The Raymundo Show

Investment City (Real Estate Edition)

Ray Gonzalez Season 4 Episode 39

In this episode of the Raymundo show he discusses the importance of investing and taking control of your financial future. Listen to special guest, Luke Thomas, discuss real estate investments and how to make it your business. “Buy land they’re not making it anymore.” Tune in to learn more. 

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is your host. Raimundo. Welcome to my show. Where we relate. Laugh. And hopefully learn some shit in the process. But this is episode 39. Investments city. Real estate edition. To get that true wealth. We got to have real estate somewhere in the mix. But before we get in and that I kicked the habit, I just. Let's go let's go. Today's quoted a day is brought to you by. Warren buffet. I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful. And I think that's that's dope, man. Cause. There's not a guarantee way to win an investing unless you inside a trade-in. I know a lot of us don't want to work forever. So I think it is worth. Learning investing. I feel like more than school, more than anything, like. I'm making my kids learn about investing as soon as. The fucking 10, like. I'm going to put it in the most simplest form. Because. Until you make the money work for you, man. It just, it's just going to be the cycle. And. I mean, I'm not experiencing yet, but I'm striving for it. Like there's something I really want. But. I haven't made the full transition or transformation I need. Telling you all that information sometimes can. Make you feel stuck. That's why you got to give it to the action takers. You got to be an action taker, and it's going to feel like you're doing something wrong at first, because it's something you're not used But once you get used to taking that action and it becomes a habit. Sky's the Or the sun worth the icarus But you always got to be doing what others is not. If. If 99% of the world, the great in real estate. Then. You should be trying to do something else. I like to that extent. I've had. Small experience in investing like. Like baby experience. Ah, so, you know, so. Definitely. was dope to get somebody. that's been doing the, for a long Uh, through real estate and he has a. Adult way of seeing things and he has a great perspective. But let's get into the episode. Of best Smith's city


So on this episode, I want to give y'all some value when it comes to investing. you gotta learn how to make your money work for you. If not, you'll be working for the money forever. I'm blessed to have a special guess that's knowledgeable and a lot of, different areas of investing. And he got great fucking energy. So I wanna welcome to the Raymundo Show Lucas to

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Uh, sweet. I got my own soundtrack and everything. Uh,


brother. How's

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let's go on fan freaking. I hope that, I hope. I think we have, I think I'm already excited cuz uh, we were talking before and I think we have perfect energy together. Um, and I'm really excited cause uh, sometimes I go on these podcasts and the immediate responses, uh, I just don't like you Luke. And I'm like, you know what I found? I figured out, like when I was a kid, one of the most valuable lessons I was ever taught is 50% of of the world will hate you, but you make all your money on the other 50%. So you don't give a shit. That, that's, that's the, that's the most valuable thing I learned as a kid is, uh, make, make, make all your money on that half. Like, don't go. Who cares about the other half? Who cares? Fast, strong. Like where I live in this world where there's other fitness that's half though. Oh man, they love me. They love me. They'll go to bat for me. They'll, they'll, they'll, they love me all day, every day, but the other half. So anyway, that's.


That's that balance right there.

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It's so fun being where I'm at now cuz I grew up in a trailer with no money and then now I hang out in the financial planner world, which I hang out with people with way too much money. And it's like this really fun little balance between the two worlds cuz I'm like, I'm like, I could see how nine, none of you see eye to eye. And, um, I pretty much, uh, yeah. Uh, it's, it's weird being the in between, between the two worlds, just being like, Oh yeah, I remember, I remember, uh, living in a trailer and being like, Oh man, you'd be cool eating today. That'd be really cool. You know what I mean? And then now I'm kind of like, gas put up and val, I'll get up in price today and I'm sitting here going like, Oh, I don't even care anymore. Whatever.


but it's good though cause it, it keeps you humble. You know, you know, you know how it is to, to not know how to, you know, what you are going to eat and now you can eat whatever you want. So it's a beautiful thing. where did, where was, where were you raised? Like where was this trailer?

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Oh geez. I went from a town of a thousand people in rural Pennsylvania, so that's why I have



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No, no, no one can place this accent. They're like, You from the south? I'm like, I know it's even worse. I'm from the north, but like, yeah, I'm from the north. But the problem is, is people don't realize is like, you know, when you're from rural parts of the country, you get like really strange accents. And I, I have like this hardcore, uh, slur. I don't even know what it is. But anyway, I, I, I've been, and it's funny cuz I've, I've had this my entire life. If people just assume I'm an idiot, just cuz of the way I sounded, I'm like, oh yeah, I could see that. I could see. So usually I'll do my, uh, my, my classes and I'm like, It takes me at least two hours to convince someone I'm not an idiot. And then I'm like, Oh, good, good. It took me two hours, but I, I proved to you I'm not an idiot. I mean, it's an uphill battle and I'm over it, you know?


you know, what is the, one of the best things I heard? It doesn't, it doesn't matter how you speak, is what matters is they, that they understand you. So as long as they understand you and they learn and they're getting what they need to get it is all good, man. I know.

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why you got half the population. See, talk to that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And trying to, trying to figure out which half it is so you can just stop talking quicker. You know,


So, so tell my listeners, uh, pretty much just scheme of things, what you do, what you do for a living.

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here's what I do. Um, I'm a financial planner for a living. I help people achieve fire, which is a financial independence. Retire early. Um, I was a real estate agent for 10 years. Um, I was a copywriter before. I've always been self-employed. I haven't had a real job since the Army, which has been like almost 12 years from now. So I haven't had a, like my last technical so that the army isn't technically a job cause you can't get fired. Right. So my last real job was Walmart cashier. Okay. So last real job I had was, I was a Walmart cashier working for$10 an hour and I was on food stamps and it's funny cuz I made too much money, so they only gave me$35 in food stamps and, and like I'm sitting there going like, Hey, here's my food stamps and I'm gonna buy rotisserie chicken cuz I'm just assuming$5 rotisserie chicken is the best use for my$35 in food stamps. Um, those, those were the good old days, but


how did the ra uh, Rhm come together? Boy, were you like hanging out with your boys and you like, Yo, you my right hand man? And you were like, Yo, that's it.

