The Raymundo Show

On your own terms (Financial Freedom)

Ray Gonzalez Season 4 Episode 35

In this informative episode of the Raymundo show, Raymundo and special guest Jermane Cheathem discuss the importance of having financial freedom. Whether it's a lucrative side hustle, finding a second job, or investing wisely, going after financial independence will offer you a safety net that not every employer can offer. In addition to independence it provides there’s also a quality of life aspect that you can’t get working your typical 9-5. Tune in to hear more and learn ways for you to become financially free.

Special Guest: Jermane Cheathem

IG: @creators.learn


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Y Y Y yeah. A year. It is your whole Ray Mundo. Welcome to my show. Where we relate. Have some fun. Talk about some real shit. And find ways to get better. Don't forget to subscribe. But this is. Episode 35 on your own terms. Shit who don't want that? Who don't wanna do what they wanna do when they wanna do it? Cuz they can do it.<laugh>. It's worth pursuing you. You dig. You know, Eric, But let's, uh, do what we do. Let's go let's go. And today is quoted today, comes from. Jim Ron. To become financially independent. You must turn part of your income into capital. turn your capital. Into enterprise, Turn enterprise into profit. Term profit into an investment. And turn the investment. Into financial independence. That's a hell of a sequence right there. But it's literally the steps. Leading you there. Most things in our life. Don't require us to. Immediately jump. Sometimes we gotta. Work our way. To that. So find a way you can't reworded too much about investments. If you ain't even got, uh, money coming in, right. And shit. If you ain't got money coming in, you can't even think about the whole. Enterprise, but each step of the way gets you closer to the goal. And also shows you progress. I think it's important to see progress, man, cuz. Whether we know it or not, it could be subconsciously. We want that easy way. And sometimes when we used to getting things always so smoothly. we want it like that in every part of our life, man, but success don't play that shit. Like. It wants you to believe in it. And don't stop doing what you gotta do together. you know what I'm saying? she might, uh, holler back at a dance.<laugh>. Or she might give you a text back. But eventually you're gonna get all of her. And it's not simple, man. This road. Is a bumpy unpredictable. Hard to stay motivated. Uh<laugh>. Road That's why the percentage of us that make it is so small. You know, and there's all factors that make a difference. and some of us have to go against that. But to me, I feel like it makes it sweeter. Like you could put all these obstacles in front of me. Have you feeling like you just won American gladiator, you just knocked out turbo.<laugh>. That's for my old school that used to watch, uh, American gladiator, I guess now is, uh, on some American ninja shit.<laugh>. It is definitely worth it. If you could do what you want to do. Wake up, whatever time you wanna wake up. See the world. Having sushi and motherfucking Japan<laugh> or where the fuck is from like, I feel like it is your slice of heaven. And y'all know I'm not religious. I, I don't know. I always gotta say that. But there's some, there's certain texts that I definitely. There's truth in these texts. Regardless of my belief. and the kingdom of heaven is within you, right? So you really gotta go too far for it. Is right in front of you, man. And. I feel like. That's just letting you know everything you need. Is at your disposal? No, you gotta do is, uh, Act like it is act like it's at your disposal.<laugh>. Oh, man. Boy, yo. Like really think about it, man. Besides the fun part. Your health, which is the most important, cause you can't enjoy shit without it. Anyway. You get to give yourself. The best doctors. The best dentist. I mean, you get my, you get the point.<laugh> yo you can fucking shop at whole foods on a regular basis.<laugh>. Yeah, I know some of y'all already do it, but to me, that shit is like, that shit is fall fetched to keep it a buck and it shouldn't be. Cause I can make that I'm gonna be making that breath to be able to. You know, shop give my kids. The most organic best foods possible. Also, you can help with like, if God forbid, you know, you get sick or God forbid somebody, your family gets sick, man. You have the, the money or the network. Or the know-how. To help with that. Fucking vacations. You get to see the, like you can't fully experience the world. If you can only go on vacation a couple times a year. There's not enough. Not enough. Time. Life is short. So. to truly get the most out the world. You need to be able to make money, but not be attached. To where you are, um, and also make the money to give you the lifestyle. While still having extra to be able to invest. For the long term. Cause. Yeah, we don't know if we gonna be here till Maha, but. Hey, if you meant to live to 90. A, uh, you ain't saved, you ain't put your, your finances in order. You ain't do what you had to do. And now you, in the old folks home, you know what I'm saying? Uncomfortable as fuck talking. My yo don't touch. Don't touch my sneakers. Dope. Don't touch. Don't touch my sneakers. Young blood.<laugh>. Oh, man, you could eat at the best restaurants the best, you know, you can. Sleep in the best hotels. just give yourself a really good. Quality of life and balancing it out with investing, saving, learning. Implementation and also outsourcing. all these things. People write these books. To show you that they've done it. And it's also a way to show you that you can do it too. But you gotta go from. Reading it to doing it. To, When you in a park where you can hire somebody to do it for you. I feel like. We limit ourselves so much. Like we can, we think we can. Only get this, how we, you know, all like to think about. Someone doing. 80% of, you know, the work you do now. and you doing 20, but you receiving 80% of the profits. You know what I'm saying? 80% of the bread. Like that's, that's possible. There's people doing it. And once you find your system, your rhythm. How to do it. you know, I ain't go front and everything has sales in it. Like the job you in right now, whether you loading. Boxes, whether you're in McDonald's, whether you're a lawyer you're selling something. something. To take a look at, and it's the, it's one of the best professors in the world, cuz regardless put your background is You could take a big ass fucking leap. but yeah, let's get into the episode, man. I got somebody that. doing this thing and. Oh shit. Doing whatever the fuck he want. But. I let him tell it.


financial freedom is a goal that I, I'm pretty sure that we all strive for, but some of us think it's not possible until we meet somebody that did the impossible. So on my show, I have a special guest, who's living the life. He wants, business owner. Entrepreneur, but we'll get more into it. Ladies and gentlemen. Let's give a big Raymundo show. Welcome to JMA Cheatham. Welcome to the show. Welcome to the show. like to walk you to the Raymundo show, thank you for making time on your schedule. he's in, uh, Turkey right now. So, he's traveling which is what you can do when. when your money's not attached to where you are.


