outside when it's cloudy. That's something sad and unfathomable to think


about. Yeah, that's so sad.


I don't like Trump. You start telling him about these are compliments. You know, women has rapes have gone down. I don't give a fuck. You know, Trump should be president, so that mean, oh, let women get raped, but let's put this old dude that don't even know his name.


So in the power, you were excited when he said he's running again?


No, because I knew that he was gonna run again and I have to hear Trump speak and give his 20 point presentation again. I'm not gonna vote for him just because he's Trump. I have to make sure that he's competent still. Four years have passed.


Damn, bro. So I, I ain't gonna front like, I don't know. this was an important episode for me personally. Cause there was a time, bro, like there's people I done unfollowed because they, they had a different political view than me. Right. And when you think back, like all you did was add cuz I'm like, one of the points of the episode is like, I feel like, the political world, the wealth. Even Covid now fucking, it's just, you know, separat us in a way I feel like it's a part to separate us. Cause if we like really in some unity and bond, they can't do the control that they do now. They can't


do it. I don't think our people could ever get to that point. Even when we was in Africa, Africa was never united as one conflict. Never. There was always borders. It was always my tribe against yours. So we have that tribalism and that competition of I have to be better than them. And when you lose, I'm gonna take your bitches and I'm gonna take your money. And they're mine now. So we've had that since the days of the Kings.


yeah, that's true. Right? Cause um, I found out Sparta cuz they says, said Sparta cause is black. But, uh, of course if, if you're under, like


even Egypt, And black people love taking credit for Egypt. Egypt is more Muslim than they are African. There's nothing below Egypt. There's no structure above three floors in Africa, anywhere under fucking Egypt. Egypt was more Muslim, they're more European. I


There's a guy, I forgot his name, but he goes back, his belief is that Egypts and Africa or something like that, or It is the original people, the original people were black before, you know, shit started getting switched around and all that. Mr.


Mars and the Fertile Cresent, that's what they call it. But the Sumerians were the first recorded people and they was in Iran, Mesopotamia, I think. I think this was before Mesopotamia, the book, the Sumerians, I think is the first recorded language for humans. And they were, that was the biggest landmass in the world at that time. Like we were there, most of us. That's why black woman could give birth to a white kid or the darkest weny snips. Darkness kid


Yeah. You know what's funny? Uh, I used to work for the New York Post and I used to always check this, uh, he was an Israelite and he would tell me, wow, shit. Sometimes I'll be like, what? Yo, they met,


The black Jews. Like those guys that, that look like the three kings. And they'd be standing on Malcolm X Avenue. Like, oh, we're the, yeah. Oh God. Very


angrier. They hate white people, yo. Yeah, that's like, that's the thing, like, don't get me wrong, like I feel like there's some type of truth in all the things, but like, I don't know. Once you involve hate, that's one thing. Agree to disagree. Don't like someone just. You know, remove hate from it man. It don't need to be hate all the time. But yeah. So I was saying I wanted, one of my points was, you know, I just wanted to talk my political shit and guess you did exactly what I wanted you to do without even having to tell you with this fire.


it seems like an hour and I feel like we have not talked about nothing that I wanted to talk about. And that's why you just said you gotta unfollow a lot of people that they were Trump supporters. It's because we spent so much time in the beginning of the conversation proving I'm not a racist, I don't like Hitler. This is a justifications of why I believe in what I believe in. And this should be no justification. It should just be let's talk about what we gotta talk about the issues. And it took so much time for you to be comfortable. I feel like with me not saying no crazy grace shit, because that's what we're like, training supporters are,


I'm gonna keep it a buck. I didn't give a fuck, nigga. I love that. Honestly, you got me on the edge of my seat, nigga say some wild shit. You know what I mean? I haven't been comfortable, I haven't been uncomfortable at all. I actually been more comfortable than I thought I was gonna be, was making me think I should have been at the episode. And what we spoke about was, was I like to do shit in order. I'm, you know, this is the Ray moon though. Show you on the Raymundo show. So we gonna do shit how we do shit. You know what I mean? Let's get into the, the, the thing, but. Question. You ain't look at the shit. So, but anyway. Yeah, ask me a question.


