The Raymundo Show

I Can Transform You ( Transformation)

Ray Gonzalez Season 4 Episode 38

Every success story is a tale of constant adaptation, revision and change. In this episode of The Raymundo Show learn how to Transform yourself to become exactly who you want to be with special guest, Transformation Coach, Brianna Antoinette. “Change is inevitable but transformation is by conscious choice.” Tune in to learn more. 

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it's your host. Raimundo welcome to my show. Where we relate. Learn something dope. And have fun in the process. But this is episode 38. I can transform you. The wave and got to tell you where I got the title from. And with transformation comes dedication, But before we get into that. Let's go let's go. And today's quarter to the days brought to you by. Author Bert. Nothing happens until the pain of remaining the same, our ways, the pain of change. And, um, I love that. Yo, I, I love that, man, because especially I'm in the situation I'm in now for like, it doesn't hurt enough. I mean, like I'm, I'm taking the steps towards, being my best self, but sometimes like I indulge a little bit too much in the comfort. and, and I try to get sort of the award, the rewards stage. Too fast instead of focusing on what I'm doing. And lastly be the icing on the cake. I feel like this crazy. Cause I feel like on a daily basis, I'm aware, but I ignore. What I need to do to be. Great. Like. Legendary people or people that are successful. They walk different. They talk different. their will is different. Rejection is just part of the process failure. is the ladder. To the top. And you can see it in the, in the way they carried themselves. Awesome. Like. They say Navy seals can spot each other. And not even know each other for, from blocks away. like I feel like at some point they had to make that change, that transformation. And I feel like. you got to not be the person that's giving you the same results and the same life you have now. Like you want. A better home. You want a better car? You want to be able to make money on your terms and pretty much. Control. as much as you can. And the more you talk about. You haven't to change and. Always putting the variables in front of you and. Pretty much. Knowing, all you have to do is push through the. The comfort that. Pretty much castles. Any type of productivity. To increase the chances of a change. But you gotta, you gotta dig deep. You gotta. You got to take your Y. and. Put it on a front line. Because this is going to be a battle. It's going to be a fight. Because, I listened Myron Goldman. He mentioned whenever you decide. To. Make that change, take that leap of faith. Go forward. All the obstacles are going to present themselves that wouldn't have. If you didn't start. But it's just like all in a ways to let you know, Hey, yo. This is part of the plan. And the plan can vary and it can change. But the goal stays the same. You are, who you want to be living the life that you want. With the people that you want in Flourishing like you should like the beautiful soul that you are. But yeah. Let's get into the episode


so on the Raymundo Show, we always try to find ways to be better. I can't always do it alone. So have somebody who's, uh, whose business is making you feel better about your life and taking it to another level. let's give a warm welcome. To the special guest on the Raymundo Show. thank you for having me today. Welcome, welcome, I hope you like that intro. Like I literally, I did. So actual clap. That was, I loved that. I really, the actual show, I'm here for it. Thanks. I usually, uh, I always practice a little bit before, uh, like couple days before like, uh, I'm like, well now coming to the stage, definitely have an announcer voice. Like it fits perfectly. I love it. there. You know what's crazy? I'm trying to get into voiceovers now. Uh, voiceover work now. Cause uh, do it be the guy in the movie. There's a lot of money behind the scenes. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I don't, I don't mind, uh, you know, I always wonder who was the person behind the voice. Certain movies. I would like to be one of those. People. So no matter you, if it is just a voice, you'll, they'll always remember it. They'll remember your voice. So it's, That's amazing, isn't it? Do it. And if I was to get like a cartoon characters, forget about it. Oh, my kids hero. That would be amazing. Especially cartoons. Do it. Do it. I love your positive energy I can fill it from over here. good. But enough about me. Um, how you doing today? I am well, I am well here in Tampa, Florida. Taking the heat as it is, keeping it moving. We, we all are Uh, this is the time to take, uh, all the takeout. Cause ain't nobody cooking right now. Ain't nobody in the kitchen I'm not too, Don't wanna move. You're on the couch. Like I'm good right here for the rest of the day. So you already told the listeners, uh, where you from? Uh. Tell'em a little bit about what you do, which I, I think is, is dope. Which is what I have it here. Uh, not too many people like how out there, So Well, thank you. So, um, I am the founder and uh, president of a nonprofit called Light Guide Industries, where we help those who have a traumatic pass or enduring currently tr um, trauma. We provide resources, services, and also financial aid to help you through whatever's going on. And as far as the services, they're all holistic because we believe you don't need to be diagnosed to treat symptoms. You need to be talked to, to get to the origin of the story. So that's a little bit about me and like industries, Cause I was That's amazing cuz like a lot of people need help. A lot of people go through traumatic stuff from young and they just talk to ignore it, uh, and get over it. Like it's that simple. Mm-hmm. and, um, you know, we need more programs, we need more. Relearning. You know what I mean? Like definitely. Yeah. Different I believe so, like you said. Yeah. Like different, you know, different ways of seeing something, especially if was, was happening with choose not working. So, um, think it's exactly I think it's, and I, and I look through the website, the website is great. whoever put it together that they think, Oh, that she got skills,

All jails.