Okay, thanks for having me. I appreciate it.


no problem. No problem, man. So, tell my listeners a little bit about what you do, where you from first of all, so they could know, you know, what part of the, the earth you from, yeah. And what you, what do you do?


Yeah. So, uh, I'm from Arizona. So born and raised one of the few. And, I guess what I do, I can give you a medic physical response or a, a real, a real concrete response, but, I guess really the, the net result of what I've created is from overcoming my fears.




and challenging any notion about who people think I am and even who I think I am. And when I did that, I was able to create, you know, businesses, sales, and have the confidence to continue to do that. So, um, yeah, I, I work in sales, B2B sales, and, um, it's something that doesn't require a product. It's, basically I sell money. And I can do it from anywhere in the world, as long as I have internet and a cell phone. yeah, just, I always look for opportunities to leverage everything, so I don't have to work that much. And, um, I let things compound. So, you know, everything's a compounding machine. I don't care if it's sales. I don't care if it's relationships. I don't care if it's investments, you just let'em compound. So, that's kind of me in a T.


And, and you kind of do this. You focus on one thing, right? Like, uh, milli entrepreneur is what you call it.


Exactly. Yeah. So, you know, you know, a lot Of entrepreneurs you you've talked to'em obviously, and they're always talking about, I have seven income streams and, um, I got this business and I got that business and I do this and I do that. But the problem is they're masters of none. and you never really get any leverage or scale or actually momentum when you're always doing a bunch of different shit. You gotta stick to one thing that you, that first of all, that's leverage a bull. Like, can you leverage it? Is there margin in it? Is there enough money in it? Like, you know, if you have a restaurant. Yeah. That sounds nice. Or a bar. That sounds nice. But is there any margin in, in those deals, in a plate of food? Is there any margin there? Okay. What am I? 10% margin. Can I figure out a way to build a business. That's like software, where you're making 90% margin, you sell it for$10,000, but only cost you 500 bucks to make it. So, that's what I mean by minimalist entrepreneurs. I'm extremely laser focused on finding the one thing I can focus on for a decade and make sure it's leveragable.


To piggyback off what you said, you use great words, leverage, margins, scalable, like these things. I feel like we look at what's great about being successful and we, we miss out on these, these things that we may look minor, but end up, having a big impact later on. I like the fact that. You have that mindset and fear, man. I've done episodes on fear. I have another question for you at the end about fear, like, and it's crazy like the notion of what you believe in yourself and other people, like that's what everybody goes through when taking this, this leap of faith, cuz it's a leap of faith. You never know if it's gonna do good, but the first person that gotta be convinced is you, so seeing you express that, but you living it. That's what we talking about on the Rao show. love it, love it. they say your money has to work for you. So you using money to make money work for you, which is I'm gonna be honest after we get off this show, I'm gonna look into it myself. But let me get into the next question. so you said, uh, so you're in Turkey right now, so. You usually travel on, on a regular basis, while you working.


Uh, yeah, now I am, I live in Scottsdale. I used to live in Scottsdale, pretty much full time. But then I think in 20, I was taking every summer off to live in San Diego for couple years. and then I would travel during the summertime, you know, Caribbean or wherever I wanted to go really. And so then in 2019 I decided no something next next year, I'm gonna I'm just gonna travel and, and see what happens. And then, uh, you know, I ended up. Thailand and Hong Kong and then COVID hit. So then I went to, Malaysia. So I just been traveling around, I was in South Africa for about a year. I was in Tanzania. Um, so now I'm here in Turkey on the, Turkish Riviera. So, you know, I just have the freedom to, you know, if I have the capability to live anywhere, I'm gonna live other places than my circle and my bubble, cuz the problem with living in your bubble is you never have any expansiveness of ideas and perspective on life. All you know is your little tribe. I don't care if it's American or whatever, whatever it is. and you don't never gain this vastness understanding of your time here. So you really can never build anything. That's really fulfilling.


That's also and, and early use the use metaphysical. So like, are you, you, you consider yourself spiritual. Do you meditate? Are you into,


yeah. So I guess, uh, I don't know if I would, here's what I will say. I understand that there's something at play beyond the physical realm that is controlling. things, everything and everything is, has these cycles and has this, this ebbs and flow. And if you want to get into the, that river, Whatever river you wanna get into, you can get into it. So if it's negativity, you can hop right in that river. If it's positivity and abundance, you can hop right in that river. So, I do tap into that cuz I understand how it works. Cause I can feel it in my body when I'm in the wrong river. I don't want to be in or in the right river I'm in. so yeah, so meditation helps with that, but to be honest with you, going for a swim in, in the, the Mediterranean helps with it, work lifting weights helps with it. Just paying attention to your thoughts, helps with it, uh, washing your hands or washing fruit and vegetables and being aware of that helps with it because you realize all the shit that's going on in your brain is this garbage it's nonsense. It's just talking it's like nonstop about nothing that doesn't matter. But when you get quiet, there's these little whispers that tell you what to do if you listen, if you're, if you're silent up to listen to'em and if you're brave, and have the courage and get over your fear and just do them, cuz that's where the fruit is. Once you do stuff like.


That's a fact. That's awesome, man. Um, that's so true. the more I read, the more, I don't know, I feel like there's this source that you tap into, which is what I, you know, what you were saying, that, that controls everything is when you tap into it, it kind lets you see how great you really are, how great you could really be. Like, I, I can't explain it. It's only you have to like experience it, but that's awesome, man. Like I, uh, it remind me of a Jay-Z quote where he's like, um, I'm in the Mediterranean. You still learning how to swim I mean


Yeah, he, he got a lot of those.


oh man. Um, I'm interested what. Did you play? Was it a particular sport? I'm not gonna lie your, the way you, the way you write, I'm seeing it translate the way you speak. Like I was reading your profile. I'm like, wow. Like, like you could put this in a commercial so what sport did you play? What was your sport?


