The Raymundo Show

Healthy Mind Healthy body

Ray Gonzalez Season 4 Episode 33

Yeah. Year, year, year, year. It's your host Ray Muno. Welcome to my show. Where we have fun. Talk about some real shit. And learn something new in the process. This is episode 33 Healthy mind, healthy body. Both for important. Got a special guests. To help me distribute. All this dope information. But, uh, Before we do that. Let's do what we do here at the rimando show. Let's get it. Let's go let's go. And today's quoted a day, his boats, you BA Paulo. Hey, Lou, Or stress, anxiety. Depression is caused when we ignore who we are. And start living to please other people. Like when I think back, uh, the times that I was mentally fucked up. I always think about. One of the main reasons was how I looked to other people. Like if I wasn't a successful enough, You know, cause I was at a certain age or, you know, I failed that certain things like I didn't want to face other people. I think me facing myself was fine. I mean, I am hard on myself, but. it's true. There's no better feeling than being you. Right. Like no excuses. Unapologetic on some Rihanna shit. And. There's a lot of power in that. And I go for, sometimes you can get laws. Especially like with people that are close. I feel like we tend to. Let things slide. Well, not everybody, but someone like, you know me, I, I personally do that. Like people, I love a lot. sometimes I let them get away with shit. but then, uh, you know, it fucks with my soul with folks, with my character. And then I get stressed and a little bit depressed on how I handle the situation. Well, you don't, you got to protect the energy. You got to protect your mental health. You've got to keep those around you that make you feel good. You got to do things that make you feel good. and you got to constantly. Find ways to improve it because. The same things. I'm not always going to work. we live in a world with so much options. There's something out there for everybody. You just gotta be willing to try different things. you can be skirt. I remember that. I think when I was in ninth grade, it was a mystical on be scarred. Cause you going to get mine. Oh, in my search to do you are not alone. Part three. Came across someone that was doing something. For mental health, but like, uh, you know, With a whole different name and a whole different process. I hope I can say it. Right. It's cycle neuro immune immunology. First of all, I couldn't pronounce it. So I thought, You know, it made me interested. So I did the research. Uh, contacted the person of interest. And made it happen, but yeah, let's get it to the episode.


so here on the show, we always try to find, healthy ways for better living. healthier lifestyle. I was trying to find something different I could bring to the table And I came across a term I never heard before, but luckily have someone who's great and extremely knowledgeable. And when I'm about to introduce the yacht, but without further ado, I'd like to welcome my special guests. Dr. Meredith Watson. Let's give it up. How are you doing today?

DR Watson:

I'm doing great. I've been looking so forward to this.


Yeah, same here. Same here. Welcome to the Raimundo show. we appreciate you being here, especially, you know, I'm pretty sure you got a busy schedule, so

DR Watson:

Yeah, this is during my nap time. I'm just kidding.


like sorry to interrupt

DR Watson:

Totally worth it. Totally worth it.


as long as the bar. I, so tell my listeners a little bit about yourself.

DR Watson:

Well first, thanks so much for inviting me to the show I've been looking so forward to this has been like the biggest thing on my calendar that I'm so excited about. And I'm a mom. I have a 10 year old daughter and I love the beach. I love food. I love to sleep and travel. And as we were saying, I'm a psycho neuro immunologist, and I really enjoy focusing on people's pain and how they can heal by getting to the root cause of their issues, incorporating pleasure and joy and holistic practices until their life.


you know what? That sounds healthy. That sounds fun. And it sounds like I'm pretty sure all my listen is turning up the volume right now. Pump up the volume.

DR Watson:

Oh yeah. I love that song. I'm dating myself, but yeah, I like that though.


So yeah, the term psycho neuro immune immunology, it took me a while to, to get it, but uh, we got it. Um, Thank you. Thank you. Like I said, it was it was great doing research. But tell my listeners what is psycho neuro immunology in the first place.

DR Watson:

Oh, well at its core, it is the way in which your brain and your immune system work together, how they communicate with each other.


Okay. Okay. Would it bring me to another question? How does the brain and the immune system, how do they talk? How do they communicate?

DR Watson:

It's a really interesting way in which they communicate. Say you have a back pain and it's coming after. Your husband lost his job. Your mother-in-law moved in with you. You're still having to do all the parental duties. All the things are still happening, but your back is saying, you know, get off my back. There's too much to hold. You don't feel supported. And so if someone came to me with that, I would tell them, we try to find ways to manage the situation, adding some exercises. It's putting new time on their calendar, even in micro doses. So it communicates within the way your body is responding to what's going on in your life.


And it's, it's crazy. Cause I mean we know, if you eat bad you don't work. You feel bad, the, on the, on the opposite and you know, he has the same effect. So, if you feel stressed, so you don't feel good about what's going on, it can affect your body. So how does, and we've all heard the term stress makes you sick, but how does stress actually make you sick?

DR Watson:

Stress makes you sick. Think about anxiety or when you have a headache or stomach issues, it's typically responding to something that is happening in your life. Overthinking. You can't know what you didn't know before. You know it and stomach aches can be serious. They can turn into gastritis, stomach ulcers, anxiety can cause migraines and headaches and shortness of breath. And then you get into the cortisol weight gain holding on to the stress. It turns into body weight and your physical pain stems often from emotional pain and the emotional pain turns into the physical pain and people are more apt to notice physical pain. So it's your body's way of getting you to notice the physical pain is often the siren that you will address. You'll address a headache before your little dress, you know, mental trauma that you experienced.


Yeah, that's true. A lot of people like to postpone facing something they don't believe happened to them So definitely get it.

DR Watson:

And culturally, a lot of certain types of cultures were at to just put things under the rug or pretend it didn't happen or pray it away or not actually deal with it.


Yeah. And. That doesn't do anything because all, all that builds up and it's just like, it's crazy. This is proof that is building up in your body and breaking you down. So it's definitely worth taking a look at my, again, that stress, as soon as you hear, I feel like every time you hear the word, the cortisol is like, oh shit. Oh snap. oh shit. You gotta be careful with that because that's the, what is, is like, it's like, it's the.

DR Watson:

it's a chemical and it's usually, you're gonna feel it a lot in your abdominal cavity. You see a lot of people that they have the skinniest legs, the skinniest arms, and then they just have that pot belly. And it's, they've gathered all that cortisol there. And that's where it's sitting. And there's a lot of research and a lot of that show that, you know, you're holding onto your weight. And then of course there's always controversial. It's always people who feel one way or the other. That's what makes life interesting. But some people carry a lot of weight in their hips. A lot of people carry weight in their legs, and it just depends on where you're carrying the weight, but it's usually, especially if you are doing all the right things, you're, you're eating right. You're exercising. You just can't seem to lose the weight or you're, emotionally eating. You're trying to fill a hole. So you feel whole, and you're just stuffing, you know, trying to stuff away the problem or eat the problem away or emotional eating is a big issue in a lot of people's lives. Like had a bad day at work, eat a whole cake. you had a fight with your partner and you just eat the whole pan of cookies.


awesome. Good, good, good. And that brings me to I'm the same way I have. I have like my routine when I get stressed or upset, I buy a big Mac from McDonald's.

