The Raymundo Show

System Malfunction

Ray Gonzalez Season 4 Episode 42

In this episode of the Raymundo show he discusses the prison system with special guest, Nino V. Tune in as Raymundo hears Nino talk about his experience in the prison system, some of the breakdowns in the system and it’s affects on the mind. Listen now! 

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Yeah. is your host. Raimundo welcome to my show Well, we self-improve fond dog groove. Relate. Not educate, but learn some shit in a process. This is episode 42 system mouth function. It's the topic that I wanted to cover. Because I see the lotta injustice. I just wanted to cover the prison part of it, because I got some thoughts about it for like, So i got to show for it, but let's get into it Let's go let's go. The quote of the day. Comes from. Nelson Mandela. No one truly knows a nation until one has been inside. It's jails. Uh, Neisha should not be judged by how it treats his highest citizens. But as low as ones. Yo, that's such a. Strong strong fucking cool. Cause it goes to the. Um, do you treat. The janitor. With the same respect that you treat the CEO. I mean in a way. And it's like, You know, our geo systems are known for a lot of fucked up shit happening, whether the way they got there or when they got A lot of shit happened that. Gets a blind eye. And it just continues to get worse crime. Don't get better. They come back out, they go back in. And the cycle continues in. It shows a lot about us, right? Like, as a country, as a nation, whatever the fuck you want to call it. You know, we blackballed them. We. Treat them like they're not even human beings. that make mistakes that I feel like some of them may, some of their mistakes of course is. Therefore Big extent. But there's other, It's almost like a little trap. And. You know, a lot of us don't know better. We fall into Like. You know, I thank God. I haven't had any. You know, Situation with the law, but it could have happened. It could have been made the friend of myself. Their stories were like, You ever seen those stories where like, Uh, person. Like Kilz there. There kidnapper or sex trafficker, and they have to pay and go to jail and go through all this shit for saving their lives. Like it just says shit that it just. It shouldn't be different, And that's just a little small sample. There's always somebody suing the city. Four. Doing time. You know, before they had a technology. To prove that they were guilty or to prove that they were innocent. and. I don't know, man. I feel like I just wish that that. The higher rubs just did a better job of. Helping they're helping them with their minds. So they can come back to society in flourish. Not fall back. And Nelson Mandela, man. He's such a symbol of hope. This guy, the 27 years in jail. And. Came out and became the president of South Africa. And. He went through some shit in jail, man. They had them doing some wild labor and all types of conditions. There was, I was reading a book where they mentioned him, which, which gave me the idea to talk about it on this episode. And. Uh, I think they made him dig up his own grave and lamb and made him lay in there. I don't know, they made them go through some fucked up But for him. To be able to come out. And. Having the effect. Mandela had an effect on. Uh, country. Oh, whole people from all walks of life. And, you know, he was a black man that did this. and you might think South Africa, but. It's different over You should definitely give you hope, you know, and there's a lot of That we're able to get locked up and find a path for themselves. I was going to mention Tim Allen. But then doing the research. I figured how he probably got. You know, his catch thing where they were like, yo. If you don't snitch. You got to do mad years, he would probably was like, Uh, Let's get it to the episode system out function Yeah. So on this episode, system malfunction. You know what I'm saying? We talk about difficulties in the system. That's not right. I feel like I needed, uh, my brother to join me on this one. it's, it is been destined for him to be on the show. my fucking brother from another mother named Ramona What? Let's give it up for my brother. Welcome to the show, brother. Man. I appreciate it, and it's definitely a blessing to be out here with you, man. Especially man here, but we here worry man. Yo. And I always tell you, man, I'm glad when you out here living life, you know what I'm saying, Being your best, you and that, that's never a problem for you. So bro. But, um, yeah, also, there's certain phrases that I use that you heard on the show that like, I'd be like, Dad, if he had a copywriter, my bro could sue my shit But you know, that's, that's all him right there. But you know, you could get anything, man. All that shit. We could do this shit together, man. Copyright it together. We get this ready, you know, I'm saying your money. Shout out to Bobby up. Well, I, no, he's been wild lately. I don't know. Uh, But before we get into the, before we get into the, you know, the body of the episode, I wanna, first, I want the, you know what I'm saying, want my listeners to find, you know, to know how I know my brother, how we met. And it started a long, long time ago. There. I wanna say shit. Well, I, I know I was 11. Jackie, Rob and, uh, yo, 11 years old, right? He's, he, you know what I'm saying? He's dating, uh, uh, my homegirl Lilly. Shout out. Yo, shout out the Lilly shout. Shout. she was like, Yo, this is my man. Uh, he likes basketball, karate. I was like, you like basketball Karate? Yo yo word about you remember that shit? Hell yeah. It was nigga. That was, that was day one since eight one.


i dont think he remembered You Yo, you imagine. So if we would've stayed at karate, would've had black bells by now. So niggas would've been stupid. But tell him you still got the hands though. Tell him Yeah, I still got the wax on. Wax off. Yo, you better ask to Karate kicked you. No such thing. Bad student. Teacher.<unk> That's, that's what I call son. That's what I call son. So then yo, but our friendship hit another level. When we went to this, we went to, we went in the same class the next year, 7 0 9. And I never been suspended before. And I got suspended with that class three times. Everybody in there had character. Yo, shout out to Ray, rest in peace to Jose. Word man. I think about I can't believe that shit, bro. It's crazy, man. Crazy. A lot of young folks gone so early. I know, man. It's, it's been happening more often. Especially I feel like ever since the Covid, like people that I know, a lot, I'm getting a lot of, seen a lot of R ips that I'm not, I saw'em before, but not like at the rapid rate that it is now. Yeah. You don't even expect it. Like, it's just crazy now. This shit is rough. Yeah, man. But um, yeah, man, that's the piece to him. Condolences to the family. Um, yo, I forgot Smokey was in my class. Oh man. Yo, yo. Oh man. He don't go by smoking no more. Smokey was about dude, bro. It's crazy. I gave him that name. That nigga never smoked a blunt in his life. nigga just always had a pencil in his mouth. He's like, Yeah, we gonna call you Smokey. Oh man, that's just stuck to that kid everywhere he went. Yeah. My name Smokey to this day, I'm smoke. Yo. That's crazy. I didn't even know he didn't smoke.

this shit, Oh no, actually, damn, damn. I shouldn't even did that. You know what?