Um, so, let's see. I played football, basketball, and track, but, you know, I realized, I guess I was almost a kind of a minimalist back then is I, yeah, I couldn't do track anymore because it took up too much time. It was hot as hell in the summer in Arizona. And so I just wanted to focus on football and basketball. I mean, initially I just wanted to focus on basketball, but. I was kind of thrown to football by chance because it really had to do with fear because I, I didn't wanna play football because I didn't wanna get hurt, which would ruin my chances of playing basketball. Cuz I had this fear of being hurt, but you know, my first week of high school. I would just come home and sit on the couch after school and doing nothing like, and I did it for a week or two, and I kept thinking to myself, man, is this the type of life I'm gonna live? Like, am I just gonna be a recluse? Am I gonna be a loner and never really try stuff and, and go out there and meet people and try new shit and face my fears. And so I decided to go out and, and play football. And next year I know I'm starting quarterback. And so it's like, that was kind of like the first tipping point in my mind that. You need to start going off your stuff you want and, and do things that make you expand and you can't be, I mean, this is one of the dumbest things in the world is how are we scared of anything when we die? We're di we're gonna, we're dying. We're all dying. So what in the hell are you scared about? There's nothing to be scared about. Like, it doesn't make any logical sense to me. And so at that point, in that, that moment in my life, I was. Going forward. I'm always gonna remember this moment. And always, anytime I feel the fear, I'm just gonna follow it. Cause it's gonna lead me to the rainbow.


Nice man. Fucking fucking, this is the yo the ladies and gentlemen, this is the Ramo show. This is the gem hour we dropped in gems. oh man. That's awesome. Starting. And you starting QB. That's crazy that I don't know, man. When I think about myself in high school, I was so like into myself in basketball and girls, like I didn't see, I didn't see little things like that. Like I became the captain of my team, but my team sucked. So like, I didn't care. Like it was like, whatever, but, Starting quarterback. I didn't even realize I didn't even learn that I can throw and that I could play quarterback until I became older. When my confidence, I feel like my confidence kicked in, like I was cocky and then I went, then I was like, non-confident then went the straight to confidence. But if I would've had that in high school. what position did you play in? Uh, basketball.


Point guard.


Yeah. So you had the leadership shift from, from jump


I certainly didn't feel like, a leader though. Um, Yeah, I, I I've, you know, I always talk about this idea of, you know, insecurity, breeds confidence because the insecure ones are the ones that are willing to put in the discipline. It takes to win. And then from you watching the insecurity switch to discipline and from the discipline, do you see the results which develops confide? So anybody that's ever creating anything, they're always coming from a place of insecurity, but they overcome it with discipline. And then it just, this is cycle of, you know, insecurity, discipline success. and then once you get success, you start to think to yourself, well, I need more because I saw this insecurity. So then you have to discipline again and you have more success and it's the cycle and cycle and cycle. And, you know, at, at this point in my life, I've learned how to get off that, that bus, cuz it's not healthy. but you, you know, many people in the world, they make a hundred million dollars a year and they feel like their financial they're in financial ruins. You would think they feel like they are barely holding on because it's all in the mind starts in the mind.


everything's in the mind. that's a fact. That's crazy, man. Ah, That's great stuff though. It's never a perfect way to get to greatness. You're gonna go through some bumps and this turns, oh, there's a lot of people that are insecure. So hearing that saying like, you know, from, from a place of insecurity, it can lead you to a place of confidence. And I can speak from that. I remember there was a time where I couldn't even the things I knew how to do. I was doubt myself. You know, it's like that in basketball, you know, you get, you've made that layup by yourself, but it's because you, by yourself, nobody's watching, you got the steel. You don't wanna miss the layup, the easy layup you forget this thing all. So from there, you, so from what, with that moment where you realized, you know, you were gonna make a change, how did you get into sales?


I wanna go back to something you just said though. Um, and we can talk about sales. You talked about that, that moment when you get the steal on basketball and ain't nobody around and you're going in for the layup and it's amazing how many people miss those layups because they start thinking. When you start thinking in anything, I don't care if it's sports or just life in general or business or sales? or whatever you do not trust yourself. You do not trust what life has given you to execute. And one of the, one of the things that's important to do is do not think as soon as you have the inclination to do something, act on it just. Just start because the problem is with the thinking you start second guessing. That's what the lay ups about. I start second guessing. Well, which angle do I go? Do I go high off the backboard? Do I go low? Oh man. Uh, you know, everyone's watching, who's watching your mind is not paying attention to what you're supposed to execute on. So, The most important thing when it comes to anything in life, especially business and sales is, do not think just execute, just act and things will come. It'll come the way something that's supposed to come. You can't force life. You can't force sales, you can't force relationships. You can't force money. It comes to you when you act. So, that's a little side sidebar on that I wanted to, um, to wanted to touch on. But on the sales thing, man, I've been, you know, sales. I, I fir my first job was cleaning my neighbor's yard and I would cut, cut her grass and. Pull her weeds. And I realized at that point, I wanna work inside. I don't wanna work outside in my life. And uh probably, I don't know, seven or eight and I don't wanna be getting paid, you know, and a salary per se. I, I wanna figure out a way I can make commissions where whatever I put in, I actually take home versus, well, I worked an hour. I got paid$5 to mow your lawn. That there's no, there's no leverage in that. There's no scale in that. And so that was kind of the first job I had, but then I, you know, worked at athletic shoe stores, same problem. I had to Wait for people to come into the shoe store. So now I'm an order taker and I'll tell you what order takers don't make any money, because they're not control of the situation. They're not hunting and there's no margin in shoes, so, okay. I get a hundred dollars commission from my shoe sales. Okay. Whatever. uh, and then my next job, I went door to door selling, um, Painting painting houses, residential houses. Now,


what, what sneaker store did you sell?


Uh, just


what sneaker store did you work?


Just for feet. Yeah. I don't know if you guys have


My dream was Footlocker. I always wanted a Footlocker job. I always wanted the referee shirt. I always wanted to be the cool one that everybody knows when you come in the store like, oh, Ray got me. Ray got me. Like, you know, I got you. I'm sorry. But we went from business, uh, business to business. painting, right


painting. painting for, uh, residential homes. And so, um, you know, that's hard because it's not leveraged the same thing with the whole shoe store thing. I gotta, I mean, I could, I could be the hunter, but I have to be face to face. So there's no leverage there. You know, I'm trading my time for money again. the good thing about that business though, it had good margins cuz you know, you could paint the house for 10 grand and. You know,$8,000. Cause it only cost you$2,000 to do it. So, but again, it wasn't leveraged. People are a little bit too attached to their physical things. Their. so it's harder to sell them. Oh, the color it's not right. Or they're just very finicky and kind of assholes. So it's like, nah, no, thanks. And then trying to pitch them is tough too, because you pitch to the, to the husband. Oh, I gotta talk to my wife. You pitch to the wife. I gotta talk to my husband. So, even though you told him, Hey, be there, both of you guys need to be there for the presentation. But, so that's how I really got into sales in. and that was my experience in the B2C world. And I realized, nah, I don't wanna be B2. And I wanna find something that's leverageable. And that's when I got into the B2B stuff, which is, you know, basically I, I sell money. I'm a loan broker. So when you can broker loans to businesses, you can do it anywhere. Just like we said, with a laptop and a cell phone. So, it's just sales 99% sales. It's easy.