She got skills. I tried professionally. You know, well done. That's what I was looking for professionally. Well done. I need to, I need to get on my Scrabble game. Thank you. Oh, no worries. But thank you. I appreciate that. And like you said, you know, it's something that a lot of people need. I always think of it not as a mental illness, but more so like a superhero. You know, you have that origin point where the brain gives you a, a, you know, heightened sense or a special ability to continue to survive. And that's just exactly what we all have. Just a heightened sense or something that is trying to help us to continue to survive. And once we get to that origin story or understand that origin story, we can see how we can transform that darkness into our superpower. So I love, I love the way you reference superheroes. Cause who doesn't love a superhero story? And it reminds me of it. Remind, do have you seen the Umbrella Academy? I have not. I've heard so much about it and I need to get into it. Oh man. Yeah. Cause um, I, I mean, I don't wanna mess it up for you. I just, you know, sometimes if you don't look for it and it's not there, you don't realize that the, what you've been looking for has been with you this whole time. Mm-hmm. and you, and, and you can look up and realize, and you more powerful than you ever realized. And when you watch the show, you're gonna be like, Oh, I'm gonna email him right now, Oh snap. I gotta go watch it. Oh my God. That reminds me of my favorite book too. It's called The Alchemist. He was trying to search outside of himself for all of these things, but once he came back home to who he was, all his treasure was within him. So that just, that is amazing how that same, you know, story is able to be embodied in so many different ways. I need to go watch the Umbrella Academy and I need to read The Alchemist. Cause my, my goal was to read it by the time we got here so we can like bounce it off each other and Yeah. Correlate it with the Umbrella Academy. I'm sure we can still do it cross round prep. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, definitely, definitely. Might have to be a part too. Hey. Exactly. So in, in, in your origin story, what was it that led you to being a transformation coach? Definitely. So the transformation coach was birthed from my origin of trauma. Um, goodness. Even though it doesn't hurt to talk about, it's just who's still that, that one little scab that you just Ah, yeah, yeah. To jump understand. It's just a little bit because it's still a part of you. But, um, back in 2018, I was a victim of domestic violence and rape within three months. So it was almost like back to back trauma. And I was like, Oh my goodness. Like it was, I gotta say it, it changed the trajectory of my life, to say the least. Um, yeah. And during that and going through my own darkness and not really seeing, a place to renew myself, or how do I, where do I go from this? Like, you know, people nearly weren't enduring that same type of pain. It's like, how can I even translate it? How can I, you know, how can you even relate to me in this moment? But after, you know, having those self-help books like The Alchemist or, you know, getting connected with nature, getting connected to the heart of the women around me, it birthed a transformation. It birthed a new, you know, passion ignited to help people who were going through these same things. Cuz out of that trauma, Bo my PTSD before the, um, major depression disorder, um, the anxiety. It was like, okay, so this origin story birthed these things, you know, the anxiety, so I'm hyper aware of my area. So things like that wouldn't happen. Depression, where I'm constantly thinking about this one thing, so it doesn't happen. You know, the ptsd, oh, it's a flashback. Hey, don't go places like this, so this doesn't happen, you know? Oh yeah. Just these survival, uh, mechanisms kicking into place and kicking in hard. And I think I took my first pill at a psychiatric, um, office, and it shut off the voice in my head. You know how you can read certain things, you know, and you're like, Okay, it's processing up here so you don't have to read out loud. I couldn't hear. I was like, Okay, so y'all just numb, You know the symptom, but I'm still at square one with what happened. It's didn't, Right. You know what's crazy? The first time I mention this, I think on the show, but I had a nervous breakdown and I went to psych ward and I remember taking that pill and I, and I tried, I even tried to think about something fucked up and I couldn't, like, I was just like, Wow. I couldn't even, like, I couldn't process it. I was literally numb. So having that, I never spoke to anyone that felt the same, that that experience that like, that's crazy how they can take chemicals. Hit that part of the brain and it shut it off. Like That's right. That's crazy. Absolutely. Some cy going on in that industry that should never be possible. Mm-hmm. And like you said, just trying to have a thought, trying to just hear myself and it silences that voice within you. And I've just found that to be more suppressive than therapeutic. I threw immediately, threw all those pills away cause I was even doing some research about it and how people get addicted to these kinds of things. So they're always gonna be at square one with that issue cuz they're just numbing it. They're just shutting off that symptom, ignoring the problem and kind of, you know, continuing to go through that day. But, um, Light Guide Industries was born where it was like, you know what, just trying to also close that gap where, you know, mental health, um, services are not cheap too. So having those Right, having the ability to give grants to people, being able to, you know, pay for three to six months of, you know, holistic therapy, that's, that's where we're at. Cuz we, that's something that we need, you know, I feel like, just another thing in the back of my head, just healthcare should be free in general, but it really should. Right. So would you want people to live longer? right? Like, I don't, right? Like what's the point? You know, like just suppressing just the um, the symptoms doesn't really do anything. So we have, you know, we're partnered with local people here in the Tampa area and hoping to explain, um, expand, you know, within the nation and also partnering with other, um, healthcare industries and insurances so we can make sure whoever needs that help gets that help because it's so needed and it's so necessary. So like I industry was birthed from my origin story, but I found that light within that darkness to make sure I'm a beacon of light for others who have gone through either the same thing or have gone and endured trauma Yo, that's You got me like a little That's awesome, man. not just, cause you know, a lot of people go through, you know, horrific things and like it's. Trying to find out who you are after that and seeing you glow and seeing you, uh, take pride in what you do and that you can't even tell that you experience something so bad just from, you know, from the smile. Like your smile radiate. So it's like, uh, here and, and you to be able to show people that yo, you could go through something and still be able to be happy. Cause uh, some something dope out heard today is, uh, uh, you don't look for happiness. Happiness is the way I give. I'm, that was it, man. And, and I think it's dope that you know, cuz what happened to you. You can't go back in time and change it. So it is what you do. That's gonna make the difference. And you doing that helping people. We need more people like you. Like that is amazing. Like, wow. Thank you Thank you. Like you