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No. So what I've got into real estate is really funny. So normal real estate agents, um, you know, like, so here's how I'll tell you how a real estate agent is born. Normally what happens is, is someone with money, right? Buys a house and they go, Oh wow. That real estate agent makes way too much money. I can't believe they make that much money on this one. Transac. That's crazy. And then that, that person then gets their license and that's how a real estate agent was born, right?


Oh, okay.

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I was born. Through fire and brimstone, and my very first property came to its own crackhead, right? It was great. This guy did the showing and everything. He's like, Hey bro, let's kill it in. I'm like, Oh dude, this is awesome. And then he's walking me around this condo and he's like, Yeah, we don't really go upstairs. Did you know what the worst enemy of a crackhead is? Do you know what it.


Um, Stairs,

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Yes. Because when they're, when they're, when they're tripping out of their minds, they fall down.'em. So they, so what they'll do, what they do is they put the beds in the living room on the first floor. So they, and they don't go upstairs. It's, it's absolutely fascinating. I'm sitting here getting like, I'm like, I'm like walking through this, and I'm just like, Oh, wow, this is so much fun of getting like a, And they even had like, it was like, it was great. They had stolen stereos in the corner. They had like the rottweiler in the yard. It was great. Oh, man,


they had a, they had a organized, they had it together.

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Professional crack heads, like they, these guys were, you know, they were, they were fantastic. So when I would, when I, when I started buying property, when in college I was a copywriter and I made really good money, But copywriting's so boring. When I started becoming a real estate agent, I was like, what's the easiest way to make money without having to work again? Right? So then I started buying rental properties because if you buy rental properties, you can cash flow 2, 3, 4, 5,$600 a month as long as you can buy'em.


What year was this? What year did you start

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that was 2014. So that was, that was eight, nine years ago. So that was 2014. Um, and it was great because I bought the place and then I show up and I tell the real estate or I tell the police cuz they didn't leave. And I'm like, you gotta get out. I own this place. They're like, we, we live here. You can't tell us what to do, don't like, lovely. So I call the police and the police show up, you know, two hours. It's one of those neighborhoods where you call the police and they show up two hours later cuz they just assume. Hey, hey, can clean it up. I, Yeah. You know, if they, they show up two hours later cuz it's easier to clean up than it is to, you know, stop it. Yeah. So it's one of those neighborhoods. So I'm sitting there, I'm sitting there with my battle buddy cuz that's what you, you just, you don't, you never go to these place alone. You always got my battle buddy. We're sitting there for two hours waiting for the police and we're just sitting there going like, Man, this is fun. You buy a 40,000 condo, you sit in your car waiting for the police to show up two hours later. And, uh, yeah, this is, this is, this is real. Congratulations Luke.


I was a real estate agent in, in New York City. Um, I, I didn't get to the houses part, but I did the rentals and it happened. I went to a Trump seminar and had like, epiphany. It was like, Oh, this is what I wanna do, but then didn't do the investing. I did rentals just cuz I feel like I wanted to build like, some reputation first and then get into it. But like, I've attempted to get into it. Like, I try to get into the whole sailing, but I never, I never followed through. So, you know, talking to somebody that's in the game, like really, doing it. What you say eight, nine years is, it's good to get your, your feedback on stuff. Um, in the military. What, what, what did you learn there that, that gave you, like that strategy that, That mindset that

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Oh, so I've always been too smart for my own good. I was one of those kids that's like, um, well I was, I was little asshole cuz I was, I was smart. I was always been smart. And then, the only reason I joined the army was because, student loans will, they, they will chase you for the rest of your life and then you.


that's true.

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with the, with the military though, it's like, Hey, do your four years, here's your end date free college. I'm like, Oh, I can do that. And I that's, it's so funny. I was getting, I would get the military training, they'd be like, Well man, you're here because you love your country. Oh, I'm here. Cause the GI Bill is a beautiful program. So, so I joined the Army just so, uh, cuz like I said, I've always been very, I've always been very pro money. And the hardest thing with people, it's like, it's like everything I do, it's all about, it's like, okay, how do I avoid what trips most people up? Right? Most people, they go to college, they get loans they can't afford and a degree that's stupid and they don't get, they can't get a real job. My philosophy was join the army, get free education, go into business school because at least if business, because my wife, she's an engineer and the thing is, is she was become an aerospace engineer. But we decided not to, we decided to do mechanical because mechanical can go anywhere. Same thing with business. It's a degree that it, that is such, so many avenues of approach for getting jobs and like doing well in the world. But if she would've become an aerospace engineer, it's too niche. And every time she was applying for mechanical engineering jobs, the hiring agents would be like, Well, you have an aerospace engineer. What does that have to do with mechanical? And it's like, well, it's a super cool version of mechanical. But you'd always have that, have to have that conversation. And sometimes they'll just throw your, uh, resume out because it's like, Oh, you're not a mechanical, you're, you're a aerospace. Get outta here. So, for me that, so I joined the army, got my education paid for. And then, but the, but the number one thing that the Army taught me is I never wanna have a boss again. So if I had to go on a limb and say what the Army taught me, it's like, I don't like bosses. And I, your worst boss in the world is nothing compared to having the worst boss in the military. It's just, it's just hands down. You cannot imagine the horrid, horrid things that can, that can happen to you.


Yeah. Was it like, um, was it like that movie, uh, what is it called? Full Metal? Is

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full metal jacket, that wasn't that bad. I like that. But no, the problem is, is if you piss off the wrong guy, that can make your life held the entire time you're there. And it's one of those things. So, so my brother, he was a Marine and I was in the army, and like I said, he's too smart for his own good. I'm too smart for my own good. And that's not good for a lot of, lot of, So for a lot of being an employee, being too smart for your own goods is not good for you.