Do you think that what Kanye said was one of the most racist things in the world? Like they're canceling him for saying something. And I feel like I could have said more racist stuff. Like my friend told me like, can you have said something crazier than Kanye? I was like, of course. There's more stuff racist than what Kanye said. It's not the end of the world. I can make your jaw drop myself.


No, no, no. I, I believe that to be true. but when it, when it came to Kanye, I think Kanye was just one, I think it was Strateg a little bit because he wanted to get out his deals, cuz I could say antisemitic shit in it. But he didn't really, he didn't say anything hateful. He just said, yo, if there's 10 Bode guys right. And the 10 Bode guys are on. By Dominicans, Dominicans probably got a lock on the cause, you know what I'm saying? Like, I, I, and you know, Marlon Brando back in the day said, Jewish people are not the KD in the fourth four


album. He said it. What is that? It was the, it was the video that, it was a cartoonish, like a


Story of oj that song. No. Yeah. It was the story of OJ where he was like, um, you wanna know how to run everything in America. Jewish people did it. Some, some, something like that. I know what you mean. You could call a woman a


bitch. You could call a black woman a bitch or a whore, but you cannot say on hot 97, I stacked more chips than a Hebrew They blurt that part out. And you know, we, we, I was taught that your, the real bosses, the real. Coppos are the people whom you


cannot speak about the Oh, Um, Omar calls him the untouchables. He he gets so mad. I get mad like he get mad and then he expresses it the way I express it. Cause I'm like, yo, y'all on Kyrie, but y'all not on Jeff Basil for having it on the platform for Fuck Outta here. And he'll say what I wanna say, but I won't say it.


Kyrie didn't even, he didn't even do nothing but reposting movie People should just start saying what they, what they gotta say like, I'm sorry. If people could say, white people own slaves and they have the balls to say that white people from now who's never owned a slave in their life have to pay reparations to black people who were never slaves in their whole life. Now we could be able to say, okay, white people own slaves. Who sold them, Jewish people did not all the Jewish people, not the Jewish people in, in Williamsburg, that they on the third floor with bars on their windows. Cause they still think that Hitler and the Nazis are gonna round them up. Those poor, hardworking Jewish people are just like us. They have the 1% on the top controlling them fear through media. They just like we do. They have that 1% who think that they're better than everyone else and they must control themselves. It's not those people that, that they're talking about. The 1% who own the boats, who bought the black people off the own, black people that sold black people. The, the merchants. We're those people.


And you know what's great that that brings up the next topic is freedom is speech dead. Um, man, I even exist


because, um, Elon Musk brought Twitter. He just brought Trump back, but he said something about not bringing and Jones back. And there should be no, it's the comedy. If I cannot make fun of one thing, we cannot make fun of nothing. It's either all or nothing. So that's what free speech is. If we're gonna protect this dude for saying something, we're forced to protect that dude from saying what he says.


I agree. I feel like if you want, this is the thing. I mean, we don't want hate, right. But I


want, I get hate on whether I want it or not. Hate is part


of the word. No, it is. It is. But I'm, what I'm saying is, You don't wanna, you know what I'm saying? You don't want, damn, I forgot what the fuck you gonna say. You Forget what we saying. You just said something, what you


just said. You don't want the like the No, no.


So the same way we have the right to express how we think shit is running. I feel like other cultures, white people, they have to, then we have to, with that same thing, we have to let them express the same way. That's the only thing you want. Real freedom of speech. Then when they say some shit that you don't like, you gotta take it too. Cuz we saying some shit that they don't like. So, you know, again, I'm always gonna feel like it's a little bit of ball, but it's just, you know what it is what it is, man. Like I, you can't change the world. You could just change yourself. Like Biggie said, I didn't feel


safe after they took Trump off of Twitter. If they could block and censor the most powerful man in the free world, what the hell is the little, A little dude like me has a chance in this world to survive. They just censor the president of the United States. So that should have been a big red


flag. That's a fact. Yeah.


