The Raymundo Show

The Comfort Zone

July 04, 2022 Raymundo Season 3 Episode 27
The Comfort Zone
The Raymundo Show
Show Notes Transcript

The comfort zone , where dreams go to die.

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G G. It's your host. Raimundo. Welcome to my show. Where we try to relate. Self-improve. Fonda groove. And definitely have some fun. In the process. This is episode 27. The comfort zone zone It's the season finale. Don't forget to subscribe. Season three. The transition. Another classic. I've really loved this episode. I had to push through my comfort zone. To make them happen. I'm Extremely proud of it. I want to do this podcasting more than ever now. And. I'm trying to take everything that I want to do as far as I can. I got to show my kids that. That it could do it. You could do it too. And that's just believing in himself and. Goal for the dreams and making them a motherfucking reality. Yeah, the Gold's gravity. Yup. But This gal. It's Ben moon does quote of the day Incident is quoted a day. Is. Life is hard for two reasons. Either because you're leaving your comfort zone. Or because you're staying in it. Just because you're in your comfort zone. Doesn't mean life is easy. You're just choosing to take the path of least resistance. And usually that's not the way It's suffered is a strongly, you are. The better you deal with anything that comes your way And getting out your comfort zone. Gotta be the, one of the toughest things in life. But it's seriously necessary. And eventually. Both options are tough. And it's clear which option you should take. Well, people love easy. With a view, choose the toughest one. Your life. Eventually it'll be easy. What you not used to becomes familiar and then you have to find another way. To level yourself up. And the only way you do that. Is by leaving the comfort zone. The comfort zone. With dreams go to die We'd have better couches, comfortable as fuck. you'll want to do nothing with just put on your favorite Netflix series and just zone out and not think about all this responsible dose shit. And bullshit that you really want to do. That's just on a person, right. The purpose of this episode is. To let you know that your comfort zone. It's killing you. Not physically, but your dreams who you really could be. See the places you always dreamed of. Yeah. I heard it all before. There's no growth in the comfort zone. And if you don't know what that is, that that means if it's smooth over routine to do the shit that you doing. You're in the comfort zone. If you complain all the time. And don't do shit about it. You're in the comfort zone. And complaining is, is just one of those things that we all do. When you complain. You turn things that are not a problem into a problem. Think about all the stuff. That don't bother you enough for you to complain about. It's usually irrelevant. So you got to give you other situations the same energy. And I feel like. Complaining blocks the blessing. And it automatically cancels out. Uh, gratitude. we all know gratitude is the attitude. Complaining doesn't do no justice for the maintaining. All it does is remind you that you rather not be doing shit. Oh, just the stuff that you usually reward yourself. For doing something on your lists or a goal you wanted to accomplish. You could do that. When work is done business before. Pleasure. Shout out the edwin and g So don't put bad energy into what you gotta do. Don't complain about it. Uh, I told my best friend, if I vent more than twice, I'm complaining from that point because I'm not doing nothing. To change it. So that means I must be. Comfortable. Everybody has worked with somebody that. Just complain that they job about the same shit, but never apply for another one. Never tried to start a business. And that person might be you. You might have that realization that. You're not happy at your job. It pays you good. You know, health benefits is fire. shout out to the benefits. Shout out to Aetna. Good looking. I don't know if you saw the Spider-Man movie recently. But, uh, mg had this way of thinking that, if she. Expects negative shit to happen and is going to happen. And a lot of millionaires don't have that mindset. A lot of successful people believe in themselves. They see themselves doing great things. They see it in the mind first, before it comes to real life. Because the truth is if you can't picture it, Then how can it really happen? And you don't want to depend on luck. You want to be able to. No we're producing results. And what does it. So you can keep yourself motivated and motivation. It's hard to hold on to that. You got to visualize for the prize. Seeing yourself. In the position that you want to be in. It feels good. You should give it a shot. Think about something you love. Or want to do. And then think about something. You hate or don't want to continue dealing with. In the Philippines are different. You want to make sure you