Can't, you can't be smarter than the master. That's the rule. Like you can't,

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dare you. How dare, Actually there's, there's, there's actually a, there's actually a quote for that. It's like, don't outs, shine the master. Yeah, yeah. I live in that world. I'm like, Nope, nope. I'm an idiot. That's why, That's why I'm, that, that's why I'm, It takes me two hours to convince you I'm not an idiot. Then in general, I'm an real,


it's better to play like that cuz then, you know, you, I I, that's like a technique. I guess you get to see people true colors and you kind of, you can maneuver in that space of them thinking that you don't know better.

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Oh, it's the best. It's


the best.

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I actually drive a Prius. I drive a Prius as well, and it's the funniest thing cuz I, I'm a hardcore. I'm a hardcore son of a bitch, right? So it's the funniest thing cuz I drive this Prius and I go like 150 miles an hour in this thing, but the police think I'm a soccer mom, so they never pull me over. So I've been going 120 and they're, and they're just sitting there going like, and it's funny, all my buddies talk shit cuz they're like, Dude, you drive a Prius. Uh, that's, that's so, uh, terrible. And I'm sitting here going like, Dude, I've, I've owned this bank for five years, never been pulled over. I go 120 everywhere I go and they're just like, Oh man, that soccer mom must have an emergency. And I'm sitting here going like, Yeah, yeah, do my emergency is I gotta be places quicker than everyone else. And like it. So it's just so funny cuz cuz when I was, when I was a property manager, cuz I, not only was I a landlord, I was actually a property manager and I used to run a property management company for several years. And I used to do really tough neighborhoods. Like my entire business model was, I would help you buy rent and then sell the toughest neighborhoods in your city, more or less. And that's pretty much my, was my business model for several years. And it's so funny when you like, so I used to own this one car, I called it the slum War. And it was this 2008 Mazda Sport, right? So I beat this thing to hell, like it got backed into in parking lots and shit, and it had like all the sun spots and everything, but it was like the perfect car for what I was doing. Cuz like I would leave this place in some not so nice places and it was never broken into. Cuz everyone's like either A Crackhead owns that and he ain't got nothing. Or B, like that person is violent. I'm not breaking into that thing. And I'm like, Yes, that's got, I'm, we've established this car is not owned by a good person. Let's not break into it. So, but it was


way hold.

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I read that in a book that, uh, The Millionaire. He was saying that not to, not nothing against those neighborhoods, but he, every time he went in his nice car always got scratched, keyed. So he said he learned, you know, just bring the Honda cord and nobody would mess with it. So that's crazy. But, before you, um, get into that, I don't want, I don't wanna get lost. Fire,

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is hot. Fire is hot. How do you help people retire early? Like, I know people wanna be financially independent, but retiring early. That's, that's two in one, right?

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Well it's called the Three Pillars of Wealth. I know all three because I've bought, and I've bought and invested in all of them. And like I said, it took me a decade to get into all these little niches. And like as one of my friends says, uh, the niches are in the or, the riches are in the niches. And if you can niche yourself into something, you either make a ton of money. Cuz the reality is people don't go, they usually don't get that hyper focused into niches. But once you get that niche, it's. You know, like, so most of my clients are now multi-millionaires. So me, so the last 10 years I made myself a multi-millionaire. I made, uh, most of my clients multi-millionaires. And it was all through real estate, which are the three pillars of wealth, real estate, paper, and, uh, businesses. So with real estate, real estate, that's gonna be your Airbnbs, your, um, your long term rentals, your wholesaling fixing flips. Uh, I'm not a huge fan of fixing flips. I think it's too much risk. but everyone loves fixing flips. It's like, it's in the, it's vogue. But I don't think fixing and flips make you rich. I just think it's a vehicle to make money to then buy actual wealth, which is apartment buildings, um, rentals, Airbnb. Cause, cause what, what people don't realize is cash flow is king. I don't care if you have a million dollars in your bank account. Well, congratulations. You can live for 10 years before you go broke. Congratulations. But if you own, if you own like 20 rental properties, that's forever. You know, like I collect my rent, like I own like 20, 30 properties myself. Right. And I landlord'em all. I, I've replaced my income, like my regular income's now been replaced with, uh, you know, mailbox money. I get my, uh, my cash flow for my rentals. I got some notes. Um, I actually own, uh, a business overseas. Uh, I don't wanna get too far into that one.


You hustling, man. You a hustler.

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Well, the thing, the reality is, is don't steal money from Luke. That should be simple. I'm not a nice person and I, I never present to anybody that I'm a nice person. And then one of my business partners stole my money. So me and my attorney, we shook him down and all he had was, uh, he had, he had a bunch of land in Costa Rica. And when I shook him down, I'm like, Yeah, I'll take that. Give me that and I won't sue you into the ground. And I won't go after you for criminal charges and fraud. The next thing know I own something overseas. But that, that's just how it works. You know? You gotta be aggressive, but then you also have to be like, so I'm a really nice guy in general. Like, I'm a really good guy unless you owe me money or you, and you steal money. Like, you know what I mean? It's like, it's really fundamentals. Like, so, but like I


all have our standards and our morals and our codes, man, and we can't let nobody

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a very, I'm a codified person. I'm very heavy on codes cuz I'm sitting here going like, Well dude, I don't steal money and everyone gets paid. That's literally, that's like everyone gets paid. don't screw over loop. That's literally my only, that's only two philosophies. I love paying people cuz if we, if I, if I get you paid, it means we made money that I can pay you with, if you know what I mean. Like, like that's how it


then, and then together, you could buy businesses. Like right now, my, my ideal plan is like, get, get rich. No. Get wealthy. Get my friends wealthy. As many as I can get wealthy. I wanna buy an island. Man. We could do whatever the fuck we want over there. You know what I mean? Get drunk, get high, whatever, you know, have fun and live by

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there's some islands. They're not even that expensive like my wife is one of those crazy people feel like Google, like how much is an island? And then she like, I think there's like some for like a few, only like a few million dollars. And I'm like, sweet. I mean, there's nothing on it. But,


Hey, you could build it, you could build it in with, with, uh, with Tom, in this market, which type of real estate is like the best to get into right now?