Everything is gonna be electronic now. You know, like with the chips and there's communities already that have the chips and you buzz yourself into garages and pay for shit with the chip inside of you. That's already happening. So how long we


knew about that though? How long the, how long the woke knew about that


I knew about it. Cause Behold The Pale Horse, that book, everyone should read that book. Behold The Pale


Horse. Behold The Pale Horse. I think I have that book. Wow.


your brother's been out there. What makes you think that? If you say something Unsensitive, in 20 years when everything is digital, you go to the, you go to the, to the supermarket to buy food for your family and they'll block it. Oh, you, you've been blocked. Cause you said something mean on Twitter. He raised and apologize or your account is blocked. Tate Tate


said, why do I, he goes, why do I want an electric car? They can turn this shit off or crash


you into a tree because you're a Trump supporter. And then be like, oh, what's accident you? Yeah, that dude crashed straight into that tree. He was screaming and both of his hands was covering himself, but he somehow crashed straight into it. I Electric cards, Dana


and yo, who the fuck is the cancel culture?


Um, women and gay people the same people that run the beauty game that women are like, yeah, you should accept everybody, blah blah blah. Don't blame us y'all The ones that come up. Beauty standards. If it was up to me a little short shirt and wear some booty shorts that show the bottom of your cheeks, that's good Unreasonable beauty standards and it's because of them.


That's great. Cause I always like, you know, you get mad like, what the fuck the cancer coach know? And I'm was like, yo, who the fuck are they? I'm like, yo, let me ask Davy Fucking Jones


the. Oh my God. That's crazy. That shouldn't even be, you can't make no money. Imagine, cancel culture that you're a doctor and I respect all sexualities. But if you're telling a trans man, listen bro, hey, I'm not a bro, I'm a woman. I'm a Oh, well ma'am, you have to Your cancer, I'm a you now. Cause that I'm a man now. Doctors are not gonna be able, as funny as that sounds, in 10, 20 years, that's gonna be realistic. They just threw someone. Cause the gay dude said, I'm a, I'm a j I identify as a juror boy. You have to form me a juror. And you have to. So it sounds funny now, but in 10, 20 years, what makes you think that a doctor will wanna be a doctor? If I can get sued for telling a transgender woman she has testicular cancer, therefore proving that she's a


man. That's crazy. That's wild. That's real shit though. Like, you mean like, I don't know man, I, I just never got into that. Yo, you wanna live your life the way you want. It's cool. But I just feel like when it started getting, it just started getting complicated with the, that machine. He like, yo bro, like, like come on


nuts. How we supposed to teach our children How are we supposed to feed our children to love and, and tolerate the gay community when I cannot even take you to a parade of gay people when there's guys with their penises out, with women, with their titties out. I can't educate my children on how to be tolerant and how to, how to love y and taking them to a gay parade. It's just like, I don't, I don't want the sexualization of children is why I become a self support. Yeah. Like I don't want regular sexy strippers to working in front of my children when I have children. If I don't want gay people or lesbians doing it, do not sexualize children.


I, yeah. I ain't in front like Yeah, I, I agree with that. Like, And


that's on that side. The Democrats, they have something called maps minor attractive persons. They're trying to include, they're already on the gay flag pedophiles, by the way. So that's the side of the Democrats, the Jeffrey Epsteins and the other people that they're hiding and you're wondering them. So Bill Clinton went to Jeffrey Epstein's Island, which is an hour away from Dominican Republic, little St. Thomas. They were stealing patient in Dominican children. But that's beside the point. This president went to Little St. Thomas pedophile Island 27 times on record. Trump didn't go once. So why were they his wife? Run.