sending out the right vibration to the universe? Landon no you want the stuff that feels good if you are aware of the things you can do. And still don't do a many way and find ways to distract yourself. You're in the comfort zone. If there was no discomfort. We wouldn't have those. Compelling stories or. We wouldn't have a reason to have hope. When the tough gets going in, the going gets tough. But you need for instant gratification is. Stopping you probably in front of. What you've been waiting for. And, we all What results and we don't get results like in the gym. If you work out for more of a you'll see that rip, you just be like, fuck it. I'm just saying. I want to stay home, eat some chips. you need to make a change to get a different result Even for myself, man, should be clear, you just can't connect the dots. Sometimes I need something else to happen to lead me into the other direction. But I'm trying to get ahead of the curve. Use wisdom. And not learning the hallway. And just find the way that works. Pretty much fun. My equation. What equals to be living the fucking. Beautiful life that I. Want to live. I mean, life is beautiful. Now you have to be grateful no matter what you have to., Be happy for. What's in front of you. And the numerous, uh, Bring it back. 10 fold. I was saying. I've applied this method and. it's not as easy as you think. Because. Again, sometimes we want that shit right now. You might not be ready for it right now. You should always prepare. Like the opportunity will be there. Like seriously, like. But, you know, once you put sun out in the universe you work towards it, like. It's definitely going to happen. Then you work with major definite purpose. There's no way you can't. Accomplish anything. To gain muscle. You ever see those people at the gym that just be doing light shit. They always looked the same. I think they there for show, but you know, that's just me. the ones. Putting in the work. pushing their body to the limits. keeping consistent. Those are the ones that get the best results. And I'm using that comparison. pushing yourself past your comfort zone. pushing yourself past your limits. she will give you results. you wouldn't think possible. So one thing you do. When you're comfortable. In the comfort zone. You develop bad habits. not, you don't always do it on purpose. To keep yourself. Where you at, but. Once you miss a gym day. you could kill your momentum and momentum. It's very important. When it comes to getting started. And continue to keep going. You always got to build momentum. You always got to keep it going. Especially when the guests tougher man. Shift from experience being comfortable. That's why I picked up the habit to smoke. I never used to watch TV shows. picked up the habit then. and pretty much the distracting habit where. All the things I always wanted to do. I just really purposely ignore them. Even video games. I love video games. But. I remember a time where. I would just look forward to just playing video games tomorrow. My brother. And my boys and. My cousin. And that was it. And it was just. just not worried about the real world. I missed so much time and there's a part of me that feels like I want to make up for it. And you know, now I got my two beautiful kids. So there's a part of me that even wants to rush even more, just because. I want them to have everything. No matter how great my life was growing up. I want them to have even better life. I want to be able to provide and. Give them the freedom to. Be themselves in. Enjoy life. And I'll be spoiled though cause i don't play that spoil shit She had nothing to do is you settle. You settle for that job. That you hate your boss and your coworkers are. You either hate the job itself. you settled for. Going to school cause the safe I don't really say much about school. I'm still planning a goal. To get my psychology degree on. But when you go on to school, You gotta make sure that. Would you choose to go for something? You really want to do. Because. You can't keep, depending on the president. To forgive your loans. You got to act like. They don't got nothing to do with that shit is all you. at the end of the day, They really want that bread. College is a business too. They really wanted us to learn. And be top notch. With all degrees. The school will be cheaper. Or maybe even free if you really wanted to have a whole bunch of knowledgeable. People that can contribute to the world. That'd be dope. But check this shit out. And they'll disrespect to the COVID guidelines, but when they wanted you to take that shot, It was free. You could take it anywhere. They'll mail it to you. So that's what I'm saying. You got to get to a point where. Regardless of what you do. You always got you. The military cause. Everybody told you, that's the way you can be only that you can be. And don't get me wrong. I got family and friends in the military. And they live great lives. You