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ah, that's the, that's the toughest question cause Well, most of the real estate in, in America is overpriced. and the problem we're running into is all the prices are too high, but now the interest rates are too high. So the problem is, is you're overpaying with no longer cheap money. So the reason the prices jumped was because there was so much cheap money. The fed dropped interest rates to like zero, near zero, and next thing you know, everyone just shot up. They're like, everyone just started buying everything. Cuz it's like, like, it was like the reverse of the bank run. It was like, Oh wow, there's so much cheap money. Let's, we gotta just run out into the street and buy everything. So the hedge funds and all these super rich people, they bought up all the real estate and then now they drove up all the prices. And the problem we're having now is that the interest rates are skyrocketing because of inflation. So now, now I don't know what's gonna happen, but now because the, the, but now we have our affordability issues with purchasing anything. So. Reality is, is right now is probably a terrible time to buy real estate in America. but I mean, it's not to say you can't buy real estate, it's just the deals are much harder to find and you're really gonna have to hustle the, hustle, the margins on these, cuz I mean, cuz right now I'm, I'm, I'm investing in like Miss Milwaukee, Wisconsin because it's some of the cheapest real estate in America. Right. And weirdly enough, uh, what, what's weird, what's weird though is Milwaukee actually had, is having one of the best years it's ever had with unemployment. Like it's set the lowest unemployment. It's been in years. So it's like, but like it's funny though cuz everyone's like, What the hell is in Milwaukee? I'm like, well then employment's low and the real estate's cheap. I mean, that's all I need, you know, It's like, well what about,


so you're saying that the bucks are in Milwaukee right now?

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Yeah, literally the fucks in Milwaukee. Yeah, man, I, man, I like puns. I like you Ray. I like you Ramondo. I like puns. That's a good one. That's very punty of you.


you know how much I've been dying, not to say Luke did.

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Oh, dude, you know what's funny? Did you know everyone's my father? Literally everyone, Five year old girls are my father. Who fricking 16 year old kids are my father. 90 year old men are my father. You know, it's bullshit. All these sons of bitches should be paying my child support. God, Damnit, where were you dad? You pieces of shit you need to pay for Luke. What about me? And it's so funny, every time someone says that to me, I make it super awkward, you know? I'm like, Oh dude, where? Where were you for me, Ramono? Where were you for me? Why didn't you take care of me? You know how many times I wish I had a father figure in my. Screw you, dad. And then they'll, and then it gets so awkward, so quickly and then they don't anymore. It's really, it's quite, Yeah. But I got a million stories, man.


So I wanted to ask you what, like your comp, like your company, you make millionaires, what makes you stand? Like, what makes you different in the rest? Like why should people work with you?

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Oh, it's cuz really, I, I had found another person who helps people do what I do. So I, I let, I help people house hack. Right. You know what? House hacking?


I would love to, I would love to though

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Okay, so house hacking is so fourplexes. So four unit apartment buildings are considered residential. So you can use regular FHA loans and conventional loans with three and a half to 5% down, and you can buy a four unit apartment building and you can live in one of the units and you can rent out the other three and you can actually pay your mortgage off and also pocket money, right? So I help, I train people how to be livid like, and like for me, it's funny. So when I started, when I first started, one of the second houses I ever bought was a four bedroom house. And I actually rented out the other three rooms in my house, so I was the live-in landlord. So I, I've evicted my own roommates before, like, if that gives you how much of a son of a bitch I am, I will literally, I, I literally serve that song, bitch. I'm like, Here's your eviction notice while he's, he's like eating breakfast with the cereal. I know you, I know you know where I fucking sleep, motherfucker. But that's fine. Just remember I got, I got brothers who just as mean as I am, and then they're just like, Oh, oh, Luke. It's like I've evicted my own roommates. I don't care. Like, come on bro. We all gotta die sometime.


Now, now, now I know the, the house hack, um, when you said it, Instagram, all the posts I saw, they, uh, like a lot of investors post that house hack, they post memes about it. know, like, like of course social media makes everything seem simple, but I know there's some work behind it, but I know it's shit. I know it'd be beneficial if you really, uh, get into it.

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Yeah. Well, well basically the way it works is, um, I have a very simple philosophy. You don't have to tell them that you're the landlord and you're just another tenant. And if you talk to your neighbors, which I highly don't advise, I don't talk to your neighbors. And cuz what I used to do is I would actually hire a pro, like I have a real estate license. I could technically rent my next door neighbor, I could rent that unit, but I don't want them to know I'm the next door neighbor. Right. I don't want them to know I'm the owner. Right. So I will literally, I will go outta my way to be like, Okay, I will hire a property, I will hire someone else to, to fill those units. Cause I just don't want, I just don't wanna exist. Because otherwise at three in the morning you get in phone, you'll get knocks on your door at three in the morning being like, Hey look, my air conditioner doesn't work. I'm like, I'm like, That's not how any of this works. Um, I don't want you knocking on my door at three in the morning. So, yeah,


And they And they would do that. They would do that

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And they will, they love that shit. Like how, Well, I've actually evicted my own neighbors. Like I've evicted my roommates, I've evicted my neighbors before. And like, it's funny cuz they're like, Aren't you the landlord? I'm like, No, I walk away. Don't talk to them cuz they owe you money. So anyway, so there, there's a whole, like you can hire if you don't wanna do it yourself, you can hire people like me, you know, property manager types. Um, but yeah, I used to, So I've done both where you basically buy a house. Um, so when you do house hacking for houses, right, what you wanna do is you wanna have at least, so you gotta remember. If you have a group of more than two people, there's politics, right? Immediately there's politics. So if you have a house of four, obviously you are on your side, right? You have to rent to one of your buddies always. Because then the, because if you get two randos, the randos aren't gonna band together against you and your buddy. And usually you convince one of them that you are cooler than that one. Right? But if you rent the free randos, you gotta be careful cuz if you rent the three randos, those three randos could ban against you as the landlord. Cuz you know how that works. It's like the landlord's a bastard, let's, let's, let's overthrow'em. So you gotta be real careful with how, with like being a living landlord, cuz I've had a few spots with my roommates and they know you're the landlord. So it's like, it's not so it's, it's not like, oh hey, you know, I'm your roommate and there's another guy that does that wants his money. It's, Oh, no, Luke wants his money. This is personal and you gotta be real careful with that. So you gotta make sure. So I, what I would always do is I would rent to minimum one of my buddies and then you'd always rent to ran. You can get randos. You can get randos. Just make sure you do your background checks, credit checks. And like I said, you live there, so you gotta make sure you like each other, you know what I mean? It's not, there's, there's making money, but there's also getting stabbed. Like, don't do that So,


get stabbed. Man. This ain't, this ain't uh, this ain't Halloween. Michael. Michael ain't here.