Damn, bro. You, you, you Yo, you a lot of people. We need a part two, bro. We No, honestly, I think you gonna be my, my political cohost anytime I feel political and I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. I'm gonna hit of baby fucking joints. we have a super computer up, huh? We have a super


computer on our hands. And a lot of the things that, like I call people out on is if you don't know enough about the subject, let's not talk about it. We can tell who did their homework or out who's bullshitting and using feelings to get through life. Like if we talk about Kyrie Irving, let's talk about his stats or his, his shooting points, or his rebounds. I'm not gonna know about that. So I'm gonna be quiet and I'm gonna learn from the people around me talking. And then when I feel confident


enough to speak up and contribute to the conversation that I'm gonna contribute. But our people have this thing that we are just


injecting ourselves into and we start asking the questions about politically, why don't you like Trump? Oh, there's so many things and I can't think about one. Yes, Hillary Clemson called me a nigga in November 1st, 2002. I will forever remember that but they say Donald Trump has arranged us and he did all of this bad stuff. And when you ask them name one, they just look at you baffled as if you have a

mosques. Negotiating with China, they say, we want deal. We are from India. All of my friends in Little Havana I am the least


maybe theoretically


oh, he's a fucking, oh, I know what it was. I don't know. I don't know who the fuck the Pro Boys Pro boys was, but I think the, the media that the Pro Boys got made me say all you see the Pro Boys is those guys, the, the KKK or whatever. I dunno, but


the of the Pro Boys is a Cuban American


I'm gonna be honest though like I said to the, the point of un, I didn't unfollow you though, bro, cause you was entertaining as fuck. But like, thank God


bro. Cause you're influential as hell. And that's why I've been back. Show like this is, I've been begging you to be on the show for a while and it's because like you don't know what it's like to, I've been so isolated and I've lost so many people, bro.


Nah bro. Yo, let me tell you something. I don't give a fuck what you believe in, nigga. Cuz you living your truth, dog. You know what I'm saying? And I'm not gonna let the world try to separate me from a person that has a different view. And in my view is not even, I'm not a Democrat. I'm not a Republican. I'm fucking raped. You know what I'm saying? I'm raymundo. But to talk about, uh, the freedom of speech. The one person that I love, the way he handles it, which you, you gonna, I don't know. I, I feel like you gonna get hyped, but the way he handles the media himself, let's give it a for Dave Chappelle. I don't know what other way to explain it, but his shit is perfect. It, it's, he tip toes in the line, so well, where they can't even really, they can't cancel him and they can't That's, that's what we wanted Kanye to do. We wanted you to do that. Like articulate it better. Right. But Dave Chappelle articulates himself very well, and it's funny as fuck. I just wanna, do you agree with.


Of course David has, uh, he knows how he's an mc, uh, mover of crowds or Mike Controller. And this is what made Trump so effective and who I have to thank for, for Trump's presidency is Vincent Kennedy mad




in WrestleMania, when Trump faced McMan, that prompt Trump to talk to millions of thousands of people in front of him, that was his first, and that's why he's so good at it. Now, look at Joe Biden's rally compared to Trump's rally. Trump feels a master's career guard, and you're like, who's this? Is that Donald Trump or that Mark Anthony? That's about to hours for the, and they hear him speak, and it's because in comedy, it's the same thing as politics. You speak in front of an arena and you can sense how the arena feels towards your jokes and you can navigate through it. But what they do is what I do, I control how the crowd thinks. I don't wait for their reaction for me to keep going. I okay. You, you offended. So you should be offended by this. Excuse me. And vice versa.


That's a That's a fact. That's, that's a real, I feel like attribute of a micro, uh, what you call it, microphone, uh,


MC, uh, my controller or mover of crowds is, I like


that one man. A mover of crowds. That's hiphop though. That's hiphop course.


Mover of crowds. Or a MIC controller.


Mic controller. Yeah. That's what MC stands for. No, no, no. Yeah, yeah. Definitely. Of course. You know, it's crazy. Like sometimes you forget like, I don't know, you forget, you like, damn mc move the crown. Yeah. But I remember that being a mic controller, but um, yeah, to move along, right? I was, uh, yeah, so we spoke about Chappelle, spoke about Kae a little bit, but, um, just it's politics and everything right from. From sports to the workplace. Marriage, even porn. I remember, remember that What was that vice president that was running with, um,


McCain Palin? Is it Pa Yo?