know, comfortable, chill. There was even the time that I wanted to join. I just. Really didn't want to go to bootcamp. It was cause it am movie. full metal jacket. That shit was wild. But besides that, I got different views when it comes. to The United States of America. you know, shout out to everybody, in that field, shout out to my people in that field. she would need y'all. when our relationship. That, um, it's not healthy and you're not happy. But. You in the benzos. So you chilling, so you, you. You ain't trying to co-enroll here. Comfortable and used to somebody. I feel like sometimes that shit is even stronger than love. You'll go through mass shit, just so you don't have to start over. And you never know, starting over might be the best thing for you. But if you're in a relationship, make sure you there because you in love. And you really trying to do all you can to make it work. I feel like it's not even fair to the other person. If you really just did because you're comfortable. And you used to each other. I feel like that's when shit gets boring, that's when you lose a spot. And settling is not saying that. The jobs or the people. We ended up in a, with suck. I'm just simply saying you probably didn't make. That decision. Being the best you. And showing you in control of. The things that you really want to do And the situations that you really want to be in And then you got to ask yourself, the question is, is that really? You. The person that just wants to play a safe and. Avoid all the real challenges. Is that, does that really? Who you want to be? Is that. Does that really bring out the real you. really chase of fear. Is when I felt the happiest. being in control of. My thoughts and my actions. We just all align and it was, it was crazy. And like, I'm going to get there. Better than never. You know what mental health. It brings you back a little bit, but I'm going to find a way to really. get better with that. By the time of this recording. by the time this episode plays. I should be seeing a therapist and really doing everything it takes. To be a better me and my dad. My dad, my kids need. The best father. They could possibly have, and that's definitely fucking me. Anxiety and fear. They love. It's a pop up. When. things are getting good. At some point that there's only so much that you can let that affect you. Cause. On that bridge to success. You know that that should be the little trolls under the fucking bridge. but in a, not let you cross and shit. Those little happiness blockers. we all have them. But those who. Fight through it. Get through it. All the ones. Making all the moves today. This is a wealth gap. And. I feel like. People that make money, have a certain mindset. And I know some of you are like, It's not all about the money. And I get it to a degree, but we live in a world where. We need money to eat. You want to help people? Having more money. We'll help the situation. But a lot of. Successful people. Have. Successful habits. That they. Repeat. And then some, and then we won the Y. We in the same loop. Or even, or. We've been whiter. fuck We've been get mad When We just doing habits that are fixed Sometimes you have is can Make you feel like you trapped Becoming a prison that's the, a habits is a real thing. You know, better, you want to do better. But you keep doing what you used to. And the more you do it, the stronger it gets. That's why. developing great habits. So they become, you. Have you really serious? About working on your habits. I recommend this book called. It's called the seven habits. Of highly effective people. It's a great book. Every time I'll follow it. It always gives me results. But I need to challenge myself. follow a step-by-step. I want you to do the same thing and let me know what your results is. Email me at But I kind of like, just briefly wanted it to. Give you what those seven habits are. maybe you can get you interested in shit even. Help you with getting out of your comfort zone. So the first habit is to be proactive. And pretty much when you're proactive. You're taking charge. You're not waiting for somebody to tell you to get something done. You don't wait for something to happen or wait until you feel like doing it. You just. Keep doing it and doing it and doing it well. Usually. People that are ambitious. This habit is easy for them too. Access. It also talks about. Being reactive. Now when you're reactive. Active, you let things like the weather. Or any, like bumping your roll. Take you directly, of course, like you can't even get. To your destination anymore. Because it is. One thing Or it could be a couple of things That's why being proactive. Active It's just pretty much doing the shit no matter what And I feel like this is a habit that's imperative to have. I have. cause you never know what's going to happen. I was listening to a song. And. And she said, um, Life is a Is Sorry And one last important note. I picked up from that book and