So when you was a sales, when you were a sales professional, you said, uh, I said you were breaking records. What did, what were you doing differently than the. Others that made you break those records? I'm pretty sure your mindset just from speaking to you these few minutes, made that difference, but you know, what else did you do differently?


Yeah. I mean, everyone else is doing things backwards. That's a, a kind of a trend I see in society in general, that people like to do things backwards. Um, so, you know, they were going after the person that needed the loans. So they were making all these calls, you know, 300 calls a day, trying to find people that needed business loans to buy, uh, equipment, to run their business. So, you know, think of a, you know, bakery, a restaurant that needs, you know, commercial, uh, kitchen equipment, or a doctor's office that needs. You know, ultrasound equipment, they were calling the actual end user, the end customer that needed the loan. And so they're calling 300 times. Everyone in the whole office is doing this. And I'm like, this is dumb. This doesn't make sense. this is not a leveraged smart way to go about this. And so I said, no, so I'm just gonna call the people that sell the equipment into the doctor's office, into the re. And so I'm gonna talk to them and have them send me all their deals and I'll finance'em and, I'll develop a relationship with them that way. So instead of a doctor or a restaurant needing a piece of equipment, once every five years, the sales reps that are selling the equipment have hundreds of clients that are buying all the time. So I don't have to do the work. They do the selling for me. and so that's how I.


That's amazing. honestly, man, I feel like I'm gonna send you an email, like past this interview, cuz I'm like, I, I would love to do something like that on the side. Aw man.


Well, here's the other beautiful thing about it too, is when they're doing the selling for you, you're tapping into the psychological trick of trust. Because if I am say a restaurant owner and I'm buying a new industrial kitchen equipment from say, Todd, the sales rep, I trust Todd cause I'm paying 30 grand for the equip the kitchen equipment. And I trust him already. If he says. it's gonna be$600 a month instead of 30,000. And I have a, a great finance partner, his name's Jermaine. Give him a call. He'll have you approved, tomorrow the restaurant owner is gonna sign whatever I put in front of him because he trusts Todd and inherently. They're gonna trust me. It's a psychological. So I don't have the resistance of me trying to call into them directly and being like, Hey, would you like alone? Would you work with me? No, it's already baked into the deal it's done. So like 90% of the time, these deals are just, they just sign away and it's over. I didn't have to do anything.


And, and there's no business like the referral business man. Like I did that. I tr I followed that model in real estate. somebody I knew did the same thing. Well, the person that I followed the model from he's on million dollar listing right now. So his referral game took him to a whole nother level. And like, I think he's making like 30 million in real estate a month. Like, it's, it's crazy. Like it's crazy once you, once the mind believe it can, everything you can imagine can come to life. Like, I feel like I feel like I can event something for us to fly. Like I really believe that so like we all programmed to have the nine to five mentality. it seems like you never really had it, but like, are there any like resources that help you get in that frame of mind? Cause I don't, I'm gonna be honest while we're talking. I feel like we read the same books. I'm like, did you read the flower work week? Did you read the 5:00 AM club? Did you read did you read seven habits of highly effective people? did you read these books? Cause like I'm, the things that I've read, through different books coming from you, like in, in a, in a through experience. So it's like it's, it is amazing.


Yeah. I mean, I, was, indoctrinated into the nine to five mentality. That's just the culture we live in.




I broke free from that. Partly from reading books, like you just listed. but a lot of people read books, but they don't do nothing. And I did like when I read the four hour work week, I'm like, yeah, I'm gonna do that.


it's such a great book. I don't understand. I know he sold a lot, but like that's such a great book, but I'm hearing you speak like you, the outsourcing the, the mob, the business model, like, oh man. But anyway, continue. Continue.


Yeah, it's just about action, man. And, but, you know, the, the, the, that let's talk about that book in, in specifically, we can break that down. Cuz when I read the book, I didn't really like any Of his tactics. I didn't like, um, Majority of the book. I really didn't like as far as the tactical part of it. and like now you need to fill up your time with salsa dancing. I mean, a lot of it was tame, really corny, but the, but the, the mindset behind it is you don't have to be a slave to anything. You can create whatever you want and however lifestyle you want, you can build it and, and have it fit whatever you want. Really. So, like, you know, you talked about, you know, Hiring VAs and do all this stuff. I don't wanna hire VAs. I wanna have my business model so lucrative and so simple. I can do it myself in an hour a day. If I don't wanna work an hour a day, then I got a bigger problem. you know what I mean? So,




I, no, but, so I think at the end of the day, I, I had the nine to five mentality as everybody does, but, I think reading all these books and, thinking holistically about life and how it ends, I realized. I'm not gonna stand for this type of, sheep mentality and, uh, I'm gonna go my own way.


That's a fact. That's a fact. That's What's that quote, uh, about this guy, Benya, he say Eagles fly alone. I mean, I don't wanna fly alone like an Eagle, but I get it. Sometimes you have to, especially if the people around you, you know, don't have the same vision. I mean, nothing against the people that around you, you know? but you know, there's always, since we, since it's so programming our subconscious, a lot of people already start with their dreams. not being possible. So it takes a certain individual to really dig deep. This is not easy, man. You gotta wake up with uncertainty all the time. And that leads me to my next question. Like, like going into business for yourself, right. There's so much doubt everyone's saying, yo, just get a job. Jerma like, you'll be graded in the, behind the desk or something and you like, nah, I'm not doing that. And like you, in, in that process, you show people, look, if you really believe in this, look what can happen. That's the, that's the path that I'm on. So how was that for you?