Yeah, boy. Yes. I feel it.


look. Yo. No, but hey, Clinton thick as hell too,


Lisa. Everybody know who? I mean, if you in that world, you know Lisa Ann, you know she played AOC


thicker than a kindergarten pencil m big ass pen solution. Think of hell,


But I, I just say all that to say like, yo, there's politics to everything, man. You gotta learn how to work with it, man. You know what I'm saying? How, how do you work with it in, in other areas besides the obvious one? I make other people walk


through the Socratic method that I ask a question, and the answer of that question is the next question that I asked you. It makes people feel smart, so they contribute to. To your point of view, and the way that I do it is I say something and if you agree with it, you, you personally are more Republican than you know, because there has been nothing that I said that you said you're wrong and you gotta stop right there because I make sense. And fact is over feelings. It's not my truth, it's the truth. No,


I mean, the, the way you are putting it out there causes it's, you believe it so much, it's it's fact to you regardless. But it made me wanna say, yo, when we get off everything he said, I'm gonna look up so I can, you know, so when I get to match up what you said with the facts, then that's when I have my, oh, this motherfucker wasn't playing So, but I don't know, man. Like I said, man, like, I don't know, man. Certain things, like, example, like I, I may not be, I'm not there's certain words and certain things in text in the Bible that that speaks to me. You know what I'm saying?


There's evil in the world. If there's evil, that means that there's good, if there's people raping children or kidnapping women and selling them into slavery or cutting the nuts off of black men in, in the Muslim, um, slave trade, that's way more ancient and is still going on compared to the Atlantic, the transatlantic slave trade that sold us. The Muslim slave trade is still going on. There's evil going on in the world. If there's that much evil, it's because there's good and God is


good. you can't have a one sided piece of paper. You understand? So where good comes bad, but God is good in any light and all different religions, they say the same thing. Do onto others as you do onto yourself, will you reap what you so, and the next Messiah gotta, if the Messiahs they've been coming, another one is gonna be here. Hope, you know, maybe in our lifetime, maybe in another time. But my thing too was thing, right? Like when it comes to Jesus, like I feel like instead of him coming here to save us for our sins, I feel like he came to show us that we got that power too. So they had to get him rid of him. Who got rid of,


remember g Remember Jesus's crime was that Jesus said, I am the king of the Jews. in the Bible. It says, I am the king of the Jew. When Jesus wilded out and seen people disrespected the church. It wasn't a church, it was a temple. Mm, it was a synagogue. Jesus was a Jew. He said he was a Jew. The first four or five books of the, of the Bible was called the Torah. So if you believe in Jesus, that Jesus is the sin of God, you are Jewish. Jesus. Now, there was no Christianity till 300 years after he was born and they started finding the books that his disciples wrote, and King James stitched it together into what is today the Bible. But Jesus was a Jew. So if you believe that Jesus is a son of God, you are a Jew. It's just that a certain sector of Jewish people don't believe that Jesus was a son of God. They still believe in God. They still believe in the same thing Jesus believed in. They just didn't believe he was the Messiah. So they're still waiting for their Jesus. That's why. So you believe,


you believe we the true children of Israel. Of course


Israel is the whole world.


It would be dope to feel like it's equal to feel like we live in a, not that it has to be, you know, I don't to think it has to be a hundred percent fair. It's not realistic, but you know what I mean? Like, I don't know. I feel like they could be a big layer of equality, you know, maybe let us own our own shit. You know, things like that. Like maybe rec labeler or a distribution company. You know, things like that maybe.


And color we got first eliminate race and color from the speech. So if I'm a baseball player, I wanna be the best baseball player. Not the best, not


the best basketball, baseball players. I agree. I agree. You know what's crazy?


That's instead in his speech. I had a dream that my daughter could go to school and not be, oh, this is that little smart black girl, but just this is that little smart girl.


I was just watching the documentary of, you were defined by your lands, not your race before. Oh, you from this land, you're from this land. And slavery didn't matter. Like it was more of a land thing, but I think, I think in the 16 hundreds they introduced tribalism. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tribal. So then they introduce the white term, at some point, and I think it's 1645 or 1651 where they introduce, uh, yeah, the white term. Well, they put


race into slavery. Now. It's not just about I'm taking your shit, you lose, so now I'm taking your shit. Now it's, yo, he's a different color than me, so we're gonna take


his shit. Yeah. They, they added that to it. So I thought that was, that's kind of


bullshit because when black people were kings, we, we. Told our people not to mate with the light skin out buying. Those that were coming out, they thought that they were weird and they banished them to the caucus mountains,


which is where the


word Caucasian comes from. So we put race and color way before this. This is just people trying to whitewash history to dehumanize the enemy.