I forgot to ask you the first question. Yo, can you please tell the people where you from? I'm from Brooklyn, Bushwick, New York. Get to the of this evening. But yeah. Um, I feel like a lot of people put a blind eye to this shit. A lot of dudes, a lot of even female get locked up for either shit they shouldn't get locked up for or some type of miscommunication. They fit the description. Like it's all types of shit, man. And you know what's crazy? You would think if they locking people up at a rapid rate, that crime will be down and it's not. So, to me, this shit don't work. It don't what I'm saying. and I hate to hear stories of people doing like fucking 30, 40 year old bids, bro. And they didn't even do it, bro. Like, know what I mean? Shit is so sad about, you know, what hurts more about that situation? How many people are still in there that they still have No, Like some people give a hope after a while. Like, Damn, I didn't do this crime, but they already slay me, so now I'm gonna just sit back and take this time. Cause it's like everybody think I did it now. Like it's people in there right now to this day. Like that's, I was, I was locked up with some guy named SUNY Bro. Mr. Suny, bro. That's the guy. Escape from jail with Tupac aunt or some shit, or mother or some shit. Oh, with the Cuba, he's still locked up right now. And during Covid and all that, they did not let him go, Yo bro, this old man is like about a hundred years old, still doing pushups, pullups, and throw my nigga like straight up. Like, and for for you said for some shit he didn't do, bro. They, for some shit that is like, bro, he escaped. They giving niggas like seven years for that like connection life. And they get, he's never coming home, bro. Like his hope is gone. He's, that's my fault. That, that's what I don't understand. How could someone that did something not, There's murderers that get out faster than that. There's rapist and that's, that's something I was talking about one of my boys about the other day. I said like the way the system is set up is like they want the murderers and people like that to come out quicker for they could get rid of more people. So now as far as that's like selling drugs to survive and provide, they get slaved. Why? Because they going around the system. So now they don't want you out. Cause now you gonna get a whole bunch of other dudes to do the same shit you doing now. Ain't no taxes getting paid, It's a whole bunch of shit. Yeah. You feel what I'm saying? Like Yeah. Yeah. Everybody gonna wanna be behind the, I mean the government, like around them, fuck them like, you know, And that's just, and it is crazy him saying that like, jail is a fucking trillion dollar business, bro. Do you know how much they make? Every inmate a year. Certain country, there's certain places that they get 500, but over here they making a hundred and something k a year for every inmate that's locked up. Do you wanna see the food that they was feeding me? And I only got this cuz you know. Yeah, no, I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, Oh, you know what we could do? Let's act like we looking at the picture. Nah, I could just show it to you like, Oh, okay. Okay, What the fuck is this? Look at the product that they give us in jail. What the fuck is this? Look, this shit is rub up. That's crazy. You just can't add a apple and call that shit a nutritious meal. You know what I mean? I got another part of the video I want you to add on. Yeah, of course, of course. I took the, and went like this. I said, Oh shit, if I wanna escape, I just put the by the door. The door won't close. real won't close. That's crazy bro. Fucking brick biscuits. And that's nothing. Yeah, man, they was doing, But you, but, but you were saying too, like, it's like it's not set up for you. It's not, it's really, it's really set up for you to be, to come back. Like Yeah, it's, it's almost like it got like a boomerang system. Like, Yeah, we gonna let you go enough to bring you right the fuck back because Right. Like, if nobody wants to hire you and you already have that thought in your head, the actions you're gonna take are not gonna be, you're gonna go back to your old ways. Like I, I, you know what I'm saying? Like, of course there's other routes you could take, but I, you can't blame bro, if your family needs to eat, You need a quick dollar. A quick dollar is something not legal, so sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. All right. See, another thing also is that these places, they, they say, Oh is right. Like if you a felon and you got need jobs and we can still help you, but like they give you, but so much like, so your goal start working and you, your, I done did it three times, three different sites. Mm-hmm. three different companies work. My asshole bro. To the point that people that been working there for years, you know me, all my life bro. I'm like MEbA when it comes to shit. You know that. Yeah, yeah, of course, of course. I see how they doing it and I'm helping them do it even easier that oh shit, this shit is smell good, shit. Boom. Yo. Next thing you know, I get fired right before I get in the union. Oh, every time. Aw, that's that bullshit. Yeah. It's not, it doesn't matter how good of a worker you are, it doesn't matter how on time you are, how punctu you, you are, it doesn't matter. It's just all about, I'm saving these spots for niggas that's not felon. So, you know, it's like, Yeah, like they, they just using you for the, for like the, like, you know, you the frontline we did. Yeah. And that's crazy, man. And it's like, it's sad man, because it's like, it's like everybody deserves another chance. Right? And you, you're like fucking up their chances of really doing something productive with their life by not giving them, doing, Yeah. Giving them the opportunity. But most importantly is putting them in the right state of mind, right? Mm-hmm. um, it kind of brings me back. So the jail, right? The, the police system, there's, they're origins. I don't, like I said, this is just for me doing research, so don't take it as like, Oh, is they gonna, you know, he don't know what he talking about. No, no. Supposed say, I'm gonna elaborate. No, no, no. I'm saying just, you know, for the people that listen him, it started as slave patrol, right? So it was like they had the, they set up, you know, these people on the street that, that did it in the name of God, you know, to keep slaves in line from ever. Uh, you know, rebelling against them, right? So this, the, the, So that's why I feel like if you see it now today, right? If you're black, you gotta, you, you're six times more likely to get locked up than somebody white. If you're Latino, you're two and a half times more like, but so you gotta think about in the DNA of the police force, the origin is slavery. So it's crazy. Uh, somebody walking with a briefcase can have a, can have C4 and walk right by the, the whole police agent cuz he got a suit on. And the dude that's probably helping real life that got tattoos in the hoodie is the person that's contributing to life, that person to get pulled over. Like, that's, it's just crazy. Like we, we, we already, when we, Nah, go ahead. My fault, I kind on going in. No, no, I'm listening. I said that's insane. Like, it's true though. Like I remember back in the day, Yo, it's crazy how certain movies are showing us this before it happens. Remember watching don't be men to society while jig inducing the hood. Remember that dude was taking everything and these niggas just buying shit and then son was the one doing everything. Yeah. Not knowing, Showing us something. That's yo, that's a, mm-hmm. You that day old when I found out that men was trying to tell me something in a joke form. That's crazy, bro. No, don't get me wrong. Certain movies I catch on right away. I'm like, Oh, they've been telling us this, but it's crazy how back then it's like, yeah, but back then it's like they put it in your face and nobody, everybody just laughed at it. They didn't know like, yo, this is some serious shit. Or you know, the shit was cops that was only you see? And now like, since I, when I was locked up, I was writing movies and all that shit with my time. So now I was like putting one and ones together and shit. And I noticed that, believe it or not, they only did that, but they could be able to get it through if they would've plainly been saying, Yo, look, this is what they do to us. The white man could dress up in anything and just go violate the whole world and they gonna be on us cuz we hood, they wouldn't let that shit go through. We wouldn't have been able to watch that movie now. It had to be in, uh, almost making fun of us type of way. Yeah, yeah. You know, to go through, I mean, what Yeah, but, you know, but you gotta give it to them for even trying to get the message across through a movie. Got it. Even though it was funny, man. when Marlin fill out the, the job description, He's like, Oh, sex. Hell yeah, nigga. He's like, Six dudes heights, six. That shit, nigga, that shit was, but you see how you laugh, but it's real shit. Mm-hmm. It's real shit. It shows out with ignorance and shit, but mm-hmm. it is what it is. We learn from high loss, you feel me? Yeah. But you know, that's the kind of point of TV and movies, right? You're watching it for entertainment to numb your mind to the realities. So that's, that's a dumb way for Hollywood to sneak in. Yeah. And then that's also a way for Hollywood to sneak in a, uh, a narrative, right? It's all mental. and perspectives. You notice that perspective. Yeah. Everything is mental and perspective. It's all on how you look at shit and how you want to grasp it. So something horrible could happen to you and you could take it as, Damn, that shit just fucked my whole life up. Or you could take it like, Damn, that shit won't happen to me twice. That's a fact. Yeah. And I'm, and, people that make mistakes and learn from them, those are the ones that you're seen not front for the grand. They really got that shit and that mm-hmm. And that's the fucking fact. but one thing I wanted to talk about too, as soon as you, you get outta jail, regardless you're, you know, if, if you're a felon, if you do any type of time, it's like the world sees you as a criminal. Especially the job market and stuff like that, or even certain circles or whatever. But it's like, yo, it's crazy man, cuz you don't know why that person was in that position. Of course, you know, you know, humans make mistakes, you know what I'm saying? Like, people always gonna do what they think is best for them. Of course you got your selfish people, but at the end of the day, people gonna do what they need to do for them. But then it's like, if you made