it's. Personal mission states. Statement It's something pretty much. You look to. When you don't feel like doing shit. When something doesn't go right. It represents you in. What you're trying to accomplish. Become. The purpose of. This person who misses statement. It's the. Give you strength during a week times. And the words. Come from you. Which. They show you. How to put. One of your own together. You could find another one on Google, if you don't feel like. Right in there, but. it can even be a lyric from a song. And I one song. Think of. Uh, Is M and M it's a lot collapsed on spinning these wraps. As long as you fill the me to the. the. day that i'm not hip-hop you can Now but the eminem song Collapse Is one of those songs i listened to and it gives me hype i always planned. I have my own mission statement i just never do it but Stay tuned And have a numbered. Sue is beginning with the end in mind. So it's pretty much get used to. Having a legit plan with everything you're doing. I plan to no pun intended. set something off for every part of my life. So have a plan for the gym. my mind. My spirit. My finances. My podcasts. and just get used to doing that with everything. So you already know what it looks like. You just not wasting time. This is a part where they make you think about. Uh, old funeral. And I really liked that part. But. I say that to say this. Think about how you want to be remembered. Can't take none of the money. And dope shit. You deal with you. But you could be remembered. For showing love. Working hard. Love and your family. And always trying to be the best version of yourself. habit. Number three is. Put first things first. Pretty much is you proud of Taza? You doing what needs to be done before you can. Enjoy yourself. Once the other move on to other things. Making sure you really stay focused. But the social media way, get off the phone. Turn off the TV. Really go ham. Another interesting thing they mentioned is quadrants. The name forward is Stephen Covey's. Time management matrix. pretty much has broken down. It's a important and non-important urgent. Non-urgent. four different ones. But if you have no idea where to start, when it comes to. Putting your life in order and prioritizing and everything. This is a great place to start. I'm having the, that epiphany moment, like. I be struggling to do that a little bit. And it's literally staring me right in the fucking face. Habit. Number four. Think win-win. People live great lives from. All you know, from all walks. No matter where you from, you can live a great life. And having a positive mindset and always seeing yourself. Being the winner. Like, if you in the Olympics, You see yourself? So many faceted Michael fells. running faster than Hussein bolt and I'll flip in. Simone, bowels. Only difference between you and other people. Sometimes it's just the determination. But the most important thing I got from this. Is your relationships. On not balanced. You might give them a lot of energy and motivate them. What they drain you. You basically just want the relationship to. Be mutually beneficial. And it could be your relationship with a certain company. Every time you bought from there. You'll always get your delivery fast. And it's everything smooth. That's a relationship. The people you work with on your team. Have differences. But when y'all come together. I make music. Micheal orchestra. So what the sum, this habit of is. Being able to have a whole slice of pizza. And being able to share the pie. So everybody could eat. Hold up, bro. Bring it back, bring it back. What I really wanted to say was it's like having a whole pizza pie and being able to share slices so everybody can eat. Good. Because when everybody full. Everybody feels better and you get more things accomplished and what things done. I have been number five is. Seek first to understand then to be understood. this one is pretty much. Listen before you speak. All you need to do is listen. And then you go from there. And people love people who listen. Usually people just waiting for you to stop talking so they can jump in like this fucking double Dutch. But when you do this, You get a chance to understand someone else's perspective. So you're not quick to jump to conclusions. And make a judgment of some shit you don't even, you don't even know what's really happening. So just let people talk, really try to understand. And when they asked you for advice, That means they comfortable. They trust you. And There'll be more receptive to listening to what you got to say anyway. I've been known to give, uh, Unasked advice. And in the past, I've heard some of my friends. That just wanted the vent. So. Don't do the same shit out there. Habit number six is. Synergize. Of course, it'd be great if we can not do it alone, but. Having the team working together. It enhances ideas. Everybody's winning. Everybody's eating good. You don't got to pay for them no more. When