Mm. Yeah. That's an interesting take. Damn, I thought I was gonna be like, you don't fucking know what you're saying. Fuck you talking about baby Even when I scream


at, of my lungs,


you know what? Right now that is coming to an end. I just wanna say we definitely, there's a blunt that me and you haven't smoked yet, and there's a hat that I gotta give you. I'm not wearing that shit. When the fuck was it? When,


when? Tell me


when, when, when


was it great? When America turned out the most black millionaires and even the whole continent of Africa, when a Hispanic man could come here with no money in his pocket and buy a bodega and buy a house, and now his family could eat. People run away from their country where they have roots there to just come here and worry because this is the land of success. But when was




Yes. This, today, tomorrow people are literally breaking into this country cause it's so great.


But you gotta understand when you know the way it's, I wish I knew the word drama. You're not poor,


you're not struggling anymore. Go ask a Salvadorian illegal immigrant or a, a hondu illegal immigrant. Is America great? They're gonna be the hell. Yeah. That's why I ran away from my country to come here. Ask the poor people if America's


great. No, I mean, but there's, there's also people that hate us too. Cuz they, we like the bad guys who hates


Russia, China,south korea Iran, iraq Japan


This is my nephew right here. Mm-hmm. This is my nephew's. A smart guy right here. Mathematician. What do you think about our country, about America? Uh, I think it, it's




It's great. Yes. It it, it


would be


greater. It would be


greater. Yes, it would be great,


but it, it could be greater. But what makes it great in your opinion? It, the, the, the, you can take your time.


I think it's because, uh, I think it's because of the land and


the people. We are the people that we are make is great. Yes. Do you hear this








buddy. of our country. Ladies


and gentlemen. That's a fact. That's a fact. So do you think I


sometimes am speechless when he speaks? Also, he's, kids are smarter than when we were kids. I was eating palomo at his age, paint chips,


damn, I don't know if you listened to 19 keys, but he said Children's are really the masses of, of the universe. Cuz they have no logic. They just, in their truest form, And everything, they, from a state to like one to seven, everything is just hypnosis type state. You know what I mean? So it's just crazy like what that the kids first seven years, what, what they hear re repeatedly what they get really kind of shapes them up for later times. My reason they


say that true shouldn't know the, the meaning of life and the meaning of happiness. But before they can tell you, they forget when you learn how to speak, you forget about what makes it because babies are pure and they're happy. So once they know how to communicate, God takes that secret away from them. And we have to relearn. It's, it's only when we're very old that we see our grandchildren, that the secret starts coming back about what makes this happy and what's the secret of


life? That's wild. Yo, you know, my son, my son, I don't know if he seen my mom, but my son sees somebody in the kitchen every day, He's like, dude, laughing. How does he react though? Yo? He like, if someone's there like laughing, I'm talking about, he'll keep looking like, I'll, I'll go this way. And he'll keep looking, right? So I try to do a test. I'll put M for my mom, Marisa, and I put S for my girl's mom. So I said, yo, who you, who's here right now? And he hits the M and I'm like, all right. I switch it, put the M on the bottom now. I said, who's here? He hit the m I kept switching it. He kept hitting the fucking M. So I'm like, yo, of course you know, you wanna believe that's really my mother. You know what I mean? It could be, but I just think it is, it is just dope. Like babies. Right. Cuz they're gonna forget. It makes sense that they can see what we can't see and know that knowledge of what we don't know. cuz then they'll have a head start and you, but some, some end up remembering their past lives. I know. I'm sure. I'm sure you've the kid that went, the kid that said he lived in Mars or the freaking Well, you know, you heard about that. Oh, that's great.


Yeah. He found the secret of the pyramids and he, he found a button in the back of the


Yeah, that was, wow. That was, wow. so you think political views separate us?