that mistake, it's like you're never, It's like you feel like you're never gonna be forgiven for it. You know what I mean? And you could though, but I feel like we should be a little bit better with that man. Like, when was the, when was the first time you got locked up? It's crazy. The first time I ever got locked up, I was in books. Baguettes, Y Rs books. Yeah. Shout off the books. I remember I rad with him and he made me be like, Oh shit. I'm not as nice as I thought was. Someone's killing it. Yeah. But, uh, no. He, he was, he was nice, bro. I remember he was just, I thought I had punchlines. I thought I had punchlines. He had. Punch books, What was, what was the first time you got locked up? And I'm pretty sure when you did, I was all emotional about it. Cause you know, I'm that friend, like you shouldn't be doing that. I tell you after this. But boom. So now me, I remember this like it was yesterday, it was me, my boyt, which is crazy cause I heard he got mad. Tom, he's probably doing mad time right now or hopefully home by now. But it was me, ve and books. We used to always be together cuz we in the lane together. So now we in Time is Jefferson and, and nigga just cutting school and, and going to um, to Target at Gateway when it first opened up. And we in there stealing fucking CDs. Fucking iPad. No, I um, um, the little small I, iPads. Yeah. iPods. Yeah. Mm-hmm s the little shit. Right. Taking mad since we used to go with the Blade and be on little school sits be just rapping, taking everything, taking our alarms off and Wow. So we got away with it. Mad times. And we used to sell mad shit in school. Long story short, we got caught one day and the dude says, Yo, look man, he said, I got less than 500 worth of. We ain't going involved. The police books only had like four, five CDs. So he like, I'm good. He looked at me like mm-hmm you good. I you know me. I was always, if I'm a go for it, I'm going for, for like a thousand CDs nigga and three iPad iPod. What? That nigga shook out my jacket, all them shit spell out. That nigga bug looked at me like I said yeah I was trying to come up, I said this one for my last run, I was about to get right with that one. So ended up taking us boths. My men, you know Boos could have left but he said nah, you taking both of us and they took both of us real shit. Uh, shit was funny as shit. How, what's up? We in there some dude, we went to the bookings. We had motherfucking some, we was young, there was some dude like sitting under the, under the chair under the bench and shit. And we like, we go sit down on top of the bench. Yo, I'm sitting there. We like, nah, you laying down though. He looked like he was like to try to get up and get crazy. Seen. There was two of us together, like for real. He seen there was two of us ready to go. How were you? Uh, we was in, in 10th grade. It had to be like about 16. 15. 16. Yo you know I got stories. Um, damn. One time you gonna laugh at this one, one time we playing at a basketball game in Sunset Park Sunset Paul. What time it is? Anyway, I had yo, you know what's Tony? I had my Metro card. I have my Metro card, but Nino always jumped. It was a normal thing. Nino jumped. I paid my metro card. No, but today I'm hype. We won the, I think we won that day. I was just mm-hmm I jumped When Nino the next thing you know get now what that shit was. Yo bro, yo. And I remember they let me go cause I was 15 and they gave Nino a ticket cuz he was 16. But I just remember, yo, I never been good with the police bro. I just remember being like, like are we gonna get in trouble? Like tell my not straight with the police ski street. Yo, I be doing legal shit and still be nervous. Mm-hmm. I be sure I can be walking, not doing something that they pop up. I'll be like, Oh shit. What I got? I got sign on me I'm like the total opposite of that. I do illegal. Wow. Shit. And act like I was good. Like I'm not supposed to do I feel like it is. Get away with whatever you could, you know? You know what I wanted to talk about too? Um, like the, when you go to court, right? Just from experiences from my friends and went into my research. Like they give you as, they give you a shitty ass defense. Right. And sometimes I know someone didn't do it, but it's like just to, just to get you out the way they tell, yo, just plead guilty, die you be good labeled. Listen to this, I just figured this out. Do you know? Mm-hmm. that if you say you're not guilty and they have no choice but to say you're not guilty, they gotta pay you. I didn't know that. So they, like you said, they'll make you say yo plea guilty and you get to go home right now. So you in your head like, I'm going home. I'm, yeah, let's go. So now you go home, but you missed out on that brand. That's crazy. Yo, I don't know. Y'all need to look that shit up. Word. That's wow. Yo, I ain't gonna, I love learning new shit, especially on camera cuz my face is priceless, you know what I mean? that's wild. But yeah, you could quote me on that one. Look at that. but you gotta think about it, right? It goes with if it wasn't for some of us that are out there learning these programs that the rich know and putting it out there cause you know, social media platforms and YouTube and shit. they don't want us to know everything bro. I guarantee you there's like maybe a hundred more of those that we don't know about. Right. There's some like certain things that you can qualify for that they just make sure that you don't get it. That's crazy. Yo bro, I'm gonna fuck your head up real quick. There's some shit that I got literature to that they say that if you see how everything says your last name before your first name mm-hmm. something big about that. I got the literature, I'm gonna give it to you. Yeah. another thing that the system does right, is if I feel like it dehumanizes people, right? Like you're not a human being in there. You're treated almost like a animal or like, I feel like number, the, the whales in sea world get treated better than inmates, you know what I mean? And they get treated fucked up. They get ripped from their families. All types of wild shit just the same. And it's like you could, yo you could be an innocent, hardworking dude, bro. And if the cars fall fucked up, you could do a whole life in jail just because somebody didn't do what they were supposed to. Or they slacked on giving you the proper defense that like your proper chance. Like I understand the people that do mass murderers, mass, you know, the wild s the wild. Like I'm so, I mean like the, the wild, you know what it was? Put them away, Put them, I'm sorry man. Put them and don't put'em with the low level crimes cuz you gonna, they're gonna provoke someone that's not even there for a wild crime. But he gotta defend himself. He can't be pussy, right? He defend himself. Now he gotta do extra time for a nigga that's don't have nothing to lose. You in the lose lose situation bro. It's crazy. It's funny you say that cuz I said the same shit when I was alright when I came home, remember I had to go back and shit. Mm-hmm. for the uh, some shit at the halfway house. Cause they make you go through halfway houses and all this crazy shit. Yeah. It's like you out not out. They still got you by the, it's been a whole and they still got me by my balls. I sweaty. Mm-hmm. But yeah, like, this shit is crazy bro. Like shit is nuts bro. You know, as, as your brother I've been seeing you half the like, it's almost like, let him be like, let him go. Like he, he did his time. let him get used to life again. You don't gotta keep reminding the, you don't gotta keep remind that my brother, that he did so well then he, you know what I mean? Come on. But yeah. And now I remember it is. Alright, so now when I came came home, they put me in the halfway house and sent me back. Now instead of putting me with niggas that's just doing three months and then going back home to the world, they put me with nis. That's about to do life. bro. I'm a nigga that's about to go home, bro. And they know it. Everybody know it. Did, Did they ever try to provoke you to kind of knowing that you were getting closer to going. The equity. More Mundo after this commercial break. Was good. Yeah. I'm proud and happy to announce that. All three Patrion tears is up. Each with its own. Per can benefit. You want more moon? No, you get more mono. virtual version. I tried to be a little bit reserved. You know, on the regular platforms. But each. T it puts you more in depth. With who I am and where I'm at to go. So. Sign up to the show. Go to A forward slash the Raimundo show. Sign up is pretty easy. yeah. And I'll see you there don't just meet me there. Greet me So Snoop dog But anyway back to the show I, I had like a couple, a couple, like I say, two weeks to go home and some nigga that like begged to be my bunky tried me and I was about to put him out. And then after a while when he seen that I wasn't with nothing and he said, Yo, you know what? I respect your shit. I, I said, Look bro, I'm not a kid. You ain't gonna talk to me now you gonna go back upstairs on that bunk and not say a word to me, dog all the way until I leave. He tried to get cool with me, but look, shit, turn, turn crazy, like shit. Crazy son. I ended up snitching on his people, but he was facing 35 years for a murder from 30 years ago. That's what I'm saying. You should not be in the same place as that. That'll make no sense. You know, the truth is like, nobody likes to face it. They, they make profit. They don't give a fuck. It's, I'm sorry man, people might not like to hear this, but this is what the truth, it's modern day slavery, right? It is when slavery ended, just because it, just because it's a law now, it didn't mean that everyone agreed with the law. If example, if they may, if they, let's say they reinstated slavery back now in this generation we would not know. We won't be fine with that, right? Right. But we would have to ab by the law. I feel like it's the same thing. Vice versa. They had a bob. That doesn't mean that it changed their ways. America loves finding loopholes to make themselves look good. So, okay, we okay, Slavery is gone, but if they get caught outside after a certain time, we gotta lock them up and then when we lock them up, uh, we could use them for labor. Incarcerated workers in the US produce at least$11bn in goods and services annually but receive just pennies an hour in wages for their prison jobs, according to a new report from the American Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) And I feel like that's what it is. Now you, you get a lot of free labor from jail and it is like, how could you not see that this is modern day now you got people never on. You got guilty people mixed with innocent people, mixed