The Raymundo Show

Controlling Your Emotions

Ray Gonzalez Season 4 Episode 45

Controlling your emotions can literally save your life in certain situations. Sometimes we react first without thinking and find ourselves  in the middle of a mess we could’ve prevented. On this episode Raymundo shares his personal struggles with his own emotions and explores ways to to improve in that department.  

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G G. Is your host. Raimundo welcome to my show. Where we relate. Laugh. And just try to be better in the process. That's what we do here. Here. This is episode 45. Controlling your emotions. I feel like it's an important part of life that. Eventually. Actually, if you don't control it. It will control you and you won't have. The life you want, but before we get into that, Let's go let's go. And today's. Quota today. For Morgan Freeman. Don't allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence. I love that quote because. Sometimes we can let our emotions lead when we. Should let our intelligence or, or, or the logic part. Us. Take control because deep down we know. Regardless of where. Reacting any new in an emotional way. We know there's a better way. Way to do things. But when you're not in control and it takes over. You feel like. It's not even you. Starfish. And like, Like you're made up of different people cause. The same. New. The U does not in an emotional state can make a decision. based on. Was going to really work there's a saying that says the heart, your heart can deceive. You. Right. Because, you know, the heart wants what it wants. It's not. Concerned about. Or the. Other factors. And we know. Sometimes what you. One is not enough. Sometimes. No matter how you do the math. Certain things just don't add to a positive result. And they might be layers. Outside of that. besides what it is that might. Effect that so. Being in control of your emotions and. Catching yourself. And doing things. In a way that. You know, you won't regret. Let it. I think is worth. Working. And on and, you know, and. Trying to find. Find a way to use. Your knowledge, what, you know. And I say, mix it in with the emotion. Cause we don't want to be. All emotion and be all logic. You know what I'm saying? We ain't trying to be like spot. A sudden his bad logical. For my star Trek fans out there. I ain't go for, I, wasn't never really a thought. Jack fan. So I sold the movies and the movies were fired. I liked them shits. Captain Kirk, I forgot son name, but he's a good actor. He should. Definitely have been Batman. Nobody wouldn't accept that where he would have played a great, great Batman. But yeah, man, as far as the quarter today, I say, try to balance it out. Like. Don't let your motions. Lead you is. It's like, you know what I'm saying? When. You know, when you dancing right. You to do, you can't let the woman lead. You gotta lead in order for the dads to be. Right. Yup. The masculine imaging. But yeah, let's get into the episode. Controlling your emotions. I wanted to give you like my personal experience. Not control. Controlling my emotions has led to a lot. Of. Things. I see. Spiritually physically. Right. When I used to live with my brother. I used to see that I couldn't control my emotions from all the holes. In the walls. Oh shit. No, no. And my brother's deliver. So when I go visit him, it'd be funny. Cause I just be like, damn man. Like, it just reminds me where I was at and they'll get me while I'm in the way, but a place cause. You know, our firm punching shit, then you know how to. At a timeline, you. You know, I kind of was like, people don't like the mission like that when I call out. I used to jam myself up every now and then I used to really. Be mad. And then you think that seems like a normal thing, but it's like a, like, almost like a, some self. I hate. Like you need to talk. To a therapist type of thing. But yeah. I've let my. My emotions. Dictate a lot. My life. Where like, you know, I'm 36 and. I'm not where I want to be. And I know it was a result of., doing shit when I felt. Like it. Or letting something that didn't go my way affect. Me from getting the things that I needed to get done. For the future. I wanted to not repeat the same process. So now. Not controlling my emotions. I will dwell in the plane in the misery ozone. It was almost like it was like a comfort for me. Like, it's weird to say that, but it. It felt like. You know, I was, yeah, I got. I've done this, like, this is what I do. You get comfortable. And then. Something happens that you wish that. You would have got. That you were already ready for by the time it got there. And I noticed that was that