you go out. But yeah, definitely having a team. Always, definitely a big key to success That's why when you have different views or yeah, just different in general. Instead. I think how y'all can come together. It's a form. Vultron. Nah, we really dig about it yet. Like. Imagine just different strengths. Gantz together. So build something. Greater that if they would have did it. Themselves wouldn't even been as half. Is good. As what you do as a team. And that does business relationships. Your family relationships. Getting along with the people you love the people you close to. It being authentic, genuine. Where every time y'all meet up. It's a great time. And they almost leave you better than you were before you hung out with them. and habit number seven is sharpen in the soul. We're not thinking about this habit. It makes me think of Denzel Washington and the fact that. An Oscar winning, non slapping actor. Still goals. To act in school. For lessons. When he obviously could be teaching the lessons. But I hope that teaches you a lesson that no matter how good you get you never too good. To practice the shit. That made you good in the first place. So now I forget the doodles little things. Then at the end of the day, make dope. Sometimes we feel lost. But the fact is you got to try shit. Why not try a system that. There's countless Success stories on how this book. Help them develop. Better habits. Which in return, they got better results From the skills that they learn. Applying the book we just got to the tip of the iceberg. There's a lot of information, but this can be your starting point. You can use this. To break out of your comfort zone. To break out of your comfort zone by the fault. And everything. You follow and pick up from this book, it just going to make you better at the end of the day. That transition. It's going to be well for the ages And you could develop. Self-mastery which. Is what we all should be striving for. To be in complete control. we not, as in control as we think. Make it self mastery. Your habit pays well. You should definitely always be. Trying to find a skill. And make a better. the most important thing I got from the book. Was being interdependent. Like being independent is good. You know, you're doing your own shit. Being dependent is not good. Cause you dependent on other people. inter dependence, like. The sweet spot in the middle is. Being able to take care of yourself and do your thing, but also taking what you got and sharing it in. Making more of it with other people. That's when I feel like that's, when everything in your life. Just gets to an Altamaha. I will get there. We've got to pay some bills. We'll be back after this brew day We still talk them about the comfort zone. You want to have a good routine that. Produces results. But when your routine is just built around. You're not having to face anything. Or again, beyond uncomfortable. no growth. that boredom strikes. And then you get into shit that you shouldn't begin into when there was a simple solution for that. yeah, the procrastination man. It gets worse. You're literally like, procrastination comes up a lot because. That shit is my arch enemy. And. I will find the way to defeat it. One thing that sucks is that. Like you accept failure. And Think like there's nothing you can do about it. You only try one way, but it's really. probably eight to. Unlimited ways of doing it. I saw a video recently about the school system where, this lady was saying how the school trains you, that when you make a mistake, Or when you get the, uh, when you answer a question, there's only one answer to the question when sometimes there's more than one answer. Too many of these questions. And. I just feel like we limit our thinking when we do that in. Accepting failure. Is a bad place to be in. that's when you get into those. Bad thoughts. that, you know, you shouldn't be thinking about., That fucked up Philomena stomach. By your solar Plex. You should definitely look up chakras. Any book any, YouTube will do just re-look up. How those affect your everyday life? You would be astonished. So why is it so easy to stay in the comfort zone? Because it's so fucking chill is so fucking safe. Uh, Ramy Sunday morning. It's a little chilly outside and you ended up covers. And you got great food and you comfortable as hell type of safe. Doesn't really require too much of your energy. You use minimal energy mind power. He just tried to get from point a to point B. Sometimes we don't, we don't like to use our energy. That's a fact. no accountability. If you don't. Put it out there. You don't got to get shit done. and you become that person that. Has no aspirations. Not aspiring to do shit, but just. Get through the next day. And. You know, it doesn't have to be like that, man. I've been there, man. That's just sucks. when you go from that to. Enjoying life and. Seeing. Cobb. Beautiful. It can be. I started working harmful. Sometimes