with people that have no business in there and the system failed them. And you getting all this free labor, not only you getting free labor, you're getting money on top of it. You're not giving them everything. You're giving them shitty food. You're keeping them in fucked up situations. how do you expect a man or a woman to come out that shit ready to tackle the world ready to take care of business? You just, you, you, you broke them down in there like bro, Right. The shit that I was going through was made to like either make me or break me, bro. I noticed that shit. Yeah, it was, And I know for sure it wasn't gonna break you, bro. Yeah, I knew for sure wasn't gonna break you bro. Unbreakable said I'm one break something. Shot came back like a warrior. Doctor said I was never going. Now I'm playing baseball, Basketball Elite. Mm-hmm. But it gotta go through what you go through to make. That's great. I remember when you got shot, man. I was just so, like, I, I felt, I remember, I felt like I got shot in the ribs. I'm like, oh shit. And soon as I knew I just went over there. But, uh, thank God you passed that. You know what I'm saying? You, you were able to survive for that man. Cause me my life, I wouldn't be, I wouldn't be, I wouldn't be good in that hair, bro. You my brother man. Thinking my like, fuck up. Hundred percent Like what was your longest bid? Was your longest time? Actually, my head was almost, almost four years. Four years. Damn. Yo. I, yeah, cuz I remember, you know, it was funny that we kept hanging out before you went in, in case it was the last time he would be like, Yo, this might be the last time. Let's chill to chill. I would chill. And the fucking, I I swear, bro. Every time you hit me up, I, I made myself available the one time I couldn't that I said, you went in and I, and I didn't see you for a minute, bro. I was like, ah, a lot. That shit was crazy. Like I know, man. So what, what were like, the conditions like in that, in that place? for the most part it wasn't as dirty because another thing like mm-hmm. people were cleaning, You feel me? Like, they don't got people to clean for us. So if they, the inmates don't clean, they shit up themselves, it's over. You know what I'm saying? So now, yeah, the inmates are the ones who, who cleanse the shit up. Like they get it clean. You feel me? So at the end of the day, as long as we clean up, we gonna be high type shit. Okay. Okay. So it, it wasn't too dirty. The food was horrible. Cause we had no, it was pretty much all we had to eat was pretty much commissary food. If you had money, if you, when you coming in the system, it takes forever for the money to go to. So now you sitting there, it's like there's no way and hell you going survive off the meals that they give you. they call it slap, It's some shit that just looks like dog food. Literally. Chunks of fucking mystery meat. Like, for real. That's crazy. Like, you don't even, and, and you hungry. You gotta eat, Bro, I'm a nigga. I don't like to ask for nothing. I could be my knees in the dirt. You ever seen that of. Long story short, I was in there, bro, and I'm like, damn, I'm really gonna have to eat this shit, bro. Damn, bro. And it literal took my people had put money immediately in my shit. It took a whole month for the money to clear. So I ate that nasty shit for a whole month, bro. I was like this. That's crazy. Um, I remember Maine would send you bread and like, when I, when I send you bread, it was like, it was a wild process, but like, I didn't, then they don't tell you nothing. Like, I'm like, Yo, at least let me, like did he get it? Did it go through nothing? Like it was like nothing. That shit is, Yeah, man, ain't just, uh, again, I can never say it enough. I'm just glad you out, man. And yeah. You know what I'm saying? You just, you trying your best to, to be better than you ever been, man. And you know, I'm, I'm your brother, bro. we gonna do it at the same time, bro. For real. That's a fact. Whoever get there ain't no race. We get there, we're gonna get the other one in. Nah. Yeah, exactly, man. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's, it is never a race, man. The good thing is, I mean, it is great. Is, is great competitiveness. Like, like example main stay may main be focused on every part. His health, his money, his family. Like he, I admire him, bro. Like, he makes me want to step up. So it's, it becomes like, A thing, right? I'm stepping up. You stepping up. You know, we all get each other hype when the other one's low, you know what I mean? So it's, it's a great thing. Yeah. mental health, right? It's like everything people go through in there is almost set up to destroy you mentally, right? Like, like what I was saying about, you know, keeping in the labor, the way they do it with us is through the mind. They make us, they make us almost our slave to our, to acknow, to the things that don't serve us. And it gets us involved in some shits that we shouldn't be in. But getting aware and spreading the word. So cuz awareness bro, like it is hard to keep doing stuff when you already know. But sometimes I ain't gonna front. I know shit and I keep doing it anyway. But it has to be a point where you like, Nah, I can't be like this. But as far as the mental health, mental health in there, bro is crazy. what they say outta 64% people. 45, report mental health concerns, right? Anxiety, ptsd. all types of shit that go unnoticed that don't get treated and they just think that they wild and then they get put in the streets and you bump into them on the train in the sidewalk. They should, they should have something to help them be mentally good instead of leaving them out to pretty much get them either. Somebody's gonna get, people are getting hurt cuz of the way this shit is someone that shouldn't be out. It doesn't mean they have to be locked up, but they should get some real mental assistance. Not, not to cut you off, but I wanna say this before I get, I, I lose it, but mental health shit is real out there cuz now it's, it's this thing that they do like it's a drug that they're using in jail that is inedible for you to come back. Right. I said the word wrong but I was gonna fix it but I ain't double it up. just say it again. Come back the same way it's inedible for you to come back. Same. Oh, okay. Inevitable. Yeah. Yeah. So now is it drug that they're using in there? It's called k2. Niggas called a deuce. Oh. It's literally coming in in paper form now. So now is spraying this shit down and they smoking this shit and believe it or not, this shit be having bombing fluid. All sorts of mystery like chemicals. Dip. Like, wasn't that that fake bud was that, that fake bud shit that that was going around It buzz at one point Niggas is getting the ask Who fake bud in there? That's just stop. So now they getting the on, I mean the paperwork, I mean all that shit, I don't wanna say too much, but yeah, it's getting right off of paper. Like this one sheet you can make fucking anywhere from eight to tens. That's what cause sellings are selling pieces like this, 200 for five,$10, 15. Putting wires with the batteries and getting hot. It, it is called a but you see these niggas off this shit, bro. They instantly, a baby grown man instantly turns into a baby. like that's, wow. See this strange. Um, did you ever, did they ever put you in, in the box? Wait on, That's not how I wanted to set it all. Uh, you know, when it comes to boxes, uh, You know, there's a shy away from him, but this one I know is a stupid sometimes I, I see shit in my head. I'm like, I wonder how it will go. But nah. Did you ever, did David put you in the box? They definitely put me in the box and it's crazy cuz the reason why they put me in that shit is just shows to prove how fucked up the system is. So they put me in the box because I, when I got there, like it was this co that she wasn't a CO at the time, She turned into a sergeant like months while I was there. Boom. Right. So outta nowhere, like when she was a regular co she used to come to my cell. Like, yo, what? I used to have like the corner store in my career, in my cell bro. So they used to come and yo you, you got snacks? Yeah. Here I used to give it to them cause. Why not? Fuck it here, take it bad like me. A little smooth and something. So they be with whatever bro. Ain't gonna lie. Not whatever, but you know they coolest. Nah, nah. I, yeah. Long story short, turned into a sergeant and for some reason was giving me, hell bro. I did nothing to her. I ain't behaved bad. I ain't start with nobody, bro. Just gave me hell. So she was putting me in the corona pod with everybody. From the CEO to the niggas bringing you the food. Got covid? Not no, maybe no got covid. Mind you, I come back negative every time they come and swap my shit, I'm coming back negative. She's like, I don't care. Put on. So now I'm like, oh hell no. Y'all trying to kill me Like what's going on? Damn. You know what's crazy? Me know me. Hearing that. I'm like, you probably gonna push up, push up. She probably wanted you to push up harder, right? No, listen, you know what I think it is bro? Mm-hmm. You remember my ex-girlfriend from sixth grade Tamika. Damn. I'm probably checking with this chicken. Won them ring by my Greek ball. Let up. Yeah. Don't to this late to this day. I think that was Tamika and I didn't say nothing to her. She kept coming to get snacks and I'm like, hey boom, boom. But I ain't never late, yo. You Tamika like so I think it was cause of that. I swear to this day. Damn. I think it's of that was it, Was it Tamika where she bought her friend to meet me in 45 and she was like, Nah, I don't like him. Yeah, Tamika. Whoa. So I swear like you remember that shit, yo bro, she had to haz wise little everything just like Tamika bro. So I'm like, that gotta be her bro. Cause she's treating me like, how you not gonna act like you know me? How were the conditions in Covid though? Like so they put you in that area? Survival would've fit, but I wanna get back to why I was in the shoe and how that shit wasn't it. So now, now they kept trying to feed me, me knowing I don't have Covid and these dudes that's giving me the food got covid, you gonna take the food. I fucking know. So now don't make no sense. Slot is a little slot that they pass you the food through, right? Mm-hmm. I blocked that shit off with two paste and bags. So it got real hard and they couldn't open it or nothing. They said, Oh, he don't want to eat or nothing. He's crazy, Let's put him in the shoe. I said, Nah, that's not a reason to put somebody in the shoe, bro. That's crazy. I swear to mommy, bro. I said, Yo, got that ass. I'm not coming nowhere. I'm staying here until y'all take me out this park and put me in the normal park