I guess what it comes down to, it kind of touched on what you said earlier is unless you believe in yourself, you can't. If you are not okay, being by yourself, you can't win. And I believe one of the systematic problems in our society right now is we have weak individuals. And when you have weak individuals, you can't have strong communities. And I think that's one of the, the huge hurdles we have to overcome because there's so much group think and there's so much. Just shes that are so preoccupied with everybody else and how everybody thinks and what box I'm supposed to fit in. Whether It's your, your family, your religion, you're black, you're white, you're American, you're Chinese, whatever the fuck it is. Instead of realizing you're none of that shit. You're none of it. And once you have that realization, then you're gonna start to creating, creating whatever the hell you wanna create from a place of authenticity as an individual. And. From that place, you don't care about anybody, to be honest with you, you don't care about anybody because you have, seen the truth about what you wanna do in your time here. So why would you let mom's opinion or dad's opinion or your, cousin from across the street opinion? Why would you care? Because you're just gonna do it because you made the promise to yourself. That's the most most important promise you'll ever make. Cuz that's the only person that really matters


It's to


is. I can tell you time and time again. I'll, I'll be doing stuff and I'll be thinking to myself I'm just not motivated. And sometimes I'll think, well, maybe nobody's watching or da, da, da, da. And I, I have to remind myself, I'm watching and I told myself I'm gonna do this. So if I let myself down, whew, that's a tough pill to swallow.


And that's what I'm saying. Yo, that integrity. That's what you do when no one's watching is the most important thing, cuz it's easy to quit when you have like a low standard for yourself, but you can't expect high standards from other people, if you don't expect them from yourself. So that ties into it beautifully, man, honestly like why can't you be great, right? Like why can't, why can't that person be great? Why can't this person be a star, but you can't be a star. Like the discipline, the belief.


the thing is you don't even know if they're great only they know how they feel. So the problem is we're putting way too many people on pedestals. You know, this, could you see someone on TV or how have a, a Bugatti doesn't mean they don't feel like shit every day. so greatness is something you hold in your heart, so focus on you and how you feel every day. Cause I know about you. I wanna feel alive. I wanna feel abundant and I wanna feel joy every day. And I would say about 95% of the time, I feel that because I built that I exercise that muscle. Cause I do things that make me feel that way. Whether it be reading, meditating, working, doing stuff. I told myself, I'm gonna do talking to you right now, being present in the moment. This is what life's about because this moment leaves it's gonna be over and I'm gonna hang up and you're gonna hang up and you're gonna go on with your life and this will be gone. So if you act from that perspective every day and whatever you're doing, you can't lose. You're gonna dominate anything you build.


Wow. Yo JMA you got some fucking gems. You, you, you bringing a hell of a lot value to this show, man. Let me tell you like me. I'm like as soon as we get off, I'm do some shit in the moment. Like I'm yo, what


I do some pushups.


seriously. Oh man. I've been doing, I read the, uh, this is, I don't know if you read it. It's called the 5:00 AM club, but uh, he said that he was just, it's a great book. he said he does pushups through the whole day, cuz. it puts it in his mind that like, he always gotta keep moving. He always gotta keep moving. So I've been trying that every now and then little five pushups here, little five pushups there. And, I'm feeling good about myself.

The equity. More Mundo after this commercial break. Was good. Yeah. Make sure you check out the Patrion. I got one tear. I got some content already. Every other Saturday. More content. But anyway now back to the show


so, alright. We spoke about your mindset, but what, what are the actions that you took that took you to the next level? You know, was it starting the LLC? Was it the website? Like what was it that was like, yo, you know what? This is, this is happening.


to be honest with you, man, all that other stuff is trivial. The we, the, the LLC, the website, it's trivial, all that stuff is really. The, the trivial stuff, you know, there's the essential few and there's the trivial mini. Now anyone can get a website for$10. Anyone can get an LLC for, I think it's 20 bucks or whatever. It's simple. It take you half an hour, an hour. same thing with a website you can probably build in two hours. It's very easy. the thing that really tips the scale is putting into work. Like literally you have to build your mindset. to the point of, okay, tomorrow I'm waking up at 4:00 AM. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna meditate. I'm gonna take a cold shower then at 6:00 AM. And this is what I did for years at 6:00 AM. I'm gonna start cold calling people for the next 12 hours because I have a goal that I have to reach and I am not gonna let anything stop. Like once you decide it's about at the end of the day, whatever you wanna build, it has to do with all this other shit. To be honest with you is, is fluff. You know, there's different levels of the truth. I'm gonna tell you the whole truth. The whole truth is it's about desire. And if you have the desire, then it's done, you're gonna do it by any means necessary. If you don't have the desire, then you're gonna read another book, then you're gonna work on it next week. Then you're gonna put it off till tomorrow. it not all this doesn't matter unless the desire is burning so much that there is nothing that's gonna stop you from doing it. And you know, when you have that, because that's the only thing you think about, you just do it. You're, you're putting in hours and hours and hours of work doing whatever you need to do to make sure this happens. And you don't think about it as work. You think about it as you're fulfilling the mission. And when it's a mission, it ain't work. That's part of the mission. It's part of the process. It's part of the fun, it's part of the enjoyment. Like that's the fun part about life to me is like having something you want that desired as burning so deeply, and you you're doing you're in the process of doing it because once you get it, eh, it's like, anti-climatic, it's kind of like, eh, now, now I gotta now gotta figure out what else I gotta build. So, so it never ends, it never ends. So, you kind of have to sit in the cuts to be honest with you and wait till something has that kind of desire and hold on. and then it, you don't even have to try it just, it just takes you long. it's kind of crazy. It's almost like for me, like in the last like year or two, like investing has kind of taken me, it just took over me there, there wasn't like, I, I was trying to learn or I need to put this on my calendar. Like, no, no, no. I just did it like nonstop. I don't know, eight hours a day. Like I just like, so, um, Yeah, desire is the truth. And if people say, well, I can't lose the weight or I can't make the money cuz they don't have the desire period.