Reoccurring thing in. My life where like, I would not take. Take care of business, then the opportunity will come up that if I would have took care of business, Opportunity and preparation would have met. You know, but It's not to be here thinking about the woulda coulda shit of is. This is literally. Being aware. And trying to find a way to not repeat that process. Cause. You know how many times. You gonna go through the same shit before you realize though you. You know, you always gotta be true to yourself. Can't let your emotions lead. Everybody. I don't know if I explained it on this show, but the real estate story that I always bring up. My downfall was. After my mom died, I did it. You know, I, I avoided. The pain as much as I could. You know what anything I could that's when I found I wasn't. Netflix dude, until that happened. My sleeping schedule was that bill fucked up into that happened. I didn't smoke cigarettes. You The way I used to. Until that happened. So I will always do things yo, and like, just to, to distract. And one of the, my distractions. Was uh, my ex girl. And. at that time, I was like on some, like, it's her was nothing like, you know what I mean? I can look back. Back and read at a page that's at all while my life will never be this. Ain't what I heard and all this other shit. And I'm like, damn. Not good solo. My emotions. It changed the. Trajectory. Of my life. And I literally, like, I remember. I would go to the real estate. State office and my manager will always shout a talk to me and I was. Was so focused on the fact that. I was aware. No more. I could've focused on the fact that yo you build. No. A real estate career where the manager's telling you. He wants you to replace him. Now I was off of me to believe that it is says because. You know, the politics involved, but it was good to hear. But I literally, my depression. All that. All the real estate. Systems are built. Or just my confidence. Once in my approach and the law of attraction and the way I made it work for me, I let it. All go down the drain. Because I couldn't accept. That something wasn't going to be the way that I. Planned it to be. Right. Like, it's crazy how we get. Mad. Because they didn't go How we planned it to be right. And y'all already know, I don't. Don't do the religion, but I do the truth and I do. We'll make sense. And. Yeah. I mean, I like drags. God's plan. If it's not part of God's plan. The world. Your life is going to let you know. You know what I'm saying? And I feel like. The way guys. Talks to me other than my mind. Is my gut. Oh, my God power was in my gut. Literally. Like. Every single one. Every single thing I've done been through. My gut has told for like, it's told me. What was gonna happen? Happen to the point that I'm like, yo, do I got psychic abilities? And I don't know. I just realized. I think I'm an empath. Cause I couldn't let it really tell. You, everything from your energy is either you, it got to a point where either you made it on telling the truth or I'm bugging the fuck out. But yeah. Not controlling my emotions, my whole real estate career. With down the drain to the point that I, even to this day, I haven't been able. I haven't reclaimed that, you know, may not became. Came. Independent. And. I've been trying to like. I don't know, I guess repeat it. Or get to that same level, but I'm in a Lifeway now it's different, you know, I got a podcast. As growing and is going to be one of the best podcasts. You've ever heard in your life. And other things I got in plan in store, you know, and. It is old for Ray and riders. So. You know, I got a dope motivation and I've had the motivation for you. But like, I just didn't turn it on. it needs to be turned on that. And when I think back of. All the decisions are made. Purely based on emotion. You always been me in the ass. Cause you got to listen to that voice in your head that knows. Nos. That knows the heart is dis. You know what I'm saying? The CVU in is like, nah, Don't listen to duke. Man, I know you need them, but you know, I was saying. Can't listen to duke all the time. Sometimes. Your heart rate. The only way to know. No that though. Is. What your mind. Mind tells you what that gut tells you. Cause your heart might tell you all the. Time, yo go for it. And I'm sorry. We conditions through movies to. I think like, You know, doing the boombox. Box method or. You know, you're going to get the happy ending and, life doesn't work out like that. Cause. In the movies it's. Written. And life. Certain things are not. Written. Actually There's no guarantees, but certain things are written. You just got to know the difference of. Is it a page you wrote Every cause