DR Watson:

I was just about to say the same thing. Mine is Dave, the Dave single, or just to notice a junior cheeseburger, but I get to don't judge me too. And, oh my


I love the lemonade.

DR Watson:

I, I love to be behind people and they're like, I like four cheeseburgers, five French fries, two, two Frosties, and a diet Coke like dude,


That makes you, if that makes you feel better than

DR Watson:

Well, you may as well, just got the, I mean, you think that diet Coke is going to absolve the rest of it? Well, maybe tell people light diet Coke. I think it takes like, you know, colored water.


that. Yeah. A lot of people like diet Coke, like that's so true, like, and it's crazy. They'll have, they have the worst meal and then a diet Coke. I'm not, you might as well go all the way.

DR Watson:

Yeah. I mean, I would like seven cheeseburgers, but please add a second. I hope you're gonna eat that first so I can, you know, absorb some of the fat you're eating, but no judgment. It's just, it's interesting. The things people order or, I mean, I have my thing, I like to order, you know, a glass of ice, but then I'll bring a bottle of water and they're like, why don't you have the bottle of water? If you're going to use the same ice, I'm like, don't judge me. Don't ask questions. Just bring me the ice, please. Thank you so much. Monument does not give any. Yeah


so what, what a holistic approach do you use to help people get to the root cause?

DR Watson:

that's an interesting question too. My favorite, I have three trademark therapy methods. So the first one is the Phoenix therapy method and it's really just getting to the root and noting. When the pain started, what was going on in your life, kind of taking your power. From this situation. And then I have the concept method, which is where we realize we're more in control of our situation than we believe we are. And the concept of looking within and not outside or outsourcing it, giving your power away. You're outsourcing that love acceptance, validation and belonging, and, wondering why things are happening. We, have more control than we think we do. And I actually have a quote from will Smith, who I actually still love, even though his recent events. Um, yeah, don't upset him. But so the love fleet though,



DR Watson:

he said X, actually one of his little he was in the gym when he was quoted. And it was, Whatever happened. She may not be your responsibility may not be your fault, but how you handle it is your responsibility.



DR Watson:

And if you think about it, it's really the concept that you may not have chosen whatever occurred in your life, but how you proceed and heal. That is up to you. How you play your cards, play your cards. Like you pick the deck and go a lot deeper into that with my patients, especially those that have done that kind of that woe is me mentality. I didn't choose this, but that's what the whole concept method is about. You have more control. And my last one in my actual favorite one is


the best for last.

DR Watson:

always is the intimacy incubator method. And that zeroes in on intimacy with yourself, looking. Within yourself to find that law of acceptance, validation and belonging that you really crave. We all want those things. Of course we do, but it should be self-generated so that any extra love and acceptance and validation and belonging is kind of icing on the cake,


yes, yes. That's the cherry on top. It's the, you know what I mean? The, the gravy on the potatoes are loaded, mashed potatoes too. I have some, the other day they was so good.

DR Watson:

Oh my gosh. That's like soul food. It's everything. It's something about potatoes and gravy and a good meat and vegetables, mostly the potatoes, but yet at the others don't so you can kind of look like you're healthy, but the potatoes it's like it feeds your soul.


really does matter. Sometimes even, even sometimes sweet potato.

DR Watson:

Oh yes.


And I want

DR Watson:

is sweet. Potato, French fries.



DR Watson:

Oh, my gosh,


little sauce, dividend

DR Watson:

up. Can save anything.



DR Watson:

food can be terrible. And if you have some catch-up and that's my thing. When I go to people's homes, I'm like, do you have catch up? And if they don't have catch-up, I have to go get some or I can't eat because I don't know how you cook. Like, I don't know what you do.


Ketchup is the closing saves. It saves meals.

DR Watson:

it does,


their minds, you save it minds and bodies and catch up with saving meals

DR Watson:

every day and



DR Watson:

Oh yeah. Pass the ketchup. I don't want to talk about this anymore. Just pass it.


But no, but that what you were saying about empowering yourself, getting your power back I've been through some things in my life where I felt like I had to do it in the anytime I started with me first, like accepting myself for the mistakes I made and start loving myself. So, cause it's always like, it seems logical, but how could someone love you and really treat you great will be great with you if you don't love yourself and treat yourself great. Like, you know, you're a reflection of how you treat yourself and people are gonna act accordingly.

DR Watson:

right. They're going to feed off of what you're showing them. You will accept and what you will tolerate.


Exactly. And you know, you have those people that you will never cross the line and you wouldn't even, you know, like.

DR Watson:

it, yeah. And then there are other people and you know who those people are. And sometimes it's like, they give off an aura or they give off some kind of energy, like I'm open to being taken advantage of. And it hurts my heart. But it's also, I have to remember, this is something I actually just started to embrace. Everybody is on their own journey. Like, it may be the hardest thing for you to watch somebody fail or be hurt, but maybe that's their lesson and you intervening, you're hurting a part of their journey that they really needed to learn this lifetime. And it's like, oh, or your own, like some things in hindsight, I'm like, oh, well I did, what are you kidding me? Like, I must have fallen and bumped my head, but I also have to take away the lesson. And I tell people, you know, I may not have wanted to learn that hard of a way, but I try to look at it as what did I learn? What did I glean? How am I a better person? And just forgive myself for thinking that I deserved any less. You have forgiving yourself as often the first step. If you can forgive yourself, then you can't know what you didn't know before you knew it. It's just the way it


it's one of the most important steps, like forgiving yourself and not just saying it, like truly saying, you know what if I could have, if I could have chose a better route, I would have, but you know, this is what I felt was right at the time. And it's sometimes, you know, it's outside of our control. Sometimes it just happens to us and we're just thinking life is Sweden. You know, we get the rug swept from under us. I have a lot of experience in that, but, but it's so true. Another thing you were saying that I'm like, wow, it really hit me. It was, people love to choose the path of less resistance and sometimes that resistance and that challenge and that difficulty you come up. On the other side then, is you being helped though? Being babied or like we were saying, like sometimes you gotta let people go through what they got to go through. I know we want to, you know, the, the goodness wants to us, her save them as much as possible, we can't save everybody, unfortunately.

DR Watson:

We can, when you're on a plane, it says, put your oxygen mask on first because you can't help anybody. If you're suffocating, you can't pour from an empty cup.