I remember reading that in, um, thinking grow rich man nap, Poland hill, brought up that point about desire. And I remember like I overlooked it, but now feeling that desire and living that desire, like every time I know I'm always like in a creative bubble, like I always, either I wanna write an episode, I wanna write a poem. I wanna do an episode. I want to, I wanna speak to somebody new and learn something new. Like, I never felt like this before. And I, I felt like this before I had twins, but like, I don't know. Every time I see their faces, I, I get like this fucking bolt of energy, man, but I'm not gonna lie. I don't know. Do you know who, um, CT Fletcher is?


I might, I might have, I might, I might have heard of him, but I maybe don't know his name.


he's this workout dude, man, and I feel. Like when it comes to the mindset, you like the CT Fletcher of the mindset. Like you don't give a fuck. Like, yo like it's like be small. Like he always like, yo, he always, he has like this dark voice. He'd be like, yo, you need to work out motherfucker. Like, he's always he's I gotta put him in the background.

You're not alone motherfuckers. I'm with too. I'm with


He's so he's hilarious. But I feel like you bring that like it's a, it, its not aggress. It's assertive. You know what I mean? Like where like, yo you know what, and I'm not trying to say you acting like a bitch, but you need to stop crying, get your ass up and get working. Like I like that, that, um, that energy,


Yeah, man. I, and I can't even fake this. Like, it just comes outta me because it's. I can't let this shit slide. Like we all hear for such a short amount of time and I see people just like, just pissing it away, like just shitting on God. Be like, eh, I don't, I don't feel like working out today when there's people with no legs, people in the hospital would die for an opportunity to work out. And here you are complaining about you're tired or whatever. Like it's a gift. And if you don't treat it as a gift, this lifetime you're gonna feel like you're in. So you wanna be in heaven. You wanna be in hell. I wanna be in heaven while I'm here.


Yeah, it'll it'll and it'll pass you by man. That's that's so true. Um, Denzel recently said, I told my pops, you never see a U-Haul behind the Hearst. So all this material shit you can't take with you, man, is the experiences is living every day your day, every day being you your best, you like not, giving into that victim feeling or victim mentality. But I wanted to know more about your business model. Like, is it something you developed through trial and error or did you mirror it after another well established company? Cause I, I, I heard there's people that they use, like, Buffet's like investing method. I don't know, how to go into play


Yeah. So, I mean, nothing is new under the sun, which is all pretty awesome actually, because you don't have to worry about inventing anything. All you gotta do is figure out, okay, that model works. I'm gonna copy it, but I'm gonna put my unique twist on it or just, you know, whatever I uniquely Del how I uniquely deliver it. so yeah, like we were talking about earlier, I was making the 300 cold calls. Cause that was the model. And I was like, I'm not gonna do this anymore. I'm gonna go after the actual sellers of the equipment instead of the people that are. And so that's how I kind of twisted it around. And then I have this presentation, like, look, there's not many people that will talk to you the way I talk to people. And so when I'm calling, my vendor partners, or just doing cold calls or interacting with business people, they consent that I'm not fucking around. Like I'm being dead serious and I'm not here to waste your time and I'm not here to shoot, shoot you a fucking, a cheesy line or some script. I'm just gonna talk to you like a human being and I'm gonna figure out if we can make money together. And if we can't cool. Have a good day, but if we can, let's do it and I'll hit you up next week or whatever. So I think that this comes through my pores. And so, uh, I don't have to try to have a script or do something. I think, you know, one of the problems with business people in general or sales people is particularly is they always are so heavily reliant on like tactics and tips and tricks instead of this being authentic. Cuz that shit sells, that shit sells. So. Like, if you're just real with people and say, this is what I do. I know this is what you do. Do you wanna partner? Or if not now, maybe in the future, you know, should I stay in touch every quarter? Whatever, just have a conversation. Like some of the shit you hear people pitching. It's like, are you joking? That's what you say? You weirdo, like, where are you from? You ain't even human. So, um, So, I don't know, man. I, I, I got on a tangent there. I don't, I don't know, but like just, I don't,


No, I got no, that was, that


nothing is new man. Like nothing's new. Just follow somebody you trust and do their blueprint, but just figure out ways you can make it better. That's I mean, think about painting. Think about basketball. Think about anything we watch or enjoy architecture. People are using other people. Yes. it's reimagined. Exactly. So just do that, man. You can't lose.


You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Just add to that motherfucker, add spikes to that bitch. So when you on that bumpy road, you can get over that hump. how's it going? I got gem tonight.




oh, man. Um, when it comes right on your role, right on your journey, how important was your support system? I, I called my people my support squad. But how important was your support squad your support system to the journey or you was just like, you know what? I'm glad you there, but I gotta I'm moving too fast.


it's more of the latter. I've always had support. But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter because I'm the one doing the stuff. I'm the one taking the action. I'm the one facing my fears. And so, I really, really, truly believe in the power of the individual. And so. I really focused on my individual self and how I can better myself without having any concern about the outside world and how they're gonna view me or how they're gonna, am I gonna be supported? now obviously I would see these thoughts creep in my head about how I am gonna be perceived, but what are you gonna do hold onto those thoughts? You gonna let'em. You do the thing anyways. So, um, yeah. the, the support, uh, is more of, I had to support myself internally. and I had to feed that desire. The desire when the desire is that strong man, doesn't, it doesn't matter.


when that desire burnings, you could be earning But, um, now the, the big question I wanna ask, which I think is the most important one for me, cuz I wanna know, um, how it feels like when was that moment when you realized like, oh shit, I'm financially independent.


that's one of those ideas that everyone. wrong. there's never a moment. It I've always felt that way. So even when I was, had a negative net worth, I felt financially independent here's what my mind has always thought. Even when I was a little kid, like five years old, there's no way. That I am ever gonna let short term things stop me from long term excellence. So like even when I didn't have any money, negative, negative net worth, when my house was, you know,$300,000 in the red, when I had, you know, massive credit card debt and I had no cash, I still felt so abundant and so blessed and so full of joy and opportunity because I knew I could do. I knew it was short term, like short term thinking. Is not how you get to long term gain, you know, that's a short term problem, right? So what do I can I do right now to start building? So that is not a problem in the future. So I've always felt financially free. I've always felt abundant. So there's people like I've said earlier, they have a hundred million dollars and they feel like they are broke. They're they feel like they're financially broke. They feel like they're mentally broke spiritually, everything. It's just the way it works. So there's not a number, it's an internal thing. It's not an external thing.