the fucked up thing is that you want it to be easy. Like you wanted to be easy, but whatever comes easy leaves just as easy. You got to get that. People love the comfort zone so much because yo know. No hard work. Just. You know what I'm saying? Just get by. Like Twila used to say, this morning? Uh, Boca Phil, the brand new. Paleo is my chance. Just to get, just to get by. Wanted to get into the other side of comfort. Like what happens? When you get uncomfortable. When you face fears. When you. Do the things that. You've been saying you wanted to do. doing the things that you thought only other people can do. What does that look like? I feel like. Your character is going to be. Like. They're going to base. A movie rule on you. I saw crazy your character. I'm going to be. Then you show yourself that your dreams. Can become a reality. Using this method. you build that grit. You know what I'm saying? Like the Memphis Grizzlies man, Just straight up, No matter what nobody got to say. you, you doing everything with heart. You show yourself that. No matter the circumstance you stand the chance like. How amazing is that? The comfort zone tool is. You know, relying on other people. Almost expecting other people. It's a guest have done for you or. give you the easy way out, but. When you're able to adapt. regardless of the situation. that's a that's that asks a superpower. That a lot of people want. That's a real, that's a real life soup, soup, power to meet. Like there's real life superheroes out there. But the one that dressed up with the ones that do shit that you be like, damn, that's really people that give a fuck like that. Like those peoples. Shout out the yard, you know who you are. And the alternate fear and take your little fucking baby. Like I just had twins, but. I'm trying to adopt fear. I'm trying to. Raise that little more, but. Yeah, man, because I feel like that's when you. you going to, you. You're going to places that you always wanted to visit. Well, I always wanted to go to Disney world. Nah, man. Think beaches islands. Clear water And I ain't talking Clearwater, Florida. you try and shit that you always wanted to try. Oh, man, the list is endless. Like you could do so much. That. When you start building the habit of. Being uncomfortable. Then. Shit, then you fuck around you do it too much. You know, then you're going to need fucking You're going to need to jump off an airplane blindfold the with an ankle. The fucking get a rush. If you go too crazy again, not your comfort zone, but you know, like everything, a good balance. Does the life good. they supposedly say the book does the body good, but, uh, I heard it's. Pineapple juice. Has more calcium than milk. So. Look it up. Doc. And I don't know about you. But. That's enough for me to. Step my game up. really make a plan and a year from now. Be a different person. With passive income. Uh, multifamily. my podcasts. Being, Top five. Financially and. Value. Mostly value. You know, you want your value. To be the highest. It can help people. And then, When the finances is right. Everything just come together. Cause. Should I get to do what I love. And I have to worry about boss. It's telling me what to do. How, how great is that? And we should be pushing each other. It's a video be. Doing the things we want to do. You want to paint, paint? You want to sang sane. Take lessons you want to act, act you want to, right? Right. You want to drink? Sprite, drink Sprite. Fuck. Live your life, man. You're saying you gotta be like, Rihanna and. But the dope thing that through all of this. Through all this uncomfortable. All the shit you want to do that. You don't want to do. You find a way to push through. you look up. And. It's such a good feeling. It's a. Be part of everything. To get what you deserve and be part of the whole process for mentally. To take an action. To putting in that work. To strategize in to putting a plan together. To. Stop, but that nothing. So your life and the lives of the people that you love. are affected in a positive way. And. You could be the first one to do it. I want to be the first to break that. Generational curse. I don't even have to be the first one. I just want to break the shit out of it. So my kids. Kid. Always be living their best lives. Well, before I wrap this segment up. I just wanted to go over some things I learned. In my third season. I learned that. Doing the things that make you uncomfortable. The things that make you. Feel fear. It's all worth it. Once you face it. Once you do something, not because. You feel like doing it, but because you know, it has to be done. For your betterment. Also learn what? especially with certain interviews. That I'm better than. What I thought. I really enjoy it now. It's crazy. Cause it's only the beginning. So I'm only going to get better. We'll have to put all our, again. I'm ready for all the Schmo garrett Before the season started, I would dread. any type of