Hi. Oh man. I want to just know the sound effects are going to be like might be on fire. We're not, we're not

DR Watson:

and we can't wait. It's, it's just so much


such a, that's a great, great analogy. Like that's awesome. That's true. Put your mask on first and then make sure everybody's good. Like that's, that's an episode.

DR Watson:

and think about this sounds. So sometimes it sounds cruel, but some people, unfortunately, Can I say this about someone in particular in my life. They wouldn't offer me air to breathe. It. Sometimes it's hard to accept it. People don't care about you, the way you care about them, and you could literally make yourself sick over how people treat you and what people do. And my brother says it best. I'm not mad at you for what you did. I'm mad at you because I never would've done that to you.


Yeah. And the thing is too, there's those expectations we have, we want, we want to get back what we put out, not everyone thinks like that. And you know, you got to forgive them too, because you're going to carry that energy with you. Yeah. You're going to carry that energy with junior journey. And I was reading, I gotta remember this lady's name. She's just an example. If you are bad to your parents, like you're going to get it back. Like the kids are going to be, you know what I'm saying? So you always got to try to, do the best. I lost a little bit of train of thought with that one, but yeah.

DR Watson:

It's okay. I get it. I totally get it. I think about that with my own daughter. The thing she does, it annoys me are often the things about her father that annoyed me or her grandmother that annoyed me. And she is so outgoing and I'm such an introvert. And sometimes I'm like, Lord, like, and then one day, and I guess it depends on what you believe, but I, I asked her one day, I'm like, where did you come here to teach me? And she's like to relax and have some sign. I'm like, yep. That makes sense.


Bless my God. Bless.

DR Watson:

Yeah, jazz. And I'm like, man, you are also testing my nerves. I take a lot of pictures of her when she's sleeping so that when she's getting on my nerves, I can go back to that cute, sweet, innocent little person. And all she has to say is, mommy, I love you. And I'm water


Yeah. Oh man. I'm, I'm not even there yet, but I get those looks and I'm like, Aw man. And especially like, if I've been away for even, I could just be doing a podcast for an hour or two. I go upstairs and I'm hugging them. I'm oh my God. Like I was like, if I haven't seen them in hours, like, it's true. What they say about Perry love, man. It's really not. It's really nothing like it.

DR Watson:

It's nothing like it. I tell her all the time I went and jumped in front of a bullet for very many people, But she's her. I taken in a second.


Yeah. That's bullet anything out of Oregon. Rocket launcher I'll get in the way.

DR Watson:

I told her the other day, like it could be the best food and I can give her her own, but it's nothing like having it off mommy's plate. And I said, you know how much I love you that I'm sharing my food because I don't share food with your father. I don't share food with anybody.


no, we don't. We don't, we don't say Jayden's name and we don't play with food and that's

DR Watson:

That's right. Absolutely.


your own food, We prepared, you know, planet.

DR Watson:

don't touch my food because you're clean and my clean may not be the same. And I'm a lot of things, but nice. Nasty is one of them.


that reminds me of a, I don't know if you ever watch friends, but.

DR Watson:

Oh yeah.


We enjoy dating that girl as she always, she always reached over for his food and then he bought her the food that she can reach and grab the cups. So

DR Watson:

That is that episode. And the pivot. Where they're trying to get the sofa up the stairs.


every time I hear the word pivot because of

DR Watson:

Yes. Every that, oh, and the other one that you and everybody knows, you're probably say it with me that one time at band count every single time somebody was like, well, that one time I'm like I bang out. Yeah. Know, I can't, I can't help it


That's a whole nother episode touch base. So it was speaking about the root cause. How does someone identify what the root cause is? Like? How do you even like Mo what are you even.

DR Watson:

it's, it's really interesting. I will share an example. I had a pyromania patient and also had a cough and sore throat patient, but my pyromania patient loves sire obviously. And if it is.


That sounds like something from the X-Men and I'm like,

DR Watson:

Yeah, they will fire and it's addictive and it's dangerous. And I should also know that pain is not always physical. Sometimes it's emotional or it's an addiction. And I work with all types of pain. So we look back at the start of his love for fire, and it turns out it was, he was trying to create a time when his family was happy and together sitting around the fireplace. So he wasn't really in love with the fire. He was in love with the, remember the memory and trying to recreate that happy sensation of in his brain where he re you know, where that fire was happening. So the root cause is often when it started, what was going on then. We're going to talk about this later, but that's how I got into this work. I had two heart attacks in 16 months and I was healthy, active, no medical reason, no predisposition for the heart attacks. And I went back and I looked at my life and what was happening at each of those two events. And it had everything to do with the trauma and the lost and what I was experiencing like broken heart syndrome is a rural thing. Having, you know, it is, and your heart is, I mean, it's pretty, it's a pretty important organ. And it just, that's where all of my pain went around my heart and I just couldn't take it. So that was my body's siren to say, Hey, Meredith, get your life together. Get your ducks in a row. I did, but it's. It's often big about the pain that you're in and when it started, what was going on in your life. And usually you can pinpoint the root cause or it can lead you down the path of finding the root cause.


So the hard tax led led you to get into the field that you're in now.

DR Watson:

it did it actually, I feel like I was always meant to be in this field cause I've always wondered why people are the way they are, but I had that you heart attacks. And like I said, I was healthy. I was active. There was no reason for me to have had them. And my doctors were stomped. I had the best cardiologists in the country and he was stumped. And we went through every doctor, every holistic practitioner, short of a showman. And then I was watching a Ted talk and I saw this woman and she's at a psycho neuro immunologist. Her methodology is. Hypnotherapy. And she went through, you know, what happened to her? We had a similar experience and it worked for her. She was almost paralyzed and she regained her ability to walk and I was pretty sick and I thought if it worked for her, it could work for me. And then I started researching it and I'm like, and I'm the kind of person, if I'm going to study that much, I'm getting a piece of paper behind it. So I went back to school and I was kind of already looking at this program, which is also very ironic, but I was going to do something different with it. And then all this stuff happened. And I said, well, I'm going to do this because I want to help people in this way and help myself. And it was probably the best decision I'd ever made. It was, it was also during the time of my spiritual awakening. And so I'm sure that was not a coincidence. So it just, it just all came together. It was like I was being enrolled in a burrito. Let's just take the rug from under her and rapper in, so she's forced to get her life together.


that's crazy. Sometimes we don't realize that something we don't expect to happen to us. That's that's not good something that didn't go your way. It could be disguised as something great. Like you have the heart attacks and then it led you down this path to make psycho, neuro immunology. You may focus and all the things I've been through, all the heartache or the failures and things not going my way is the reason why I have a podcast, which is centered around self-improvement. I mean, I like to do, you know, fun stuff as well.