Of course the people who are ignorant of politicalness and and political views, they're the ones that usually get taken advantage of and raped through history. If you think, if you think about it, that's why they didn't want us to read at a certain point, because in Dominican, Republican, Haiti, which was the first slaves to liberate themselves from their slave masters and Dominican Republican in Haiti, that's why I remember I heard that our soldiers also, that's why I completely agree with Ka saying slavery was a choice. Go up to the Dominicans and the Haitian and act them. Is slavery a choice? Hell yeah. But over here we was, we wasn't, they didn't want us to read because of what was going on over there. And if we would've known that that was possible, it would've happened here earlier.


Hmm. So they were trying to prevent the shit as much as they could from us getting that power.


Cool. And even if they did know, there'll still be the 99% of Don't talk mass is gonna whip the shit out of us if you say it So that's where the shack and the fucking. And all these people go against Kyrie Irving and Gay. They go against, you know, because they're like, yo, they're gonna take your shit away from you. And then they laugh. Ha ha, look at Ka. You guys should taken away. You should have shut up when master talks. We gotta be quiet.


Samuel L. Jackson, jangle. would you marry a Democrat if she's the one? No,


because then your children will be polluted mentally.


Oh man. You see that's why I can't get with the political cause. Like, what, what if, you know, she's awesome, but she's really into this whole political stuff I wanna be, she's


dumb. I wanna be, if she's into, if she's a Democrat and she knows about laws that I'm talking about, she's dumb and it would never work out


because your values are different. You can, I feel like you can only call someone dumb if like, They know and they still do the shit anyway. You know what I mean? Some people really think, they really believe that that's how shit's supposed to be. And you can't, you can't really blame'em. It's, it's like the way you feel, the way you feel about your truth. They feel about their truth, but it's, you keep saying my


truth and it's, it, it is been irking me a little bit because it's either wrong or it's, it's right


with politic. How can I, how can I say your truth is right if I can't confirm it, nigga, you just said it and it sounds good. So when I do my research is the only time. So maybe in part two, but you know what I'm saying. If a irk you nigga, fuck that. the word, keep the trump attitude, right? Like, yo,


if you don't like what I say, fight me. If not shut, shut the fuck up. That's Trump's America.


But that's what I'm saying. But like, no, but I wanna get into it. Like, when, when you into it like that, like it'll irk you. Right But, some people don't know, like example me saying, yo I'm not gonna confirm it until I know, you know what I'm saying? You can't expect people to confirm what they don't know. Just because you said it, you articulate it very well in between your role, raw wordage, verbiage, My personal experience with politics politic., I don't know enough about it to, you know, to even debate. But if I did, I'm pretty sure I would shut you down though. probably.


That's like saying you, if I could rap, I coulda beat Biggie. But lemme tell you, there's only one biggie, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby. And if you don't know now you know, nigga, that's a Donald Trump quote yo, you


I wanna really thank you for being on the Ramondo shit. Like you ain't come over here trying to just put your beliefs on any, everybody, you just articulate it very well, your truth and what you believe in. To be true. And even if they don't agree with you, they gotta respect, you know what I'm saying? How you carry yourself, you know what I mean? You're not doing all this shit without backed up knowledge. Like you got your sword, you got your shield in the arena. So hopefully I


fucking Gladys, maximum Meridian s Maximus. You know, I just wanna leave it on one last thing. And you know, I don't like talking about religion like that, but when you read the Bible, I never ever found Jesus saying follow me. And I never say follow me. The people that follow me and listen to me, they follow me because of their own free will and because they know that I'm saying the truth. So I would never say that to anyone. You'll follow me and listen. You know what? It's


You know what it's, but I'm think you quote on


Jesus, you know what the fuck? It's That's what Jesus said.


Yo, man, but y'all want to thank you again and um, yeah, whenever, you know what, we'll have you back election time whenever you


want, bro. It's a couple of elections. I would like to, I'll be a political consultant whenever you want, but I definitely need a second episode so we can start getting into what Trump actually did because it, it's just not enough that a cool guy like me likes him, so that makes him cool.