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one of my tenant, he just went back to prison like I was making that stab joke. And he's like, Oh yeah, it does suck. I got stabbed 37 times. I'm like that damn man.


gotta be careful who you joke

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Oh yeah, dude. No, no. He thought it was funny. Well, I'm pretty hardcore, so it's like my bullshit with these guys cuz a lot of my tenants, they went to prison, right? Cause prison, uh, ex-cons are like one of the best tenants ever because, um, no one else will rent to'em. But they usually have good jobs and they usually like construction. They got good jobs, but no one will give'em that chance. And like I said, once you give, once you rent to them, they always pay rent. Actually, if, if your rental system breaks down, they'll literally call you and be like, Hey man, I got the rent. Can I, can I, can I come meet you right now? I got it right now, I got it in cash. Where are you Luke? I'm like, How God, uh, I'll just get the system up and running. I don't, I don't need you to, No, quit calling me off. I I'm not gonna, I'm not


what's up. That's what's

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it. You guys got your, I got my money. I'm taking care of it. And then you sit there for like two hours trying to make it, make the online system run back up. But anyway, but like


good though. You get, you're giving people chances, so you know, we need more people like that.

Track 2:

weird being in this, in this, in this, in this niche cuz like nobody likes you because everyone just thinks you're a slum ward. But then, so I guess it depends on which, if you're on the outside looking in, it looks like I'm a slum ward taking advantage of poor people. But on the inside I'm a guy who's giving second chances. The people no one else does. So it's this really, it's a really weird niche cuz like, like I said, from the outside, nobody likes me. But then on the inside, oh, like the people who do like you, like you until they don't pay you rent and then they don't like you. So it's a very, It's actually funny. Landlording is one of those thankless jobs. Like no one likes their landlord. Like, can you think of a single nice thing to say about a landlord in Exactly. No one, no one's like hell. I tell people, they're like, How'd you make all your money? I'm like, Land. And they're like, Wow, you must be a bad person or something. I'm like, Sure.

The equity. More Mundo after this commercial break. Was good. Yeah. I'm proud and happy to announce that. All three Patrion tears is up. Each with its own. Per can benefit. You want more moon? No, you get more mono. virtual version. I tried to be a little bit reserved. You know, on the regular platforms. But each. T it puts you more in depth. With who I am and where I'm at to go. So. Sign up to the show. Go to A forward slash the Raimundo show. Sign up is pretty easy. yeah. And I'll see you there don't just meet me there. Greet me So Snoop dog But anyway back to the show


You gotta have thick skin and be that man. But, um, I wanted to ask you about the, the Airbnbs. Like, well, I just got, I just saw a report that they cracking down about it in Atlanta. Uh, what are the pros and cons to getting into that? Cause I see so many people doing that shit. They make it seem like it is easy money. But I know, uh, the challenge,

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Well, nothing in nothing in life is easy. If that, if that, if, if, if, if you take anything from me. Nothing in life is easy. Everything's ugly. Everything's dirty. Like you, like you just, you like you're trying to do the right things, but the right things are actually wrong. In some circumstances, it's, it's, everything's gray and everything's ugly. But I mean, as long as you understand the nuance of ugly, you'll do fine. But anyway, Airbnbs, so they, I have a love hate relationship with Airbnbs. I think they're awful because they, they destroy the local culture in a lot of state or a lot of cities, right? cuz you'll have, what'll happen is, is you got these rich people who buy out all these middle income properties that should go to locals and then they convert'em to rentals. So they're, they're like, so I think it's gross because it's like you're destroying the culture of a city to make a quick buck. But on the other hand, I mean, it's gonna happen anyway. I can't


As well.

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so I'm, I make money off it. So it's one of those, it's one of those. But then again, sending me and Landlording, it's like someone's gotta be, someone's gotta buy these properties. Nobody wants to rent to these people, nobody wants to rent to, you know what I mean? So, I don't like Airbnbs in general, but Airbnbs, they're not easy, but as long as you buy the right house for the right price, they make really good money. And I have a very simple formula, at least 10 days, right? So 10 days of rental income from a Airbnb should cover your mortgage, right? So 10 days of a rental should cover your mortgage and then you should be fine. Obviously, I'm not giving any real, this is my, one of my disclosures. I'm not giving you real estate advice. These are the formulas that I use their opinions and they work for me. However, they might not work for you. Please don't, Please don't take this and go lose all your money. Cause I just disclosed not my problem anyway. So I, I think, but, but like I said, I got this really nice place out in New Mexico. We bought it for$150,000. Right? And it's a really weird location. I actually call, I call it cottage core New Mexico cuz it's like somebody built a cabin. On an acre lot in the middle of fricking nowhere. And we bought it for like$150,000. And the thing is super weird. Like it's a super weird property. It's probably like a half a million dollar property. Like they put a ton of money in this thing, but because they build it in such a weird spot that they, they, they just can't sell it for any amount of money. But I bought the thing, our mortgage is only like 800 bucks, right? But then the thing cash flow is like 3,500 a month. And the thing, it's ridiculous. But that's, that's, I mean, that's not par for, that's not normal. That's just stuff that I do that's like, cuz I've been doing this so long. So I've just like, so stuff pops up and I say, Oh, that's a nice one. Boom. And then I buy it and I do it. So and then if you have, if you think that the government's gonna crack down on your Airbnb, what you should do is you should lease the properties, then you can actually get out of'em with no harm, no foul. Okay.