DR Watson:

Oh yeah.


my main focus is with everything I've been through, if I could find the way to smile and keep going and you can totally, it's just it's I just find it gravy. Like we hate when that happens to us, but then we become better. We our skin gets tougher and then we're able to use that to help other people

DR Watson:

we're being refined. It's it? That's the way I think of it. And it's like that diamond in the road, which was a theme when one of the years I was in college and I was like, that makes absolutely no sense. And then I started to think about it and I'm like, yeah, you know, diamond gold, all these things have to be refined. And the burning of it is how it becomes refined and yes, yes, absolutely. Yes. It's just the most. It's like you're being tried by fire and you have to come through it


On the other

DR Watson:

better off, hopefully not bitter and burnt. Cause you know, we all know those bitter people, the bitter Betty's


You don't want to be a better Betty.

DR Watson:

no, I don't, I don't want to be a Karen


No, nobody's nobody. Nobody wants to be a car. Even my, especially my stuff's on Jonathan. He can't stay. So I asked him we were doing the episode and I was like, what's the first thing on your mind? He goes, I guarantee.

DR Watson:

They are something else and I feel bad for all the night's Karen's


Yeah, they're nice. They're nice.

DR Watson:

but the other ones, oh my gosh.


So how, how long have you been in the field now?

DR Watson:

It's six years.


Okay, well, what they say after five years, when you start getting like the

DR Watson:

Itchy and tired. Yeah, I like to keep learning and keep digging and keep finding new ways to help patients. And it keeps, you have to keep like any relationship, your relationship with your job, your career, your family, you have to keep the spice and the spontaneity and there.


Yeah. Keep the fire burning.

DR Watson:

yes, because once it goes out, it's so hard to get it started again. So, and once she started hating it, then don't do it anymore. Just stop, find something else. But this has been, I kind of wish I'd started this from the beginning, but then I probably wouldn't have had all the experiences to help me with my patients. So I try to think of it that way. I mean, what I could have should have as will be the death of us.


no. Yeah. And it's so easy to fall into that. It doesn't help anybody like it. It's okay to think about it a little bit, but not to fall in love with the thought of what could have, cause you can't go back in time.

DR Watson:

Don't marry the thought, you


marry the thought. No, not at all.

DR Watson:

could have been, you would have. Okay. But you know, you had two paths, you took the path you took and I don't know if it'd be as much fun if we could just, you know, do an aerial view, like, okay. So I think I like that India got mixes up, you know, like when you go to the order, I'd like a number two, but I want to substitute it with the fries from number three, you know,



DR Watson:

just go with it and just try to find the jewels. Just try to find the silver lining and people think it's funny that I was saying, that's my car. One of my first college roommate moved rooms because I was too chipper. I was too happy in the morning.


Some people really don't like that.

DR Watson:

They don't and I'm thinking, I thought I was a hateful little bitty in the morning, cause I'm not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination, but she was like, you are too happy in the morning. I'm like, well, I'm glad I made it to this day. I'm sorry that you're bitter. And it was the funniest thing because she sure did change rooms. And I was like,


That's all I'm hearing. That's the one that I feed off energy when people are like that. But I've noticed like, usually when I'm, when I'm meditating, I'm working out, I'm doing what I gotta do. My energy is all over the place. So when they ask me how you doing, I'm like fantastic, incredible astonish. I use these words that they're like, like what.

DR Watson:

What is wrong with you? But I think it's better to be not like. Fake it, I don't want to do that, but if you can just think of five or six things you're grateful for, you can stay in that happy energy and you wouldn't have, I mean, I know we've all had our crosses to bear, but it's how you like this once again, how you decide you're going to handle it. Like, I can't handle negative people and my ex best friend. One of the reasons we're no longer friends. Is she as a thief of joy?


Oh, no, we don't need those. you don't want to be around people like that because believe it or not, the more you hang out with them over a boy and for you, and then you're doing it and not even realizing it, like I've been in that situation where we used to hang out with a a friend that he will always make a joke out, somebody doing some something positive. And the next thing I know I'm really, I'm not, I'm joking the same way as him. So they probably think that I don't want them to prosper. I don't want them to do great, but you've got to catch yourself.

DR Watson:

you rarely do, or that backhand at calm. Oh, you don't sweat much for a fat girl. You know, that is those backhanded comments. Crack me up. And then if you go philosophical on them, then they have nothing. Like people, like I do things very interestingly and I do it on purpose because I want to be unique as, so one person was like, Meredith, you're so weird. And I was like, really weird in comparison to what? And they're like what? I'm like, well, if you think I'm weird, there's something you think is not weird. So in order to compare me to the thing that you thought was not weird, what do you think is not weird? Had no response, but it was fun. I have this whole skit. I just had a skit, but. And people just crack me up and they don't think about what they're saying. Like that saying that smarty had a party and nobody came, no, no one came if no one came.



DR Watson:

Yeah. Like, did you drive by there and see like El my favorite, especially in our culture where you there, the person will lie and be like, no, I wasn't there. Like, yes, you were. I saw your car. Like, well, if you knew, why did you, why did


Oh, yeah. Oh my God. I don't like when people do that, it's funny. I saw it on the TV show and just even the scene in acting bothered me, I was like, really just tell him you knew

DR Watson:

People, oh my gosh, the human brain and human nature fascinates


it's a, it's a fascinating thing.

DR Watson:

Just tell me what you want to tell me. Like don't beat around the Bush. Just, just spit it out.


And it's

DR Watson:

I probably already know what you're going to say anyway. Cause your face is telling the whole story.


your face and your energy.

DR Watson:

Oh, the energy is the worst, especially when you walk into a room and it gets all quiet. What'd y'all want to say, because I'll come, I'll confirm or deny it. Just tell


Well, you talking about me.

DR Watson:

know, right.

The equity. More Mundo after this commercial break. Was good. Yeah. Hope you're enjoying the episode. I know you enjoyed the episode. Make sure you check out the Patrion. I got one tear. I got some content already. Every other Saturday. More content. But anyway now back to the show


So, how did you end up getting into online therapy?

DR Watson:

It actually started out with it being a convenience. People need that privacy and they need that convenience and really brick and mortar. They don't always do the job. And I homeschool my daughter and at the heart, like I said, I'm an introvert. So it worked out with my personal style. And now, especially with the world affairs, people really want that convenience and that privacy, and it seems to be more prevalent. And it's also the convenience of with therapy virtually we can meet pretty much any time. Without having to try to sneak it in on their lunch hour, or we can do it before school, after school, on their lunch break in the car, you know, on voice, don't try to text or anything, but it's, it's just that convenience. And like I said, I'm an introvert. So people think this pandemic has been so terrible. It's been great for me. Not the people getting sick, of


No, of course you on that.