That's yo That's awesome, man. Cuz like I bring that up all the time, right? Like I don't wanna wait till I'm a big time podcaster till I'm a big time investor tell I'm doing all the things that I'm dreaming about that will happen. That I will make happen. I'm already, in my mind, I'm already living like I'm already abundant. I'm already like. I see my name in flashing lights, you know, like I see myself making an impact and then I've been seeing it way before. And I feel like, I try to let people know that you can't wait. You have to become the business owner before you become the, whatever it is that you wanna do. It has to start here. You can't wait for life to do it for you and then say, oh yeah, life. Yeah. You know, thanks for starting me. I'm gonna, I'm gonna take of I here. Nah, it doesn't work like that. it's not even faking it until you making it. It's believing it until you achieving it. you're like that one. This is gem city. Oh, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to gem city featuring Rayo in Jermaine. yo, this is, uh, man, I fucking, I really love this shit. Like it's crazy. so you moved 18 times. Did, in your childhood, well, not, not in your child, you moved 18 times. did that help you with change? how did that affect you?


Yeah. So that was like 18 times before the age of let's see, what was that like? Probably the age of 10. Maybe 12, something like that. So pretty young. yeah, it, I guess what it did, I don't, I didn't realize at the time, but if I reflect back and think about it, it just made me very, very comfortable being uncom. and having new surroundings and new things to get used to. So I think that to strengthen that muscle of thinking about, okay, I'm in a new environment, how can I adapt? How can I kind of play a chameleon role and get kind of, uh, acclimated with this new environment? So, I think it helped quite a bit there. And also I think it helped with me. I mean, that's probably one of the reasons why I'm so comfortable traveling around the world because I really kind of feel like the, the world's my family, and I feel comfortable anywhere I go. And probably the moving helped me do that because you're going from apartment to apartment and you're interacting with different kids and there's problems cracking off. And this is like, um, you just get comfortable being around other people that are different than you, and that are, that aren't part of your inner circle of friends. You just learn to kind of open yourself up, cuz otherwise you're just gonna hide.


It was awesome, man. the comfort zone. That's where dreams go to die. You gotta be uncomfortable. it's the only way. I mean, I mean, you mentioned your morning routine, but like what else do you do to like take care of your mental health? I know it's important cuz so much things coming at us, especially in your field. You, you know, you're a business owner, a lot of things come with that. So.


it's probably only, I mean, I'm trying to think of what really moves the needle. I guess for me personally, the most, one of the most important things for me is to wake up very early. I like to wake up before the sun. and then that way I can have that. time just to sit in the quietness of almost nothingness cuz your brain isn't quite on yet. And So. you can kind of at that point, just kind of surrender to all your egos, all your, delusions of control. And you basically just talk to yourself like you're talking to God, cuz you are, you are that. And you basically just. Let it take control of you throughout the day. You let it come through you. You're not in control. And so that's kinda what I do early in the morning. Then from there, I'll, I'll work out and that's very important. Cause that's another mental thing, cuz I'm showing my body and my mind who's in charge. They're not in charge. I'm in charge. So I'm gonna put myself through a grueling workout. I'm gonna fast for 18 hours. Or 20 hours or whatever it is, I'm gonna take cold showers, cuz I'm gonna show, I'm gonna teach my body and my mind I'm in charge. You're not gonna be in charge cuz you're scared to go into cold water or you're hungry or whate or you don't wanna work out I'm in charge. so that helps me quite a bit with mental health. And then the last thing I would say helps me quite a bit is I'm not a big, like I don't have plans and like I'm very minimalistic, dude. I, I don't have, I don't really have goals.


There was a, a classic song saying that, what did I say? cuz I'm ready to start waking up at five I'm you know, I'm just like my sleep schedule is off but I'm trying to, you know, I'm gonna, I'm gonna get there and just seeing you use the things that I've learned, like I'm telling you, just seeing the things that these things that I've learned that. Trying to apply. you are them. Like, it's not that you apply them. You are them like that's, that's where you wanna be, man. That's where the fuck you wanna be. And congrats on that. Like, you know, thank you for that. Cuz we need people like that to show people like me or, or felt like, before I didn't feel like I can ever be or talk like that and hearing you speak that way. I'm like, I wanna, I'm gonna speak like that. I'm already speaking like that, but to speak like that and have something to back it up, but also you know, be good with yourself. You know, you, sometimes you gotta star the ego to feed the soul. So it seems like you got a good balance the way you perceive life is dope, man. Like It wasn't built overnight this, you know what I'm saying? Like this, this man put in that work, man, it's gonna take it. It's gonna take that work to get those results. leads me to my next question. What role does fear play in your life?