with niggas that Don got. Bro the fucking TURs came in nigga and tried to rap me and shit, we got real bro. They put me in the shoot but ass naked and this shit had feces all over the floor. Piss everywhere, Feces on the walls, everything bro. No blinking on them but ass naked on a fucking coal ass nigga. Yeah, this shit get crazy bro. Ain't gonna lie so damn bro, yo, I ain't no fun so that shit, that shit hurt me right now. Hearing that you bro, I ain't gonna lie. Talking about it is hurting me again, but I listen so now the only way I got out that shit was cuz of one of the CEOs that like was cool with me and know that though this don't start with nobody be chilling, everybody fuck with him. It's chilling why he in here? So he like, yo you got, why you in the shoe bro? I came back negative twice and they still put me in that shit. That's crazy. So he got me out the shit in, into a part again. Right on Mommy. You know came and got me again and put me back in the covid bar. She, she said that that my, she made it look like my, my um, Bunkie had it and then they tested me again. I came back negative. They said nah we gotta take you anyway. Personally came down and took me back in there bro, by herself. Yeah. Choking mash shit to me. I can't wait for you to be on TV or something and be like, Yo, you're that God, how you like me now? Yo, yo ray. I ain't gonna lie. Some tears probably come out right now bro. Yo. No bullshit bro. I'm sitting there looking out the window, out the window or the door, bro. Yeah. Yo bro was the nigga on the other side banging like, yo, I need help. I can't, can't breathe, can't breathe. Somebody sent somebody, boom, the nigga went out right there. They came and got him in the black bag. Took him about there and you gotta still be able to be san after seeing somebody die in front of you bro. That, that's not good for your psyche. Man. The worst part about it was they put another nigga right in that cell right after he died without even cleaning it up. I bet you they had another inmate clean it where, you know the inmate gonna be like I ain't trying to catch this shit. Yeah, that's I, I'm telling you this bro. That's crazy. Yo and, and the cos right? Cause sometimes you tell me the cos are like,



they're crooks as well. Right. Type shit. I don't care who come get me after them. Niggas is making 17 to 18 racks a phone. You'll get an iPhone in there. The new shit's in there for a couple bands. That's crazy. I had the little iPhone. That's how I made that video of the food and all that shit. Something. But you know, its wild though. I in there you not saying nothing that they don't know. They just don't care that if they find you with it, that just gives you a more of a reason to stay in there. While I was in there, the niggas found guns. It was gun threatening there. It makes guns. How the fuck you got a gun in jail? Like that's co, Everything is done they call the green, I don't know, we call them the green pants niggas. Mm-hmm. They getting everything that's in there. Whatever's in there is they it. No bullshit bro. You know that they caught over a thousand phones probably, bro. And nobody got in trouble for, It's like whatever, we know we were looking for that gun who got it. So they don't care about the phones, it's just the just grabbing the phone, probably giving it back to the co. That more and then they make some more money. Wow. It's a cycle. so I give, I'll tell you a quick story. I wanted to be a cop at one point, right? I had, I had, I was having revelations, I had stopped blazing. I was like, Yo, I'm gonna be on a new path. I'm gonna fight, I'm gonna fight justice. I mean, no, I'm gonna man. I'm gonna fight for justice, right? So I do research and cops is like, Yo, if you gonna come up here and be a real cop, you're gonna be blackballed. You're gonna get threats. So like, people in these situations that could say something, they can't, could be Martha Luther, could be Martin Luther, could be my connect. you're gonna be done financially or you're gonna be done done. So you can't even blame nobody for saying something. But like, yo, if they can't kill everybody, if enough people say something, maybe we can make some type of change, bro. But nothing's gonna change if we don't do nothing. So I understand, okay, maybe it's gonna take a while to get progress, but if we do nothing, we get nothing. At least, at least we get a chance to Cause how? That's podcast guys. Yeah, man. How much more innocent people or people that just, that made mistakes, why they gotta pay for it for the rest of their lives? Why society can't understand that? Just because maybe you didn't get caught with some. And they did, doesn't mean that you get a chance. And they don't, they, And I don't give y'all, and I'm in real talk, I don't give a fuck if this a guy or whatever person kills a million people, keep him away from people. But I'm not gonna, I, I don't think he should be burned. I don't think he should. His head should be cut off. The isolation is torture enough cuz as human beings, we need to socialize. But if they wanna kill, you know what I'm saying? But I mean, there's people that didn't do that, have nine violent crimes or drug possessions on that, doing more time than murderers and rapists. And one thing that y'all don't notice is money talks in every industry, you, you know, there's a, I'm sorry, there's a rich white boy that got away with some shit that he did and somebody black or Hispanic did the same shit. And he's home right now living his best life. And this dude is fight for his life in the system, for the same crime. And I think that's just crazy how, that's crazy. It matters. It matters. I'm sorry. It matters if you're black and white. Sure it matters if you're black and white in the eyes of the law. Now, if you're Latino and your light skinned, you could probably get away with certain people. But if they hear that Martinez last name, they look at you different already. And you gotta think about it, man. The stop and frisk all this shit was for us. It wasn't, And, and it's crazy cuz I, I forgot what study I saw, but white people or, you know what I'm saying? Non-black and brown commit as much crimes, but we do the time. Like, and, and so needs to change. It needs to change from the policing. I don't, I'm not the type, I don't feel like you need to defund the police. I think you need to rebrand, redo the police. Yeah. Actually guess Get'em, put it in a way that it's all about your community. Instead of giving these people a gun and a badge, telling them, you know, if they fit the description, this is what you do. Shoot first ask questions last on some gangster shit. Like that's, that's, wow. We supposed to respect you. We supposed to, you supposed to show up for you for help. Yeah. And then the crazy, oh, another thing is cops get away with murder on some OJ shit. Literally the same reason that they locking up people for their crimes. They should get swept under the rug. Mm-hmm Like that's you know why though? Cause they gotta make themselves look good. It looks bad on the police system. If all these cops is getting locked up for doing the same shit they supposed to be locking us up for, you know what I'm saying? Like mm-hmm. Oh man. You can get so in depth with that man. But Yeah, but yo, it's crazy. It's crazy cuz you said that shit about like, your race determines your outcome or the of the crime. Like that's crazy. Mm-hmm Cause when I was in there I seen so much of that shit that, believe it or not, I show it to you right now. I wrote a whole movie about this shit. That's what I want you to about my brother. Yeah. He's helping me on this episode about the system. But yo talented. I wanted him to be like a rapper yo. Cuz he has the look, the look, the rhymes, the flow, the personality. you should be up there. You and Jermaine should be up there right now. Like, I understand me. You know what I'm saying? I probably could have been the r and b dude. I could have been Oh, like, uh, like Nelly if you, um, dang went ly. That's crazy. Yo. But what does, seeing shit like that, people dying, people fighting violence, fucking, even fucking damn fucking fe on the floor, bro. That's what, what did to yourself? No, no, no, no, no. Hold on, hold on. Not just, you said even fucking nier. I seen men. Yeah. Like not seeing it. Cause of course now I'm not gonna see it. You know what that does to you bro. That shit just, it just brings another animal outta you. So now that's great. I was sitting there on somebody let me be out the way. I knew. I ain't looking at time like these. Depending on your crime, you could get out and if your crime is brutal, you might get out faster than nigga selling drugs. Cause guess what? The nigga that got 175 years is doing killing, making everybody breaking in the houses, robberies and shit like that. Crazy shit. Boom. Right? Mm-hmm. that's what the nigga that got seven life sentences is doing, Kingpin selling drugs. That's crazy. Like where's the leverage to this shit like it, I feel like it is, is wrong place, wrong time, wrong system, wrong system. What I'm saying is not, the thing is I'm like, get out before Pablo Esal give me a chop nigga. You el cpo. That means that fucking Michael Myers get out the next day type shit. But, but look at everything we just named though. Like we, everything we kind of spoke about, the odds are against. From the moment the cop stops you the way until you're released and even when you're out, the odds are against you. You got the system is out there to make you go through this. Then you got cos doing whatever they really want cuz they have some type of power that I feel like it's not disclosed enough. then you got other people in there that don't have the same sentence. Well, you know, the time there is you and even the same mental health as you, so you can come in mentally good and get destroyed. Being around, you know, you ever see the thing where they put the fruit next to the bad fruit? The good fruit turns into the bad fruit. That's just what it is. Mm-hmm. you got gangs in there, so if you don't, if I don't even blame you if you join a gang while you in there to stay safe. I, I don't even yo respect to you brother. I'm surprised you, I would've been like no gangs like crazy part is that you actually get, people think that you don't get respect if you don't get into a game, but you actually get to meet everybody else and you get to be as neutral as you need to be. And you a bro be between gangs. You just sitting there watching like, damn sucks to be done. Oh, I was cool with him, me out there, and then I don't know how, We didn't really talk about that, but you could get raped in this and like, that's that's, bro. It was crazy. It was his Muslim