of course, man. This is a bigger creative evolve. The NOLA, this. Like we all connected through this. Through this creator. And we all have different names for him. We will have different. Ways of approaching, but as the same. It's the same. It comes down to the same thing you believe in something. You can't see. See. That was here before you. And if you. You can do that. Then you can do the same with your life. So as I reflect on. Things that did. Yeah, me and. He'll emotions. Effect. Every part of your life. You know, it doesn't matter what it is. But let's start with like work. And I'm gonna use an example from somebody that I'm close to, but it. It has to be said, Had a job. Right. It's the person I knew had a job. And. Someone would say racist remarks and this person I know. You. He don't play that shit. He li he. his word. And his code is all he knows. And. he ended up. Not going to do it out. And got fired. Right. And he had a great job. He was dead for a minute. Both, but in a moment of. Not. Not being able to control your. Your motions and. And. Not thinking about all the things your. Sacrificing for your ego, your anger. And poof. Just like that. That person's been trying to find his way of a sense. So. You know, and. Your job. You might not. You know what I'm saying? You might take off the wrong person. I'll tell you my, my personal experience. So when I was working at, we were, before it came to an end, the boss's son. You know, try to strike his power. Try to make. Let me do shit during the time of pandemic, whenever it was already done. Almost like to showcase, but. I couldn't. Control my emotions. I let him know what's up. Cause I've. I've always had a voice. I never had a voice. I just could have. Spoke in. In a, in a better way, but. ended up getting out of hand and they moved me to some spot and then they were like, finish him. I'll stop mortal Kombat shit. Yeah. Especially. Yeah, you don't want to, you don't want to play with your paper, man. So. So. Keep your shit in tack. And. And I think about going postal. Like I'm amazed to hear that, but I didn't know. That like. Somebody hated their jobs so much. They, you know, they, they lost it. And. And if you don't address it, And let it come out when it needs. To come out. You're going to let it out and. In the worst. Way possible. And. Sometimes. I ain't no coming back from it. It was just sad. In your relationships. you ain't going to front, man. Like I've had like, My favorite relationships are the ones that's like. You're like, we just love no matter what, there's no. Expectation. There's no. What's the call? It. There's no scheduled. To keep. There's no. We're not keeping track of who called. Call who. You know what I'm saying or who. I was saying that that's. When you want some whole other shit. You know, sometimes we get mad, especially if you've seen the, we went to go see the person 10 times. You haven't seen us, you know, But that's been a communication come evolve like, yo, I'll appreciate it. If you don't you come check me out too. You know what I'm saying? I like. You know, show me, you love me too. But still there's never no animosity in. In certain situations. But you not. Be able to control your emotions. You can hurt the person you love. You can make them feel like you. Taking them for granted. When you got unresolved emotions. They kind of shift. So something that is happening in another part of your life, you might take. It out on a relationship, but it could be a spouse. It could be your family member. You know, some people take it out and the parent's like, listen, Sarah at parents, most parents they're growing with. With you like, as you're growing, they're growing as a parent. It's up to. You to fix shit when you get, when you become an adult, like. Like really like this things. And it's crazy cause. You know, I will. About, you know, my parents and I'm like, Now I'm a parent and I'm like, yeah, you know what? You ain't perfect. Either dog. There's so many times that you feel like, damn I could have did this better. You could have did that better. When they get older that, you know, that just be drawn to. Have the best interests, but they biz interests and what they want. To do might not always meet. when. You haven't found the proper way. Too. Here your emotions, or be able to. You know, go forward smoothly. You start turning to things like. Alcohol drugs, nicotine. You know, there's an opioid thing. Like anything. To numb you address. Addressing it and facing it. And you don't. One thing I noticed. I ain't going for, I don't think I mentioned it this season, but. Season two had quit smoking cigarettes and at some point. That shit got me, but