said, just letting them know that there's still that pillar of light within yourself. You just gotta activate it. It's a little hidden right now. Cuz someone, you know, there was a, a soul attack on you. There was a, yeah, there was a reason your light was shining so bright. Someone tried to come around and. You know, so we're just trying to be that friend or that guide to guide you back to that light within yourself cuz it's there and it needs to be renewed and it needs to be refreshed and your trajectory might have changed, but we're there to help you along that way cuz it's, it's so pertinent. Cause like you said, just to not know who you are after a moment such as that. Like, how did I get to this point in my life? But letting you know that it, there's a way back and we're gonna get you, there we go. Yeah. And you not, and you're not alone, which is the best part sometimes, like you said, you didn't know who to talk about it now, um, you, you know what I'm saying? You, you made a place for them to go. And now with, internet, they don't have to leave where they at to get the help. So Right. Even better get you right where you are. That's, that's, that's awesome man. And I, I hope it blows up. I hope it goes worldwide, international. It deserves it. And especially, you know, taking a holistic approach. Cuz I'm, I'm always interested in that cuz I'm one of those, you know, like I'm in that world. I meditate. Yes. You know what I mean? Like, I, uh, Yes. You know, I try to, I try to find the, I, I try to find the, the truth in things and not, not dwell on not being able to do something about it, but how can I do something for my space? Yes. You know, no and that's truly important. Like you, you know, when you're on an airplane, they always tell you to make sure you put your mask on first before you're able to help somebody else. So really just knowing who you are, the ins and out of you, the dimensions of you, you know, before you're able to pour into someone else's cup. That's so important. I love the meditation. Love it. Yeah, like, I dunno, I'm like one of those that like, I never felt close to God. I never felt, or, or, or got to know who I really am without meditation. Like, I've gotten to, I've gotten to a point where like, I've meditated and, and, and like just cried. Just cause of, I was just in pure peace and happiness and, and I was in like a self love bubble. Like, and I, I never experienced that anywhere else. I can definitely agree with that. I found, you know, I think my source was right in the middle, smack dab in the middle of nature. I was just quiet. You know how you just go into that mode, You're quiet and you are just listening to the symphony of sounds around you. It's just, and then the sun is kissing you. The wind is just kind of embracing you. The, the, the ground is holding you. You just, you just get into this oneness with this, this element we call Earth, right? Yes. And it's just that love that you are a part, You two are a creation of this, you know, this space. You two are love, you two were made out of perfection. You know, it's, Oh, I feel you right there, that you know what? That whole park and go the meditation, cd. I'm just saying Oh man. I wanted to get into that too. Um, so when, when you, when you tell people what, what you do, what do they usually say? They have this moment where they're kind of taking it back such as yourself, where it's like, Dang. That really is needed. Cuz no one really thinks about that era of, you know, mental health. Cuz it's, it's taboo in our society, right? No one, we kind of sweep it under the rug. We gotta keep it, you know, no one talks about their feelings, you know, you gotta do it for the gram, you're always at your best self. No you're not okay to not be okay. It's okay to have mercy on yourself, you know, for reacting to a situation at the perspective you were at. It's okay. You know, to not, to admit that you are not doing well and that you need that help. So they're just kind of taking it back, almost having like a self-reflection like, dang I, maybe I need this or I know someone who needs this. Cuz it hits home in a way that it's like, okay, there is a community out there for me eventually, or you know, at this current moment at where I am in my phase of my life. So it's a good and bad, you know, mix Yeah. But yeah, and it's. It's relatable and you know, someone, there's always someone out there going through something that you're going through it. I don't know. When, when you feel that connection, they always makes you feel better. Like, like I lost my mom and everyone I meet that loses their mom is like an instant. Like, we tight, like I can't explain it. Like, you know, we know the feelings. So, you know. Right. Cause you were once a part of that same soul experience. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Oh man. And I, I was listening to, um, audio today by, uh, I know you're familiar with David. My David Myers, I think his name is, That is ringing a bell. That is ring bell. Oh, when you get a chance, he, he he says, so, he says something great where he was like, cuz he, you know, he's, he's he's doing, he's doing great. He's a millionaire. And someone said, Why should I take advice from you? You a millionaire? He's like, You don't think it's because of the way I think is that I'm a millionaire? Not that it was just given to me. And that he explained that he was, and he, he explained, he went from, you know, being homeless to abusive parents. Changed the way he thought and everything, you know, I don't know his whole way of, the whole transformation thing was, was, you know, obviously I was getting ready a little bit but I'm usually, um, I'm usually doing that especially more on my last season it was called the, the transition. And now I kind of like ended the transition and now it's like just the Raymundo show. So I'm covering all types of topics, but always staying true to the self-help. Like, I'm always, if I'm talking about a party, I'll find a way to put a twist on it. Just say, you make sure you don't drink and drive Right? Something is gotta come back to that route. I love it. so what was, what was your process of becoming a coach? Yes. So definitely getting certified to become one. Um, it was, it was so interesting. My coach at the time, she told me that you are your first client. So we were testing out all of these things on ourselves first. So that's where I learned, you know, some of the breath work that I, um, also passed along to my clients. Um, I learned some of the, you know, how to separate a story from facts. Like, you know, how you had like those emotions in the moment. Maybe that's not exactly how that was playing out. You gotta come back, you know, to that truth. So definitely learned a lot of, um, techniques and it was what, a four month course, so it was in depth, making sure we were, you know, going out in the field and also partnering so we can make sure we are getting those results that we're supposed to get. And then it, you know, it came to the fact that graduation, right, let's, let's go help, Let's go serve our community. Let's go get out there and really do this thing. So becoming that coach was needed to, you know, make sure I was my first client. So, and I, and I think that's important cuz you wanna be able to say from experience this works Yes. Literally, like, I know, I know this works. Yeah. I'm, I'm working on my course right now, and before I even put the course out, I had that idea. I'm like, you know what, let me go through it so I can show people that it has some type of effect. So, I mean that's, I mean, like I said, like the whole, everything that you build