It's probably in the driver's seat. yeah. Yo, you gotta be hype and so when it's in the driver's seat, I'm, I'm writing shotgun but the, but the great thing about it is I'm not worried, you know, because I realize it's always gonna be there, get used to it. Yep. What, what are you gonna do succumb to it? You know, I believe in two types of people there's victims about, you know, what they can't create or why they can't create it or why they can't make sales or why they can't create the business. And then there's creators that create whatever the hell they want. Cause they believe in whatever they believe in. And so. Fear is just like part of that victimhood energy that is always gonna be there. And so you just decide it's a decision it's about desire. And I have fear all the time, but I don't let it control my decision making because I take the time to tap into the real me in the mornings while I'm working out while I'm talking to you right now, and the fear can't live when I'm tapped in like that. you know, but if you're living your life on social media, watching the news, listening to the gossip on the street, you can't tap in, you're gonna be consumed. You're gonna be in a fog. So yeah. Fear is important. It's actually the great thing about fear., it's a hint, it's a, it's a trail of you're on the right path. You're going the right direction. So anytime I have a fear, a genuine fear about something, I check in like, what is this about? Like, I get curious. Then I realize, oh, I'm going the right direction. Cuz that's where the fruit is, is beyond the fear. So, um, I love fear personally, cuz if I don't feel fear, that means I'm comfortable. If I'm comfortable, I'm not growing. If I'm not growing, then I ain't gonna win past the fear is where the fruit is at the fruits of your labor. Cause just because you work hard too doesn't mean you gonna, you know, live abundantly, you gotta work hard in the right direction. So and I don't know, man, you, you need to write, I don't know if there's a blog you got about that about fear, but that was. That was awesome. It made me wanna say like, yo, you know what? It made me wanna call like yo fear. Yeah. Fuck you. all right. What message would you give to those that think it's not possible to be financially independent or financially free? Like those who think that it's just a myth that this is all a setup and those who are living that life is just all part of the matrix. one thing about me is I don't try to convince people to do anything because you know, life's gonna happen on its own time. Mm-hmm it's in the, it's in the stars. So, if you don't believe it's possible, then it's not possible. If you think you can, you can, if you think you can, you can. it's more powerful than just removing the tea. it's like one thing I, I always believe in this idea of, I don't believe in arguing with idiots. if you're not saying things that are intelligent or abundant thinking, I won't even associate with you. I wouldn't even say a word. I won't argue with you. I won't disagree with you. I would just turn around So that's kind of the same idea. Like if you don't believe it's possible to have abundance and, make whatever you want then. Okay. I'm not gonna argue with you. Well said I feel the same way too, cuz it's like, if someone's stuck on the way they feel, whatever you say is not gonna change your day mind anyway. So you're just gonna be pretty much talking to yourself or talking to a wall. what are some resources that you can like, recommend Those trying to make that transition to working for themselves or just even having the mindset that you didn't like, if you were to take your mindset and not work for yourself and just you'd be like, I feel like you'd be fine. Cuz that way of thinking it's like there's no lose in that way of thinking. Like just learning, like that's that's awesome. Yeah. yeah. When you feel like you can't, there's no way to lose, like you were saying, that's when you always win. Cuz there's no like desperate energy. There's no like neediness mm-hmm as far as resources, man, I would always tap into good old Google. there's billions of articles on sales or on YouTube about sales on building a business. the library it's I grew up in the library. if there's any particular books, I mean there's so many good books. I would first, I guess what I would do is I wouldn't even start with the books. I would start with write down what you want, whatever you want, and then figure out what the smallest possible action you can do right now to get started. So, okay. Say you wanna lose 10 pounds in a month, then what's the smallest action you can do get down the floor right now and do one pushup. And then tomorrow, same time do two pushups and have that build. And there's snowballs effect and there's domino effects. When you start one thing, it affects all other things in your life and they just get better and better. You start eating healthier, you start, you know, going to bed earlier, you start drinking more water, you start not drinking so much whatev there's snowball effects, there's domino effects. So I guess that's kind of a more practical tip. cuz there's so many good books out there. I mean, if I, if I had to think about if I can only pick one if we wanna talk about this idea of. Having this mindset where you can't lose no matter what happens to you. I would probably pick there's this book called awareness and it's by a guy named Anthony Dello. And he talks about this idea, kind of what we're talking about of none of this shit matters. The only thing that matters is you decide it matters. And once you become aware of that, then you get to choose. If you're gonna be full of joy or gonna be full of pain and the ball's in your court. And once you realize that by reading the book, you, you approach the day from this abundant, like he's right. None of this shit fucking matters. We all. Either. I'm gonna be joyous with whatever I have because I get to sit in this chair that I didn't have to build. I get to talk to you on this MacBook that I didn't have to build. I get to stay in this Airbnb that I didn't have to build. I have a fridge full of food that I didn't have to harvest. And you start thinking more abundantly like, man, this is a fucking amazing experience to be alive. And when you come from that place, you can't lose on any sales call. You can't lose building any business because guess what? The business is gonna succeed because you're thinking about it from the right context. Honestly, if you drop any more gems, I'm about to just give you the show. the show's about to be yours. about to say your function shows oh, JMA yo, I wanna, yo, I wanna thank you, man. Like. So much value. Like I learned so much, like there's times I had to really like remind myself, yo, you know, you, the host, like you gotta ask some more questions but, um, where, where could my listeners like find you? Um, if they wanted to, to hear more about you, cuz I like, honestly you gonna have to, I know you got your YouTube thing popping off, but you're gonna have to take it up another notch. Cuz you got some, you got something to say man, and people need to hear that shit. I, even if it takes my show to blow up for, they'll be like, yo, who's that guy JMA on, on episode this whatever. Like where could they find you? so really just, you know, like you were saying, I have a YouTube channel, which talks about sales and business and mindset and then, um, but they can find all that through my website, which is creators learn. So, you know, creators, if you wanna be a creator place to learn, so creators, man, you have to be a lifetime learner and being a creator and a learner. Peanut butter and jelly, French fries and ketchup. I can go on and on on and on and on. And, so but yeah, uh, Jermaine, I want to thank you. It was great having you in the episode. Honestly, I don't know if there's an episode that comes up in the future that I can have you back on. I'll definitely reach out to you. That's what I love about this podcast. Like I get to meet people from all parts of the world that do all types of different things that I either want to do or I'm interested in and hearing their perspective and being able to laugh and, things that I worry about you not worrying about or you know what I mean? Like it's, it's just, it's it is dope man. So, and I, and like I said, I want to congratulate you and I wish you nothing, but. Super success. Thank you, man. Appreciate it. Yeah, man. Thanks for being on the Ray moon to show tune in, it's time for that final saying time for action. Let's go. Financial freedom. How sweet does that sound? It ring bells like Christmas. Carolers. For many, it feels like mission impossible. But you gotta be on your time cruise with this shit. Cause what you can't do is an illusion. The world tricked you into seeing. Like a bad Hitman, you gotta work on your execution. Thrive in times of confusion. So you can add value with results and solutions. Imagine a world where you could do all the things that you want to do. Don't just imagine, make it happen. Act like a Ladin, but your actions are the genie. And you realize. You being a whole new world. Damn that I just use Disney to make my point. You gotta Marvel that. But back to living on your terms. Ain't you tired of not being your best self. Doing the things that increase your wealth on top of that and enhance your health. But it starts with you, cuz if you don't got you. Then you won't be in the position to help anybody else. But this was a great episode. I wouldn't have thank out for tuning in. I want to thank my guests. Jermaine Cheatham for. Uh, dropping some knowledge. And my financial freedom talk. See, I'm working for the day that. I could do what I want when I want, but most importantly, be able to give my kids whatever they want. Of course not on some spoiled shit.<laugh>. But so next time. Stay safe. Peace, love Mundo. Out.

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