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So if you're like in Atlanta and you think that the government's gonna change the law and they're gonna crack down on you, lease the property. Just convince a landlord, Hey, I'm gonna run an Airbnb business outta your house. Here's the contracts sign done. Then if in hell, you could even make the deal month to month. So the moment the city cracks down on you, you just say, Oh, third day notice you take your money and you leave because you don't own the house. You have no affiliation to the house. You collect your money and you get out. So I, I tell people a lot of that when they buy in HOAs, cause a lot of HOAs are changing their bylaws to get rid of short term rentals. However, if you're leasing, you can just walk away. Like there's no lawsuits. I don't have to go to the HOA boards, I don't have to fight people in the street. I just say, Okay, here's my 30 day notice. I made my money and I, and I walk away. And that's like one of those really crazy strategies. People are just like, Oh, That's Wow. I guess I could just do that. I'm like, yeah, like why? Why buy a half million dollar house and then find out it's a really bad Airbnb, You know what I mean? I'd rather rent a house that's a half million dollars, find out it's a bad Airbnb, and then just 30 day notice by way out and leave. You know what I mean?


I mean, that's good. That's good information, especially that just coming up now, you know, a lot of people are gonna benefit from that, so can't wait to post that. I might post, I might post that part before the video, before the actual episode.

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Well, what I mean, cause everyone's like, Oh, we gotta buy and we gotta have lawsuits. And I'm like, No, dude, just rent the thing and like rent. And if it makes a lot of money and like hell, if it rents a, it makes a lot of money then, you know for a fact you can buy a property in that neighborhood and you already know it makes a lot of money. Like, I just don't understand why someone would buy a million dollar property for the hopes that it'll make a lot of money in Airbnb. It's just. Well just rent the thing and see if it works, you know? Cause your mortgage is just, is very similar to the rent anyway. So like, it, what's it matter? But whatever.


That's true. so I want you to let my listeners know, like, why, why is it important to have like a financial plan? like, I feel like you just can't, something like this when it comes to retiring early and being financially independent, you can't leave it to chance. Like you need to organize, go to plan. Coming from an investor, I think, uh, you know, letting them know why they should have a financial plan,

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Here's, here's what I'm gonna tell you. I grew up in a trailer and I achieved fire in 10 years. Okay? If I can do it, I mean, I might be smarter than the average bear. But,



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I like, like, like I'm. I'm not the brightest bulb, I'm just slightly like, I'm smarter than the average bear, like picnic baskets and everything. But like at the end of the day, I'm not Exactly, I'm not, I'm not a genius. It's not like, you know what I mean? I just, I'm just willing to do what it takes to make money. Right? Cause most people, they won't, they won't buy a four bedroom house and rent the other three rooms to make money. You know what I mean? Like, for example, my mortgage was like, you know, X dollars. And then a lot of people don't realize is the, the, the biggest suck on your income is rent. You have to eliminate rent so you can eliminate rent. Imagine how much extra money you have a month that you have to play with.


And you can use that money to invest even more.

Track 2:

Exactly. Or you could, I mean, or you could just have extra money to live better. Cuz then you can negotiate better salary because you have have income. I'll give you an example what of my clients, he's the security guard. Okay. He owns two four plexes in two different states. So he owns eight rental units, two apartment buildings. Okay. He is a security guard with a hundred thousand dollars in student loan debt and he has two buildings and he semi-retired be, and he, he literally quits his job like every two years. If his boss pissed him off, he's like, he's like, he's really like, you know, I don't have to work here. I got two buildings, asshole. I don't have to work here. He literally quits his job like, it's like clockwork every two years. He's like, and it's funny cuz he'll talk mad shit cuz he is like, cuz his boss is like, Hey, can you do these? And if normally people like working class people, they have to do it cuz they're living paycheck to paycheck. So it's like they gotta, they gotta do these things they don't wanna do.


Yeah, you don't have to.

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but he doesn't have to. He literally, because he has the extra money and it's not, he's not rich. Mind you. He's not rich. Okay. It's just we did the right things. To replace his income. Like even, it's not like, it's not even like he makes a million dollars a year. It's the sheer fact that he has, like, he can quit his job and be unemployed for two months and it, it doesn't cripple him financially, you know what I mean? Like, he can look for a job that he wants to do, not, I have to take the first job that I take because that's, that's, that's all I, because I need, like, I gotta pay rent. Therefore, you're willing to take lower wages just because you need to pay rent. But for him, he doesn't have to. He, he, he literally, he lives in his unit. He lives rent free because his other tenants pay him, pay him his mortgage and he actually, makes his pockets like an extra grand or so. And then he just bought, And then the thing was we cash out Refied his house, his fourplex, we cash out, Refied it, we pulled 200 K out. And with that 200 k we bought another fourplex. So now he owns eight units and like I said, he's just, he's a freaking security card and he makes like 20 bucks an hour and he owns two fricking buildings. Okay. It's just like, it's not, none of these things are impossible to do. It's just they suck cuz obviously that fourplex isn't a nice neighborhood. Right. And, and he had, he had to live in the hoarder property. It's so funny, he lived in the hoarder property and he hates roaches cuz the place had like roaches. It took us like six months to get the roaches out. but now we got, we finally got the roaches out and I mean, he doesn't live in a nice neighborhood, but, you know, he had, he now can do the things he wants to do and like I said, he can quit his job and he doesn't, he's not, he's not, he's not jones in for money every 10 minutes. And that's the thing, it's, it's being able to have the, that cushion and to have that cash flow that eliminates those daily bills that forces you to make poor financial decisions. Cuz people will make these decisions. Cuz it's like, Oh, hey, I have an emergency. I need a job now. And then you're just basically going from job to job and like, there's no arrest. You know, There's no rest for the weary. And that's the problem with a lot of people is they're too busy, they're too busy hustling and running and running and gunning and it's just like, Oh man, you get, you can't do that. You gotta,


You need, you need like real energy to pull through. I, I read a lot, so I don't realize like to have that willpower, to have that, that push when you feel like you've been knocked down too much, your energy, your rest makes a difference. I want to ask you, what does it take to work with you? Like what's the, is that income requirement? Like how does that,

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got me, you got me interested.