and everything just connects and, and just really works. So it does, it does, it does. Can't wait to see what else you add, like in the future, like as you keep acquiring more information. Thank, I actually have, um, it's a book called Ascension and Details, Well, not exactly details, um, into the horrific graphics of it all, but, you know, it's a poetry book about the soul finding its way back to love. It's the soul finding its way back to itself and it's, you know, called Ascension. That's what my program is essentially called as well, is, you know, Ascending Pass. Yeah. Ascending Pass. You know, this darkness back into your light. So that's currently on Amazon right now for anyone to, you know, be able to connect with that. There is a way back to the light That's awesome man. Now and I love poetry and, um, yeah, usually maybe like three times in the season, I always have a poetry, uh, a poem that I. That I put out, like, and I always sneak it at the end. It's always like the end. So the last one was for my twins. It was called Nothing. Nothing's better than being your dad. Oh. And when I contacted you, the first thing, the reason was I saw poetry, so I had like a whole different mind. But then when I saw what you did, it kind of changed Oh man. Thanks. That's awesome. Now. But that, that's dope, man. And, and it reminds me of the, the, the services you offer, which I wanted to let the people know. you know what, you know, the words you use are important, right? So that the way you name your packages, the Phoenix Metamorphosis. Mm-hmm. and then the Ascension. Yes. Which goes with your book. So it's like when you, when you pass these two, or you know, are you ready? The Ascension is gonna take it to a whole nother level. Whole nother level. Yes. And through poetry. You know, it gets in tune with, uh, the art part of you. So, you know, there might be a line that goes with another one that just might make the difference for you. Right. You know what? Oh man, I'm glad you caught that. The package names too. Yeah. That was very much intentional. Thank you for noticing. Thank you, No problem. Problem. Yeah, I'm one of those, like, I try to find like, I don't know, I look at kind of like all the factors I try to see. I don't know if I'll do it on purpose, but I just like to see the art and everything. Like I've been embracing the fact that I'm an artist. you know, in my, my art may not be, you know, with a, with a canvas, but speaking, putting words together. Mm-hmm. uh, bringing people together. That's, that's my thing. I love wording art all in itself. Yes. Blending the, you know, the colors of people's past, you know, remixing what it looks like in the future. Oh yeah. Definite true artist. I love that. Yeah. Yeah. I'm definitely, I'm gonna get that book. I'm gonna get that book. Yes. Thank you on it. so how do you, uh, help your clients understand, their past to help them with their, with their future? Definitely. So So it, when they do first come in or when I'm at, you know, a local center, it's definitely to see. It's the first step I do is the body scan, just to see where you are right now. You know, we scan the head, you know, and this scan is just an energy scan, just to see how those moments feel, or how those pieces of your body feel in the current moment. So we take a, a breath, a deep breath, probably for five to 10, um, reps. And then we just, we started from actually the feet. Make sure our feet are planted on the ground. Okay. Do you feel any pain in your feet? You know, are you tiptoeing around things that you need to have, you know, once expressed are your, how do your ankles feel? How do your, you know, Your calves feel coming up to the knees, you know, are you jumping to conclusions on uncertain things? how do the thighs, the lower abdomen, the stuff, just kind of taking that scan, you know, all the way up to the head. Like is there thoughts that are currently swirling around that you haven't gotten out yet? Mm-hmm. Cause the body, you know, really takes the entire score. The body will tell you what's going on if you listen to it and be in the moment and be present with it. and then once we find those spots that are, you know, deeming for attention, we figure out when did you first have those, that pain? What was that spot or moment in time where it was birthed? So then we go back into the past to figure out where is the psychological attachment to this dis disease in the body. Mm. So, See how that words are really interesting when you really look at them. But yeah, there's no such thing as, you know, the disease as the whole word. It's just dis disease in the body that's being manifested from a past, you know, trauma or a past event. So that's how we do it. First off, is do that body scan. Figure out where is the pain in the present moment and figure out where it was birthed from. When did you first start noticing this? What causes this trigger, you know? And then we move from the past, the present into the future to figure out how to solve it. How can we either, you know, serve this trigger, return back to that moment and find peace within it? What did that mean for us? Journal it out. Did we get all the emotions out of that moment that we can understand that? Can we logically, you know, categorize everything? How can we move forward? So, Just all of that. And a synopsis is saying you start with that body scan and figure out where the dise is in the present to understand our past. That's awesome. So pretty much being mindful and energy's a real thing. oh. Yes. Like just cause you can't see it. Just Yeah, just cuz you can't see it don't mean it's not, it's not real. Can't be destroyed. Only transferable. That is very much true. Very much true. And it's dope cuz it feels like you guys get to the root. Like what you do is uh, Yeah, you get to the root cause And I feel like once you get to the rule, cause it allows for self discovery, which is another thing. Yes. That you also definitely really walking through the steps of the past because in order for you to open the door of the future, the past ones have to be closed. And seal off and tightly just understood and just, okay, let's, now you can definitely move to the next level cuz you understood the lesson that was sitting there. And until you give it that attention, it will continue to cry. It will continue to have headaches, it'll continue to be there. It's almost like a, a baby needing that attention no matter how bad it is. It's needing that love and it's needing that embrace and it's needing that understanding to be able to just kind of surrender in that moment. you, you said something about the, the disease part and I, and I learned something interesting today was, uh, someone who's schizophrenic can't have cancer or, or the chances of them having cancer is like little to none cuz they don't, they can't process what that is. so, and that, that lets you know, cancer, it's just hearing the word in your body, you know, thinking is sick or, you know, or feeling sick. like, I, I just thought that was amazing cuz it shows how powerful, like, if you don't know you have something, your body can't really develop it in a way That's very true. Yeah. So you like what you tell yourself, what you focus on, what you believe in, all those things when they're in harmony and I, I feel like that word I gotta use, that I gotta make an episode called Harmonic Cause being in harmony, right? You in the flow and mm-hmm. you make, you can make a, a sweet symphony. your life can be a symphony. Even though sometimes even though sometimes things can be bittersweet, uh, I got the emphasis on that. definitely. I don't know if you ever heard that