DR Watson:

mask, I don't have to smile. I don't have to pretend, even though I do miss showing off my pretty white teeth, but you know, it's, it's more about not having to be around people because I'm also empathic. So other people's energy, I just absorb it.



DR Watson:

And I'm like, and people think I'm psychic or something. I'm like, did you have a bad day? Like, yeah. How'd, you know, you are spreading energy that says you had a bad day. Would you like to talk about it? Because I can't do this.


That's my girls like that. She, she picks up things fast and like, she's able to cognate. She's like usually right. Like 90 something percent of the time. Sometimes, sometimes I think she can hear my, like my thoughts. like I'll curse out a, in my head just to make sure that she's not here, that she, she can,

DR Watson:

Oh, my gosh, I know it. Right. And the things we say to people in our heads,


I mean, not baby, you know, there's not that I'm, I'm really cursing at you. I'm just saying, just to make sure you.

DR Watson:

just testing the water. It's just kind of seeing


So you think is, is so, and it could be at you think it could be as effective as the traditional in-person

DR Watson:

that's the big controversy within the counseling and therapy community. I'm a total believer myself. My clients agree that it works for them. And I see my own therapist virtually and I've experienced second to nine. Wonderful, extraordinary benefits. I think it depends on the person. I've had clients from all walks of life and the convenience and privacy that online therapy provides them. It really works for them. And if you think about the person who says I'm too busy for therapy, online therapy is the answer to that because what I offer my clients, especially my grandfathered and clients is I've changed and pivot my business is what's called on-call therapy. Like they can message me 24 7. And because I'm a night owl because I have the strangest night and sleep schedule, I can pretty much get back to them. After I researched and meditated over what they, I would like to say or what I'd like to respond. And it works. You have the single mom, you have the mom, who's working three jobs. You have the dad who only has his kids on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and every other Saturday. So people's lives are so chaotic and everybody has this different schedule. So it allows them that convenience. And that's the big thing that I want to provide is convenience, because I would hate that I couldn't serve someone because they couldn't find an appointment time,


That's amazing, man. Like that, that perspective was like, when you ask a question, like, is the perfect case, man. You have a great perspective on things like in the things that you use to identify the perspective is like what I'm saying your mind is open. It's great to be like.

DR Watson:

Thank you. Thank you.


How important is it for people to find a balance? Right. Cause everything is about balance between your mental health and your physical health.

DR Watson:

I think you should think about it. As important as brushing your teeth, bathing, eating healthy exercising, because it hinges on the other. I often tell people that you should take into account that your mental health is just as important as your physical health, because they're married to each other. I mean, how many times have you been under stress and you have a headache or your neck is stiff or your shoulders have not sent it, it gets all related. And then some people exercise to get their stress out. I meditate. I don't like to sweat. I should more, but I don't


There is.

DR Watson:

and, oh, good. But yeah, it's very important to your mental health and your physical as a marriage, because you can't really have one without the other It's just more important. And culturally, you know, we typically do not like to go to the therapist. We think, oh, we're just going to go pray it away. Nothing against praying, but you can use that in concert. Like I'm going to pray, but I'm going to my therapist. I'm going to go to my therapist. And your pastor is not your therapist, unless he has a degree because if sometimes, and I can say that, cause I was a pastor for 10 years. I know that sometimes you need a practical approach, shoot a scripture in there, but you need to do something that's going to help you. And we're more control of our life. We have free will we have more control than we think. And that goes back to outsourcing. You have to generate that desire to be the best you can be. Like, some people are so bitter, but that bitterness came from somebody pull their hair in the fifth grade and they still can't get over it.


That's crazy. Like how the mind like interpret things and it comes out physically. I was reading a book about money. Oh, that's the book I've mentioned earlier about money and it made me think back. I was able to find what my root cause. Y my relationship with money, isn't as great as it should be. And this, because when I was a kid, I remember seeing a whole bunch of money and I'm going to tell to my dad, oh, money, money, a, he let me have it. So there was a point that I would see money and I would like close my eyes. And then, you know, I got in trouble with my mom one time for AXA, for a dollar. So it was like, I was able to pinpoint from a book, reading a book caused me to have that.

DR Watson:

it reminded you. And that happened to me. I was in kindergarten. And my best friend, 35 years. And she said that I smack so for the next, probably the next 15 years or longer, I would never eat in front of anybody because that one event, and she meant so much to me, it still does that. I, by the way, set the record straight, I was not snacking. She just has that condition where any noise when somebody eats it, it irks her nerve.



DR Watson:

And I totally respect that. I wonder if that's why she has that. Maybe her, that was her thing with my snacking. And then mine was, I never ate in front of me. I don't eat in front of Andy, but I'd push my food around and I go eat in profit.


that's crazy how something like that just affects us. And then we are not aware of it. And now we want to, I want to break out of it. Like I want to be best friends with money. I wanna, I want money to be all my money, to be the best man at my wedding.

DR Watson:

right. And maybe AF after the podcast, I want to show you an exercise of how you can work on your relationship with money, but also have a better relationship because I had, I have a whole course on it, but it's money is not bad or good. It's what you do with


It's what you do with it. Exactly.

DR Watson:

10. I can use my money to be philanthropic, or I could use all my money to hire a Hitman, to get all the people that get on my nerves, which I'm not going to do because no, knowing me, I'd have a paper trail and get in trouble. And I tell myself like, Ooh, don't call him about killing Sarah. Oh, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud. You know,


Well, during my research I saw something called cytokines correctly. You know what my third grade teacher, you, you were wrong, you were wrong. I know how to pronounce words, not

DR Watson:

don't you love to go back and prove people wrong out it's a little pleasure in that. That it's just amazing.


Harvey sends one of his, I think two of his teachers, a TV every year. I said he wasn't going to be able to never be on TV. I would love to do something like that.

DR Watson:

I have that experience and I'll tell you what that word is in just a second. But I had that experience. My second grade teacher love her to death. She caused me so much pain and my second grade year I'm like that woman had it out for me. And. She paved the booth that I wasn't going to make anything. So when I became a doctor, when I taught side by side with her when I saw her at this store, that's pretty expensive store. name brands don't excite me, but some things are just comfortable. So I saw her in the store while I was buying this expensive thing and she saw me and she spoke and we hugged and all that gravy. And she told another person who was there. I've always believed in there. And she was my best student. She was so wonderful when I was, you know, in the top of my graduating class and She was just going on and on. Oh, Meredith is a wonderful, she's always been my favorite student.


But that comes with the territory. Like the better you do you either going to get hate or you're going to get people saying, I knew they can do it, but you never sent them to them before,

DR Watson:

well, one of my teachers saw me in the store and she's hugged me. You know, she was great. And she's like, I knew you were smart Meredith, but I didn't know you were that smart. Well, thanks. Thanks so much. You have a blessed day, you know,


We forgive you.