At some point he fucked up Every time, a smoke, a cigarette. The problem still is. Well, you got to think. Think about that, you do to heal your emotion is going to be there. So why not work on. The problem. So, yeah, outlet is not something that can take. You away. From your family. You understand what I'm saying? Yeah, I'll they gotta be something that. also is healthy for you. And. In them. Because. Yeah, you got to look out for you, man, but there's certain decision that affects everybody that you love. You know what I'm saying? Like you'll rest in peace to. The Jason man. Your hurt me, man. I. And I'll be to her. It was celebrities, of course, Colby MJ. But.



His own life. You know what I'm saying? He didn't. You got hopeless, right? Like. You know, he didn't. I guess he felt like he time, you know, and sometimes it could be like that, but. As long as you alive. To fix things. Like. As I mentioned. Mentioned earlier of me punching the war should like that. Yo there's friends. That the friends don't call them. Knowing that they're going to be in situations. And they might act up. I don't remember. There was an uncle. With the family. Wouldn't like, he was so cool, but nobody liked the guava him. Cause he was over. He's ready to pop off. And it's crazy, right? Like, When I was younger, I didn't think that was a big deal, but you like yo. A lot. A lot of, a lot of tough shit. behind it. Like that ass, like. All that tough shit. from the surface. You really insecure. Yeah, Eagle controls. You. And human influence. from the surface. You really insecure. Yeah, Eagle controls. You. And human influence. By people that are not living probably the life that they saying they are like, it's just a whole. Whole bunch of different factors, but. You don't want to be, so you don't. You don't want to be the person that people don't want to take you nowhere because you don't know how to act. Or, you know what I'm saying? Like, we all know those people.



You know, there's people that you, you could bring them anywhere and it's all good. But then, you know, you got. Is there any situation like them? This might not go well. If I bring. Bring this person, because this person doesn't know how to, they're not the massive, their emotion. They let other people dictate. Cause it's like, like it's all, some Hoke shit. Shit. You know what I'm saying? But no gamma rays. Come on. Yeah, it was. And then one of those outbursts, they may not be no coming back from. Oh man, like. outbursts. Where I broke a cell phone and not dead ass. Didn't have money for another cell phone for like another month. The worst ones. The roll rage, right? Cause yo. You're so mad that somebody. Cut you off that you got to shoot them while you're driving in, not even knowing if they got. Baby in the car. Like, this is a worldwide thing. A lot of people need to really think. Think about what the fuck they be doing then like, Yeah, you got to worry about you, but this is you, not the only person in the fucking world, man. So you, it's up to you to. To. You know what I'm saying? Hone your shit, man. So you, it's up to you to. To. You know what I'm saying? Hone your shit, man. Because. You're going to put yourself in jeopardy or somebody else in jeopardy. And think about that. Right. There's people that. Kill someone. Or, those. Slow sleazy best friends and all that shit, which. When I was younger, I really, really thought. And the boy was cool. Like, oh, you just live in like you just doing what you want. But. We don't. Realize that. There's an energy force around this. Like us as. As people. And us in the world and energy. Energy transfers. So. If you're just. Doing stuff on the surface.



You might, you know what I'm saying? You're going to get all that. Trauma. If you don't really know the person, that's why I heard somebody talk about what nightstands it should. Like that at me personally. Yup. I got close one time, but. You know, never happened. But now But now I see a. Different. Like, I don't know. I don't The way I see it. I. Only four, you know, of course I want to live good, but mostly, you know, I want my kids to have the best of everything. And. The only things that matter to me. All the things that I do to better their lives in mind. Right. I don't even watch sports no more. I used to watch. TV. I can watch first take no more. Cause the way they did. Kyrie is a lot of shit. It's changing for me, right. Right now in his wild man. And I feel like the maturity and it's like all I'm. Missing is that extra? You know what I'm saying? Like this is the time in my story from when you started hearing the podcast. This time is the most important time of my life. And through. This journey that I had with me. Yeah. We'll hear the growth. And I was expecting. Experienced the growth has taken longer than I expected. But. I realize that there's no shortcuts and you've added. There's a bridge you got to get through. Like you can't go to Staten island. Unless it's the ferry or you cross that bridge. You ain't got a choppa. You know what I'm saying to be coming down this shit, like on some SWAT shit, like. You know, there's only, you know,



but It's the one that you know is right. It's not the same as every other person. It's not this one bridge. Everyone had their own bridge, but. There's a bridge. You got. To get across. To make it to that other side. Cause when you at right now, you're not. You know, and it's all, this is the bridging your head. You know what I'm saying? All this is taking place in your head, which is fire. All right. So there's a lot of people that. Suppress their emotions. And that's what leads them to outbursts and shit like that.



These are people that repressed their emotions. so both of these things. A preview. Prevent you from experiencing and expressing feelings. So. For the ones that. I think they got the emotions intact because they don't let it out. You're oppressing a lot of things that just building up inside and the way you going. And release it as fucked up, or you're going to find ways. To cope with. It. When there's ways. To be one with it to. B. To have a healthy relationship with yourself and be. Healthy.