brother, his Muslim brother bro. You know the Muslims that kill you. Like, Oh, what? They're smokey for that. Would you believe? Oh yeah, you don't play well. Yo, would you believe that this nigga was Muslim all the way? And came in with titties and ass done. Said Yos over for that Muslim shit. I'm moving in with this nigga. I ain't gonna lie. I was frightening the street. I'm a home. Oh, the truth came out, bro. When I say the Muslim brothers was going kill his dude dog, they was going kill us. That's, so during my research I found out that yo, they, they pocketing a lot of money not attending to, to, you know, inmates that's sick or whatever. So they pocket the money, don't treat them and just let them pretty much get worse. Like I feel like that shit is wild son, cuz like just, yo, just lemme tell you something. Just because you committed a crime bro, you shouldn't be treating like no animal. Like you shouldn't be left in pain, you shouldn't be left. But that mentally unchecked, none of that, you know what I'm saying? But tell tell me about the, the, the time with your, with your tooth. All right. So like, I had a crazy tooth infection. That literally little by little was getting worse and worse and worse and worse. And I kept telling them and tried to get help and nobody tended to me. Like they literally called me right before I was gonna go home and said, Yeah, we're gonna call you. Oh, you probably be home by then. Don't worry. You check it outside. You, yo, you know what, what I heard once a woman say I'd rather have, I'd rather give birth to have a tooth. Okay. That was the worst thing ever. So that shit, get in your brain, bro. I, I just, I just been three. Yo, We were supposed to do this interview before and I couldn't cuz my tooth, I couldn't talk for days. Yo bro, would you believe I got shot? And I still think the tooth big is the worst pain. that's big. That says a lot, man. And, and they just left you there, yo, like I'm sitting there with no IBU prof, no pill, no nothing, bro. To the point that a co I remember this shit like it was yesterday. She came up to me and said, Oh my God, I never seen you like this was wrong. Cause I didn't come out to. I said to my side the whole time, she's like, You ain't gonna come out. I used to always comfortable, you know, She's like, Yo, mm-hmm I never seen you like this. What happened? I'm like, yo, my tooth is smoking me. And I couldn't move my hand. I'm like talking her like this cause I'm putting the pressure. It's crazy cause this is my tooth hurting, but when I put pressure up here, it'll stop it. So I'm like, just the whole time she's like, let me see. Move your hand. I move my hand bro. My lip was like out here from a tooth. That's crazy. Think about that. Right? That's not even, Look, when I was in Essex, I was in the top bunk and I fell off and landed on my hand like this. My shit went back for like a second. Oh. I came right back quick. Boom, my shit went back. They didn't check me nothing. I had to cut my shirt, wrap my shit up, myself. Self heal my shit. Boom. My knee, I can't walk for like a, I stayed like two, three months bro. To the point, you know I'd be playing ball and shit in ES County. They had like a basketball court in the pod. So like that's what I spent all my time. It's like, yo months I couldn't play. You know what's crazy? Think about it, right? Like you had, you had a tooth egg, you had a, what if, you know there's somebody in there with some internal shit like, you know, some cancer, diabetes, you know, some wow shit and they just getting worse in there. Which is probably how some people die in jail. Just know some not, you know? Oh, they got not being attended to it got the, goes back to the guy in the covid shit. How they gotta whole covid part, but don't really got doctors in there checking up on them or making sure that the niggas don't die. So it's crazy, like it's really survival to fit is you gotta protect yourself and fit yourself against. It's like you, you, you should feel like parking there, bro. Is you against the world? Like dead ass. That's how I would feel like that should be wild, man remember how you said Oh, uh, how was it in there? During the pandemic? Mm-hmm. This shit was like, I, You ever see a crowd of people somewhere? Somebody just outta nowhere, just throws money in the air and then like it happens. There's people pushing. Yeah. Yeah. It's like that in there for that type of shit. Like, it's like during a pandemic you don't have shit, you can't order food. So now the people that got in their cri and they, they sell like me, they going try, remember this like it was yesterday. Cause I was like, I, I was one of them people that I always would, would be like, I have a lot of shit in myself and if you come over to me bro and lower, yes. I, I don't call it lowering yourself, it's just needing to help and seeking. You feel me? So now your family can't send you money or day you can't use it because there's nothing you could do to get food. The commissary was clipped. You usually got shit. Everything was clipped. So now you ordering food from other people that got commissary. Like, yo bro, gimme one bag of chips. I'm gonna give you three bags. They gonna be like, Nah, I want five back. You got it? Yo bro, I seen a nigga pay a hundred dollars cash out for a bag of chips. That's crazy. I seen, I've seen another nigga pay more than that for a fucking a honey bun. Cause they didn't never had it in that jail. Yeah, man, if you hungry bro, you gonna lower your standards to eat. Man. They just like, if you was in the wild. It's crazy. The the, it's like a jungle Sometime it makes me more how they keep them going under. you said you got into a fight I, like it actually was over somebody asking me for something and I was giving it, giving it, and then I came down to the last one and the nigga was like, You gonna gimme that Now in my head I'm thinking the nigga thought I was pusy and that's why I'm giving it to him. So I was like, nah, you not getting this bro like happened. What's up doing long story you short, The nigga wanted to go fight in the room cause he was bigger than me of course. So I'm like, we could fight right here. You expecting to go back and see me later? No, they ain't gonna be able to be in the same part if we fight. I'm gonna see you every day and wanna fight you again. He's like, Go in the room, go in the room. I'm like, Whatever dog. You don't wanna fight here you pussy front of everybody. He ain't doing nothing. Mm-hmm So now it goes in the room the nigga comes behind me and I been down to grab like a, a bowl or something from under my bed. I turned around and sun. That's a jersey thing. I never knew Turn your neck. Oh is a sneaky thing. Sneaky thing that that's, They said it too. They admitted it to me. So I turned around, boom and said, snuck me, cracked me right in my lip. I said, oh, I grabbed a bow and broke that shit in two pieces. I said, You know what, fuck it. I threw this shit as a stool right there. I jumped off the stool some karate. And this crazy bro, mind you son was a big nigga, but the biggest blood nigga was right next door to me and was my man. And he kept telling him, yo son giving you shit. Not cuz he pussy. It's just cause he feel bad for you bro. saying that cost 60 cents and he got a million of them. How you gonna feel as a man to not give it to that man? That nigga we hungry niggas needed. You feel me? So he literally, That's crazy. So that, that made you pussy to him for, for that. Yes. He thought I was giving make no fucking my back cuz he was popping on the niggas. Now I know I'm giving it to you. Cause I know you ain't got no. They said I uncle filled them out the shit. I got people that vouched for her. They uncle? Yeah. They said, nigga, I took the nigga out to cell like this, Boom and say Yo my nigga you come back in this cell, I'm gonna kill you The look he gave me was like, nah, I don't want nothing to do with this dude. kept like, how many fight? Well you said they didn't what They didn't take us out to pod after that. Cause the co that seen them come in, seen them come out. It was not like, oh riot after that they said, Oh they're good, they're good now. So now the whole time he keeps trying to come back to me, just apologizing shit. And I'm like, yo, dope. There's no need to talk. Just go your way. I go my way. There's no need to talk. Mm-hmm And to the end fact to the point that the superior blood said, Yo, come on. You know, just, he just wanna apologize bro. Set the apology and that's it. How many fights did you get while you was in there? How many fights you got? Well, Essett County, that was my only one that I needed to get into. Everybody in there knew about it after that and they ain't never tried me. In Essex in fucking Oklahoma. I got, no, in Essex. I got into another one with, with a co pushed the shit out. This nigga, he didn't expect that shit. And soon as he moved up on me Hook and the co that's cool with me, grabbed my arm like, they would've you for that. Thank God I was about to hook it up on the nigga, like, sound crazy, but yeah, fuck all that. I just wanted to get that too. that's a good story. It's crazy cuz I think of when I told Jermaine, Jermaine can't wait to hear it cuz he's like, Yo, I can't wait to hear his stories, man. You don't even even got them stories. I was like, word. So when, when you bought that out, like that's a story. I can't deny a story. Yo did they offer you any type of education in it? But during the pandemic they clipped all that shit I Before that shit they was, they was giving you access to shit. So a lot of people would act like they could go, go in there and they like, no, you could go in there and actually learn shit. Like learn skills. Like I know people that got welding licenses and shit like to this day he's about, Oh shit. Yeah. Like you learn a lot. Cause I'm think. I'm thinking they cut that shit off completely. But you said after the pandemic they cut it off? Yeah, like during that shit, they definitely clipped it, but now they probably gonna open it back up soon. It should start opening up and shit. Okay. So they do Got it. But like, is there like a certain requirement or anybody can just do it? I mean, you Well obviously gotta have enough time to be there. No, no. Yeah. You're not gonna let you, like, you got like half amount of time to finish it and you're not gonna be able to graduate it and finish it completely. They won't let you do it cause it's gonna be a waste of time for you. Yeah, but even with that, right, Let's say they gave everybody labor skills, but they didn't give them they didn't work on they mental, they gonna put those skills to the side and go back to what they used to, You know what I'm saying? It