DR Watson:

Right? Oh my gosh. But the, the setup now I can't even say it, but anyway, the stiletto word you're talking about really at its core is just any number of substances that are released in or by your immune system. They have an effect on the other cells. It's kind of like signaling a response to several viruses or something going on in your body. They play an essential role in activation and differentiation of immune cells. Like we have so many cells in our body and I try to explain things in like a layman kind of way, because all the jargon gets convoluted and all lost in the translation. But it's again, where your body is communicating as a result of what's going on in your life and impacting your body. I hope that was a clear enough clear as mud.


They are they inflammatory cytokines.

DR Watson:

No, they it's. It's more of a, like an, an activation, like kind of letting your body know a signaling. And so if, like, if you're, it's kind of like when you have a, a cut, all of your cells go rushing to that, that cut to. He'll it on its own and attack it, you know, like if any foreign things in your body just to go and attack it.


Okay. Okay. That was interesting. Yeah, I wanted to get, cause I saw there was like two different kinda definitions of it,

DR Watson:

somethings can, it's kind of like when you have a staff meeting and it could have been an email.


yeah. He was like, right, right.

DR Watson:

I think somebody, some, I wouldn't say nerd, but some well intelligent person is sitting in their room just trying to, you know, puff up themselves and make up these big words when it could have been like it activates as ELLs. But that doesn't


Could've been the activator. It could have been the

DR Watson:

Yeah. Oh,


like something serious.

DR Watson:

yeah. It's kind of like when someone says you have. It was a big word and it drove me crazy because it was really just where you have a bruise. Oh, she has a major hematoma in her upper quadrant. She, she has a bruise on her shoulder. Can we please


Can we please

DR Watson:

write her femur has been disliked. She broke her arm, you know, I mean,


Simple simplicity is the ultimate satisfaction. Sometimes the simpler, the better, less,

DR Watson:

it really is. It, it makes me laugh, especially when it's a room full of other doctors and we know that your BSA and you just want to sound intelligent and have I've done. I'm also very sarcastic. It's just a part of my nature. And my daughter, she's only 10 ish. I'll say something. She goes, mommy, are you being sarcastic? Are you being genuine? I'm like, ah, where this time I was being sarcastic. Next time I might be genuine


hate when I'm in a professional setting and someone says something that I'm like, oh, the, let it go away. Let it go. They'll they'll say it though.

DR Watson:

it deep in my soul. I have immaturity. I have the maturity level of a sixth grader. So somebody will say something like a body part, or, you know, something that excretes from your body. And I giggle because. That's the sixth grade. Meredith actually is probably like the fourth grade in there if I'm being honest, but I can't, but I'm also glad that I'm not so stoic that things like M my daughter's father, it cracks me up because he doesn't think everything is funny. Like I do. So that's one of our differences. And so when he'll say something, I'll have a song that either it's a real song or I'll make it up. And I could tell from the look on his face, he just wants me to stick to the subject, but


I like,

DR Watson:

it's not gonna, he's like, do you have to do that? Yes. As a matter of fact, I do, but you knew that 16 years ago, so suck it up.


So, what's the, like the biggest breakthrough you had? The one, the patients doing the coaching.

DR Watson:

There been a lot, but one, I have to say I'm really proud of and really grateful to have had the experience is helping someone get past their hurts and find love.



DR Watson:

It is, it was very. Enlightening. He, we went through the common denominator and we got to the route that he did all the work in his relationships. He gave much more than he was receiving and it made him kind of resentful. So we went through what's ideal for him. And I was encouraging him. I don't tell my patients what to do. I make recommendations. They can take from it, what they want. And I was saying maybe in the first couple of dates, don't give away your whole soul,



DR Watson:

like give pieces and test this person out. I mean, see if they're really worth you giving so much. And that was, that was life altering for him. But the point that made it so interesting is he came to me because he was having chest pains. And when we, and it was that broken heart, constantly being broken, constantly being hurt. And he just gotten through a rat a really bad breakup, but once we got to the root of it, the chest pain. We're alleviated because he could, wasn't giving away his heart and someone doing the Mexican hat dance on it. He kept it.


I started thinking about,

DR Watson:

Oh yeah. Oh, that's my favorite part. Like I could leave everything else out. I just like the snappy.


that's awesome. He cleared his chest. And on top of that, I found love. So you pretty much made him ready to be able to receive it.

DR Watson:

exactly. A lot of things we don't have. a lot of things we don't have is we don't believe we can have it. And a lot of things we don't have, because in all honesty, our negativity is taking up the room. There's no space for this new thing to come. There's no room for it. I mean, especially with COVID you don't want to be in a crowded room, but if, if there's nothing, if there's nowhere to go, then where's it going to go? You want low. But you're not emotionally capable. You're not emotionally intelligent enough. You don't, you're not emotionally available. You want money, but you don't have room for it because in the same breath, as you're saying, I want more money. You're saying there's never enough. Think about your money as a potential partner. You know, you want to woo it. You want to tell it how much you love it and how much you want to be with it and how much you welcome it and how orgasmic it'll be to be together because it's an inanimate object. But the energy


didn't bring

DR Watson:

of having


near the

DR Watson:

I don't know any rich person. Who's like, you know, broke mouth or I don't have any money. No money never comes. What am I supposed to do with this? A little bit of money. They're always like, I'm so grateful. Thank you so much.


rich people think weighed differently. The folks that have less money there's there's books, this philosophies on it. I just read a book called the millionaire mind and that one, that one is such I have to read it again. It's a great book. It changes your mindset like that, but it's just like, you don't, you want to think like them, you know what I'm saying? I'm not that necessarily want to be them, but it's almost like it's a higher form of thinking because. Put yourself in a higher place. You know what I mean? Like not saying that you low now, but you know, you want to be able to do the things you want. You want to be able to have freedom. You want to be able to make the right decision. So your family taking care of, you know, generations, like it's, it goes,

DR Watson:

gives you choices, you know, it's whether or not you can eat whole foods or. The discount bargain basement. If you want to drive a Mercedes or a Pinto, you know, they say money, can't buy happiness, but it can give you choices of how you want to be happy. I'd rather cry in a Mercedes than a Pinto.


And. We only live once. So the whole point is to experience. And there's not a lot of, there's not a lot of free days. You can experience it. Usually when it's free, everybody show up and it get packed and it gets uncomfortable. And you know, when you pay a little bit extra, it's always a little bit smoother. There was a little bit better, but to be able to have the friends and not give it a second thought and not have to look at the car anymore, not to look at the prices. I mean,

DR Watson:

Have you ever heard that joke? It's like this woman takes her kids into the store. She's like, I don't even look at price tags. I just let them pick whatever they want. We're at the dollar store, but it doesn't matter.


oh, oh man, I might do that joke. When I was in high school, I'd take you to McDonald's and the one off the dollar menu, girl, that's your world,

DR Watson:

You can have it your way.


but I'll pop Papa.