The equity. More Mundo after this commercial break. Was good. Yeah. I'm proud and happy to announce that. All three Patrion tears is up. Each with its own. Per can benefit. You want more moon? No, you get more mono. virtual version. I tried to be a little bit reserved. You know, on the regular platforms. But each. T it puts you more in depth. With who I am and where I'm at to go. So. Sign up to the show. Go to A forward slash the Raimundo show. Sign up is pretty easy. yeah. And I'll see you there don't just meet me there. Greet me So Snoop dog But anyway back to the show And all that shit. It's just. You're like a ticking time bomb. Like literally.



I'm big on mental health, but. Ms. This can have effect on your mental. N.




Uh, Uh,


Of not knowing. What you're capable. I will have like, You know, you can stop somebody from doing something, but when. You don't know how you're going to stop you from doing something. That's a big problem.



have sleeping problems. Sleeping disorders stayed up all night, thinking about solutions, thinking about this thinking. About that. Like not putting that shit, the bed, you know what I'm saying? living. In a memory of the past. It's true though. Like think about it, right. Even if something new that Your brain recognize it as something that you went through. Because I feel like when it's something like totally new that you haven't went through, that's what you get the shock. That's when you get like, that's where she can. I get traumatic. But the depression, I feel like it's. It's natured. It's rooted in. The way you handled things in the past. Maybe you weren't proud of it. Maybe you could have handled it better, but then you don't have confidence. That you're going to. better this time.



you know, There's just no way around you being. In this way, and there is you just have a full autumn of, to be honest. Because. Because. You gotta be able. To look beyond beyond. And. And, And taking actions. I get you to that point of. Progress. But you can't have with the one without the other, if you. Talking that talk, but not walking out book. It's going to affect you. What I'm saying, if. You take an action. But not talking or thinking about it. Like all these things. Like. When they come. Together. You know what I'm saying? They formed the Megazord. I'll fall back. Thinking about power and just mash. That's the piece of Tommy again?



And when you, you know, Look, stress. Yes. Cortisone. All that shit leads to disease. And leads to. You being the worst version of yourself? So we got to have things in play. That battle stress. You got to have defenses like America. If somebody tries to cross that line from another country. We got. Got stuff. In order that when nine live courses is automatic, We should win that shit down. I just saw a. Handmaid's. His tail when they try to



They try to save Hannah and. He shot the fucking planes down. Spoiler alert.



But it. I was fucked up. I mean, but you gotta have that shit. Like where yo, where stress come. You know what you gotta do. You know, you gotta hit that gym. Get them dolphins, you know, you gotta meditate. Get one with the creator. Or pray, whatever you need to do. Getting into that, you know, get into that bag and into that positive. Positive bag. Because you can have that money. The bag, but if you positive. I mean, if you're negative. And you don't know how to manage. This shit. Correlation with the way you manage your money, whether you believe it or not.



a lot of people,



Talk about impulse. Impulse is a big factor, but we'll get in. We'll get into that later. You can't control that if you know, you got to do. Steady work. But you giving into your impulses and you doing. You know, just not even thinking. How can you be rich like that? Right. Cause. All or even be successful, even do good cause. I feel like. It's taken away your impulse takeaway for new discipline. Your discipline is you. You know, Being intact like that. You D like, You're not playing around. You're not. We. We spoke about Wow. The impulse really affects your discipline. You know,



being on point, get shit done. But if you. Skip certain parts. You. Have you. certain thing that you're disciplined to, to act on your impulses. You'll never truly. Truly be free. Right. Like. What your impulses are like really? Pay. Attention. You know, like if you feel a certain way



Do you feel, you know, that you go smoke? Did you go watch TV? Like.



things that you want to do. You can do them. At a better time.



And you got to know what your triggers are, what makes you just want to act on it? Like. And the sum and most of the things that. If it's not like a positive. Impulse, the things that we act on. Set us back a little bit. So. And the best thing you could. Do is be aware. Change the channel and no. There's no success. If you can't control, when you do something. You know, if you impose. Impulse. If you can control your impulse. You know, Well, well, you're not going to control. All of it, but for the most part, Discipline is the intac and you'll be able. To finish what you start. And you'll be able to stay consistent. And. It's the only way to see progress. Staying discipline. Think about all like, yo, a lot of I said this in another episode, but a lot of the dudes. A lot of those, you know, have military background. That discipline is, is wow. Like even. Even if they didn't get shit from that, I see that a lot of them got. That like. That should don't leave them a lot of. I'm still run. Fat and everything, but it's still be running. Still. Still do they bed? So. Repetition. Is the friend to discipline. And impulses that cousin, that it could be the good cousin or it could be. My cousin t-to. That nigga. Oh, man. Shout out. Shout. The family.