has to be a combination of, okay, give them something that they can do when they get out and then give them something here that can keep them sane. Cause I feel like, you know, doing the same thing and expecting different results, results is insanity. And you in jail doing the same shit every day, the same thing. And then you have to worry every day. That shit has gotta be like, like, alright, you commit the crime, you do the time, but it's not like you're able to come back to society and be good and, and be part of it. Right. And you think about it, right. Why they label you? Because if you're labeled, you can't vote now. So now the majority of us can't vote. They always gonna have who they want in office. The advantage. Yeah. So who they want, they can get it because they made it even harder for us to even have a voice and think about it, right? All the people that have spoken up, if you speak up, you can never live your life the same. You can never take a plane, you can never drive a car. You can never be safe with your family. If you are making some type of, like, if I have a movement of a billion people listening to me, what I'm saying, nigga, my, you would never hear Raymundo again. They would make me disappear, I think. You know what I mean? Like, like they be like, Who? I ain't gonna lie. That's how I gotta tell you. This might be that episode. Want it to me. I could go in depth with this shit, bro. Maybe cuz of that K2 situation. That shit might be it, but I'm telling you. Yeah, but this could be it, bro. I'm telling you, I feel like, they got hands in everything. Everything is set up for the power, the shift in power, never to be in jeopardy. Yeah. Rest in peace to add extra bet like what do you experience when you trying to get a job? Like what type of things you go through? definitely go through like, people trying to test, test you and see how much you could take. Just so, especially if they find out that she just came outta jail, they tried to see how much, how much pressure you could like absorb before you actually just snap. And then when you, I notice something about people, like when they know that you've been through certain shit or certain adversity in life, they try to test you to see how much you let'em get away with. And then as soon as you show'em, they, they, they, they push. That's when you overreacting your chill bro. You battling. I noticed that. And because of, because of your background, they get backed up more than you. Exactly. So now, now they'll test you in every kind of way and then you lose your shit and give'em what they asking for. It's like, damn nigga always battling. So that's why I like, know what I mean? And it's always like that. It's always been like that. So now it's like, oh damn. Cause I've been through what I've been through. I show emotion and it's different from your emotion. Cause we might not show it the same, but if I get pinch and it hurt and I pinch you and it hurt, we both won't hurt. Exactly. You feel me? It's just, you might not show it. I might eat it or you might cry and I might look at it like you touch me. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. The, yeah. Yeah. The difference is how you react to it. Like react to it. You know what I'm saying? It's crazy. Like how, how long it took you to adjust though, when you was out? I mean I know they still got you a little bit, but like once you got like right, you was in there dealing with that. Not you're out, you're in, you're in the public. How did you, did, did you feel anxiety? Did you feel like a little like out of place? Honestly, still going through that bro. To be real, I'm still going through it. Just up the she of like, I don't know. Like some people could, some people are blessed to go in and come out with no scratches and bruises like, cuz you might not go through nothing inside, but then you lose so much while you in. That you be like, Damn bro, I came back out and look now I really gotta adjust to not knowing how to deal with certain people or not dealing with certain people. But I'll tell you this though, as your, as your brother I've, I've seen you grow up, you know, from 11 to now and outta all the times. This is the first time I've really like seen you show like a, a ma, like a different kind of maturity. Like you call me in instances where I feel like, damn, I would've snuffed them or I would've, I would've been tempted to go to the front door and you controlled yourself. So I want you to always, that's why I always try to bring up to you the great shit about you. You know what I mean? Of course I, I'm your brother. I'm gonna let you know the real shit. But I always try to make sure to highlight yo son. Yeah, you wanna pop off, but you didn't. You should have popped off, but you didn't. And you know what? You still out here trying to get to your best life. You didn't let that stop you or bring you back, bro. So you gotta give yourself a pat on the back every time you do this. It's not easy, bro. Like, they want you back. You know they want you back. Yeah, they definitely do. But you could pack this up on the back, but it still doesn't take away from that one thought. That leaves it like, damn, if I would've did what I would've had to do or did what I usually would've did, would I even have got in trouble though? Yo, My fault. They wanted, they want you back. Like, did he wanted J-Lo back in the league? like, yo, he did. I need a girl like eight talking about the J-lo, like Nah it's true. Like yeah, you could spend your time thinking of what coulda should have if I didn't. But the fact is, you out now. regardless if you don't think you gotta be, If you don't think there's opportunity, you are the opportunity. You understand what I'm saying? Like I always make sure, I always let you know that like, whatever odds are against you, like God didn't put you here to, to, to back down from them. You know what I'm saying? I'm saying he knows you have to strength to whatever, make your mistakes and be able to put yourself in a position where you never have to. They'll just be stories, not your reality. You understand what I'm saying? Like your talented bro, you have a gift. The same gift I have to speak on this microphone. You could do it. I'm guaranteed 20 more times when when I, Yeah, we both started rapping at the same time. His first verse was so fire to this day. You could still, you could put that right now. And he's rocket. You know what I'm saying? you know what I'm saying? His class got more hours in this shit than Jimmy Jazz, you know, You know, I just hope that, not even hope, I just, I can't wait for the day to see you. You shine the way you supposed to, you shine right now, but when you in your true light where, you know what I'm saying, We having this conversation in person and, and uh, you know what I'm saying? And the mother fucking, I don't know, in Jamaica, cuz we gotta like that. You know what I'm saying? Um, I hope, you know what I'm saying? Yo, you got movies in play. There's so many things you can do. You don't need the job market. you're not a business man. You're a business man. All you gotta do is handle your business. Damn. So that leads me to my next question, cuz now we're gonna be, you gonna be accountable in the Ramo show. with everything that you went through, everything that you're going through, everything you in. And when you're not I'm gonna just not let nothing stop me. Like, at the end of the day, like as you can see, I went to do the construction shit. They dubbed me right before the union three times. That don't mean I'm not gonna go to full time. You feel me? Like I'm on it. Mm-hmm. I'm gonna keep going and I'm gonna make sure that there's nothing in my way that I could say it defeat me. You know, Like I'm gonna make it mild, powerful. Mm-hmm. to not never let defeat me, cuz I've been in the most craziest predicaments with my knees in the dirt and back against the wall and got out of it. Scott's free. So its like, And you still here so you figured it out and to figure it out. Just being a shock on I started I a d Nah, but It's like, even with me, people see me a certain way and I see certain way and I, I see you like, yo, you are a star and it's. Eventually people gonna look up to you, bro. And it's just, you know, just like me when we stop playing is a rap man. Cuz we on it, bro. You know, I'm talking about when, when we on it to the point that like, yo, you need to take a break. That type of shit. Like, yo, you need yo to get you and be like, wild out you what? I mean? Like a what? Nah, but um, a what? A break. Who's that? I just wanted to do that because I have the utmost faith in you and you. I mean, don't get me wrong, this is not the last time he's gonna be on the show. I got him already planned. There's another show I got in the works with me, him and um, Jay Pram. So you know, the boys are back in town's gonna, so I'm gonna have my boys together talk about some real shit. But, cause it takes time, right? Even the bamboo treat five years, uh, they say even takes 10 years to be successful. So you, not on a time limit, but I can't wait to have you on that episode. So now you can be the example. You know what I'm, I'm saying right now, you in the mix, but I wanted to showcase that you're in the mix, but I wanna show you when you put your mind to it, and you're gonna help so many people from this episode to that one. You understand what I'm saying? Like, this is like planting the seed for you, for the show, for your future show that you need to have. Cause you know, you know I help you with anything bro. But, um, if the people wanted to find Nino, cuz they like, yo, I love his voice. I love his energy, I love his story. Where could they go? Oh, my Instagram is y rs l guapo which is y r s e l g w o p p o 11 2 0 7. That's my for live My Facebook is Nino Ventura. And just look out for me man. I'm working on these movies and they definitely, they definitely gonna come out. That's what I got to say. They gonna come out, they gonna do they thing, the one that he read, the one that the idea he told me about, once he puts that shit into play, and again, talented do, that's only a, a small percentage of what he got in store for y'all. So yeah, get your receipts ready. You hit the one I told you about is super fire. But wait till you, you even actually in the other ones. Hey, it'll be an honor and I'll make sure I promote that shit here. You can come on the show and promote it once this is picked up. That's all my God that we gotta do that one in person. We gotta get fucked up and talk about, Yo son, you got picked up. that's a great ending to the episode. Bad, but I just like, I think I said enough as far as like, what I feel like you can accomplish. I want to thank