public speaking Or even doing interviews. At least before I did them. Once it got started and I just. Felt like myself in And this feels like. The nerves just completely disappears. Don't feel him I had to learn how to. Change how I viewed. The nervous feeling. It's actually excitement the way I see it now, when I feel like that I'm excited. If I don't feel nothing before I do something. Then I don't even know why would I even do it? So that little mindset change. I wish I would've did it when I was in high school. But a better, late than never. Mahalia phase got the, the RayJay face after I said, I wish, you know, when they will. And the battle when they was. Sorry. He was tired. One wish one, wish, one wish. Well, yeah, honestly. Everything went great. And I really had a great time getting to know different people from. Uh, different parts of the world that do different things. And I learned a lot from them. Like all the guests I've had so far. Have been amazing in. The chemistry has been great. It really showed me, man, like. So even though we live in a world where there's so many ways to communicate, I feel like we're farther than other. But when you get to know people, when you go wild, when you get to do stuff, man, I feel like it's dope for the soul. Now I ain't the type to want to do shit like that all the time. I feel like I'm an intro and the actual word, like. Sometimes I get energy. When people, sometimes I get energy from being alone. And it's crazy because sometimes. Your your mind. You may give yourself believe something. Without any proof. And. I have. You know, two other seasons on the mop belt. And I thought it was going to be hard for me to top the first one. But honestly, I feel like this one is. Another classic, This was personal to me because. Like I really pushed myself. To the limit. And then. Then later on. So when you really get good at something that you were worried about, you start getting that confidence. It feels like I've been doing it for years now. Like I have a whole different approach. And I was able to change my mindset because of the transition. I feel like I never would've named it like that and was in progress, in a process to find out. Who I was as a father podcast, entrepreneur. all around person. I had a read, I had a little, uh, listened to audio. I had a. do things I wasn't used to. I had a do more research, trying to find ways to write the episodes better. and that that's something that's never going to stop, but. This was the time that I really see the bigger picture. And I ain't going to front, man. It's tough when. you put all these hours in. You doing all these skits, you doing all these things. Trying to create your following. So you can have a. travel people that. Look forward to. hearing what you got to say, like what you say to them matters in. It's a great honor. I just remember my pops telling me when I was like 17, that I should go to DJ school. And I was like, man, I can't be no fucking DJ. I was like, you see what I'm saying? Like, why couldn't I be a DJ? I loved music. See y'all know, I could talk to Mike. I got a personality. shit. I just, there's so many things I could do, man. But better, late than never. Thank God. I was able to catch. Myself where. I speak about myself highly and. I'm back to thinking on some, like, It doesn't matter what it is. Give me some time to learn it. I'll become it. And then I'll master it. And I know we live in a day and age where everybody. C's proof butts. Wait till you see the process until you get the proof that you feel like you need. I know I got all the evidence I need. To., judge myself very highly and I am guilty of being motherfucking fantastic Jered. Oh man. I want to let y'all know too, like I know you see Caesar finale. but I just, and I went back and forth about this. I didn't know. What I wanted to do. As far as. How many episodes? I usually do nine and then I do a recap. I'm still doing nine with this one and doing a recap, but the difference is. After the recap, you don't have to wait a month, two months, six months, whatever Tom gap. I've had four new episode. The Raimundo show was switching it up. we're doing an episode a week. we're going to be season-less Was still math flavor. Words Quila. Queen latifa living single Which means. There's not going to be any theme is just, you know, what's the theme, I'm the theme. And who I want to speak to and what I want to speak about. And I'll kind of want to broaden my horizon a little bit because yeah, self-help is great. I love it. And there's always going to be part of my identity because that's who I am regardless, take away my podcasts. And I'm still self-help Bree. If I get better, I try to find ways to help you become better. And you know what I learned in this process, That I love to teach. Now I don't want to be a teacher for. The public, uh, the board of ed is not, I'm not with that, but get my own education on and teach others. I