So the ego. We know it. You know, is data protect you from being hurt? Over rejection or you feeling like you about to be embarrassed in front of It's wild. Just think. Thinking about all the situations that could have been avoided. If people will keep the ego in tech. And your ego worries about a future. That's like, it's not even here yet. Like. You know what I'm saying? Like, you feel like you gotta be like, This. So you gotta be like that, or you're not going to take this. And sir. So it could help you with. You know, with the. You know, with the negative people. The ego can let you deflect them. But sometimes you let your Eagle, the flag. The people that I want. To be there for your life and. Help you out. As opposed to. You know, make it more difficult for you. First thing you could do is check your motherfucking self, like that ass check yourself. Like. That's That's one thing I've been good about. About man. There's a lot of dudes and a lot of people wanted to snuff, especially when I lived in Brooklyn. But. I thought about the consequences. I kept my ego in check because I knew. I couldn't always be around to protect my brother. And then God forbid something would have happened to my brother. My ego would have went out the window. I would've shot K. I would. Everybody. A family like. You know this, you know, like there's. There's those fathers that. Or family members dag.



You know that rape or. And you know, this is where I don't give a fuck about none of that. Like you could. You can kill the person that. Enslaved you raped. You kidnapped you. If you kill them to get free. We live in a world with. You're still responsible. So with the unfair shit that's I feel is in place. We got to control motions with the police. Like. Yo they tough. Cause they got the gun. A lot of them dudes was. Herb's don't get me wrong. I never give credit to the good cause. Man. There's good cops out. And shout out to yeah. But we talk about them. Pussy ass cops. That needed a gun to be tough. You know what I'm saying? That they, that they did this shit for power. And they definitely use their power in the. Wrong way. But shout out to the good cops, but. You know them. I'm not controlling. Their motion is killing a lot of my people. People. And is that what I'm saying? Rest in peace. All those people there. You know,



was that. fucking. Dick had that couldn't control his emotions. And. Let the field overall. Overwhelming to the point that he had. You know, they had to take your life. You know what I'm saying? Like, I'm sorry. We live in that world with. We just got to. You know, I've seen people get Up. Sometimes there's nothing you can do about it, but. If you can add. Ad. Not even say nothing. I mean, I don't know. We got to try something.'cause God damn. All right. So. Go. Right? What other. What happens if you don't put your emotions in control? You're going to have unhealthy ass relation. Relationships. With. Majority of people. And you don't want to end the. Damaging a relationship. That's Medford. You know, meant to be a positive force in your life because. You. I don't know how to handle yourself. You don't know how to like. Chill. And. Especially, you know, the relationship with yourself. You know, knowing that you have some type of control. Oh, Any type of control feels good, but nothing's control that. You have on you.



That. You blacked out. And ain't no coming back from. No. I just know. That's the path. That you could be on if you don't figure this shit out. I've had moments like that. I'm like, yo, I get so mad as like I see red. Red and thank God. I think God that I've always find the way. Hold myself in. I have. I go for, I got more anger towards fucking laptops in. Like digital shit on my phone taken awhile. I'll be ready to fucking fling that shit. But even that. People don't pay attention to the little, you gotta pay attention to the little thing. Cause. If you're doing shit like that. For little things, you're going to do it. It even worse for. Well, you know, the things that are worse.



and then, like I said interesting Regrets. You know how many regrets I have of.



you know, I remember one time I was at. Family thing. And I remember I just compare myself to my uncle. And I was like, oh yeah, I think I'm like Miguel. Right? And no one ever, no one even mentioned. His name, but that was like some insecurity I had it, but I remember like blacking out all emotional. And I remember, like I asked the co and I going to find your eyes. Gotten way better. I used to be so much worse. And I like that. I have



I've seen progress. In myself, which is good, but there's still another level I got to reach now, especially that I got. My babies, my little babies. Yeah, of course life test.