song. Bittersweet Symphony. Kind of trying to throw that in there, Oh, definitely, definitely caught the reference. I love it, I do. That's awesome. That's awesome. What's the best testimonial you've gotten from one of your clients? Yes. Let me see. So there was a client of mine. We got to the root, to something that happened in his childhood. and I got to say, it's almost like a 180 switch. You don't even know who he is anymore cuz it's like he, it just, he's revamped in this whole other way. You can see the light pouring out of his, his face, his smile, his words. Cuz he's, he's found and reignited his passion within himself. Just figuring out there's a barrier of that pass. Once it was knocked down, it was almost like he, it was like, just like how you pull back an arrow, that back piece of the arrow where you're pulling back, that was that trauma. Cool. And as soon as, as he let that go and came to terms with it, it just shot him forward. And I was just, Awe man. It just, it brings tears to my eyes. Cause it's just like, if people, like you said, knew the power of their mind. Yes. Knew the power of their mind are able to speak, you know, knowing that there is life and death within the tongue and just. Pursue intentionally positivity and understanding of that past because all they live purposefully in their future. And it's just, it's a beautiful thing to see. It's a beautiful thing to witness. Just to start with that seed in the beginning, you seeing them with this cloud of just despair and this cloud of sadness and you know over them cuz you can, Oh yes. Energy is such a real thing and once that they have that breakaway through that cloud, have that rain to, you know, go ahead and cleanse out all of that, that nastiness, you know, the past and things and that of that nature. The sun comes out and it's like it never stops beaming. Absolutely beautiful thing to be a part of. Made me think, think, think of two songs. Um, I Wish It Would Rain By The Temptations. Um, what he says, I wish I could remember the lyric right now. Uh, but I like that song cuz he, he says he wish it would rain. So no one could see him crying, but also, uh, it heals the pain, right? Mm-hmm. so he can, you know, he could be better. And then the other song that comes to mind is once you get through that part and you find that passion and passion, it's a power. That's one of those powerful words. If you have passion for something, you know, the desire, everything else will automatically kick in. In the song. It's almost as if passion is synonymous with purpose. Cuz you know what you're here for, you know it, you know, and stok that fire. So it's like, I have a reason to get up and be happy and scream to the top of my, you know, that passion. Oh man, definitely. And, and then, and then the song that I was, uh, I, Walking on Sun. I was, I couldn't even find a, a, a, a dance to it cuz it's so, it's such a pop song right? To that one. You gotta just, There you go. I love it. Oh man. No, and, and I can, it's cra and it's crazy to be a part of that cuz even when I get someone to tell me, Yo, you helped me with a little part of something. So imagine getting somebody to be like that. And I did that for myself when I started within, I realized, I'm like, wait a minute. I, I, I could be a, I could be a motivational speaker, I could be a actor, I could be a voiceover, I could be, I could be anything I want as long as I make myself believe in. How do I make myself believe. Make it everything I think about, cause I've said it numerous times before, the brain can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. So you might as well live in the fantasy world that can come to life, And that is very, very true. Perception is projection. Whatever you're thinking in here, you will start to see, show up in your 3D reality. So my little quote for everyone is, speak what you seek until you see what you say. Cause like you said, power is in depth, is just, it's in that power of the tongue. Be careful what you are saying or care for what you are, you know, indulging in, like what are you listening to? What are you watching, what are you thinking about? Cuz it, it all affects, It all affects, Yeah. And the, the subconscious, it don't shut off. So, Yeah. Even when you sleep and make sure you, you that in the background, that's crazy. right?

The equity. More Mundo after this commercial break. Was good. Yeah. I'm proud and happy to announce that. All three Patrion tears is up. Each with its own. Per can benefit. You want more moon? No, you get more mono. virtual version. I tried to be a little bit reserved. You know, on the regular platforms. But each. T it puts you more in depth. With who I am and where I'm at to go. So. Sign up to the show. Go to A forward slash the Raimundo show. Sign up is pretty easy. yeah. And I'll see you there don't just meet me there. Greet me So Snoop dog But anyway back to the show


I would, I would definitely recommend listening to, I think it's called hell g hell geo frequencies or just healing frequencies as you sleep, turn off that TV and listen to these healing frequencies. And they're tuned almost like the, uh, like tuning forts where there your, your body is listening to something that will diff alter the DNA chemical of, you know, what's going on inside. So yeah. And there's different ones. There's ones for abundance, one for lessening, negativity for guard, um, you know, dismissing negativity, you know how to shed trauma. There's certain things if you're looking for, type that in with that healing frequency and it'll pop up for you. And it's probably, you know, eight to nine hours as much as you should be getting that sleep. So don't wake up until it's done cause, But there is, I would definitely say while you're tuned out, tuned in as well, still. That's awesome. And I've seen, certain influence talk about it. This is a guy named 19 Keys. He mentioned it. And one time I bought a cd, I was so depressed. They said, Listen to it. And I listened to it and I couldn't understand why I felt better. But then when you get into it, you know, it's all has to do with the vibration, you know, or, you know, energy every, everything goes into, And that's why when you hear like a meditation CD or, or like one of those hypnosis, they use certain sounds that triggers certain relaxing Well, it puts you in a relaxed state and it makes whatever else you're listening to, part of the process, part of the whole. Right? That, that, I mean at least should be definitely, yeah. Like listening. Like for example, if you see like water on a table or you see water near a speaker and you see it making these patterns, it's changing the molecular structure of that water. The water is responding and you're 80% water. So imagine you, your Adam's doing a happy things or something that can actually help it. You know, imagine that, you know, the, the happy, the happy Netflix structure of listening to a healing frequency and what that's doing for your, um, your inner atmosphere. The same thing. Yeah. So I, I'm definitely gonna look into it. Definitely please look into that. Um, I'll have that in the Sonos for sure. Cuz whatever can help. Right? What, what's someone, what's something someone could do today that can at least put them on their path to making their dreams come to the physical world? Cuz you know, we, you know, everything starts from a thought. Definitely, I would say to sit in a moment, almost like meditation, but just being very still and being very much in the present and starting to ask yourself, What do I want? Who am I at my highest level? And seeing what comes about. Cause the brain will answer your questions. If you tune in