DR Watson:

I'm going to take you somewhere golden, the golden arches.


Nancy. Huh? so why should people look into psycho neuro immunology?

DR Watson:

why my mom says, because I said so. No, I'm just kidding.


that will be okay. I guess. So

DR Watson:

I know. Right. Well, think about it as an opportunity to get to know yourself and to heal in a way that you really wouldn't be able to heal in any other way. You're getting to the root of things. You're healing it and think about why things are occurring. Like if there's a lesson in it and on some level, and you know, a lot of people, they just they're married to their pain. It gives them status. It gives them a, you know, a flag. They, they like that. And I've noticed that working with patients, the ones that don't have the results are often the people who are woe is me. This happened, I'm broken. I'll never be able to get through this. And you might feel that way. Not, not discrediting anything. I tell my daughter, all feelings are valid, but you have to also at the same time, even in parallel, you have to say, yes, this happened to me. It's sucked big, hairy monkey balls, but



DR Watson:

it's. But it happened and what can I do about it? You know? And that's any situation. And believe me, I've had some tough things in my life. I don't think anybody could say they haven't really, but you have to decide. And this is what I used to tell my youth group, when I was a youth pastor and a regular pastor, I told my parishioners, you know, you can choose to let it consume you and drown you, or you can let it be your Phoenix moment, but I'm here. Like I tell people, I don't judge, I'm here to be supportive.


give methods the first one, the Phoenix,

DR Watson:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Phoenix. Yeah. It's totally my thing. It's you have to decide, you know, and I lost my parents and my grandparents all for all. Yeah. That's for all of them within like a five-year span.


sorry to hear that.

DR Watson:

me too. It really hurt my soul, but I can think of all the things that I gained, all the memories and how did it help me. And I think I'm a better person and having my mother around me in my heart and soul, sometimes it's better in a way cause we live for our part, but I talked to her every day and it's, you just have to think of the good that comes from it. And you don't have to, you can stay in it and you can stay in the muck and mire feel free. You know, like I said, I'm just here to be supportive, but you have to decide. And the reason it's so important is I tell people on your death bed, do you want to say I healed, I did everything I could. I'm going out of this for having made a mark? Or do you want to say, I wish I'd done better. I wish I had taken care of that. I wish I hadn't done this, you know? And if you have children, what are you teaching? You know, it's just so many pieces to it that it's almost a dis it's not almost, it is a disservice not to heal your trauma and heal your wounds and to get to the bottom of your pain. You know, you don't want to be crippled by it. You don't, you want to be in charge of your pain, not your pain in charge of you.


That's awesome. you know, like that, that, that was close to me right now, like everywhere, you said I'm like, that's so true. I actually, you know, we always feel like we are going, you know, doing the best, the most that we can, but there's definitely way more than I can do. Like, I've been saying I'm going to go to therapy and I keep pushing it, but I have traumas and stuff that are visible for me to this day. I feel like I have so much to offer so much to do, but I let my mental health and the things that I've been through just in my, and then when the anxiety kick in I'm paralyzed. And it doesn't happen every day, but it's crazy. Like people see me, I'm laughing, I'm doing all this and I'm talking to everybody, but you know, there's just those days that I wake up with anxiety and I just like, I wish I never knew what this one, that was an experience that, you know

DR Watson:

It's a silent thing. Like people can't see your anxiety usually, but you know that it's something it's almost, I don't know if you've ever seen this movie. It's called oh, fudge was the name of the movie. Anyway, whatever the name of the movie is, there's a group called the soggy bottom brothers with George Clooney and in the song it's I'm a man of constant sorrow. Now, even though that song is sad as all get out, it is one of my favorites because he's making that song up as he goes along. They don't know that, but he got a chance to sing at the radio station and he's literally singing and making the words up as he's going along. And we have to do that. Like he didn't, he went into that radio station. He didn't know if he was going to get a chance, but he made the best of it. And that song went wild of course in movie time. But he went wild and that's our life. We don't know. You know, when we come into this world, what we're going to have to deal with, who we make the best of it, you know?


I'm sorry I cut you off. It was just, it reminded me of something. I, and I saw this on Facebook. It was actually just a posting from somebody he's never said anything like inspiring, but when he said it, it resonated with me. Cause it was like he was a happiness. It's really you making the best of every situation, but when you really think about what that entails, so that means if something I don't want to put it in the universe, something you don't like happens you find the positivity in it and you plan the twist, like in your case being, I'm having a heart attack. And then now you have an online business

DR Watson:



so many people. And you know, how beautiful is that, which is crazy that this brings me to my next question. Like, are you doing what you love?

DR Watson:

I am. I can honestly say I'm doing what I love because all of my life I've looked at people and gone, why do they do that? Why are they like that? Or even the things that I do. Why in God's name do I do that? And my daughter wanted to be a paleontologist when she was young. And I feel like I get to do that every day, helping people excavate and dig and find that treasure and past a real reason for our pain is that treasure that we, it may not feel like a treasure. I know, but it's digging deep and looking into why is it happening this way? But once again, I know that everybody doesn't want to, some people really, they like the status that comes from their trauma, and it's, that's their thing and bless them. That's what they want to do. That's fine. But I love digging deeper and working with people who want to dig deeper. I love that every day, every month, I get to figure out a new way to help people and use my gift to make the world a better place. God forbid I die anytime soon, but I will know that I did the best I could and I helped people and I didn't just waste my life. You know, I really helped people and not everybody gets to say that, you know, and


to be able to do both is the dream

DR Watson:

it really is. And also like I go to work every day. I feel like I get to play because it's fun to help people. I don't bask people's pain, but I bask in the light bulb moment when they realize, oh, that's why I have trouble with, you know, people. And that's why this and


and the progress, right? The progress has got to be amazing. Like,

DR Watson:

It really is. And then also being able to dig into my own pain and zero in on that, that much



DR Watson:

or my child or, you know, her dad was my clinical study for a long time. He doesn't know it, but, you know, I was trying to figure out why he is the way he is. And I used to say all the time, especially when people ask me what you asked me, why did I choose online therapist? Because I used to say, I can't stand people, but that's not really true. I worry about people's motivation


Yeah. Yeah. Which we all do.

DR Watson:

and. Yeah but then I had to realize, why do I, why am I so skeptical, but also so optimistic, like, how am I both, how do I have that light and that shadow? And I did some work on myself and I use a lot of different modalities within my three major ones, but sometimes just taking a moment and looking at the timeline of your life and pinpointing that one thing or, or around that one thing of why this thing is happening, you'd be surprised. And sometimes they're tears, you know, but it's just like peeling an onion. You know, you have to, there may be some tears involved, but you know, cooked onions over a steak is or cosmic. So,


think last night was amazing.