Out of control. Like. You know, just pulling out that motherfucker, you going to just, you. And I feel like that's how life would be You'll fix that. You can't, you can't steal that. At steering wheel. That's out the long run. I mean, I, you can't control that steering You're not going to control this vehicle of life. See the decision that. You've made that made sense. Like taking that class or taking that career. And then you look at. The decisions you. You based on your emotion and you see like, You're dealing. With all the. Analytical stuff now that you pass. The. Emotion part, the real shit. It gives you a dose of reality. I have banana. We spoke about that. Let's speak about. Of course the best part of being able to control your emotions. Like. You have better relationships with the people you love. You have a better relationship with yourself because you. I know that. No at least nine or eight out. Out of 10 times, you're going to be able to hold on. Stop thinking about it. And. Let it go, right? Because it's all about letting go. When you add that moment of emotion. Motional control. You know, When it's time to let go. And let God, you know, And like, I take work when you not. In sync. Sync. With how you feel. And if you want. What's the what's the same. If you only work when you feel like you'll never be rich, you'll never make money. So that's telling you right there. When you don't feel like. Doing something and you do it. That's a sign. Of progress and this. A sign of. Someone's successful. They're not being. Being reactive. They're being proactive. You know what I'm. I'm saying, but. They'll make you proud. It'll. Let you see maturity. And balanced, right? Cause we don't want. We don't. Nothing's ever completely balanced, but you don't want everything to fully be on one side and where it holds. Right. I have everything on one side adds weight. You want to add weight. You want to feel. Light. You know what I'm saying? Like on some carbon fiber shit, I just thought this Batman. And then we have the carbon fiber because it makes the car move faster. But. You know what I'm saying? You want to be good. And that self. Control is self-mastery is like. Tell me what's better. Better than that. I think like what's better than that. You got self-mastery. sex and how you do something is how you do everything. So you can control your emotions. If you can control what you eat and you can control what goes in your body. You can control what goes in your bank account and what comes out your bank com. And everything is in correlation. For a healthy. Good successful life and yeah, you're going to have downfalls and yeah, you're going. I have. Keeping yourself intact. And, you know, there's a time. Time and place for everything. I'm not saying that you can't like if. If you're mad, you want to punch some shit? There's a gym. Or a bag. That you can buy that you can fuck that shit up. And it's a good way to release. Right.



If you want to cry. And your pillow and scream and fucking punch the fucking. Fucking pillow, fucking do it. Just don't do it. In front of people, certain things you could do in front of people showing you emotions actually helps. With the right person in the. Right time. But. When you're. Not in tune. You're going to while out soon. Do now to. to get better. And I, which I'm here doing the same thing. But accepting your emotions. It's a big part of it, except that you feel. That way. You know, state that you feel like that. That. Ways, you know, Ax, why you feel that way? Get into the heart of it. And then you realize, and then see what. What are your other options? Because sometimes you think that's the only way. And then once you. Start calming down thing, too much options. It makes it makes a difference. And this was mentioned to me, my mom, my home girl, Sally. She told me yo, when you feel a certain way, journalists, because then you know what you did. Did that data feel that way? So you know how to almost, you know, Change what happened happens next time. And after that was dope. And I don't know, there's something I feel about journaling that is like, It's a way to. Like. Almost like a, you. Like a closet. It's it's You put it in the closet, right? And you take. Take everything you've been through and went through for that day. And you put it in this. In his book and it just like, it comes off. You. You know what I'm saying? And. You can throw the your closet, you could see how, if you keep shit from you, keep OSHA. You see how your style was a little bit bougie back in, you know, a couple months ago. And now you get a little bit clean. You know what I'm saying? And I am speaking for myself. I need. I need to clean it up. I need to get in shit. I need to be that example. That I admire. It's where I'm getting them. You got to give yourself space spaces in point, man. And any type of situation. Sometimes you need to breathe. You need to not think you need to give yourself. Space, go watch a movie, go take a walk, go laugh. Walking. Walking is dope, man. This time. It's like, I walk for dumb shit. And I come back from the walk feeling hype, like. Ready to go like, yo, something as small as like 20 minute walk. You know, there's also walking meditation.