correctly, it will start to answer it either through pictures or it will, it'll mention something or you'll hear a song synonymous to what you're looking for and start writing them down. See how you can create your blessing so you know what it looks like so you'll never miss it. I'd say just to get really, really specific with who's around you. What does it look like? What does it sound like? Make it make sense and, and it, and make it synonymous to your five senses. Like I said, what does it taste like? Oh, is it champagne because I'm, you know, popping bottles of this achievement, or I got this, you know, you know, this raise or this, that, and the third, I started this company. it's, you know, it smells like me stepping fresh off a plane and the fresh water hitting me. Get it very specific with these visualizations. So when you walk into them, Oh, I, I prayed for this moment right here. Oh, this is what that moment looks like. Cuz you'll never miss your blessing cuz you can create it and know what it looks like and identify it with all, you know, five senses, including that six with that which is that energy because you want to align with that energy. Yeah. That's that's awesome. And I think people think you, you could just think about it and that's enough. But there's something about getting in that relaxed state. I feel like it, it opens the attraction radar that you, that you have, uh, built in, definitely. And when you're not attached, because you are like trusting university, trusting the process. Only a matter of time before it's, it's in your hands. So are you, are you, do you feel like you live in the, the life you dreamed about or feel like you're on that path? I am definitely on that path. Once I reignited that true passion was just to help other people, you know, who was once that person in the mirror for myself, it, it sparked, you know, just that title wave of wanting to see how it can be bigger and how it can be better. Like bringing in the financial aid aspect of it all. Bringing in the, um, holistic, you know, stance just only and solely looking at the origin. No pills, no nothing. We can figure this out in a holistic way, you know, bringing in that the music parts cause I definitely recommend for my clients to listen to that while they sleep cuz they can definitely help. There's even, um, hypnosis things that you can listen to while you sleep. It's another thing for them to look into. But I would definitely say I'm on that path because my, I feel like my true success is will happen when I hit at least. 500,000 people that I have impacted with life guide industries, not even just by myself, but people who are, um, attached to that movement. That's what my success will look like. I feel like that would be the accomplishment of my dream, is touching half a million people's lives in the most positive way. Seeing a breakthrough, there being a breakthrough at just being involved with that seed, becoming that blossom. So, not there yet, but I'm definitely on the path. Yeah. And if you know, and if that's definitely, and if you see it in your mind, there's only a matter of of time, uh, before you help millions. That is, See, that's where I'm at. I'm visualizing it every night. I'm not, not sure what the faces look like, but I'm looking at this, I'm looking at a, a counter in my head where I see like the ts going up, Okay. The people's lives that I've unpacked. So I'm watching it daily just to see, you know, how it will translate into my reality. So I'm, I'm almost there. I am almost there. That's awesome, man. I, I mean, I, I, the show is not where I wanted to be yet, but I know eventually Will and I, I'm, I can't wait to do it on the larger scale where yeah, can't wait to get those emails and those testimonials. If somebody asks me, What's your best one? And I'm like, Well, let me tell you about this person. Lemme tell you about that person. That's awesome. You will be there as soon as you know it. I promise you. Thank you, sir. You start your visualizations in that MANUP and your, um, your meditations sooner than you think. It's only a matter of time. Yeah. That's it. I, uh, I feel like I, I do it, but I feel like I don't do it where like, I, like you gotta make it part of your day. Like, like you brushing your teeth. Like it could be something you do once in the blue. You gotta keep it You gotta keep it true. Exactly. Cuz there your reality's gonna be like, Oh, you really don't want this. This is not something they're constantly, you know, giving their attention to because what you do give your attention to it grows. So, like you said, like you said, Yeah, definitely initiating it as a part of, even if it's just five to 10 minutes a day you put on your favorite song. You can even dance to, you know, your imagination or just, you know, bringing in positive, I'm sorry, bringing in positive vibes and sending it toward that intention to bring it closer, become that conduit, become, you know, raised to that same vibration as where your, um, desires are. The conduit, Be intentional with it. Make it, like you said, a part of your day. Yes, yes. I like, and I like the, the calm do Yes. Via conduit of success. You can be whatever you set your mind to. And it's so funny how it, it's like a common cliche, but there's so much truth, Right Minded. It's really is true. Like I didn't really understand it until I learned more about it and it's like, wow. Like you really can, like, and I don't know, I never wanted to grow up and be the president of United States. I just I just always wanted the spotlight. And I just, I love making people laugh, make people, making people feel good. Mm-hmm. I think it mattered, uh, how I did it as long as I. Good at it. There you go. And it'll grow just like that. You are in the space of your own. You're not in something that's already created. You are creating that pathway just for your reality, and you are doing an amazing job, Thank you. Then you gotta be hyper. I'm about to go up after this shit. There you, I am. That's my, where is my whistle? Because I am so for everyone, you know, just being at that maximum because it's just, it's so much, it's just necessary. It's almost like, you know how when you're in love, you feel like you can't be defeated, right? So once you connect to that self love and that self appreciation, you have that same level, that same high as almost as if you're in. So it's just like, okay, I'm gonna hike you up so you can see that love that's within yourself so you can see that light that's within yourself. Because everyone needs that. Someone needs to, you know, not only have their cup filled, but fill their own cup in that way too. And that's with self love and self appreciation, self value, self worthiness, you know, things of that nature. So you can stay in that hype, you know, Cause you sitting there like, woo, like wing up and I'm loving it. I'm loving it. So, oh, I love doing it. I love doing it. The movie in your mind could be Love, Light and passion There you go. Put those together on Perfect. Perfect. Alexa There you go. so this is like my signature question. What role does fear play in your life? What role fear plays? I think it plays two roles. It's either showing me something that I'm afraid to lose mm-hmm. or it's showing me something that I am afraid, just afraid of in general. So it's, it's a, it plays in my life two roles. Like I said, either I'm afraid to lose it or I'm afraid to, you know, either be embraced by it. I feel like I use it as a, as a measurement system to see kind of where I am in life. For example, if I'm fearing, you know, not being successful, maybe I'm on the brink of something that could really