DR Watson:

oh, well I could eat steak almost


Yeah. Same here.

DR Watson:

That's the one thing about this whole fan Dimmick that I I've missed going out to eat, but I'll never go out to eat the same way again, I'll be the. customer who has their own silverware and brought my own napkins. I'm still going to tip you very well. Cause that's the


Yeah. That's of course

DR Watson:

Yeah. But,


when you need,

DR Watson:

just going to bring


you need, think of no chances.

DR Watson:

No, I'd bring my own plate, but I'd probably break it


Yeah. I don't think they'll let you live with that.

DR Watson:

but you just take my steak and put it on my plate


We're going to have to check your bag. what are some resources also, if someone wanted to get some more information besides just Googling.

DR Watson:

and you're going to be surprised by what I say, but it's getting to know yourself. You are your best resource and. It's not going to immunology is a big word, but all it really means is looking inside yourself to find your triggers and working to be friend them. You don't run from them running concert with them. It's kind of like being on a treadmill, you run and run and get sweaty and musty and you haven't gone a step. But when you really dig into it, get out in it, you know, dig into it like drown yourself in it, not to the point where you're always depressing and anxious, but where you're getting to know yourself. So you are in charge of your pain and your pain is not in charge


You know, you know what I like though? I feel like cycle neuro immunology. I always got to break it down. It's like making sure you heal the cut, not just put a bandaid on. Like, I feel like in a nutshell, like,

DR Watson:

Don't put a bandaid over a


exactly like, you got to put some peroxide, you got a soul that shit, you gotta really, you don't want it to be infected. So I got a herniated this, and the longer I take to make it better, it's not going to get better. So like, once I get to the root, you know, I won't have pain and I could work out again, you know, but that's a whole nother story, but I was just comparing, you know, the two,

DR Watson:

I'll give you a quick example. And I bring my grandmother and everything. It's just who


Yeah, of course.

DR Watson:

My grandmother and my mother are the same person by the way, but she broke her arm clean cut. She was at home alone. I have my question about how she broke her arm, but anyway, she says she just fell off the bed, which is her bed is really high. So it's possible. She didn't go to the hospital. She drove herself to my aunt's house and knocked on her. Yeah, I think knocked out every window until my aunt woke up. My aunt's a deep sleeper and my thing is, that's kind of like what some people do. They break their arm and they all go get the necessary medical attention. My aunt is smart, but she's not a doctor, but safely, when she passed away, she didn't call the ambulance. She called my aunt. I'm like Jesus Christ. But you know, people just, they hurt and then they don't take care of it. You're just walking around with my grandma's walking around with an arm. Her arm is detached and she's, I don't know how she came up with that pain. You giving me a headache and I'm on the



DR Watson:

but she drove herself, got dressed, drove herself. And they, and the doctor said, that's the cleanest cut. I mean, that's the cleanest break he'd ever


She was still able to drive and grandma and grandma got that strength.

DR Watson:

You, my grandma was an, they don't make them like that. I swear. You give me a headache and I'm on the floor. Here's my grandmother.


And guys are like, it's the opposite guys. I'm not good with pain. And I'm, you know, I just got a root canal and I procrastinated. Like I was, I was pushing him back like he is. And once I got that super pain, I regretted it, but no more pushing back. But if, if they wanted to work with you contact you, how can they go about it?

DR Watson:

I want people to know that I'm on a hunt. I'm doing this research where I'm incorporating. More helping clients to incorporate more pleasure and to their life as a preventative measure, to get ahead of the pain and the stress and the emotional disruption. So if they would like to get in on that, or if they just want a session or whatever I will give them the website. But when you go to the website, just know that I'm starting at the source. I think if we had more pleasure in our life, real euphoric pleasure, then we could get so much farther in our lives because a lot of people, they just don't have pleasure in their life. They don't have anything they're excited about. And that's depressing.


I'm sure it was a pleasure to learn about pleasure or, you know, increase

DR Watson:

I am having, having the time of my life, but it's, and that's, I'm going to say my website, but then I'm going to give it to you to put it in the show notes. It's soul journey, coaching, backslash euphoric, because. I truly believe that you can incorporate, even in micro doses, you've euphoric moments. In fact, my tagline used to be, I want to help you have an orgasmic life and it doesn't always have to be like the orgasm. It could be just excitement and that buildup and the



DR Watson:



people use it in food, food guys. Like it's, it's a thing.

DR Watson:

oh, food. Oh my gosh. Food is my, the love of my life is my daughter food and sleep


much of holy, so good enough about food. Cause I'm hungry. Dr. Meredith Watson. I just, I just really want to thank you for being on the Raimundo show. You're definitely one of the best guests of all time. It was a

DR Watson:

This has been a


thank you. Thank you. It was, you know, I feel like I learned a lot. I feel like I'm definitely gonna be on that website eventually. Cause you made me realize I got to face my traumas, you know, head on and seems like you have an effective method and what would be great as going through it and then being able to come on, listen as the feedback.

DR Watson:

Yeah. You want to pass on pleasure, not


Yeah. We, we, we want to leave pain behind us and get to the pleasure in front of us because the pleasures of all everybody's happy,

DR Watson:

Oh yeah. Oh yeah.


but yeah, we'd like to thank you. He had the Munos show. We wish you the best in everything. Take care and best of luck.

DR Watson:

You too.



You don't want to be sick from stress. You should be sick and tired of letting stress make you sick. Or being upset about how you look. And not upset about how you didn't put that work in. You just can't work on one thing. And not the other. Think of an orchestra. If someone continuously misses a note. The music sounds off. But when they're in sync, You could experience an illustrious symphony. Certain things go hand in hand, like preschoolers on a school trip. You've got to stay together. Even when you think it's falling apart. Because the tree loses leaves. But his foundation stays strong. So it was able to withstand. The change of the seasons. You got to treat your mom to a spa day. Whenever you get a chance. And change that tune in your head and put on something that makes you want to dance. Like nobody's watching. Stress is like the IRS. It comes for us all. We just have to be prepared. Like you got that extinguisher. In case there's a fire. Life will continue to be life. You can't continue being how you are. If you day and night, don't start an end with peace. Which is up to you to find and keep. So you don't become a weeper. You don't want to be a weed, but dope. But I want to thank everybody for joining me on this episode. Um, I'd like to thank Meredith Watson. She was great, man. I had a great time with her. Never had it. I felt like I never had anybody that made me laugh. And I had a comedian on the show, but she had me crying the whole time. But this is your first time listening. Or you a regular. I thank you. I appreciate you. Tune in next week. We've got another banger. But yo stay good. Stay safe. Peace, love Mundo out.

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