Joe dispenser, Donald pulled me on to that. And there's just regular meditation, which is. But it's unnoticed on this podcast, meditation and. Discipline have been mentioned the most. I might do a raffle or something.



I might do my first award to get people to listen. Like, yo, you. You can tell me how much the times I said that you getting the PlayStation. Right. I mean. That'd be high, right. And find a way to manage your stress. And. And one in, and like I mentioned earlier, there's so many different ways you got to find, it might be painting for you. It might be drawing. It might. B. You know, reading to your kids, you know what I'm saying? It might. I be playing with your kids. You know, find a way to manage stress and get back to work. And. Stop feeling anxious. You're feeling anxious cause. You thinking about what you don't want to happen, like, think about. Damn what. What I wanted to happen was going to happen. No matter what. Like wouldn't that change the way you felt. Remember that that helped. At me real estate. Thought the cows storm.



He was like, I think we was talking about something. He goes, yo, you got to go into it. Like, what if you did something and you, there's no way you can fail. And I think we had just came back from having a dollar slice. So. It made me think and I applied it like I'm like, if there's no way you could fail. Fail, how would you go about things and yo that's that fake it till you make it? I've had proof that it works, but, you know, I have another saying that I can't remember, but. You know, Do what you gotta do. But yeah, man, this was a great episode. I thought it was shit was going to be half. For an hour, but your boy went. He's a ham. But. But. I love what I do. Can't wait until I'm doing it on a larger. The scale.



I don't think I just did everything I could. I could to do that, but it's getting there.



I just got to find out. You know, That's what. The next season's about who am I? Who am I? And who am I going to be? What. I'm going to stick to a niche. And. Produce amazing content out of it. With real life results. That's what y'all want to see. Right. Who doesn't want to see that. But yeah, man, let's get into that. UAE man. But you gotta be the master of your universe. And everything is all good. When it's in the creator's hands. God has a plan, but in the twang. Swans, which are actions and beliefs. Your motions can be the best. Or the worst part of you? But like captain planet. Used to say the power is yours. When you take control of the wheel, not only do. You take control of the music. But you choose. The road you. I want to travel. Stay in your lane and only merge. When it's clear. Because of your mom, right? When you in a traffic jam, you won't get mad. Cause you be grateful. You got a call that you can listen to my podcasts or your favorite jam. Your motion is. Could take you to paradise or they can take you to the Bronx. Yeah. Shout out to my people in the Bronx as all love I had to though. Oh, man, the way you think and talk and act can the. Determine. That life you want. In order to receive life's blessings. You got to catch. Catch yourself before you drop the ball. Because there's no coming. Coming back from saying reactions. Sometimes. Sometimes all you could do is reflect. And embody the lessons. And move forward. Don't worry about setbacks. Ax. Even time has a setback. So. Take a step back and watch a life. Get higher. Like a young Vince Carter's vertical leap. I got. A real Beethoven on that shit. But yeah, I like to thank you for. Listening to. To remove those show. It was great having you here. This is your first. First time listening, know you last. I appreciate you. Uh, I hope you really take what are set on this episode at. And. if you already there, yo congrats. If you're not, Don't just mean media agreed media. I see you then. But I want. To give a special shout out to my best friend. He's been on two episodes. He's. Been part of production. But he just got his bachelor's. Just graduated, man. I want to just. You know what I'm saying? Proud of my brother. You know, he's been inspiring me since we. We were teenagers. You always had a mine. Like ahead of his time, like he stopped playing with, I. I don't even think he ever played with action figures. Like he was about his money early. But, uh, yeah, man, the way he. Does shit without like he's a. He's a great example of control. Controlling your emotions. Because there was once upon a time. Uh, you know, she was a little out of whack for him. And. Be his best friend and talking to him in. Seeing. Is his growth in. Becoming the man he wanted to be. And sending the example for his kids that. He finished that getting off their stage. They were there screaming daddy, like, you know, cause he fucking. I did it. You know what I mean? And. The biggest thing. He did, there was show, you know, cause if you, if your parents could do it. There's like some inside shit that feels like you can do it, or you want. To do it. So. Oh man, children are the future, man. You know, rest in peace to Whitney. But yeah, man, love y'all peace. Love Window out.

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