you for being on the Raymundo Show. It's great to have my fucking brother from another Mandalay named Ramona. Yo, shout out to Julie Joji, the whole family. You know what I'm saying? Love. And go love. Shout out to all the kids. Love all the kids, man. Love y'all. Oh, but before we go, I want to end it on the funny story. one day, Yo, shout off the kinky One. Time Kinky and Nino decided to go and got a funny story and says, so. We go, we, we wanna be bad that day we're like, Yo, you know what? Let's go to Food Bizarre and let's just put some stuff, In our in our stuff, right? So, yo, we putting stuff in our pockets. Yo, we thinking, yo, we about to go have a, we could snack and chill. Not worry. Maybe blaze a little bit. Mm-hmm. Yo, when we get to the door, they stop. Kinky. Right? Fucked up. Cause as soon as they stopped them and they left us alone, we booked it. like this. Yo, we booked it behind the cars and you know, comes out. They, you know, Kiki comes out, he goes, um, they locked me up. They just made me take a picture with the hot dog. So now every time you to this day, that will kick with the gzz. He's like, Yo, you think you think they were? Or Yo, I'm dead. I'm dead, yo man. I didn't even get to tell him about the time I sold coke for a week, but that, that'd be another story Yo. But yo, send love to your, your, your daughter. I know you gotta go get her. Yeah, I gotta go school. And, uh, I hit chill later to talk about the success of this episode. All love you, my brother. Always a success. Always a pleasure. Love you to my brother. Love it to yourself for life. You already know. Docs hard. So now this is the part of the episode where. I make everything. Pretty much makes sense. When I first got inspired to do the episode. I saw that Netflix documentary with, Kalief Browder. And. Watching that shit really hurt me cause he was just a six year old boy. You know, wrong place at the wrong time. And the system failed them. And fucked up his mindset. Where, you know, he ended up taking the, his life cause he rather had the Nat and go back to jail cause experience, his experience was that bad. And when you hear the things that they go through, and then. Having a friend. That can. Almost back up those stories. I just feel like it makes it more real. And. I don't know. When it's going to change, or if it's ever going to change. But there's something that we gotta be able to do. Or be aware That can. Help, uh, you know, our friends or family members having trouble with the law. Or yourself? There is a way. For you to have a life for yourself? I You know, they put it in your head that there isn't, but. there's companies. That hire felons. you could look it up. Um, hotels. restaurants. Of course construction. I feel like. So small consequences for. For the, you know, for the crime you did, like your jobs are limited as far as getting one of those. Fancy ones. I mean, I'm pretty sure there's some that moved through the ranks. But I'm sure they make it tougher for you. So I feel like. You know, the best thing you can do is. You know, going into business for yourself, they can't stop you from doing that. If you could sell, you could talk to people. you can almost take what you did to get you. In this situation in the first place and flip it to a positive. there's a wall street, dude, man. I'm sorry. I don't know his name, but I saw a video by him the other day. He just use his street knowledge and applied The stocks. And you think about it, right? Like. And the guy from impact every, he said that he hires. Uh, people that have been in a business cause they know how to hustle. And like, I feel like I will do the same thing about a business. You know, I will give an opportunity. Because I know there ain't too many companies that will. I would also like to be involved in something that. you know, helps people to have been incarcerated. get their mom back. Be able to find the humanity and the love for themselves. And be able to learn how to adapt to life. Knowing that they went through what they went through. You know, regardless if you went through trauma in jail or outside of that. It's just still fucks you up. Had different examples of that since I've, uh, started to show. but again, there are solutions, man. Like. There's. And you got up. A lot, us. You know, success is copying each other sometime. And if there's someone that did a worse crime than you, or even a less worse crime than you and. They found the way. I just want you to notice a path. and it's not going to be easy, man. It fuck. It should have, even if you didn't get locked up, it still was going to be tough because you would have had to deal with something else. But you got to dig deep, man. You got to. Look past what they expect you to be and what they expect you to do. Telling you, man. Sales is in everything. And you can't get a job. You can start selling, build the team. Learn how to market. You're never going to go broke if you know how to sell man. And that's the fucking fact, look that shit up in every book and every video. Because everything in life is a sale. It's crazy. You even sold yourself. The idea that you can't do it because you've been locked up like. Somebody sold you that, that dumb ass idea you got what it takes, man. Don't let them where you yo, you know, what's crazy, right. Somebody that's a criminal, someone that's locked up will be. Would be considered. Right. A gangster thug man, but the real thugs is the one them suits that control. Everything. And the biggest crime they've ever done. Was to make. Maybe not even a person make people feel like. they less than what they really And they have to be this way. You know, is, is it's killed. They'll be killed. Like. I feel like that shit is like that on purpose. When JZ say. Why you think they call a project or project because it's a project. It hit me at that age, but when I got older, when it was like, wow, like, Like. Think about it, they. They got the psychology down to the science. So they know they put you in this situation, you're going to react a certain way. While they make an all a profit from you fucking And you think, and you, the thug cause you'll slap them, but what's crazy is that they can wipe your whole family history out. You No one will ever know your last name or so. Awesome. Game of Thrones shit. Like the malaria. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, it's fucked up. Yeah. That's, that's just what it is, man. Like. And I don't see no revolution happening. I don't see no revolts. So we just got to do a weekend Lu. In the space that we got. In the space that you got. And don't let them, you know what I'm saying? Like, I feel like we can't let them. When, as far as like, When you do some. Some, some wild shit. Like, no, that, that's what they expected from They put you in a situation to do they know what you going to do. So do the opposite. So you could be out It was out here, man. Opportunity. People. Experiences which you here for, man, you don't want to experience that shit up in there, man. So. I just hope. Eventually it gets Yeah, it was crazy. No way's prison system is so good. That I'm my, while out, if I go over there. I'll be out the mall, man. And while I'm there, I could jail. Now, but see that's the wrong way to think about it, but no way got like. Some of the best prison systems in the world. a lot of the inmates don't go back. The majority of them don't go back. Because they treat them like people, they give them a kitchen, they give them space. Make sure they learn a new scale. And there was a story about this guy that fits in years for murder. Uh, got out and. Uh, became a chef, got a show. Wrote a book. and now he's in school for like physics or some shit. A look it out like. They're not destroying mines in spirit over there. They trying to build you back up. So you could be part of the society which we should do I just don't get Yeah, man, like I said, the whole point of this episode, just to put some awareness on, on what's going on, whether, you know, a don't know. And give hope to those that have been in that situation, or you might know somebody that's in that situation. And you can understand them. A little bit more, even the stand. You don't Uh, situation, unless you've gone through it. Whether you experienced it or a part of someone else's experience. And it's not, we don't always have to be so quick to judge. regardless what gram, they still human and they need. They need love, man. Everything here is about. Politics and money. But yeah, let's get into that final say and The land, the opportunity, but limited chances. So you find something that works for you. Please take advantage. The system is usually out of order, Like the shake machine in McDonald's. The higher-ups don't leave a smooth path for us to follow. There's no interest unless there's interest involved, they're aware of the issues, but don't care Is ever resolved. Like an exterminator, they set the traps because they're experts in psychology. Their philosophy is like an audition. You get judged on how you act and react. In unfair circumstances.. Rehabilitation in the nation is a myth it's called correctional facilities, but all they do is weaken your ability to see the bright side of things. They sold shady From a baby you're born with a number. Then, if you make a mistake. You get another one added that takes this place in may 28. You become timeless like Barry bonds, home run records. And for the record, do your research. You see how they been reckless. They played checkers, knowing every move you could potentially make. And they see how long it takes before you eventually break. If you want to rise above it, pay attention to those who were locked up and found the way. To make a life for themselves. Just in case you thought it was the same for everybody else. A cold guy locked up and now he's about to open up a No Redis some time. And now he's interviewing legends by working with Tyson excepted Tyson. He lives in entice in life because he never gave up the fight, not the one in the ring, but the one, you can see it as final from within. You got to dig deep. They don't want you to win. You like the gangs in their eyes, but if you analyze. You'll see that not all the exits are blocked. And you won't get blocked. So why not give it a shot? Y'all want to thank God for joining me on this episode. I want to thank my brother Nino V. For sharing his story. And bringing that very energy. And bring a, his truth about what goes on in the, in the system prison system. I hope this episode does something Or make you think Whatever it is. I wish out of best in whatever you do. But be safe out there till next time. Peace. Love Mundo. Out

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