will love. To have students that are. that want to learn? Like I do. And it's humble like me. And even if they not, man, if you want to learn. You know what I'm saying? That means you want to earn and. Learner's become leaders. I never felt. Like a leader. The way I do now. it's a great feeling because I knew I had it in me the whole time. It's just. Responsibility is heavy as fuck. And sometimes you feel like you can't. Hold on wait, but. Your shoulders, your legs. Your soul, your spirit. Give you, the tools needed to hold yourself up. Regardless. what you think is holding you down? Right. So. And breaking out of the comfort zone. Is doing more than nine episodes. doing other topics. That is not about. Just solely what I went through. I want to. It says, I want to experience the world. I want to see the world through other people's eyes. I want to. Listen. To how they perceive things and interpret it. And. Find those wire connect with. To make this podcast. All that I can be in one thing. My best friend was telling me recently that yo you more than a podcast. Util Raimundo show. And then that's the fact, that's what I'm saying. Your mass amount of lines. Is more important than you think, man, sometimes. You feel alone, you need that boost and. my brother was six, so I ain't got to really talk to him like that for a four minute. And then once I spoke to him, Is that we both got each other hype. especially off that follow podcasts, it was a classic. but yeah, man, that's enough about that. You had to remove those. So man, we building, man, we trying to get to. hundreds of thousands of followers, millions of followers. Even. Billion. Followers. I want you to know we're not put state soon. I'm really saying like, yo. Don't believe we just watched. But yeah, man, yo, this was a dope pass classic ass season. I'll push myself. Like I said earlier, Like I never have before. And it's only gonna get better. And there's magic and thinking big. If other people can do a, why can't you. But we're going to get into that time for action. And that final say. Yeah let's go Raymundo's final. Say You could take a vacation. But the journey has never overwhelmed you alive. It's a really full alive. You got to do the things that you truly want. Only way to start it is to break through your comfort zone. Push boundaries. Like Kanye west when he feels like it. Make it a habit to do the things. That's successful people do. And use fairly as few. To learn from, to keep going, like an email thread So fuck the comfort zone. Get into zone. Like all those on. Well, like that tie that I seen as true as fuck. To get what you never had. You got to do what you never done. Uh, probably. Move the words around. But you get it. And don't limit yourself, reach for the stars like Elon Musk and Jeff basles. Yoda's been an amazing season, a great season finale. I want to thank everybody who was part of. Making the transition to classic I feel like I took long as fuck, like Dr. Dre detox that still I don't, I still that's just still not coming off. Oh man, but it was fun. this is the season that I've really realized that I want to do this. I get lost. When I do this and. It's almost like a meditation that, gives me peace and I'm going to find the equation that helps me. Make this. My bread and butter. An amazing source of income that. My family. And. Friends and people that inspired. It's a do what it takes. To. Have the reality be they dreams. And. I want to be spoken of. I want to be. Someone has mentioned as one of the greats. And I still got a long way to go, I just want to say, I want to dedicate the season to. Ray and Riah. I love you so much, man. Every time. Every time. Y'all smile at me. I know that. I'm doing the right thing in. I'm going in the right direction. And life will never be the same. And I don't even want to remember life. And how it was before. Yeah. A decade. This and everything I do. For the better for you. yeah. Daddy loves you, man. And. We look, we won't show later. I'll probably sleep with them at the. Go give you are kissing your forehead. I want to thank my co-producer. My girls Mera. What are hot. I don't know where this podcast would have been, or even if it would even got started in the first place. She gives me that push. The days that I have trouble pushing mouth self. They could baby love you. I also want to thank everybody who was. On the show this season. Our enablement. Brianna called the Rome. Jay Preme. Rubin. So Ella. Help me make this season a classic. With them. Fire ass gems. Jaw dropped. yo, next season, I got a comedian. I got two doctors. I got an artist. I got a DJ, a actor. And so much more that I haven't even added that it's going to come It's a life cause I'm gonna make it come to life. I want to thank my Mundo listeners. That been with me since the beginning. Those who joined. And those who were eventually joined. And we can have a fucking ball. But so next time. Peace. Love mumbo owl.