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Here's how my system works. Um, uh, if you can't afford me, Then I have classes, so I have a whole classroom system you could pay for the classes. It's pretty much everything I teach. It's just you don't get any personal touch. but if you could afford me, and I'm not cheap, obviously, it's just the law of, of, it's just the law of business. If you don't have enough money to make money, then you don't have enough money to make money. So it's like, and I can't, I can't help you. You know what I mean? Like, I have some people that are like, I make, I make$12 an hour and I'm like a hundred thousand dollars in debt. And it's just like, it's just like, well, you need to get a better job. And you ha like, there's just so much legwork to get, cuz I call, actually I do a poverty class, a poverty trap class. And what people don't realize is you have to make a certain amount of money to escape poverty. So in the way the poverty system works, so like Dollar Generals, Dollar Generals are a poverty trap business. Cause they make you pay for a pound. They make you almost pay triple for a pound to sugar. Then if you got it from like an actual grocery store. So you got your Dollar Generals, they, or make you, they make you overpay for sugar. Um, you got your, what else is it? The gas stations, they make you overpay for cigarettes and booze. Like you got all these. And then the thing is, it's like if you have children childcare, that's like another one of those things. It's like, it's like, so you actually have to make a certain income to escape the poverty trap. And like I said, the the, the e the only way really to get out of the poverty trap is to eliminate that rent. I'm against buying houses with mortgages unless you're gonna rent the rooms. Right. Cause otherwise you're just replacing rent with mortgages. And it's just like, it's just like you have to eliminate, you have to have, you have to be on the cusp of escaping the poverty trap for me to work with you, because otherwise I can't help you. Right. There's just too much, there's just too much going on and going wrong that you, you, you, I can't help you escape. Like I can give you, I can, I can put you on the right path, but if you don't do the things that you need to do, and, and, and then I guess it's not entirely true, it, like I'll work with some people if they're willing to do like the house hacking, right? I can help you buy a house and live in it and do the fourplexes and that kind of stuff. But the problem with that is you still need a down payment so that you still need like 20, 30,$40,000 in the bank account. So it's like, I mean, it, it's just there's a very bare minimum required for finances. Otherwise, you know, I can't, if you don't have the money to, you know, escape the poverty


not, you're not gonna be able to help them anyway. So it's like, you know, and, and time is important. You, time goes by quick, especially when you got a lot of things going on. So you don't wanna waste each other's,

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to people. Like I'm,


you gotta be real.

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And it's funny too, cuz like, it's funny though cuz they're like, you're kind of mean. I'm like, Oh no, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm a realist, right? Like, here, here's the deal, right? If I, if you can't help yourself, I can't help you. And if you're in the poverty trap, I can't help you escape the poverty trap without you doing the things you need to do to get outta the poverty trap. And I, and I assure you, being in the poverty trap, that's, that's a terrible place to be. Like, you gotta dig, you gotta dig it. It's like, I imagine it like, um, Like, you know, if I was a rabbit and, um, the rabbit hole collapsed, right? And that, that that rabbit's gonna just dig his way out. And it's just, you know, it's just fight tooth, the nail blood and gut. Ah, I don't want to die down here. That's the poverty trap. And it just sucks because such a large majority of America is in the poverty trap. And,


you know, I mean, it's bigger. I, I don't know. I feel like it's set up that way. It's, it's, but that's another episode.

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but that's why you need the financial planning. Cause it's like, without the fi, like, see, I came from the poverty trap. I had nothing and I clawed my way out of the poverty trap. And the thing is, is like, That's the people I like to work with are the people that are like, I make just enough money to escape the poverty trap and I want out. And it's like, Okay, good. Well here's what you gotta do. You gotta do X, you gotta do Y, and you gotta do Z. And it's like, why don't wanna do X, Y, and Z? I'm like, Then here's the deal. That's the only way out of here. Like, you know what I mean? It's like you gotta dig your way out and this is the only way, but why can't I just be the CEO of Starbucks? I'm like, Cause there's already that guy and you're not him. Okay, congratulations. I can, I could blow, I could blow very fairy tales off your ass and, and daydreams and unicorns and shit. But I'm not going to, I'm gonna tell you this, how you make money. It's, it's long, it's arduous, it's ugly. Like you're gonna have to evict people. You're gonna have to, you're gonna have to evict your own roommates. You're gonna have to do some ugly shit to escape the poverty trap and like that. That's literally, I have an entire class on just the poverty trap. And I mean, I mean, that's your cash. The loans guys, those are the guys like that's your unbanked, that's your, your cash loans. Like he's not gonna charge you$20 to cash your check and cash the loan place. It's like, dude,$20. That's so expensive. It's like,


I see, I see what you're saying though. But it's good that you keep it straight up, man. I don't know. I always, even if I don't like you and you honest and keep it straight up, I gotta respect you. That's, I feel like that's the only thing that matters cuz respect goes a long way. Liking, liking. I could not like you in, in, in the second. So, ah, damn. What I wanna, so what I always ask this question, it's like my signature Raymundo show question. What role does fear play in your life?

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oh, fear.



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Oh, I have no fear. That's why I can do all this shit. I have one simple philosophy. I'm gonna die. It's probably. Probably gonna be terrible, horrible death. However, I'm gonna have so much fun. I'm gonna have so much fun on, on my way there that it doesn't matter. Cause I'm a story person. I'm that guy. I just sit there like, I'm the guy that's like holding my beer while, while we do something stupid. And I have a, I have like a million stories just like that. Like, I had this one guy, he was breaking into my house, okay? He was going through the security bars. Like you're going, he's literally sitting there with like a spoon, like digging into the stucco, trying to get the bolt out. And I'm sitting here going, like, I had just sit there and watch him for like at least two or three minutes. Like, watch this guy break into my house. I'm like, like, this is so awesome. Digging out the, digging out the bolt of your security bar to break into your vacant house, that, that might just so he can do drugs in your closet. That my friend, that that is, uh,


Yo, you

Track 2:

That's pure life, my friend.


you must had, you must had a lot of stories with cracks, man. That But you gotta, you got a unique way of thinking, man. I like the way you think.