take me there. Maybe that's, uh, that small voice in your head that's trying to continue to break yourself down, right? Mm-hmm. or, you know, you have a fear of, you know, losing people. You can see where that love has grown. So you can use it for, you know, both sides of the duality. Either to be something to be as scared of or scared of losing. Cuz then it's, you see the opposite end of that fear spectrum, which is love, love and it's depending on how you gauge it. love is a beautiful thing, man. Oh, All you need is love, All you need, that's all you need. as, as far as like, your mental health, I, I try to make sure I make it a priority. what do you do specifically? when your spirits are low, what's your go to? Specifically? My go to is music. I listen to someone and her name is Tony Jones. She has these amazing beats that also it's her voice saying affirmations. So imagine like, you know, your favorite song on repeat in your head, but it's you saying, I am worthy. It's you saying I am love and I am light. It is you saying, you know, I am what I set my mind to. So she's constantly saying these affirmations and I make sure I'm, I'm listening to it when I'm low so I can remember, you know, later on. Or just remember who I am, you know, get, remove myself from wherever that spiritual attack is, which is that, you know, getting that, getting low and figuring out how I can come back out of it. So music is my thing. Music shifts my vibration more than anything else that I've just, you know, discovered in self discovery path. So music is what gets me out of that rut. And ain't, I like music. I, I'm always singing on the podcast. I'm always listening to something different and, and my, I don't listen to just one thing. I listen to hip hop. I listen to re I listen to, uh, salsa. Sub country. I can't, I can't do it. It's, you know, maybe achy, breaky, heart That's about it. That's about it. I couldn't even, I couldn't even, what is it called? Old, I couldn't even go over. But you're very diverse with what you take in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, who's your, give me, like who's your top r and b singer or, or just singer in general? Oh, man. Um hmm. Because that's my thing too. Cause I really resonated with what you saying, how it's barely vast. It's, it's the music behind the system. It's not really the people. Cause sometimes I don't, I can't even name an artist on the top of my head. No But it's, it's the beats because it's the beats that make you move. It's the beats that make you feel something. It's the beats that you can time travel to a certain time where that was like, Oh man, I remember this. Like, you know, So I, I love music, but I'm not an artist person whatsoever. Nah, nah, it's all good. Cause as long as it make you jam, it's all good as right? Cause I, from like, for example, like, I guess I'm thinking of some artists, like Florence in the machine is more so like alternative. And then you have what, like, Beyonce is like more pop and then you have like, what was it, Sugar, what was it? Sugar Ray or Sugar Ray Road. That's more country. And it's like, it just, it kind of strings on whatever spectrum like you're feeling at that moment. But, Definitely an appreciation for the art that's birthed from the artist. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. I, I appreciate, everything, the, the lyrics they use, the way they deliver them, the way, uh, the beats that they choose. Mm-hmm. everything makes a difference. I listen to everything. I listen. I'm the type that I can hear if like a rapper messed up or somebody missed a note and they just said, Ah, let it go Really? Oh, amazing. That was a gift right there. Yeah. I, I feel like I get it for my father, cuz my father's like always been in the music game. He's always been a producer. So I remember being 11 years on the studio, he would just be there trying to listen. So from there, I guess I started picking up and started listening. Wow. Yeah. That's next level. That's not, that's a really good ear. Like, how can you even hear that out of all the stuff that's going on? That's amazing. And I think too, cuz uh, I, I used to rap so I used to like, Be super judgemental of everything I said, but just having the, the background of music. Uh, but yeah, that, that's true. I feel like you could be, you could feel horrible and that song comes on and you either ready to dance, fight, something, something. Man, it's so amazing. I couldn't, I couldn't picture life without music, man. And that would be so sad. I feel like, just remember middle school, just even beating on the tables, like it was something that got, you know, you moved to these things. I know you, uh, the references earlier. If you had to pick your superpower, what would it be and why? Oh man, I always saying the the superpower I would pick would, would be able to mind or read. Oh. So, and the thing is, I think I'm, that is my actual superpower cuz I, I listen not, well, not listen to, I tune into a person's behavioral, like their ticks and things of that nature and what they're saying. Cause I, um, when I speak to someone, it's almost as if my heart is speaking to their heart. So I'm able to understand or either voice their emotions or voice, you know, identify their feelings. I just become their microphone personified. So I, I'm able to kind of, to tap in empathically to that person's soul because a broken soul recognizes another broken soul no matter what the path. I'm able to kinda reach in with my questioning and being able to, you know, divulge information that maybe they didn't understand until they spoke with me. So I, I kinda, I am kinda, I'm little bit my superpowers. Yeah. I got little Jing. Not in the direct sense, but I'm, I'm picking up on all of the energetic, you know, notions that they have going on and I'll figure it out. You consider yourself an impact? Oh my goodness. To the death of me. I I can sense when someone's walking in the room and not feeling their best or, you know, I'm speaking with something and I can tell that they're hiding something for me, it is blessing and a curse. Yes. Yeah. I don't feel like I like the most because I'm sensitive to it. Yes. It, it affects you. Like, I don't like to admit it. I feel like, I don't know if I'm fully an impact, but I can almost. Your whole, your energy can tell me your whole story and can't come. It's you, it's your life, it's your energy. But you're not gonna convince me that that's not how you feel and that's not what you're going through. Cause I feel like the times that I have called it out, you know, they look at me like, How would you even know that? And I'm just like, it's just you. Every you, it is radiating what you're going through. Mm-hmm. Yeah. By the deci the decisions you make, your patterns, um, your self talk. You know, when you, when you talking to somebody and they say things like, Oh nah, you know that, you know, that don't work for everybody. And I just like, you know what, You just didn't learn how to make it work for, you know what mean there. It's, you know what I mean? So like you, everything, it's just crazy. I, I try not to embrace it cuz I don't wanna feel like I'm some wild guru, but like, I, I just, I feel it. And where I'm at now. I feel like, like, like you were saying, um, oh, you can't cook ball from an empty cup. Like, I gotta fill my cup up a little bit more so I can help a whole lot more Mm-hmm. So that, that's true. That's my goal. what are, what are some recommendations you can give my listeners that help you with this amazing mindset and, and, and strength and, radiant light you have surrounding you like, you know? Yes, I would definitely highlight