You got your point across like where like if I did have a little bit of hate for him, And that's, that's the thing before you, what this taught me though, before you hate, or before you dislike or before you disagree, do your


research. And that should be the mentality for life, not only for Trump, that


should be life for life in every arena before you. A comment about something you don't know and look like a dickhead. Cause I feel bad for anybody that try to say some shit and go against you that don't know they shit. Right. Paul?


I've had that phone call like, yo, you was right. Every, you're the monster do of the game. Everything you've been saying since 2016, it's come true since then. Yo, I've been called since sensei. I've been called master. Like it's, it's, it's nothing to big someone up for their accomplishment. Cause if I could shoot a basketball shoot mad threes, I would be the greatest all time. They talk about LeBron being the great, why they can't talk about me and my brain when I've been putting in work for man long. I should be on that level.


Well yo man, but yo, you take care of yourself brother. You have a good. Yeah, on the show, man, that


would great. Again, applause.


Yeah, that was a phone one, man. That was a fun. Ah, conversation but what it made me realize was. When you have a, why you believe in something. Either. Should have. Proof and be able to defend it. The way I feel about things. I read so many things that may make me get to this belief. I don't fuck with either party. I'm just with the solo or your people party. No matter what the truth is about the whole political game. It doesn't help you evolve as a person. It doesn't really have any benefit of your life. Because they go and do what the fuck they want to do anyway. And that's something I wouldn't even want to argue or debate. Call it cognitive, whatever. and. Think about it, just having the facts. And not. Applying action with it. It just becomes something you read. Earlier he said a. Trump did a lot. You know, numbers wise. Unemployment. Hispanic homeowners. But one thing I know for sure. And I didn't even want to do the research just because like, I didn't see how it was going to help me in this time, in my life. one thing that's a fact is Trump don't give a fuck about me. About Moto Moto. Everything he does. Oh, or my people or his people. He's like a one-off. Narcissist. And everything he does. He does it for cloud. Yeah. He's hilarious. But telling you, he just is all about, you know, that person that does things just so they could throw it in your face later. I'd rather you not even do that shit for me. That's who, that's, who he is. And you can never know. The true intention behind a politician's actions, because since it's all about numbers, Unfortunately, that's all we have to really base them on. We don't know what happens. Behind the scenes. I feel like the people that put those numbers together, all the same ones that were doing the. You know, content, the COVID devs to ship.


Na Ray you bugging out So believe in. None of what you hear and half of what you see. We in the matrix. So everything's going to feel like it's real. where the Neo. Yeah, let's get into it. I feel like political views. Don't take us higher as a people. Cause if one side hates the other. We won't find ways to be equal. Just another way to separate us and keep us away from love. Hate spreads faster. Negativity keeps us distracted. Gossip grabs our attention. We're conditioned to find the wrong things more attractive. But it's all good. As long as the profits continued to increase. Uh, sodas, the debt America don't even own America at this point is least. Now, back to the campaign about a campaign, the truth is whoever's running. Can't relate to my pain Can empathize in my struggle. They just want my vote so they can inspire hope. That they could make a change. But candy. Because whoever's in office has to be causes cause they still have to answer to the real bosses. They might be the president, but the world got CEO's which way? No. So the electoral gets to. I mean. We get to be part of who wins a race. But like you just used an emoji, you just pick the face. And we have nothing to do with the decisions that they want to put in place. And what's funny is that. They do certain things when the world is worried about this guy and what's her face. So volt for you. And make sure you do what you gotta do. They make your life the best it can possibly be. Rhonda for that. I like to thank God for joining me on this episode. This is your first time, or you will regular degular. I love. Y'all appreciate it. I like to think. Moto Moto. AKA Davey Jones. Well being on an episode. Yeah, I really didn't agree with him. Well, certain things, especially, especially the Trump shit. He just made. Compelling points. But it was great to have him on the show and get a different perspective. we won't continue to do that every now and then. but. I just hope you don't worry about. Politics and just make sure you were about you now if you're doing your thing and your life is great and you want to get into it aid. By any means, but just don't let that shit. Be part of your schedule. Like Davey Jones. Um, man. But yeah. Peace love Mundo out.

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