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I'm happy for the second chances. I provide people. I'm happy for everybody. However, it's such an harsh, ugly world that I inhabit. You know what I mean? It's such a harsh, ugly world that I have it, but I also want success for others. But I'm also, I also understand. They might never beat the drug and they're gonna, they're gonna steal my copper. They might relapse. You know, you, you gotta, it. It's, this is one of, it's, it's sad. It's, it's a really sad thing in the world that I have to inhabit. But anyway, that, that, so if you're gonna work with me, that's why you need a financial plan because the only way out is up. You know what I mean? That's why like one of my favorites saying is, Hey, you know, what's the best part about rock bottom?


That, um, that you are on your back. So when you look up, you get up. So shit

Track 2:

Well, the, the best part about rock bottom is there's only one way left to go, my friend. Yeah. Yeah. We can only go up and guess what? I always like to think I'm always at rock bottom. So therefore it, like, I, I just like, Oh man, we gotta keep going. Cause I'm already at rock bottom and I just keep going and going and going. Anyway, so I, I've told people that knife thing, and they always get weird about it. I'm like, No, no, no, you don't understand. Like, cause like I said, I deal with, I used to deal with this daily, I used to deal with overdoses, shootings, stabbings. Like, Oh man,


it sound like my neighborhood before gentrification, that shit was a regular day for me.

Track 2:



Gunshots every day, People pulling out knives. All types of wild shit growing up in the hood, man. But, um, if everyone forgets all the shit that we done spoke about today, what's one thing you want them to remember?

Track 2:

oh. Um, I'll start out with the way I, with the way I came in, 50% of the world will not like you and who cares? Make, make all your money on the other 50%. You know what I mean?



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you a perfect example. My wife, my wife's sister, my sister-in-law absolutely hates my guts. Absolutely. It's my guess. She would not, she would not piss on me if I was on fire. Right? But my wife,


She don't like your ads.

Track 2:

loves me. My wife loves me to death. She is the, she is the best woman in the world. And guess what this comes to show? Even in the same family I have the 50 50 ratio, it's like, oh yeah, that like the half her family just hates my gut. So the other half is like my wife and just loves me to death. And it's just like, just, you know, if I teach you anything, it's, you gotta get over that. Cause this goes back to that fear thing. See, cuz if you believe that 50% of people hate you, then you don't have fear no more it's like, you know, water on an OTs back, my friend who cares? It's like they're on the side of people who hate your guts. Cuz I've made so many people money, I've made millionaires, I've done, And that's because, you know, we liked each other and we meshed. And it like, that's like the number one rule of sales. If you can't, if you don't like someone, you probably can't work with them. But. If I teach, if I, if you learn anything from me, that my friend is the key is getting over the fact that 50% of of the world just, just gonna hate your guts. And that's


Don't care about you. and if someone wanted to work with you or, get more content from you.

Track 2:

Here's what you can do, You can check me That real is as in like real estate. So rm It's so for the military guys out there, it is Romeo Hotel Mike. Oscar Hotel. Oh crap. I think that's my wife. Uh, speaking of which, So basically, um, just set, check me Uh, you can submit your questions or information, uh, to my email. Uh, once you get my phone number, what I usually have my clients do, you can apply to, uh, be one of my clients and I'll look everything over. And as long as you meet, as long as you meet, um, my requirements, so my biggest thing is getting people out of the poverty trap. Like I said, most of my clients, they were all poor or not, but they weren't poor, but they were like, they lived their day to day lives, you know, the way everybody lives. They the paycheck, the paycheck, you know. But then we helped them buy a rental property and then we helped them do this and we helped them do that. And the thing is, like I said, it's not rocket science. It's, it's just, you gotta do the work and you just gotta get over the risk. Cuz I mean, all might blow up in your face, but I mean, if you're already a rock bottom who care



Track 2:

cares? So anyway, so check me and uh, yeah, so usually I have people apply through my email and that's how you can get a hold of me.


and on that site, he got plans for everything. Even I saw a plan up there for divorce. So he's ready, he's ready for any time.

Track 2:

I love, I love the horse is my favorite. How do I hide my assets from the significant other? That's the good confession. I, that is the number one question. How do I hide my assets from my significant other? That my friend is a wonderful question. So,


um, but um, yeah, I want to thank you man. It was fun. This was fun. Like, like we said, it would be. you're a great guy, man. I wish you the best in everything. But until next time,

Track 2:

yeah. Thanks, Ramono.

If you don't invest in yourself to start investing. You continue to work a job you hate. If you don't fail to demonstrate the discipline, it takes to make your life great. Like the wall of China. You'll be built to last. Like a Ford truck. And you won't get stuck in the poverty trap. You can escape like a RNB group from the nineties. Regardless how you make your money. Real estate is the way to wealth. Take care of your family bills. And especially your health. Social security don't guarantee stability. So you do what you have to. Now while you still have the ability. To put it together. So no matter the weather, you don't have to depend on a rainy day fund. Just having the know-how you eventually have entrepreneur and investor in your profile. You can't become anything. If you don't take action. Make sure you laugh a lot, but don't allow your life to be a comedy. Or the story that starts with yes, so much potential. But fail to do the things that were instrumental. Just because you were off the hook. But integrity can stay in the dark for too long. But the weight that it holds is gold. Yes, that's strong, but I want to thank everybody for joining me on this episode. I want to Luke Thomas. For dropping knowledge when it comes to real estate investing. And giving them some amazing gems that we can start trying to use today or get ready for. I think I should definitely look into it, especially if there's a certain life you want to live. When I haven't to worry about bills and. Rant or anything. Involving money. So you can truly be your best. You. And I'll make decisions based on bread. But if this is your first time joining Or you will regular. I love you. I hope you have a great one till next time. Peace, love Mundo out.

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