the importance of shadow journaling. Um, that was something that I would say offset my point of saying, Oh wow, I'm really not in a point in my life that I'm. That I'd like to stay in, I'm ready to, you know, move. And you have to identify those pieces so that shadow work journaling helps you identify, you know, where in your past certain things became what they are. Cause for example, let's trying to break it down a little bit better to back to that voice in your head, right? It's almost like it's this voice that's kind of on like a record. It's, it's absorbed everything that you think that you are, everything people have said to you, and everything that you've embraced to be the truth that is that voice in, you know, in a synopsis that is in your head. So the shadow work, journaling figures out who are those pieces and you know, in this voice that aren't you. Where did you learn that from? Where did you, who first said this to you to make this? You know, you believe it. Yeah. So you can start piecing, you know, this voice in your head that you've identified as your own, who also has ownership in that. You start taking that stake and reclaiming your energy. You start reclaiming who you are. It starts chipping away at this, you know, this identity of yourself, and it's like, Oh wow, I actually learned that from my mother. Oh wow. My father actually said this to me, you know, in the sixth grade. Oh wow. I learned that from a TV show and I've embraced it as my own truth. So you start to see the pieces of who you thought you were birthed from other people. So, and then it shows you within that shadow work journaling. Okay, so how, what do I claim to be my truth? How can I turn this into my good? How can I reset this identity of mind to make it. Completely mine and that without pressure and without influence. So that's something I would definitely say is shadow work, journaling, figuring out this soul identity. After this conversation, I'm about to listen to some music. I'm about to journal tape's. Doing a full dive in. I'm here for it. how about to dive Oh man, so much. Great information, man. Like, I'm like wow. I feel like if someone was, was coming to you cuz they wanted a, a real change. 10 minutes with you and they're like, Yep, I'm signing up. Where's uh, You need my credit card information. You want me, you want me to take a snapshot of it? I you, part of you I love. Well, thank you. Thank you so much. No, I live free and even this tough, so I'm just, I'm happy to share it. Of course. And, and if someone wanted to know more information or work with you or anything that comes to, um, your business and what Brianna Antoinette has the offer, how can they can. Let him know. Definitely Yes. So, um, we do have a shadow or journal I am available on every platform at Light Guide Industries Incorporated, just in c at the end. I'm on TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, about the following. Now you find me and I'm there and we can talk, hit it off, see what resources you're looking for, what financial aid that we can provide, and we'll get to working with you cuz we're excited and at depth to make sure whatever you are seeking in life, that you make it to that point. And we won't let go of your hand until you are where you need to be. Cuz the teacher only shows up when you're looking for, But we disappear when you are ready to be out there and on your own, because you are whole healed and healthy. And that is the goal. that's a and that's an awesome goal. And oh man, I wanna thank you. Um, the information, your energy, your presence has been. Blessing to the show. Uh, like I mentioned earlier, we need more people like you cuz everybody, everybody go through some shit and to have someone you can, you know, you can relate with and be able to just be you until you become the you that you wanna be. And it's people out here, we just gotta look cuz you can't see what you not looking for and you can't say it's not out there if you haven't at least put it in the Google search bar. So we there you go. Trying to think. Just, um, just wanna say, you know, I wish you the best in everything you do. like you literally bring in light to dark situations and Thank you. And um, yeah man, and like I said, I could see you. not even years when I could see you soon on a billboard. You know, follow the light. You cry. Don't make me cry. Follow, follow the light in you with Brianna. I love that. Thank you so much for Monday. I seriously, that, that makes my heart just, it, it reignites and stokes that fire within me just to see how, you know, it's, you know, just having this conversation, how much you've gotten from it, how much the listeners Rick get from it. Yeah, definitely. That is what I'm here for. So thank you so much. No, no problem. I can't wait to edit it. Thank you so much for sure. Sharing your story with us and, and having a good time. I feel like from, from the message, I knew this, this episode was gonna be like this and that's how powerful the bond is. Like I literally saw this, I mean, I think it was gonna be, Spectacular, but you know, I guess everything we do here is spectacular, so we gotta stop not thinking like that. right? Oh, man. Yeah, we, it started when we were just over emails and I'm just like, Wow, who is this guy? You know? Like we felt the vibe, we felt the energy just through words and not as powerful alone, just to say how much energy you radiates from the both of us. That's amazing. Yeah. Yeah, man, we, we all, you know, we all connected through the source, you know, we, Yes, we are. We all, you know, as soon as you tap in, you're welcome, Oh yeah. Right. Well, take care. Wish you the best. And I hope it's not the last time were on the show. No, I will be back. I can't, Nope. You can't get rid of me that easier. Don't, don't. Well, you have a great rest of your day and keep helping, uh, and keep, uh, He rise into the top as we both as descend. And until next time, see you

Transformation can stop without dedication. Like you sitting in a massage chair. You can change your vibration. In the mental or a spiritual sense. Give yourself some space. When you start in debt, I mean, reinvent how you saw things in the past. Make that decision for your future buddy, don't be rash. Because nothing's better than being comfortable in your own skin. The beauty is chew. Beauty is found in your soul. You can't see it, but you feeling once you experienced the flow. When your mind, body and spirit on harmony. On pace for the same goal. But do you feel like you need change like an old school arcade? You aware of what works and what doesn't need to stay. what you already have gives you a foundation to build from. Your family happiness. And definitely that income. the comfort zone completely cancels any type of true change in the process. It's all at the process. How something that doesn't feel good at first. Is the vocal point of the process. Is full for thought, but eventually it would digests usually common sense and try to avoid all the nonsense. The life you want starts with you being the version you strive to be. And in time you to kin. But yeah, I want to thank you all for joining me on this episode. Uh, I wanna thank, uh, Brianna. Uh, she was great. I feel like it was one of the smoothest episodes I've ever had. Listening to her. And the advice and the knowledge he dropped, I'm already kind of like putting it. Into play. And you should do the same thing. if this is your first time listening to the show or you a regular, I want to thank you. I wish you the best in life. But until next time, peace. Love. Wound though. Ah,

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